White America Has Lost Its Mind

For those of you who obviously do not know what INHERENT means,

[h2]in·her·ent[/h2][sup][/sup]   https://secure.reference.com/sso/register_pop.html?source=favorites/ɪnˈhɪər
ənt, -ˈhɛr-/ Show Spelled[in-heer-uh
nt, -her-] Show IPA

existing in someone or something as a permanent and inseparable element, quality, or attribute: an inherent distrust of strangers.

Grammar . standing before a noun.

inhering; infixed.

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1570–80; < L inhaerent-  (s. of inhaerēns ), prp. of inhaerēre  to inhere; see -ent

—Related forms
in·her·ent·ly, adverb

non·in·her·ent, adjective

non·in·her·ent·ly, adverb

un·in·her·ent, adjective

un·in·her·ent·ly, adverb

1. innate, native, inbred, ingrained. See essential.


Predjudice is inherent, but racism is not. Racism is a system based upon entitlement due to the color of ones skin. That entitlement is based upon WHITE superiority, and then darker complected people being inferior.

I am aware that many are confused as to how the system actually works. especially here on Niketalk.
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

I guess black america is losing its mind also...

White America somewhat took that from them in 1619, then replaced it with Christianity.

Would you like to discuss this fact? How about chattle slavery, and then segregation? 

I'd love to inform you, as you are obviously having issues with this subject.
Why would I wish black people could be racist? That's the stupidest comment I've ever heard in my life. I wish no one in the world was racist.

You're really unintelligent if you believe black people are incapable of being racist.
Just keep believing that white people are the only ones who are racist. It shows your true colors.
Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

I guess black america is losing its mind also...

White America somewhat took that from them in 1619, then replaced it with Christianity.

Would you like to discuss this fact? How about chattle slavery, and then segregation? 

I'd love to inform you, as you are obviously having issues with this subject.

You do know that Black people weren't the only slaves that the world has ever seen, right? You do know there were White European slaves in Northern Africa also too, right?
The modern intellectual history of whiteness began among the 18th-century German scholars who invented racial “science.
Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

I guess black america is losing its mind also...

White America somewhat took that from them in 1619, then replaced it with Christianity.
Has nothing to do with me. I wasnt alive in 1619. At which point do you actually put some of the blame on yourself? At what point do you stop complaining and make a change?
Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by Fade On You

I read the title and immediately knew you made the thread. The low key racism you continue to spew is truly sickening.

If you are referring to me, I am a Black man. My experience in this country self explanatory. Black people cannot be "racist", nor the new term "reverse racists". The latter is a made up term to serve racist white pols, in order to further their agenda. However, prejudice is inherent, but racist/racism is not.

Due to me being Black in America, I have a right to be prejudiced. I am constantly reminded day after day, that there are some white people who do not want anyone else to be here in this country but themselves. The ones who are the most vociferous about this, probably would not even be considered "white" during the inception of this country, back when the rules on race and class were being made up.

This article is very poignant, hysterical as well. It shows that some of us are seeing the same result of a people that have been drunk on power for too long. Those of you who feel that you've done nothing wrong while being "white",  guess how we've felt since 1619?

Don't be afraid, it's time to share the wealth. 

Perhaps you should be happy that most Black people in this country, had Christianity forced upon them.

Genius move BTW.

come on fam i'm black (nigerian) and no one has the right to be predjudiced/racist so dont believe that
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

I guess black america is losing its mind also...

White America somewhat took that from them in 1619, then replaced it with Christianity.
Has nothing to do with me. I wasnt alive in 1619. At which point do you actually put some of the blame on yourself? At what point do you stop complaining and make a change?

At what point do you acknowledge living with White privilege?
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

I guess black america is losing its mind also...

White America somewhat took that from them in 1619, then replaced it with Christianity.

Would you like to discuss this fact? How about chattle slavery, and then segregation? 

I'd love to inform you, as you are obviously having issues with this subject.

