WHO declares Monkeypox outbreak a global emergency

If you had sex with someone with Covid youre probably going to get it. Doesnt make it an STI.

If you have sex with someone with chicken pox you're going to get it if you haven't had it as a kid. Doesn't make it an STI

covid out break was not primarily being spread via sex.
according to what we know right now, Monkey Pox is mostly being spread through sex. mostly sex between men.

if you have new data Im quite happy to change my opinion.

but the data we have is better than people just making up worst case scenarios.
obviously im talking about western countries.

and obviously the situation in developing countries is different.

poor infrastructure, lack of effective public health institutions, low governmental trust all reasons why diseases we've mostly eradicated in the west
remain persistent in parts of africa ect.
That's not what I'm talking about.

Your argument seems to insinuate that the actual mode of transmission of monkeypox is being hidden from the public, and that it's a disease mostly transmitted via gay sex (according to the initial studies in Western countries).

However, your argument ignores that the disease is already well known (we have already developed vaccines against it), and it ignores that in different settings, gay sex is not the primary driver of infections. Consequently, painting it solely as an STD is misrepresenting how the disease is transmitted, and such misrepresentation will result in people not taking it as seriously as they should.
covid out break was not primarily being spread via sex.
according to what we know right now, Monkey Pox is mostly being spread through sex. mostly sex between men.

if you have new data Im quite happy to change my opinion.

but the data we have is better than people just making up worst case scenarios.

Monkey pox is not primarily transmitted through sex. It's transmitted through contact of any kind.
That's not what I'm talking about.

Your argument seems to insinuate that the actual mode of transmission of monkeypox is being hidden from the public, and that it's a disease mostly transmitted via gay sex (according to the initial studies in Western countries).

However, your argument ignores that the disease is already well known (we have already developed vaccines against it), and it ignores that in different settings, gay sex is not the primary driver of infections. Consequently, painting it solely as an STD is misrepresenting how the disease is transmitted, and such misrepresentation will result in people not taking it as seriously as they should.

I don't understand what point you are making

my only argument is that monkey pox outbreak in america is being driven by sex, mostly sex between men.
and that it's important to be clear about this so high risk groups can take precautions, and we can make appropriate cost benefit analysis.

the fact that the disease is well known. so?
that in different settings it's spread in other ways, yah and?

people should have accurate information,
the accurate information is that yes anyone can get monkey pox, but it's mostly spreading in the gay community right now.
According to the cdc if you're infected isolate yourself from family. It doesn't say make sure you don't have sex with your sister and sh** will be all good. :rofl:

In hospitals they will put you on CONTACT precautions not sex precautions.
According to what we've known about the virus for years it's spread through contact. Ignorant uneducated people like you think it's new.

this just in; developing countries are different than developed countries.

Nigeria has cholera outbreaks due to poor waste management, water filtration ect.
Does that mean you in America should stop drinking your water if there is a random cholera case in a state hundreds of miles from you?

no obviously not.
According to the cdc if you're infected isolate yourself from family. It doesn't say make sure you don't have sex with your sister and sh** will be all good. :rofl:

In hospitals they will put you on CONTACT precautions not sex precautions.

Again if you have evidence that household transmission
is a serious driver of spread, I would love to see it.

I'm totally willing to "follow the science."

I won't follow sneaker forum emoji laced hot takes
this just in; developing countries are different than developed countries.

Nigeria has cholera outbreaks due to poor waste management, water filtration ect.
Does that mean you in America should stop drinking your water if there is a random cholera case in a state hundreds of miles from you?

no obviously not.

Lol it's the same virus developing country or otherwise. Monkey pox doesn't care about your ignorance. It gets in however it can. Kissing, f****, shaking hands, using the towel of the infected.
Lol it's the same virus developing country or otherwise. Monkey pox doesn't care about your ignorance. It gets in however it can. Kissing, f****, shaking hands, using the towel of the infected.

Again if you have data on this in quite happy to change my mind.

It shouldn't be hard to get.
Given gay people pretty regularly interact with non gay people.

Shouldn't be hard to check if there is a lot of household transmission. Or handshake monkey pox infections.
Again if you have data on this in quite happy to change my mind.

It shouldn't be hard to get.
Given gay people pretty regularly interact with non gay people.

Shouldn't be hard to check if there is a lot of household transmission. Or handshake monkey pox infections.

Lol scientists know the pathophysiology and mode of transmission of monkey pox. You're arguing against well established science.
Lol scientists know the pathophysiology and mode of transmission of monkey pox. You're arguing against well established science.

Im not arguing against science, im arguing against the weird *** conclusions you are drawing from the data we have

Show me the evidence that it's a significant driver of transmission in this current outbreak.
if it's happening it shouldn't be to hard to find gay people walk around last I checked, they shake hands, they live in house holds with non gay people ect

like I said, I I'm totally happy to change my mind.
Im just following the science.
How do they even know that sex is the exact moment the virus was transmitted? If you were intimate with someone you could have easily contracted the virus way before it got to sexual intercourse. :lol:
  • Monkeypox virus is transmitted from one person to another by close contact with lesions, body fluids, respiratory droplets and contaminated materials such as bedding.
This is from the WHO website. So you can get the virus from bedding way before it gets to sex. :lol:
  • Monkeypox virus is transmitted from one person to another by close contact with lesions, body fluids, respiratory droplets and contaminated materials such as bedding.
This is from the WHO website. So you can get the virus from bedding way before it gets to sex. :lol:

how many people do you share, bedding and bodily fluids with that you aren't *******?

but Im canadian, so I understand american culture might be different.
how many people do you share, bedding and bodily fluids with that you aren't ****ing?

but Im canadian, so I understand american culture might be different.

Lol you've never visited a relative? Friend? :lol:

You've never sat on someone else's couch that wasn't yours

I'm disappointed. Canadians are supposed to be smarter than us but I guess every country has its rednecks.
How do they even know that sex is the exact moment the virus was transmitted? If you were intimate with someone you could have easily contracted the virus way before it got to sexual intercourse. :lol:

it's a distinction without a difference..

If the transmission occurred when you and your bro rubbed sores during foreplay,
or rubbed skin during anal sex, or from rubbing the bedding you shared after having sex.

the driver of transmission is functionally sex.
Lol you've never visited a relative? Friend? :lol:

You've never sat on someone else's couch that wasn't yours

I'm disappointed. Canadians are supposed to be smarter than us but I guess every country has its rednecks.
i don't often use soiled bedding when using relatives.
maybe it's the whole canadians being nice usually they give me some fresh sheets.

again if visiting relatives and sharing soiled bedding / coaches is a driver of spread,
simply proved some evidence showing that and ill happily change my mind.
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