Whoever said marijuana is not addictive is a lie!

I don't think MJ causes physical dependance...more so a psychological one.

I feel you OP...I fell asleep pretty nicely last night but do I absolutely need it to fall asleep everynight? No way.

I just went out to S.F. and I didn't have any good bud for a day and I was able to fall asleep...it took some time.

When you can't live without MJ for periods of drought meaning a week or more...then you should really take a look at yourself and figure out if your controlling your high or your letting it control you.

I stay with my one-hitter..consuming low amounts all the time. It gets the job done and saves me money.

And I agree with puddinpop....sometimes the MJ hangover is not worth it the next day...but when you have a nicely setup couple of days to do whatever it's great.
Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

It's not that weed is the problem but it sounds like you have other problems. You may have an addictive personality. Which means if you enjoy something, you over do it. Which means you are

I smoke everyday but sometimes I take a week or 2 off and I'm perfectly normal. I sleep and eat well with or without the herb.

Just workout and you will be fine.


more than likely you live a boring life which draws you into doing marijuana (happens to me right now because of the summer term)

its just like fapping really when your bored you will have the erge spend some time outside and its the last thing on your mind

do it when you WANT to do it not when you think you NEED to

you dont NEED marijuana its a luxury

edit: And the whole marijuana is not addictive statement comes from the chemical nature there is no nicotine like substance in marijuana like tobacco but you can make it addictive by your own habits like others have said ANYTHING is addictive to the right person
Originally Posted by PUSHA C

Originally Posted by miamin2

Imo if you work out or do some exercise during the day I have no problem sleeping or having an appetite w/o trees


im in better shape than both of you though and eat 6 meals a day... its jus sleep and irritably

last night i even had a cpl beers n still wasnt remotely close to sleep until after 4am

As long as it's not chemical dependence...its not comparable to being addicted to a drug that will cause you physical harm without.
i feel u, i cant sleep with out burning 1 either..

i smoke at least 4 blunts a day morning, lunch break, 2 at the end of the day
many days that number goes into the double digits when im off

i would say mj is not addictive, but its part of my daily routine
Addictive? Nope, it's all in your head. Can't sleep? Go to Walgreens and get some Melatonin. Easily irritated? Just chill man.

Hallucinating? You must be on something else.
Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by sevit86

Originally Posted by sw00shm4n

I never believed Marijuana to be an addictive drug (as I'm sure most of you will agree), until a close friend of mine actually ended up clinically diagnosed with addiction to Marijuana. He was smoking weed very hard one year in college and eventually began to have hallucinations. One day he went crazy in his apartment with his roommates and punched out a window. Neighbors called the cops, and at that point, not only was he arrested but he was sent to rehab for addiction to Marijuana (I believe he had been cited more than once for possession before). Doctors told him he was having hallucinations because he was supposedly bipolar and smoking was triggering those hallucinations. Anyways, #+!@ got real for him. He had to drop out of college, move home, and go to rehab. Right now he's finishing up or done with rehab, but he has yet to finish his undergrad (he'd be coming up on his 6th year this Fall).

If anything, I think my friend's experience proves that it is possible to get addicted to Marijuana, it just depends on the individual I guess.
just curious but are their any other variables that lead to your boys situation?
isnt him being bipolar the other variable? You cant really use this as an example if your buddy had a psychological issue. Smoking releases dopamine in the brain, and this could have an adverse affect on someone who is bipolar. 
personally, All through college I smoked basically everyday. I moved out to NY 7 weeks ago and I havent touched it once, just because I havent made the effort to seek some out. It hasnt affected my personality or quality of life at all...I havent found myself craving the high, nor have I felt a strong physical urge to smoke. I guess everybody's situation is different, but I still believe that it isnt addicting. People's personality are big factors into how much someone "feels the need to smoke". 

btw, OP Im not so sure you should be blaming your anger, sleeping problems and recent frustration on the lack of smoking the buds. There may be other factors contributing 
Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

It's not that weed is the problem but it sounds like you have other problems. You may have an addictive personality. Which means if you enjoy something, you over do it. Which means you are

I smoke everyday but sometimes I take a week or 2 off and I'm perfectly normal. I sleep and eat well with or without the herb.

