Whose going to the Inauguration?

Damn I live here and work about 3-4blocks from the white house on Pennsylvania ave.

Ill get to peep some of the action and all that from my office. But I never go to stuff like this.
ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg wrote:
I'm a couple metro stops away so I'm there, Red Line FTW


I take the green line straight to branch ave./Clinton and straight to work...

I hate the red, orange, and blue lines
/\ These ticket prices ain't no joke...im trying to find a hook up the best way I can. Worst come to worst I'm just going to drop bread on it. Eitherway...I'm out there in full effect all week long.
i will be there.
gonna take the trip up there from Newport news va.
so its not far at all.

its gonna be monumental.
Originally Posted by lnMyMind

/\ These ticket prices ain't no joke...im trying to find a hook up the best way I can. Worst come to worst I'm just going to drop bread on it. Either way...I'm out there in full effect all week long.

On The G!!! Yea I'm there I just need to get in the damn event. I need those strings pulled, who's got em`????
He gets put into office on my 18th birthday. Nice way of celebrating.I'm from brooklyn and most of my family resides in montgomery county in maryland so imight go. It sure as h3ll will be the one of the most memorable birthdays ever.
Originally Posted by JinKazama

My family will most definitely be in the house, already got our hotel rooms booked. No way I'm letting my little boy miss this

For those of you traveling to the inauguration be warned EVERYTHING except the parade requires a ticket....For a lot of events tickets are only given out to members of congress to disburse how they see fit. So if you think you are just gonna walk into the inaugural address, swearing in, or the luncheon, think again unless you real tight with a member of Congress...see website below.


Expedia has a great inaugural site up but I can tell you from personal experience dang near everything inside the beltway is already booked. IF not booked they charging no vaseline prices. There are still some spots available that are right off the metro though.


Good luck gettin' to see this historic day, I heard the Obama campaign is expecting $500,000 to $1,000,000 people to attend.
thanx for the info, I know I don't have that kind of pull, I just talk to one of my clients that is trying to go and she said tickets cost2-3k. I never been to D.C. anyways. Here's my chance to go and i'm going to NY along the way. It just hit me this morning. We can can possibly have aMexican or Chinese President in the future. I mean it's in the realm of thought.
So the Parade doesn't require a ticket?

I was looking at one site and the prices ranged form like 500-6000
KB8sandiego wrote:
My only question is, will he bring the change and progress that he promises?

Yes; simple as that.

But I might just drive up to DC for the day. I met him January 20th of this year (I shook his hand
) so seeing him exactly a year later as the nation's new leader would begreat.

NT should get together and plan something out like a mini summit minus the kicks.
ill probably make it...im already here in the DMV... just hop on the metro, and i'm there with the homies... but if you comin from out of state, likesomewhere thats warm all the time; bring a coat because it gets cold here in january!!! lol...
Originally Posted by delgc23

ill probably make it...im already here in the DMV... just hop on the metro, and i'm there with the homies... but if you comin from out of state, like somewhere thats warm all the time; bring a coat because it gets cold here in january!!! lol...

oh you know it, I'm gonna bring my peacoat, beenie, and an umbrella just in case. I might have some Remy to keep me warm too.
what ticket prices are you guys looking at?

to get into the inauguration you have to write to your senate representative or know someone

im going to try to go, if i get a ticket my job will buy my plane ticket and the whole nine...
what ticket prices are you guys looking at?

to get into the inauguration you have to write to your senate representative or know someone
QFT. Be wary of the sites offering tickets to these events (greatseats.com, stubhub.com), I know stubhub is legit but from what I have gottensecondhand from an actual member of congress; tickets haven't even been given out to them yet.

The parade is a FREE event. You just gotta get down to Pennsylvania EEEEEEEEARLY to be able to get a good spot. You want to go to anything else...you bettercall in those congressional connects.


IM pretty sure Ill be there no matter what
Originally Posted by Fanatic15

So the Parade doesn't require a ticket?

I was looking at one site and the prices ranged form like 500-6000
man aint nobody payin for no tickets around here, lol. theyll be playin it on the jumbo-tron screens all over the city, youll be able to seeeverything,
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