Why am I persecuted for NOT accepting homosexuality..

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Polygamy is a separate issue though.

How so if they are all consentual adults and are all harmonious then why would it be different. man/man, man/woman, woman/woman/, man/woman/woman, or woman/man/man. If they are all happy then how is it any different? Now if you are saying becuase society in general and you personally feel its wrong/unethical then that same argument can apply to homosexual relationships interracial relationships so on and so forth.
I'm very aware that that same argument can be applied to homosexual relationships which is why I never went down that path. Polygamy is an issue that involves marriage to multiple people, a privilege that has never been granted to anyone. No one in the United States can marry more than one person at a time. Homosexual individuals take issue with the fact that marriage is currently only granted to heterosexual individuals, discriminating against homosexual couples. Polygamists take issue with the fact that no one is allowed to marry more than one individual at the same time. They want to establish a new right for everyone. 
Originally Posted by cguy610

Gay Rights Supporter - "Gays are being denied the right to marry the person they want"

Anti gay rights supporter - "No one can marry anyone of the same sex, no ones rights are being denied. A gay man and gay woman can get married, just not two gay men or 2 gay women."

Polygamy Supporter - "Polygamists are being denied to marry the people they want."

Anti polygamy supporter (who ironically supports gay marriage) - "No one can marry more than one person, no ones rights are being denied"
Gays take issue with the fact that they are being denied marriage based on their sexual orientation. You cannot get married if you were born gay. Sucks for you!! Then, people use your second point to somehow validate this discrimination. Oh yeah, you can get married as long as you go against your sexual preference and force yourself to live in an uncomfortable lifestyle. That's fair, right? Polygamists are being denied the right to marry more than one person, something that everyone is denied the right to do regardless of sexual orientation. The two are separate issues. Gay couples seek to establish equality while polygamists seek to grant a new right to everyone. It's that simple. 
Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Polygamy is a separate issue though.

How so if they are all consentual adults and are all harmonious then why would it be different. man/man, man/woman, woman/woman/, man/woman/woman, or woman/man/man. If they are all happy then how is it any different? Now if you are saying becuase society in general and you personally feel its wrong/unethical then that same argument can apply to homosexual relationships interracial relationships so on and so forth.
I'm very aware that that same argument can be applied to homosexual relationships which is why I never went down that path. Polygamy is an issue that involves marriage to multiple people, a privilege that has never been granted to anyone. No one in the United States can marry more than one person at a time. Homosexual individuals take issue with the fact that marriage is currently only granted to heterosexual individuals, discriminating against homosexual couples. Polygamists take issue with the fact that no one is allowed to marry more than one individual at the same time. They want to establish a new right for everyone. 

And neither was same sex marriage untill recently. So...... And as far as granted marriage goes history tells us and even in its current state as awhole worldwide polygamy has been praticed. Also you still didnt answer why is same sex marriage/polygamy different if all parties are consentual? All you did was just state facts. Saying its illegal or not praticed in the us doesnt address why one is right ok and one isnt.
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by LDJ

How so if they are all consentual adults and are all harmonious then why would it be different. man/man, man/woman, woman/woman/, man/woman/woman, or woman/man/man. If they are all happy then how is it any different? Now if you are saying becuase society in general and you personally feel its wrong/unethical then that same argument can apply to homosexual relationships interracial relationships so on and so forth.
I'm very aware that that same argument can be applied to homosexual relationships which is why I never went down that path. Polygamy is an issue that involves marriage to multiple people, a privilege that has never been granted to anyone. No one in the United States can marry more than one person at a time. Homosexual individuals take issue with the fact that marriage is currently only granted to heterosexual individuals, discriminating against homosexual couples. Polygamists take issue with the fact that no one is allowed to marry more than one individual at the same time. They want to establish a new right for everyone. 

