White America Has Lost Its Mind

Originally Posted by PJ and Bompton

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

^no duermes?

   No, yo duermo nunca porque el sueño es el primo de la muerte.

nevermind the fact that the internet made translation easy as hell, but some of us live in towns such as San Diego, where, believe it or not, white people understand spanish.
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Damn man isn't it 6 AM in NY

I have delayed sleep syndrome, and the occasional stress (eg. school hell week) induced insomnia. I'm actually done studying qand just sitting here tryna figure out how to go to sleep.
I usually sleep from 6 or 7am till 12pm or so unless I need to be somewhere mandatory.

One of my professors called me out on sending him emails at 4 in the morning.
Originally Posted by PJ and Bompton

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

^no duermes?

   No, yo duermo nunca porque el sueño es el primo de la muerte.

nevermind the fact that the internet made translation easy as hell, but some of us live in towns such as San Diego, where, believe it or not, white people understand spanish.

I would hope the people who invented it understood it

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Damn man isn't it 6 AM in NY

I have delayed sleep syndrome, and the occasional stress (eg. school hell week) induced insomnia. I'm actually done studying qand just sitting here tryna figure out how to go to sleep.
I usually sleep from 6 or 7am till 12pm or so unless I need to be somewhere mandatory.

One of my professors called me out on sending him emails at 4 in the morning.
Same,  class  in  5 hours. smh
Originally Posted by PJ and Bompton

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by PJ and Bompton

it's funny that people are quickly becoming racist towards white people, and it's accepted because we are the "majority". LISTEN. i'm white, do i like things white people do? for the most part, HELL NO. but there are MANY white people working towards equality, and that is being lost in many things.

WE ALL KNOW POLITICIANS do not speak for the majority, so WHY do you allow white politicians to represent the rest of us?

Well, because for the most part, those politicians do represent the people because they get voted in by the people. And what ethnicity has a much higher % of voters?
WHO do they get voted in by? you know god damn well that people with money run elections.

i don't have money, my family doesn't, and i'm trying my #%% off to try and get something going.

to be lumped in with this whole @!@+ is not cool. it's ignorant, and is reverse racism at it's finest.

Sucks huh?

Now imagine what it would be like if you felt the way you feel right now 100x worse since the day you were born.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Damn man isn't it 6 AM in NY

I have delayed sleep syndrome, and the occasional stress (eg. school hell week) induced insomnia. I'm actually done studying qand just sitting here tryna figure out how to go to sleep.
I usually sleep from 6 or 7am till 12pm or so unless I need to be somewhere mandatory.

One of my professors called me out on sending him emails at 4 in the morning.
i send most of my booking emails at 2-5am
i sometimes wonder what people think when they see the time i sent it knowing i'm on the West Coast

regardless, this needs to be locked. NOTHING good is going to come out of this thread, especially with morning time on the east coast approaching...
Originally Posted by PJ and Bompton

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

^no duermes?

   No, yo duermo nunca porque el sueño es el primo de la muerte.

nevermind the fact that the internet made translation easy as hell, but some of us live in towns such as San Diego, where, believe it or not, white people understand spanish.

ok, i actually didn't use a translation software to write this...I have a few years of spanish under my belt, almost double majored in college (5 semesters to be exact, plus 3 years in high school). Not that I can hold a convo with anyone, but I can read and write at a 3rd grade level.
Originally Posted by Manglor

Originally Posted by PJ and Bompton

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by PJ and Bompton

it's funny that people are quickly becoming racist towards white people, and it's accepted because we are the "majority". LISTEN. i'm white, do i like things white people do? for the most part, HELL NO. but there are MANY white people working towards equality, and that is being lost in many things.

WE ALL KNOW POLITICIANS do not speak for the majority, so WHY do you allow white politicians to represent the rest of us?

Well, because for the most part, those politicians do represent the people because they get voted in by the people. And what ethnicity has a much higher % of voters?
WHO do they get voted in by? you know god damn well that people with money run elections.

i don't have money, my family doesn't, and i'm trying my #%% off to try and get something going.

to be lumped in with this whole @!@+ is not cool. it's ignorant, and is reverse racism at it's finest.

