Why am I bothered by this? Vol. Who cares if Obama is black?

I know why it is bothering me!!! Its because there are droves of people only voting for him because he is black....
There are droves of people voting against Obama because he's black. Hell i think most of McCain's voters at this point are voting againstObama and not for McCain if that makes any sense. The McCain campaign has basically geared their campaign to facilitate this result.
"completely Black"...

What the hell is that?

And it's funny how some of you are so bothered by SOME people voting Obama because he is Black...when just as many people aren't voting for him becauseof that same reason.

You NTers slay me.
Originally Posted by ctdaprince

Originally Posted by mdresident

Originally Posted by minah86

i just saw a comment on fb saying, "2 more days until we paint the white house black"

1) people forget that obama is 1/2 black, 1/2 white -- but most of these ignorant fools just ignore that and claim him as completely black.

2) if you want racism to end, you can't make those types of comments and expect it to not be brought up again. if you want to take the victories of "being black", then don't fuss when you take the L's as well.

you know there was a time when if you were found to be an eighth black (not sure of th exact number) you were still black.
and 2 man racism sadly probably will never end
Originally Posted by justhotkicks

I'm probably bludgeoning an equine carcass, but...a friend's (African-American) Facebook status says:

" Just two more days until our president is BLACK!

I don't know why this is bothering me.

Cause after 300 years of prejudice and segragation it shows how far we have come. I will be proud to see a black president as well. After seeing a group ofpeople getting ****ted on in America for there whole existence there is nothing wrong with being proud that your people have made progress.
Originally Posted by worldbeefreeg

Originally Posted by justhotkicks

I'm probably bludgeoning an equine carcass, but...a friend's (African-American) Facebook status says:

" Just two more days until our president is BLACK!

I don't know why this is bothering me.

Cause after 300 years of prejudice and segragation it shows how far we have come. I will be proud to see a black president as well. After seeing a group of people getting ****ted on in America for there whole existence there is nothing wrong with being proud that your people have made progress.
I dont understand how anyone could see how the USA is in as bad as shape as it is currently in and still vote republican...that +**% just boggles mymind....
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

"completely Black"...

What the hell is that?

And it's funny how some of you are so bothered by SOME people voting Obama because he is Black...when just as many people aren't voting for him because of that same reason.

You NTers slay me.
I'm fully aware that it goes both ways. It bothers me just as much.

I'm voting for Obama BTW.
Oh...it definitely bothers me when people vote for Obama solely because of his race without any knowledge of the issues, him, or his opponents.

It definitely goes both ways.
obama aint black........fool grew up in hawaii and was raised by a white woman. how many black people was he raised around. hawaii is like 1% black

dude sound like dave chappelle when he imitatin a white person

"hes so charismatic"

people who think voting on whoever is president matters are blind idiots

I don't dislike the fact that he's black, I dislike him because he's Muslim...among many other reasons

Originally Posted by 59 Piffy

obama aint black........fool grew up in hawaii and was raised by a white woman. how many black people was he raised around. hawaii is like 1% black

dude sound like dave chappelle when he imitatin a white person

I reallly hope you are kidding.
Originally Posted by WinstonDon

honestly i would rejoice if any minority became President....it's a big thing....

Originally Posted by DublBagn

I know why it is bothering me!!! Its because there are droves of people only voting for him because he is black.....they could have put any half qualified black man up there (which is the case now) and achieved the same results....
shut up....last election Al Sharpton "tried" running and didnt get anywhere.....i'm getting tired of white & asian members on this site trying to come at black people like we can't make rational decisions....Blacks historically vote DEMOCRAT....that arguement is so %@*#@#$ stupid....if its a black man running for republican and blacks was voting for him like hell then you would have an arguement but all you got now is proof that you're dumb as hell
You may have had a valid argument if 93% of blacks weren't voting Obama

I don't dislike the fact that he's black, I dislike him because he's Muslim...among many other reasons

And when are people going to stop believing the "polls". The polls are fabricated nonsense. They cannot accurately see what %'age of people arevoting for which candidate until the actual election takes place. Stop believing the media.

^Barack Obama is muslim? Since when? LOL, and why would u hate him for that??? that proves that you are prejudice. Wow, I've never heard someone on NTactually admit their hate for a group.
Originally Posted by BWS FOOT SOLDIER

You may have had a valid argument if 93% of blacks weren't voting Obama

I don't dislike the fact that he's black, I dislike him because he's Muslim...among many other reasons

And when are people going to stop believing the "polls". The polls are fabricated nonsense. They cannot accurately see what %'age of people are voting for which candidate until the actual election takes place. Stop believing the media.


so much hogwash in this quote
I dont really see a problem with that quote, Id be happy if the next president was my race/ethnicity.
Originally Posted by BWS FOOT SOLDIER

You may have had a valid argument if 93% of blacks weren't voting Obama

I don't dislike the fact that he's black, I dislike him because he's Muslim...among many other reasons

And when are people going to stop believing the "polls". The polls are fabricated nonsense. They cannot accurately see what %'age of people are voting for which candidate until the actual election takes place. Stop believing the media.

hating him because you thinkhe's Muslim. How is that more justifiable than if your rationale was hating him because he was black? It's basically the same as being racists towardsan ethnicity.

Even if he was Muslim, which he clearly isn't, what difference does that make? Honestly? I don't see how being Muslim will hinder one's ability tofunction as a leader.
Originally Posted by BWS FOOT SOLDIER

I don't dislike the fact that he's black, I dislike him because he's Muslim...among many other reasons

Goes to show you have more against him than him "being amuslin". You as well as everybody else knows that that saying was taken out of context yet you continue to use it.
Word to WinstonDon
Some of you guys are silly, but I don't know why you don't like it either man. I'm hoping for it to come to fruition though. 3 things:
1 In America, 1% black=BLACK (not true for another race here, for some strange reason).
2 They don't want ANY non-black people to identify with Obama. He is THE BLACK CANDIDATE, and that's it. He SHOULD be the MINORITY CANDIDATE.
3 Why should I feel ashamed to be proud/excited/happy IF he wins? It's like sit down and shutup already, you got what you wanted (IF he wins). I'm 26,and never imagined that IN MY LIFETIME a day would come when ANY MINORITY was a step away from the white house. This is exciting, this is history folks.

To all the people who keep talking like Senator Obama is already in office, please remember what has happened the last two elections. If it can be hijackedfrom gentlemen named Kerry and Gore, what do you think they could do to a black dude, named BARACK h. OBAMA? Polls don't mean anything until AFTER theresults are in, and you can prove how wrong they are. I won't trust anything until he gets in office, and then...

Wednesday will be an interesting day, to say the least...
Its sad when you see black people voting for Obama just because hes black and when you see white people voting for McCain just becauses hes white. Learn whatthey stand for instead of what their color is!
I'm a liberal American that tends to lean Democrat. I just happen to be black.
I respect Obama's ideas and what he is trying to do with his administration
I hope he pulls it out. I really do.
I may cry on Tuesday if he loses.
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