Which would you rather have: New car and broke OR no car with $$$?

Feb 20, 2003
Would you rather be the guy riding in a 2012 car with $27 in the bank account


the guy with no car at all with $5000+ in the bank account.
A car with no cash. A car will allow me to get to work and make money. if I have no car, I have to take that bus or taxi and thats money right there lost
if u have 5000 in the bank why not just get a used honda or something from the lot? threads like this make no sense sometimes
take the 2012 car and sell it. then make profit from it. then invest or create assets from the capital.
I dont understand how people can't settle for just a car.. like they have to have the newest whip out.  Seriously, It is very do-able to have both cash and a car.  
This thread needs some guidelines fambs.

How about equal money to car value?

And you can't buy a new whip with the money ...

I'd go with the car all day... gets me from a to b and gets yambs.

Yambs will pay for gas to be seen in my fly whip as well.
On what OP wrote, I'd rather have a car.

But I'd rather have $ over a car anyday.
Depends do I live in the city or the suburbs? If I need a car Ill have to get one money in the bank or not
Originally Posted by Triple Homicide

Would you rather be the guy riding in a 2012 car with $27 in the bank account


the guy with no car at all with $5000+ in the bank account.
lol ive been in both situations

1 makes you feel on top of the world stuntin hard got you feelin all
but deep down you know you just going home to microwave some frozen food

while the other option you feel
cause you  got extra money to have fun with eat whatever you want and just bum rides off others

id probably go with the 1st tho low key word to YOLO
I'd rather have a 2006 car with 1K in the bank....

Find some moderation!

But if it was either/or, then I'd choose no car with 5K in the bank.
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