Why am I persecuted for NOT accepting homosexuality..

When the issue of polygamy rises in this country and the people want it to be legal I'll be all for it.

As I see it now polygamists are not being denied civil rights in that matter.
Originally Posted by quik1987

Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by quik1987

Another person would have the same rights..... whether you choose to excercise it is your choice.
Before the laws were changed, people couldn't pray on the job.  So these laws were changed specifically to protect people's rights to practice their religious beliefs.  So rights were in fact granted that other people didn't have at the time. 

What you're saying is this right is given to the selected people that prayed on the job. What I'm saying is EVERYONE was given the right to pray on the job.
No, what I'm saying is that the laws were changed specifically to protect those individuals who needed to pray on the job.  Just as the marriage laws would be changed specifically to protect those that want to marry a person of the same sex. 

So essentially, at that time your religious beliefs did entitle you to an additional right.  The right to pray on the job is an additional right that wasn't available to people.  Yes, everyone does end up being granted that right, just like two straight men would be able get married, but whether they decide to exercise that right would be their choice. 
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by cguy610

Gay Rights Supporter - "Gays are being denied the right to marry the person they want"

Anti gay rights supporter - "No one can marry anyone of the same sex, no ones rights are being denied. A gay man and gay woman can get married, just not two gay men or 2 gay women."

Polygamy Supporter - "Polygamists are being denied the right to marry the people they want."

Anti polygamy supporter (who ironically supports gay marriage) - "No one can marry more than one person, no ones rights are being denied"

Same circular argument over the past 3 pages, I called it in advance. 
You've been called out on why you're wrong several times. You refuse to understand the distinctions.
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by quik1987

Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by quik1987

Another person would have the same rights..... whether you choose to excercise it is your choice.
Before the laws were changed, people couldn't pray on the job.  So these laws were changed specifically to protect people's rights to practice their religious beliefs.  So rights were in fact granted that other people didn't have at the time. 

What you're saying is this right is given to the selected people that prayed on the job. What I'm saying is EVERYONE was given the right to pray on the job.
No, what I'm saying is that the laws were changed specifically to protect those individuals who needed to pray on the job.  Just as the marriage laws would be changed specifically to protect those that want to marry a person of the same sex. 

So essentially, at that time your religious beliefs did entitle you to an additional right.  The right to pray on the job is an additional right that wasn't available to people.  Yes, everyone does end up being granted that right, just like two straight men would be able get married, but whether they decide to exercise that right would be their choice. 

It's not about protecting a specific group. it is about allowing for all.


you don't have to accept it. BUT you can't express your hate towards people being gay. if that's the case then they should have EVERY RIGHT to express hatred towards heterosexual beings.
This how the arguments in here have gone.

A: I don't accept gay marriage.
B: Why not?
A: If you support gay marriage, why not incestuous marriage?
B: Incestuous marriage is fine, as long as the couple does not have children due to probable birth defects.
A: WHAT!?!?!? You support incest? I can't believe you. You're disgusting.
B: Ok, now what about the original argument?
A: I'm done. I can't talk with a person who supports incest.
A: Let's talk about polygamy now.
B: sigh. facepalm.
Originally Posted by NikeAirForce1

This how the arguments in here have gone.

A: I don't accept gay marriage.
B: Why not?
A: If you support gay marriage, why not incestuous marriage?
B: Incestuous marriage is fine, as long as the couple does not have children due to probable birth defects.
A: WHAT!?!?!? You support incest? I can't believe you. You're disgusting.
B: Ok, now what about the original argument?
A: I'm done. I can't talk with a person who supports incest.
A: Let's talk about polygamy now.
B: sigh. facepalm.


they are trying to find a back door to prove themselves right because aside from "i dont like it" they have no fight.
Originally Posted by foxdawg2000

OH boy these people just don't get that ...

Heterosexuals get to marry 1 person and reap the benefits..

Homosexuals (in most places) do not get to marry 1 person and reap the benefits..

It's a 1 to 1, that includes the exact same circumstance except a different preference in who you're marrying..One is legal in most places and another is not..

I believe that is wrong and clearly unfair...

both are 1+1 = marriage...If you cannot see that I don't know what to tell you...

Polygamy may be a desire of many but it's illegality is not exclusive to any particular group... White, Black, Red or Green gay or str8.. Although it may or may not limit the freedoms of some that desire to enact their something the law does not exclude anybody in particular it excludes all...

If polygamy is made legal one day (tax code will obviously have to change) I'd hope that it isn't made legal only for white gays .. or black heteros... It's made legal for all.. Do you see the difference?

If you want to go there we can use prostitution as an example.. Illegal for gays illegal for str8s.. Illegal for children.. Illegal for adults... No group is excluded from the law.. If one group is eventually included all groups should be.. correct? Does that make sense?

Nah seems like you dont get it

Marriage in this country was originally for 1 man and 1 woman. 1x + 1y = marriage

If you decide to change one variable the whole equation is different. So why not just blow the whole thing up?

You want to change marriage but only to benefit one group. 
Originally Posted by NikeAirForce1

This how the arguments in here have gone.

A: I don't accept gay marriage.
B: Why not?
A: If you support gay marriage, why not incestuous marriage?
B: Incestuous marriage is fine, as long as the couple does not have children due to probable birth defects.
A: WHAT!?!?!? You support incest? I can't believe you. You're disgusting.
B: Ok, now what about the original argument?
A: I'm done. I can't talk with a person who supports incest.
A: Let's talk about polygamy now.
B: sigh. facepalm.

When you say it out loud I should've stopped after my first post.
Originally Posted by cartune

Marriage in this country was originally for 1 man and 1 woman. 1x + 1y = marriage

If you decide to change one variable the whole equation is different. So why not just blow the whole thing up?

