Who will receive NT's 10th anniversary $10,000 donation? The UNCF? HSUS? Access Books? Vote now!

I really wish NT stickies garnered more attention than they do. Either way this is exciting! Can't wait to see the results!
Shame, wish the money could go to all of them. There are too many to pick, and they're all good causes.
It is a terribly difficult decision, but we hope the experience leads people to support these charities on their own as well.

is it to late to nominate a place?
We're always interested in learning about the causes that interest and inspire you. While we can't include any additional organizationsin this poll, we'll be sure to take your suggestions into account for future donations. Many of the charities on this list were at one time suggested byour fellow members.
Method Man for president...just don't ban dairy products.
I know a few vegetarians who are all for giving up meat and other animal products... but dairy is wherethey draw the line. People really love their cheese, but I find that the more you learn about dairy products the more disgusting they become. There'sblood and pus in milk, largely a product of mastitis, cows are forcibly impregnated to stimulate lactation, and male calves are sold for veal. A ban should besuperfluous - people should voluntarily stop buying dairy products.


I really wish NT stickies garnered more attention than they do.
Same here... that's why I'm hoping those who've participated thus far can help spread the word - send out a link, RT our announcement,and help people get involved.

Our donations come from our ad revenue, so just by visiting this thread you're helping twice: raising awareness AND raising money for future donations.
Originally Posted by Method Man

Method Man for president...just don't ban dairy products.
I know a few vegetarians who are all for giving up meat and other animal products... but dairy is where they draw the line. People really love their cheese, but I find that the more you learn about dairy products the more disgusting they become. There's blood and pus in milk, largely a product of mastitis, cows are forcibly impregnated to stimulate lactation, and male calves are sold for veal. A ban should be superfluous - people should voluntarily stop buying dairy products.

No thread-jack, but can you make a thread to elaborate?
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