And neither was same sex marriage untill recently. So...... And as far as granted marriage goes history tells us and even in its current state as awhole worldwide polygamy has been praticed. Also you still didnt answer why is same sex marriage/polygamy different if all parties are consentual? All you did was just state facts. Saying its illegal or not praticed in the us doesnt address why one is right ok and one isnt.
You're right, same sex marriage hasn't been granted to anyone. You seem to miss my point though. Marriage is granted to heterosexual couples only which discriminates against homosexual individuals. You essentially cannot get married if you are gay. Why? Because you are gay. That is discrimination based on sexual orientation. 
You originally quoted me stating that they're separate issues, so I addressed that. Whether same sex marriage is different than a marriage consisting of more than two individuals or not is irrelevant. All I did was address why they are separate issues and why they should be treated as such. 
Originally Posted by LDJ

How is 2 men unrelated to each other having a relationship, any different then 2 men related to each other having a relationship. 

by the same token, then, how is a man and woman unrelated to each other having a relationship any different from a man and woman related to each other having a relationship?
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by a55a5in11

thats not a threat. saying i will pop you in the mouth is a threat. saying i would have is not a threat

Whatever makes you feel better. Just remember this thread and many of the responses when you're out in public and someone
pops you in the mouth for saying something that you thought wasn't racist or offensive, just cause you didn't recognize your
own ignorance. Many people aren't as kind and helpful as me to point that out for you.

at some point in their life ignorance will always be corrected (albeit not in the proper fashion) by someone that doesn't have the patience for their nonsense.
i just sit back, 
, and let the nonsense spew.

i stopped debating with people a long time ago because 90% of people will just regress in the pyramid of proper debate the longer the argument lasts.

no matter what you say or even the facts behind your argument people will continue to believe what they believe no matter how asinine their opinion is.
Definitely man. I think I may just start sticking to the women appreciation threads and keep out of these hate haven threads, cause at least in
those threads, everything is truly subjective and opinionated. In these threads, people seem to avoid facts presented to them and pass their
opinions off of the truth, however ignorant and nonfactual their opinions may be.

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by LDJ

How so if they are all consentual adults and are all harmonious then why would it be different. man/man, man/woman, woman/woman/, man/woman/woman, or woman/man/man. If they are all happy then how is it any different? Now if you are saying becuase society in general and you personally feel its wrong/unethical then that same argument can apply to homosexual relationships interracial relationships so on and so forth.
I'm very aware that that same argument can be applied to homosexual relationships which is why I never went down that path. Polygamy is an issue that involves marriage to multiple people, a privilege that has never been granted to anyone. No one in the United States can marry more than one person at a time. Homosexual individuals take issue with the fact that marriage is currently only granted to heterosexual individuals, discriminating against homosexual couples. Polygamists take issue with the fact that no one is allowed to marry more than one individual at the same time. They want to establish a new right for everyone. 

And neither was same sex marriage untill recently. So...... And as far as granted marriage goes history tells us and even in its current state as awhole worldwide polygamy has been praticed. Also you still didnt answer why is same sex marriage/polygamy different if all parties are consentual? All you did was just state facts. Saying its illegal or not praticed in the us doesnt address why one is right ok and one isnt.
You can not be this dense. Polygamy and homosexual marriage are apples and oranges.
It's like asking why can't we have polygamy if we have heterosexual marriage? Polygamy is marrying two or more people. It's an entirely different argument. No one is allowed to marry more than one person under US law, gay or straight. Gay rights supporters are only arguing for EQUAL treatment to their heterosexual counterparts.

Now that we've tried to compare granting homosexuals the same rights that heterosexuals have to bestiality, incest, pedophilia, and polygamy, I wonder what other irrelevant argument will be thrown in to try to justify continuing inequality.
And again, this whole "I just don't accept it" argument... What is there for YOU to accept? How does this affect you in anyway? This is somebody else's life. Two gay people marrying does not affect you. Even if gays can't marry they're not going to magically go away. They're here and they are a part of your community. You say that you treat everyone like you want to be treated yet in that same breath you can support measures to make your fellow man less than yourself in the eye of the law? What part of the game is that? I hate this term but seriously, WAKE UP.
Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

I'm very aware that that same argument can be applied to homosexual relationships which is why I never went down that path. Polygamy is an issue that involves marriage to multiple people, a privilege that has never been granted to anyone. No one in the United States can marry more than one person at a time. Homosexual individuals take issue with the fact that marriage is currently only granted to heterosexual individuals, discriminating against homosexual couples. Polygamists take issue with the fact that no one is allowed to marry more than one individual at the same time. They want to establish a new right for everyone. 

