White Student Beaten On School Bus; CROWD CHEERS...

I hate kids that act tough and do stupid stuff like this for no reason. When I was in 10th grade, I played JV Baseball. JV and Varsity took separate buses tothe game, but the same bus back to school. The varsity players kept saying that JV players had to double up, and Varsity players got 2 seats to themselves.

One of the pitchers told me to get out of my seat and sit down with another JV player, and I all I told him was no, and stayed in my seat. He grabbed me by theshirt, held up his fist, and said, "Get the F out of this seat now or I'm going to punch you," and I just looked at him and said no. Hedidn't punch me, he didn't force me out of the seat, he didn't do anything.

That these kids actually started hitting him, that's even worse.

It's threads like this that make me question wanting to even have kids of my own.
... Anyone else get the feeling that %*+%'s about to be all bad in a minute?
@ eaatlo...ghandi's teachinga is not an option in high school...you lost.
i hope everyone realizes what's going on. the media is stoking racial tensions, and its a powderkeg that is going to explode one day. don't play intoit NT. the kanye incident, beck's convention in d.c., the health care town hall meetings, wilson's 'you lie!' outburst @ obama----, the mediais playing with fire.

for you history buffs out there it sort of reminds me of the race riots that broke out in various cities in the early 1900s. read about the riots in Tulsa andthe Rosewood, FL massacre, and the chain of events that led up to those riots. most of these riots dealt with an incident that took place between someone whiteand someone black. then, the newspapers would go crazy, putting the incident on front page and whipping everyone into a frenzy until people went past talkingabout it and decided to do something about it.

of course after the damage had been done and the savage side of humanity was exposed, the newspapers would then go back and talk about the unfortunateincidents and how they never should've happened.

its the same ol' song. play past the hyper-sensationalism perpetuated by the modern media...turn off the tv fellas...
Originally Posted by 40 5

Originally Posted by Wade187

40 5 wrote:
Originally Posted by memphisboi55

40 5 wrote:
just imagine if this was the other way around
It has... many times.

that may be true but prob not in modern days unless it would be on every news channel there is and there would be marches and riots
Man you gotta be ******ed if you don't think white kids are beating up black kids in modern days. Kids are always gonna fight sad thing is to them it's rarely ever about race adults throw that burden on them.

i didnt say white kids werent beating up black kids these days, but if a bus full of white kids cheared on as 2 white kids beat up a black kid for trying to sit down on a bus all hell would break loose
all hell would break loose because people like al sharpton and jesse jackson will make sure it does.... i'm not saying that's wrong, i;mjust saying that there are individuals out there that do have an agenda and will push it when given the opportunity.....
100% co-sign chetti, i work in health care and deal with racially motivated statements toward obama ALLDAY there arw so many misinformed sheep that take an USvs.THEM position and have no idea what their talking about. People late on payments or cant afford payments are blaming obama for a plan that hasnt even goninto effect...smh
Originally Posted by yung egg foo

100% co-sign chetti, i work in health care and deal with racially motivated statements toward obama ALLDAY there arw so many misinformed sheep that take an US vs.THEM position and have no idea what their talking about. People late on payments or cant afford payments are blaming obama for a plan that hasnt even gon into effect...smh

thanks man. i work in the healthcare industry too, and i peep what goes on out here. i'm not saying i support the healthcare reform one way or another,but i cringe everytime i see these obama posters with the hitler mustache, etc. the media knows what they're doing. they're playing on the fears ofmiddle america and its getting deep. journalism used to have some integrity, but today the news they show on tv is more like a form of entertainment.

some people haven't figured it out, and they go around spewing the toxic rhetoric of idiots like glenn beck and bill o'reilly and act like its thegospel truth...anyway, i'm off my soapbox now.

all of that had nothing to do with the original intent of this thread, but i think it reflects a larger theme of what is going on in society today.
I dont even see why race is being brought into this...those kids are punks period.

Same exact type stuff would happen on my bus, and race was never the issue...it was moreso, the "cool" kids pickin on the quiet, square kids causethey knew they werent gonna react. Black kids beat up black kids, white kids beat up white kids, whike kids beat up black kids, black kids beat up white kids.
Just by titling the story "White student beaten......" made it appear to be a race issue and it probably wasnt
Originally Posted by chetti mon

the media knows what they're doing. they're playing on the fears of middle america and its getting deep. journalism used to have some integrity, but today the news they show on tv is more like a form of entertainment.

all of that had nothing to do with the original intent of this thread, but i think it reflects a larger theme of what is going on in society today.

exactly...this is what I was saying in the "Hollywood" thread
Damn shame. Like said earlier then people wonder why kids be coming back to school and shooting it up. Nobody deserves to be treated like that..
It's a shame that this sort of thing still happens. It's a school bus. People should be able to sit where they want and not have their movementsdictated.

I want to know what the bus driver's problem is. As the only adult on the bus, it's their responsibility to make sure everyone is ok. If a fightstarts, they have to break it up.

You don't just say "Sit down" and keep driving. Man, do something. Complacency at its worst.
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