You do know that Black people weren't the only slaves that the world has ever seen, right? You do know there were White European slaves in Northern Africa also too, right?
the word slave comes from slavic according to many historians...the East European people that were sold as slaves in the old world. Almost every nation has seen or has been the subject of slavery at some point b/c slavery goes back to antediluvian times. So in contrary to Nat's theory, no racism/slavery wasn't invented but rather re-discovered by the American white man. 
I will go along with your idea that "racism" was "invented" by white people, but you dont think that can never transfer over to another race or be ingrained in another culture? You are kidding yourself. Im done. Hope you are able to enjoy your day with all the evil and racist white folks around you.
Originally Posted by oidreez

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by Fade On You

I read the title and immediately knew you made the thread. The low key racism you continue to spew is truly sickening.

If you are referring to me, I am a Black man. My experience in this country self explanatory. Black people cannot be "racist", nor the new term "reverse racists". The latter is a made up term to serve racist white pols, in order to further their agenda. However, prejudice is inherent, but racist/racism is not.

Due to me being Black in America, I have a right to be prejudiced. I am constantly reminded day after day, that there are some white people who do not want anyone else to be here in this country but themselves. The ones who are the most vociferous about this, probably would not even be considered "white" during the inception of this country, back when the rules on race and class were being made up.

This article is very poignant, hysterical as well. It shows that some of us are seeing the same result of a people that have been drunk on power for too long. Those of you who feel that you've done nothing wrong while being "white",  guess how we've felt since 1619?

Don't be afraid, it's time to share the wealth. 

Perhaps you should be happy that most Black people in this country, had Christianity forced upon them.

Genius move BTW.

come on fam i'm black (nigerian) and no one has the right to be predjudiced/racist so dont believe that
Are you a descendant of slaves in America? If not, then I am sure that you understand why prejudice is a right of those who are descendants of people who lived though slavery, segregation, and now institutional racism. 

So again, prejudice is inherent, racism is not.

Read the article, then get back to me.

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

I will go along with your idea that "racism" was "invented" by white people, but you dont think that can never transfer over to another race or be ingrained in another culture? You are kidding yourself. Im done. Hope you are able to enjoy your day with all the evil and racist white folks around you.

It's not my "idea", it is the truth. I have posted the facts, and now you want to run. Typical move.

Goodbye, and enjoy your entitled bretheren.
Wow at some of the comments in here. You guys sound really un-educated. Do you even think before you type something?

White people's run in the U.S is over. (WHO THE HELL actually thinks like this?)

Black people can't be racist? (Again..!%%?)

The way you are talking you are making it seem like the WHITE MAN is some GOD, some alien race.

The TRUTH IS....the people that have MONEY, have POWER, then they use that to get connections POLITICALLY leading to getting RESPECT.

The majority of people who run the U.S and any other country, and/or just powerful people in general are probably white. You're right about that. But you are FOOLISH to think that there aren't Mexicans, Asians, Blacks, ETC in that circle too. It doesn't matter what COLOR you are as long as you have money and are connected you will be up in that circle.
General Johnson wrote:
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

That's no excuse for comments like "White's know their time is up"
You're right. There's no excuse for the truth.
I've heard more than one white person say that their time is up (paraphrasing). It's not like I'm advocating violence or hate. Neither. I'm just stating what I heard from white people.

Stop being so sensitive...

@ 0:48

And I'm not going by a comedian's opinion. I actually had the minority discussion with two white people. They know their US run is over.

White people's run is far from over.

Just because you have more pawns than kings on the chess board doesn't make them more essential.
Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

I guess black america is losing its mind also...

White America somewhat took that from them in 1619, then replaced it with Christianity.

Would you like to discuss this fact? How about chattle slavery, and then segregation? 

I'd love to inform you, as you are obviously having issues with this subject.

You do know that Black people weren't the only slaves that the world has ever seen, right? You do know there were White European slaves in Northern Africa also too, right?
the word slave comes from slavic according to many historians...the East European people that were sold as slaves in the old world. Almost every nation has seen or has been the subject of slavery at some point b/c slavery goes back to antediluvian times. So in contrary to Nat's theory, no racism/slavery wasn't invented but rather re-discovered by the American white man. 

It is NOT nat's theory, it is historically accurate. Racism was invented by White people. Did you read the article?  

The modern intellectual history of whiteness began among the 18th-century German scholars who invented racial “science.
Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

Black people can't be racist? (Again..!%%?)

Prove that Black people can be racist, and I will show you how you are wrong.
Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

I will go along with your idea that "racism" was "invented" by white people, but you dont think that can never transfer over to another race or be ingrained in another culture? You are kidding yourself. Im done. Hope you are able to enjoy your day with all the evil and racist white folks around you.