And neither was same sex marriage untill recently. So...... And as far as granted marriage goes history tells us and even in its current state as awhole worldwide polygamy has been praticed. Also you still didnt answer why is same sex marriage/polygamy different if all parties are consentual? All you did was just state facts. Saying its illegal or not praticed in the us doesnt address why one is right ok and one isnt.
You can not be this dense. Polygamy and homosexual marriage are apples and oranges.
It's like asking why can't we have polygamy if we have heterosexual marriage? Polygamy is marrying two or more people. It's an entirely different argument. No one is allowed to marry more than one person under US law, gay or straight. Gay rights supporters are only arguing for EQUAL treatment to their heterosexual counterparts.

Now that we've tried to compare granting homosexuals the same rights that heterosexuals have to bestiality, incest, pedophilia, and polygamy, I wonder what other irrelevant argument will be thrown in to try to justify continuing inequality.

Ironic that you use the same arguments against polygamy that are used against gay marriage. 

"No one can marry a person of the same sex, so no one is being discriminated against".

"No one can marry more than one person, so no one is being discriminated against"
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by LDJ

And neither was same sex marriage untill recently. So...... And as far as granted marriage goes history tells us and even in its current state as awhole worldwide polygamy has been praticed. Also you still didnt answer why is same sex marriage/polygamy different if all parties are consentual? All you did was just state facts. Saying its illegal or not praticed in the us doesnt address why one is right ok and one isnt.
You can not be this dense. Polygamy and homosexual marriage are apples and oranges.
It's like asking why can't we have polygamy if we have heterosexual marriage? Polygamy is marrying two or more people. It's an entirely different argument. No one is allowed to marry more than one person under US law, gay or straight. Gay rights supporters are only arguing for EQUAL treatment to their heterosexual counterparts.

Now that we've tried to compare granting homosexuals the same rights that heterosexuals have to bestiality, incest, pedophilia, and polygamy, I wonder what other irrelevant argument will be thrown in to try to justify continuing inequality.

Ironic that you use the same arguments against polygamy that are used against gay marriage. 

"No one can marry a person of the same sex, so no one is being discriminated against".

"No one can marry more than one person, so no one is being discriminated against"

Heterosexual marriage is acceptable whereas homosexual marriage is not. A sexual orientation is being discriminated against. You can't say the same for polygamy which is why your argument fails.
Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

You can not be this dense. Polygamy and homosexual marriage are apples and oranges.
It's like asking why can't we have polygamy if we have heterosexual marriage? Polygamy is marrying two or more people. It's an entirely different argument. No one is allowed to marry more than one person under US law, gay or straight. Gay rights supporters are only arguing for EQUAL treatment to their heterosexual counterparts.

Now that we've tried to compare granting homosexuals the same rights that heterosexuals have to bestiality, incest, pedophilia, and polygamy, I wonder what other irrelevant argument will be thrown in to try to justify continuing inequality.

Ironic that you use the same arguments against polygamy that are used against gay marriage. 

"No one can marry a person of the same sex, so no one is being discriminated against".

"No one can marry more than one person, so no one is being discriminated against"

Heterosexual marriage is acceptable whereas polygamist marriage is not. A religion is being discriminated against. You can't say the same for homosexuality which is why your argument fails.
See how we can change things up.  You are arguing semantics. 
I dont accept it at all.

But I live and let live. Just don't approach me with that nonsense. I'll live my life, and you live yours.
Originally Posted by NjCollector

Son, i don't accept it either.

this does not give me the pass to hate on them and shh.