Just workout and you will be fine.
Bro i rarely call people out like this but your an idiot fam

u inferred that it sounds like I have other problems when the only 2 symptoms im experiencing are a direct derivative of me not ingesting the amount of THC i usually do...

go sit down plz...

ive been smokin for years and usually only burn a grav bong before work, a bowl sumtime during the day in 2 sumtimes 3 grav bongs in the evening... in total im only burning like an 8th a week
tops... so its not like i let it control my every being
I work 2 jobs (one as a personal trainer) so its obviously not having too much of a negative effect on my fitness either

i dunno i jus enjoy it man... i dont drink (3 drinks TOPS) if i go out mainly because i prefer being lifted but also i dont need the excess calories

y cant PA jus go medicinal so i can live the life i wanna live like all u alcoholics and tobacco addicts...
My boy smoked regularly but he started buggin out just like your friend. He ended up in a mental institution for a while and still has therapy... Sometimes it doesn't agree with your body.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

As long as it's not chemical dependence...its not comparable to being addicted to a drug that will cause you physical harm without.

Negative.  You get over physical withdrawal relatively quickly.  If you never deal with the psychological dependence behind your addiction, your lifelong battle will be hell.  And it's still chemical dependence we're talking about, whether you're physically addicted or psychologically addicted, you're still chemically dependent...
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

It's not that weed is the problem but it sounds like you have other problems. You may have an addictive personality. Which means if you enjoy something, you over do it. Which means you are

I smoke everyday but sometimes I take a week or 2 off and I'm perfectly normal. I sleep and eat well with or without the herb.

Just workout and you will be fine.

y cant PA THIS COUNTRY jus go medicinal so i can live the life i wanna live like all u alcoholics and tobacco addicts...
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

It's not that weed is the problem but it sounds like you have other problems. You may have an addictive personality. Which means if you enjoy something, you over do it. Which means you are

I smoke everyday but sometimes I take a week or 2 off and I'm perfectly normal. I sleep and eat well with or without the herb.

Just workout and you will be fine.
Bro i rarely call people out like this but your an idiot fam

u inferred that it sounds like I have other problems when the only 2 symptoms im experiencing are a direct derivative of me not ingesting the amount of THC i usually do...

go sit down plz...

ive been smokin for years and usually only burn a grav bong before work, a bowl sumtime during the day in 2 sumtimes 3 grav bongs in the evening... in total im only burning like an 8th a week
tops... so its not like i let it control my every being
I work 2 jobs (one as a personal trainer) so its obviously not having too much of a negative effect on my fitness either

i dunno i jus enjoy it man... i dont drink (3 drinks TOPS) if i go out mainly because i prefer being lifted but also i dont need the excess calories

y cant PA jus go medicinal so i can live the life i wanna live like all u alcoholics and tobacco addicts...

whoa son! fall back, whats with aggressiveness? Sounds like you are on the rag

It sounds like you have insomnia(one of the other problems I referred to), maybe the herb was treating it. You might be irritable because you are not getting enough sleep.

All I suggested was working out and eating right. Your body should return to normal in a couple of days and you shouldn't have PMS symptoms anymore.
Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

It's not that weed is the problem but it sounds like you have other problems. You may have an addictive personality. Which means if you enjoy something, you over do it. Which means you are

I smoke everyday but sometimes I take a week or 2 off and I'm perfectly normal. I sleep and eat well with or without the herb.

Just workout and you will be fine.
Bro i rarely call people out like this but your an idiot fam

u inferred that it sounds like I have other problems when the only 2 symptoms im experiencing are a direct derivative of me not ingesting the amount of THC i usually do...

go sit down plz...

ive been smokin for years and usually only burn a grav bong before work, a bowl sumtime during the day in 2 sumtimes 3 grav bongs in the evening... in total im only burning like an 8th a week
tops... so its not like i let it control my every being
I work 2 jobs (one as a personal trainer) so its obviously not having too much of a negative effect on my fitness either

i dunno i jus enjoy it man... i dont drink (3 drinks TOPS) if i go out mainly because i prefer being lifted but also i dont need the excess calories

y cant PA jus go medicinal so i can live the life i wanna live like all u alcoholics and tobacco addicts...

whoa son! fall back, whats with aggressiveness? Sounds like you are on the rag

It sounds like you have insomnia(one of the other problems I referred to), maybe the herb was treating it. You might be irritable because you are not getting enough sleep.

