Whose going to the Inauguration?

Originally Posted by beezylocks

na its gunna b a blood bath
rip barack

Doubt it......you would need something on the order of a Call of Duty Clan to accomplish that.

Secret Service FTW.
I got an invitation to be at the actually inauguration. Not sure if I want to pay $3,000 for a 5 day trip there.
id honestly save money and put it towards helping the economy. thats what Obama would want.
I'd love to be a part of that...but there are so many people that are already talking and planning trips that I wont even want to be close to that city
I'm there. My fam was making plans last night as soon as he won.

It will put the Million Man March to shame.
Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

if you want guaranteed success, you should page Weekend Girl
naw I like a challenge, especially since I'm into Italian girls. They fiesty whether they young or old.
paging shortypop*


but yeah, NT SUMMIT!
i'm going. tryna talk my boss into getting tickets to go to the gala as well $2000 a ticket lol
My family will most definitely be in the house, already got our hotel rooms booked. No way I'm letting my little boy miss this

For those of you traveling to the inauguration be warned EVERYTHING except the parade requires a ticket....For a lot of events tickets are only given out tomembers of congress to disburse how they see fit. So if you think you are just gonna walk into the inaugural address, swearing in, or the luncheon, think againunless you real tight with a member of Congress...see website below.


Expedia has a great inaugural site up but I can tell you from personal experience dang near everything inside the beltway is already booked. IF not booked theycharging no vaseline prices. There are still some spots available that are right off the metro though.


Good luck gettin' to see this historic day, I heard the Obama campaign is expecting $500,000 to $1,000,000 people to attend.
YO! I'm debating. I got a place to lay my head. But it may not be worth the effort. Unless I can get Reggie Love on the horn to show some NC hospitality tothe boy Ant...

How are so many of you going?

I looked at prices for tickets and its extreme!!!!

I'd love to go so if anyone has info
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