I just dont accept approve of it, i frown upon it and keep moving.

At the end of the day, if their happy its whatever, just stay in your lane.

I accept homosexuality, but I don't agree with having to approve of someone else's lifestyle and what they do behind closed doors.

IMO I don't think it should be promoted as much as it does in society today.

Let's just raise the real question, are people born gay or do they choose to be?
Who is asking you to approve of anything? All they want is for you not to infringe on their happiness. I don't understand why people don't get this.
Originally Posted by FrankMatthews

So if a person is bi-sexual should they be allowed to marry a man and a woman?
Polygamy isn't legal. The issue of polygamy is a completely different argument from same sex marriage. At the basis of your question the clear difference is marrying one person as opposed to marrying two or more. Not to mention the tax implications involved in legalizing polygamy on a national scale.
Originally Posted by TimCity2000

Originally Posted by ShoeHead117

Let's just raise the real question, are people born gay or do they choose to be?
if only we had a gay person in this thread who could answer whether or not they chose to be gay....

Pretty sure its both. You got people who were born gay. You have people especially women who choose to be gay.
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

I dont accept it at all.

But I live and let live. Just don't approach me with that nonsense. I'll live my life, and you live yours.
cguy610 wrote:
Originally Posted by Boys Noize

LDJ wrote:
And neither was same sex marriage untill recently. So...... And as far as granted marriage goes history tells us and even in its current state as awhole worldwide polygamy has been praticed. Also you still didnt answer why is same sex marriage/polygamy different if all parties are consentual? All you did was just state facts. Saying its illegal or not praticed in the us doesnt address why one is right ok and one isnt.
You can not be this dense. Polygamy and homosexual marriage are apples and oranges.
It's like asking why can't we have polygamy if we have heterosexual marriage? Polygamy is marrying two or more people. It's an entirely different argument. No one is allowed to marry more than one person under US law, gay or straight. Gay rights supporters are only arguing for EQUAL treatment to their heterosexual counterparts.

Now that we've tried to compare granting homosexuals the same rights that heterosexuals have to bestiality, incest, pedophilia, and polygamy, I wonder what other irrelevant argument will be thrown in to try to justify continuing inequality.

Ironic that you use the same arguments against polygamy that are used against gay marriage. 

"No one can marry a person of the same sex, so no one is being discriminated against".

"No one can marry more than one person, so no one is being discriminated against"

yes there are ppl who are being discriminated. the ppl who want to marry be in a relationsip with multitudes of ppl are denied doing so.

It's an entirely different argument.
no it isnt the end results are equality for all ppl to choose to be in whatever relationship they so choose to be in. So how is it different. If someone wants to husbands a husband should be allowed the same as if a man wants to be with a man or a woman with a woman a transexual with whoever and hermaphodite so on and so forth.

So how exactly is it different. so long as all parties are consensual. That was everyones major issue yet you bring up beastiality. Hello now what you said is irrelevant. a dog/horse so on and so forth cannot consent nor can it be proven that they want to be in a relationship with a human being.

Can two woman agree that they want to share a man, or two men agree that they can share a woman and all parties agree to it? The answer is yes so um again how is it different. unless you are saying ppl who are for polygamy dont exist. Or are you saying ppl who believe in polygamy arent as important as ppl who believe in monogamy? Or maybe ypou are stating your personal beliefs that ppl can only truely love one person at a time and that the sex of that one person doesnt matter. It seems like thats exactly what your saying and just being evasive and dodging admitting your own personal beliefs by bring in things like beastiality knowing good and well that one beastality is a sexual act and not a relationship, and two there isnt a way to prove consent from a animal.
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

I dont accept it at all.

But I live and let live. Just don't approach me with that nonsense. I'll live my life, and you live yours.
my man

what you do with your meat and rectum... YOUR buisness

out my face wit that batty boi stuff... i do believe gays should have equal rights tho

Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

I dont accept it at all.