All I suggested was working out and eating right. Your body should return to normal in a couple of days and you shouldn't have PMS symptoms anymore.
^ I agree. It sounds like you have insomnia. Just wondering how old are you?
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

Originally Posted by PUSHA C

Originally Posted by miamin2

Imo if you work out or do some exercise during the day I have no problem sleeping or having an appetite w/o trees


im in better shape than both of you though and eat 6 meals a day... its jus sleep and irritably

last night i even had a cpl beers n still wasnt remotely close to sleep until after 4am

Well i dont think you've ever seen me so idk how you can make that statement but anyways... why you sounding so angry in this thread? Maybe you should get back on the herb and chill out
You do sound like you got insomnia tho
Originally Posted by kbweezy24

Originally Posted by sevit86

Originally Posted by sw00shm4n

I never believed Marijuana to be an addictive drug (as I'm sure most of you will agree), until a close friend of mine actually ended up clinically diagnosed with addiction to Marijuana. He was smoking weed very hard one year in college and eventually began to have hallucinations. One day he went crazy in his apartment with his roommates and punched out a window. Neighbors called the cops, and at that point, not only was he arrested but he was sent to rehab for addiction to Marijuana (I believe he had been cited more than once for possession before). Doctors told him he was having hallucinations because he was supposedly bipolar and smoking was triggering those hallucinations. Anyways, #+!@ got real for him. He had to drop out of college, move home, and go to rehab. Right now he's finishing up or done with rehab, but he has yet to finish his undergrad (he'd be coming up on his 6th year this Fall).

If anything, I think my friend's experience proves that it is possible to get addicted to Marijuana, it just depends on the individual I guess.
just curious but are their any other variables that lead to your boys situation?
isnt him being bipolar the other variable? You cant really use this as an example if your buddy had a psychological issue. Smoking releases dopamine in the brain, and this could have an adverse affect on someone who is bipolar. 
Hence why I mentioned that perhaps it depends on the individual, but yea you're right, maybe his psychological issue can't really be a factor for the addiction to Marijuana. I should mention that my boy was high 24/7, literally, before the incident.
Originally Posted by sevit86

Originally Posted by sw00shm4n

Originally Posted by sevit86

just curious but are their any other variables that lead to your boys situation?
Me and a few other guys were pretty close with him and hung out a lot the first two years of college. Each one of us pretty much started hanging out with separate crowds our third year and seeing each other significantly less. We all smoke greens occasionally, but the new crowd my boy was messing with smoked a lot. I was naive to believe that this would just be a phase he would go through... Other than that, no I didn't know of any other "variables." Crazy thing was, none of my other friends would have ever guessed he had any bit of bipolar in him.
well considering all the differant kinds of marijuana in the indica, sativa categories and the mis-information about trees out there in general. sounds like he had been smoking indica with you guys and
might have tried a sativa strain without understanding the different effect it has on the mind.
either that or he laced it with something without knowing the ramifications.

majority of people smoke indica and don't even know of different strains btw

from what u wrote sw00sh, it sounds like your friend might of had salvia in the mix and had a bad trip.
Thanks for the knowledge. Like I said, I had pretty much fallen out of touch with him the year his incident occurred, I just knew he was high all day, every day (no joke) and that he had been having trips for a while by the time he was sent to rehab. I only smoke on rare occasions so my knowledge of Mary Jane is very very limited, and while my friends may do it more frequently, they aren't too crazy about what exactly they're smoking either. Maybe I'll ask him one day if he knew what he was smoking.
Originally Posted by miamin2

Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

Originally Posted by PUSHA C


im in better shape than both of you though and eat 6 meals a day... its jus sleep and irritably

last night i even had a cpl beers n still wasnt remotely close to sleep until after 4am

Well i dont think you've ever seen me so idk how you can make that statement but anyways... why you sounding so angry in this thread? Maybe you should get back on the herb and chill out
You do sound like you got insomnia tho

sry for comin across miserable... but i am
as i stated

lack of sleep and added irritability bein w/o...

as far as being in better shape than u that wasnt a slight or meant to be anyway... im just a personal trainer who eats right and takes care of his body.. im at like 11 summin % BF @ 5'11 200 lbs... technically im n better shape than like 98% of Americans is all i meant..

but anywhooo yea DEFINITE insomnia but id rather take an all natural appoach than fund some generic pharma corp....

jus turned 25 BTW for dude who asked

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