It's not my "idea", it is the truth. I have posted the facts, and now you want to run. Typical move.

Goodbye, and enjoy your entitled bretheren.
Fine, I will stick around and argue with you if you want. I dont know why you want me to stick around. You dont agree with me and I dont agree with you. You didnt answer my question...

Racism can never transfer over to another race or be ingrained in another culture?
this actually happened to probably every asian or white guy that plays basketball. you walk into a gym where they play basketball, and all the black guys think you can't play or you suck %+%. why? cause you are not black, you're white or asian. So automatically you cant play. is that racist? hell yeah it is..

besides how do you think the black man got to the US? by white europeans? please.... Black people were also racist, by selling other tribes and enemies to the white man.. that is also a reason how the black man got to the US, not just white europeans bought slaves. black had black slaves too. you should really look into history before making claims, saying that blacks can't be racist.

everyone can be, asians, whites, blacks, latinos..
Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

Wow at some of the comments in here. You guys sound really un-educated. Do you even think before you type something?

White people's run in the U.S is over. (WHO THE HELL actually thinks like this?)

Black people can't be racist? (Again..!%%?)

The way you are talking you are making it seem like the WHITE MAN is some GOD, some alien race.

The TRUTH IS....the people that have MONEY, have POWER, then they use that to get connections POLITICALLY leading to getting RESPECT.

The majority of people who run the U.S and any other country, and/or just powerful people in general are probably white. You're right about that. But you are FOOLISH to think that there aren't Mexicans, Asians, Blacks, ETC in that circle too. It doesn't matter what COLOR you are as long as you have money and are connected you will be up in that circle.
Although I agree with most of your points, this is wrong.

I mean it is power that facilitates what circle you are in, but lets face the facts here- there are barriers both past and present that prevent several ethnicities from attaining the money, and power, that you highlighted. If you don't account for the barriers to entry in the political and financial hierarchy in America , then you are truly distorting the broader issue, which is why those with power are white.
Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

Black people can't be racist? (Again..!%%?)

Prove that Black people can be racist, and I will show you how you are wrong.
So a white person walks into a predominantly black club, barbershop, etc...and is stared at, called a cracker and other derogatory terms by a black patron in attendance, that isnt racism?
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

I will go along with your idea that "racism" was "invented" by white people, but you dont think that can never transfer over to another race or be ingrained in another culture? You are kidding yourself. Im done. Hope you are able to enjoy your day with all the evil and racist white folks around you.

It's not my "idea", it is the truth. I have posted the facts, and now you want to run. Typical move.

Goodbye, and enjoy your entitled bretheren.
Fine, I will stick around and argue with you if you want. I dont know why you want me to stick around. You dont agree with me and I dont agree with you. You didnt answer my question...

Racism can never transfer over to another race or be ingrained in another culture?

No, you are confusing prejudice with racism.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

White people's run is far from over.

Just because you have more pawns than kings on the chess board doesn't make them more essential.
No real way to prove either of our opinions without a time machine, so I'll concede defeat or a tie. 

And to dude who said "who actually thinks like this?" Go look at read a history book. Pick an era, a country and have fun. Shifts in power have happened throughout history and while whites may control a majority of the wealth in this country now, when they become the minority it will be difficult to continue the class/color system that divides "minorities" from wealth.

Unfortunately it will get ugly and expect the wealthy class to create an atmosphere that will allow them move in "response" to rising tensions. It's already happening.

But you know what? This is all theory on both sides. No one truly knows what will happen. If I'm an idiot for having a different opinion than some of you so be it.
Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

I will go along with your idea that "racism" was "invented" by white people, but you dont think that can never transfer over to another race or be ingrained in another culture? You are kidding yourself. Im done. Hope you are able to enjoy your day with all the evil and racist white folks around you.

It's not my "idea", it is the truth. I have posted the facts, and now you want to run. Typical move.

Goodbye, and enjoy your entitled bretheren.
Fine, I will stick around and argue with you if you want. I dont know why you want me to stick around. You dont agree with me and I dont agree with you. You didnt answer my question...

Racism can never transfer over to another race or be ingrained in another culture?

No, you are confusing prejudice with racism.

No, no im not. Sorry. I know what each word means.
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