But I live and let live. Just don't approach me with that nonsense. I'll live my life, and you live yours.
If a bill comes up in the next month that would amend your state's constitution to define marriage as one between a man and a woman, would you vote for or against that?
If you vote for it, it would not be live and let live would it? You would be actively affecting the lives of others so you wouldn't be taking a passive role right?

And again, what is this "accept"? What are you accepting? Who's asking you to accept anything? Homosexuality isn't a myth. No one is asking you to believe in the Loch Ness monster or god or something. The question of whether or not you approve of homosexuality was never asked. What is asked is whether you believe US law should apply to all citizens equally? Should the laws of this nation work for ALL people or just some people? 
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by cguy610

Ironic that you use the same arguments against polygamy that are used against gay marriage. 

"No one can marry a person of the same sex, so no one is being discriminated against".

"No one can marry more than one person, so no one is being discriminated against"

Heterosexual marriage is acceptable whereas polygamist marriage is not. A religion is being discriminated against. You can't say the same for homosexuality which is why your argument fails.
See how we can change things up.  You are arguing semantics. 
Religion and sexual orientation are pretty different. Religious beliefs don't automatically mean you are granted rights that others don't have. So again, I'm failing to see any valid argument from you.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

FrankMatthews wrote:
So if a person is bi-sexual should they be allowed to marry a man and a woman?
Polygamy isn't legal. The issue of polygamy is a completely different argument from same sex marriage. At the basis of your question the clear difference is marrying one person as opposed to marrying two or more. Not to mention the tax implications involved in legalizing polygamy on a national scale.

Just because it isnt legal doesnt answer the statement how exactly is it different. All you are stating is things from a society point of view and from a economic standpoint. It isnt about legal/illegal. Its about consentual ppl being allowed to be in whatever type of relationship they choose with out ridicule, mockery, mistreatment, and ostracizing from others.

Ppl should be allowed to be in whatever every type of relationship they so choose so long as it isnt infridging on the rights of others, is malice and cause harm to others, and all parties have the maturation and are in agreement with the terms and condition in which the relationship is founded on period.

If you believe this then how exactly does polygamy not fit into that umbrella? Beastiality doesnt because its a sexual act and no way to gauge maturation and consent from a animal, same applies to having sex/being in a relationship with a child, a inatimate object, a plant, so on and so forth.

Polygamy isn't legal.
   and same sex marriage wasnt either and....
At the basis of your question the clear difference is marrying one person as opposed to marrying two or more
and so is marrying same sex, or marrying a person who changes sex partially, or is both sex and....

Thee same argument you say opposing polygamy, is the same argument used years ago when discussing why/how same sex marriage is different then heterosexual marriage.
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by LDJ

And neither was same sex marriage untill recently. So...... And as far as granted marriage goes history tells us and even in its current state as awhole worldwide polygamy has been praticed. Also you still didnt answer why is same sex marriage/polygamy different if all parties are consentual? All you did was just state facts. Saying its illegal or not praticed in the us doesnt address why one is right ok and one isnt.
You can not be this dense. Polygamy and homosexual marriage are apples and oranges.
It's like asking why can't we have polygamy if we have heterosexual marriage? Polygamy is marrying two or more people. It's an entirely different argument. No one is allowed to marry more than one person under US law, gay or straight. Gay rights supporters are only arguing for EQUAL treatment to their heterosexual counterparts.

Now that we've tried to compare granting homosexuals the same rights that heterosexuals have to bestiality, incest, pedophilia, and polygamy, I wonder what other irrelevant argument will be thrown in to try to justify continuing inequality.

Ironic that you use the same arguments against polygamy that are used against gay marriage. 

"No one can marry a person of the same sex, so no one is being discriminated against".

"No one can marry more than one person, so no one is being discriminated against"
The arguments against or for polygamy are completely different from those of gay marriage.
The fight for equality in marriage is not one for special treatment. Gays just want want heterosexual couples already have. That's it.
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