Who will receive NT's 10th anniversary $10,000 donation? The UNCF? HSUS? Access Books? Vote now!

Voted. It was a hard decision for me. I thought I would be able to make the choice with no problems...

I went for ACS because I've lost 4 people last year to cancer. We need a cure.
voted freethechildren
Operation Smile seems like one of the few charities that can help the most children the fastest. I honestly think donating $20,000 (including previousdonations) to the WWF is too much, especially when there are other charities with a more important cause.
American Cancer.. Lost my dad to lung cancer and my mom had bone cancer when she was younger
havent voted yet. the list is always comprised of hard to choose candidates.

ill look into detail then vote.

i have 28days...
procrastinator in me.
This is ridiculously hard, too many good choices.

I cannot emphasis how important reading is but operation smile is so eye opening.

SO many great organizations makes it hard to choose from. But I remember seeing a television program for operation smile and being really touched.

Voted for Operation Smile.
Kiva.org. I'm not going to argue against any of these programs but microloans are incredibly powerful in the developing world. My hope is that microfinancecan pull millions - if not billions - of people out of poverty. Maybe some day those people will be able to support programs such as the others on the list.
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