Sucks huh?

Now imagine what it would be like if you felt the way you feel right now 100x worse since the day you were born.
don't even %@@+*@% pull that *@%!. i do not give a damn if you are a "mod". listen. people are born into tough situations regardless of race. EVERY school i have gone to white was the minority, and i cannot stand the white "elitists" that exist around me. it is COMPLETELY unfair to group people into a group because of their race, and if you practice what you preach you should know something about that.
I read the title and immediately knew you made the thread. The low key racism you continue to spew is truly sickening.
Originally Posted by Manglor

Originally Posted by PJ and Bompton

Originally Posted by Manglor

Originally Posted by PJ and Bompton

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by PJ and Bompton

it's funny that people are quickly becoming racist towards white people, and it's accepted because we are the "majority". LISTEN. i'm white, do i like things white people do? for the most part, HELL NO. but there are MANY white people working towards equality, and that is being lost in many things.

WE ALL KNOW POLITICIANS do not speak for the majority, so WHY do you allow white politicians to represent the rest of us?

Well, because for the most part, those politicians do represent the people because they get voted in by the people. And what ethnicity has a much higher % of voters?
WHO do they get voted in by? you know god damn well that people with money run elections.

i don't have money, my family doesn't, and i'm trying my #%% off to try and get something going.

to be lumped in with this whole @!@+ is not cool. it's ignorant, and is reverse racism at it's finest.

Sucks huh?

Now imagine what it would be like if you felt the way you feel right now 100x worse since the day you were born.
don't even $%@+$%% pull that @+%+. i do not give a damn if you are a "mod". listen. people are born into tough situations regardless of race. EVERY school i have gone to white was the minority, and i cannot stand the white "elitists" that exist around me. it is COMPLETELY unfair to group people into a group because of their race, and if you practice what you preach you should know something about that.

Pull what exactly?

I was simply pointing out that it does indeed suck when that happens regardless of race/color/gender. You said yourself that "people are becoming racist" towards whites so obviously you haven't dealt with it your entire life and if you have then you clearly mispoke.

Your complete outrage for no reason was quite uncalled for as were the words you used that will prolly get you banned.

But hey, whatever makes you happy dude.
words passed censors, and for that i apologize.

as for the bolded part, racism is a huge problem with me. it may seem like no reason, but i remember VERY young, like, Griffeys rookie year, i was born in 88 mind you, when african american baseball players appeared on Oprah and it KILLED me because my favorite player on my hometown team was Tony Gwynn. i could NOT understand why people had problems with players like Tony. my dad made me, and thankfully, made me watch specials on Nelson Mandela, on Martin Luther King etc. so i could see what was REALLY happening in this world. quite possibly the biggest moment in my life was visting the memorial of Dr. Martin Luther King in Atlanta and signing the guestbook. i'm not the biggest religious guy, but it was honestly spiritual. as a 15 year old, i can not imagine anything being more touching than that.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by PJ and Bompton

Originally Posted by Manglor

Originally Posted by PJ and Bompton

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by PJ and Bompton

it's funny that people are quickly becoming racist towards white people, and it's accepted because we are the "majority". LISTEN. i'm white, do i like things white people do? for the most part, HELL NO. but there are MANY white people working towards equality, and that is being lost in many things.

WE ALL KNOW POLITICIANS do not speak for the majority, so WHY do you allow white politicians to represent the rest of us?

Well, because for the most part, those politicians do represent the people because they get voted in by the people. And what ethnicity has a much higher % of voters?
WHO do they get voted in by? you know god damn well that people with money run elections.

i don't have money, my family doesn't, and i'm trying my #%% off to try and get something going.

to be lumped in with this whole @!@+ is not cool. it's ignorant, and is reverse racism at it's finest.

Sucks huh?

Now imagine what it would be like if you felt the way you feel right now 100x worse since the day you were born.
don't even $%@+$%% pull that @+%+. i do not give a damn if you are a "mod". listen. people are born into tough situations regardless of race. EVERY school i have gone to white was the minority, and i cannot stand the white "elitists" that exist around me. it is COMPLETELY unfair to group people into a group because of their race, and if you practice what you preach you should know something about that.

Most people who make racial arguments on NT don't understand this very simple concept. Every racial argument on NT is a paradox.

On that note...I'm going to bed.

Originally Posted by snaggykicks

To the guy with the lion in his profile the world isnt ending in 2012 smh people who believe in that are truly stupid


I was thinking the same thing.
Originally Posted by Fade On You

I read the title and immediately knew you made the thread. The low key racism you continue to spew is truly sickening.

If you are referring to me, I am a Black man. My experience in this country self explanatory. Black people cannot be "racist", nor the new term "reverse racists". The latter is a made up term to serve racist white pols, in order to further their agenda. However, prejudice is inherent, but racist/racism is not.

Due to me being Black in America, I have a right to be prejudiced. I am constantly reminded day after day, that there are some white people who do not want anyone else to be here in this country but themselves. The ones who are the most vociferous about this, probably would not even be considered "white" during the inception of this country, back when the rules on race and class were being made up.

This article is very poignant, hysterical as well. It shows that some of us are seeing the same result of a people that have been drunk on power for too long. Those of you who feel that you've done nothing wrong while being "white",  guess how we've felt since 1619?

Don't be afraid, it's time to share the wealth. 

Perhaps you should be happy that most Black people in this country, had Christianity forced upon them.

Genius move BTW.
So what are yall really expecting to change once whites become the minority? Will there be a black president? Will there be minorities in the government? All of that is currently going on, so what really is going to change? There are parts of the country now where whites are the minority, what is the big difference? Nothing.

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by Fade On You

I read the title and immediately knew you made the thread. The low key racism you continue to spew is truly sickening.

Black people cannot be "racist", nor the new term "reverse racists". The latter is a made up term to serve racist white pols, in order to further their agenda. However, prejudice is inherent, but racist/racism is not.

Due to me being Black in America, I have a right to be prejudiced.

These comments are more hurtful to your race than anything. Keep walking around hating the white man, im sure it makes you feel real good.

Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

LOL @ having the right to be prejudice, and black people can't be racist.
Seriously. What a @%*!#$# clown.
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

LOL @ having the right to be prejudice, and black people can't be racist.
LOL @ people not knowing that being "racist" is NOT inherent.

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

So what are yall really expecting to change once whites become the minority? Will there be a black president? Will there be minorities in the government? All of that is currently going on, so what really is going to change? There are parts of the country now where whites are the minority, what is the big difference? Nothing.

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by Fade On You

I read the title and immediately knew you made the thread. The low key racism you continue to spew is truly sickening.

Black people cannot be "racist", nor the new term "reverse racists". The latter is a made up term to serve racist white pols, in order to further their agenda. However, prejudice is inherent, but racist/racism is not.

Due to me being Black in America, I have a right to be prejudiced.

These comments are more hurtful to your race than anything. Keep walking around hating the white man, im sure it makes you feel real good.

Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

LOL @ having the right to be prejudice, and black people can't be racist.
Seriously. What a @%*!#$# clown.

  Hurting my race? My race is human, what's yours? I never said that I hated anyone.

Name calling will only further the insight into your own stereotypical behaviour.
Originally Posted by quik1987

Black people can't be racist?


As much as you wish they could be, they cannot.

Prove that they can.

Who invented racism, and then why?

If you don't know, then I SMH @ you.
Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by quik1987

Black people can't be racist?


As much as you wish they could be, they cannot.

Prove that they can.

Who invented racism, and then why?

If you don't know, then I SMH @ you.
White people just need to be gathered up, put on boats, and be sent back to England.

[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]/sarc[/color]
I guess black america is losing its mind also...
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

That's no excuse for comments like "White's know their time is up"
You're right. There's no excuse for the truth.
I've heard more than one white person say that their time is up (paraphrasing). It's not like I'm advocating violence or hate. Neither. I'm just stating what I heard from white people.

Stop being so sensitive...

@ 0:48

And I'm not going by a comedian's opinion. I actually had the minority discussion with two white people. They know their US run is over.

Will this country still be the US by that time? A different matter entirely Wisepharaoh.
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