As if the original sanctity of marriage still exists
I dont know why you're so hell bent on defending something that half the participants decide to renege on in short time. I agree, why not just blow up the idea of marriage? Also, this isn't about a church's view of marriage, it's about the government recognition.

You want to change marriage but only to benefit one group.

So if there's a minority being discriminated against, it's just fine to leave the broken system the way it is?
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by foxdawg2000

OH boy these people just don't get that ...

Heterosexuals get to marry 1 person and reap the benefits..

Homosexuals (in most places) do not get to marry 1 person and reap the benefits..

It's a 1 to 1, that includes the exact same circumstance except a different preference in who you're marrying..One is legal in most places and another is not..

I believe that is wrong and clearly unfair...

both are 1+1 = marriage...If you cannot see that I don't know what to tell you...

Polygamy may be a desire of many but it's illegality is not exclusive to any particular group... White, Black, Red or Green gay or str8.. Although it may or may not limit the freedoms of some that desire to enact their something the law does not exclude anybody in particular it excludes all...

If polygamy is made legal one day (tax code will obviously have to change) I'd hope that it isn't made legal only for white gays .. or black heteros... It's made legal for all.. Do you see the difference?

If you want to go there we can use prostitution as an example.. Illegal for gays illegal for str8s.. Illegal for children.. Illegal for adults... No group is excluded from the law.. If one group is eventually included all groups should be.. correct? Does that make sense?

Nah seems like you dont get it

Marriage in this country was originally for 1 man and 1 woman. 1x + 1y = marriage

If you decide to change one variable the whole equation is different. So why not just blow the whole thing up?

You want to change marriage but only to benefit one group. 
That's because marriage only benefits one group right now 
 we want to give homosexuals the SAME rights as heterosexuals.
Marriage originally being "one man and one woman" in the secular, legal context went out the window the moment the government decided to grant special benefits to married couples.
I read the first 2 pages and I'm sure the other 19+ pages are full of sillyputty wearing out his keyboard , anton neglecting his studies to refute everyones point, and anti-gay people using arguments like incest to prove their point. Standard NT homosexuality thread

But I'll answer OP's question:

I used to think the same as you until I came to the conclusion that it doesn't matter. Does gays getting married really affect us? No it doesn't. The media focuses on gay rights not because they advocate it or condone it, but because it is a topic that draws an audience, thus increasing their revenue. The day it stops causing a reaction by both sides is the day the media will stop focusing on it. You don't have to condone homosexuality. If MTV is showing two guys kissing, change the channel. If a teacher is teaching your kids about gays, you have the right to enroll them in a different school or switch to a different teacher. Homosexuality is becoming a social norm and whether you and I like it or not, we don't have the right right to discriminate against them. We should take care of our families, enforce whatever beliefs you want to in your own family, and let other people do the same.

Nobody agrees 100% on an issue, but their are groups in our country that feel the need to have their beliefs forced on everyone. If you disagree you are a right wing moron or a left wing idiot. When both groups realize that their are WAY bigger issues our country faces (like the economy, wars etc.) issues like this will seem irrelevant.

IMO let the gays have the same rights as everyone else, with the understanding that they are a minority. They are a minority not in America, but in the entire world. Not everyone is gonna be cool with them (myself included), but why should that matter? There are still people against interracial marriage, but legally its allowed so why does their opinion matter? If it is that much of a problem in schools and the workplace, then do the same thing that was done with church and state and separate them. Christianity isnt supposed to be taught in public schools, and homosexuality doesnt have to be either.
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by foxdawg2000

OH boy these people just don't get that ...

Heterosexuals get to marry 1 person and reap the benefits..

Homosexuals (in most places) do not get to marry 1 person and reap the benefits..

It's a 1 to 1, that includes the exact same circumstance except a different preference in who you're marrying..One is legal in most places and another is not..

I believe that is wrong and clearly unfair...

both are 1+1 = marriage...If you cannot see that I don't know what to tell you...

Polygamy may be a desire of many but it's illegality is not exclusive to any particular group... White, Black, Red or Green gay or str8.. Although it may or may not limit the freedoms of some that desire to enact their something the law does not exclude anybody in particular it excludes all...

If polygamy is made legal one day (tax code will obviously have to change) I'd hope that it isn't made legal only for white gays .. or black heteros... It's made legal for all.. Do you see the difference?

If you want to go there we can use prostitution as an example.. Illegal for gays illegal for str8s.. Illegal for children.. Illegal for adults... No group is excluded from the law.. If one group is eventually included all groups should be.. correct? Does that make sense?

Nah seems like you dont get it

Marriage in this country was originally for 1 man and 1 woman. 1x + 1y = marriage

If you decide to change one variable the whole equation is different. So why not just blow the whole thing up?

You want to change marriage but only to benefit one group. 
Well in that case fam.. Voting in this country was originally for 1 white man only...

When we decided to change that did it make the whole equation different? Did we throw out voting rights and scrap that portion of  the constitution?

No we amended it.. Hence the  15th amendment.. An inclusive action on the part of gov't to include certain groups that were denied certain rights..

 Did those things stop people from having a certain attitude against black folks... NO.. Will legalizing gay marriage make it anymore "accepted" by Bible dwellers that somehow feel a pain in their bum every time two gay folks are seen at the altar.. highly unlikely... but that's beside the point..

.. By giving marriage rights to all groups of people they'll have to recognize it under the law..... Just like white people that still to this day hate the fact that black folks can vote..

You sir don't comprehend simple concepts and your argument is archaic...

"That's just how it was and how it was meant to be" 

Your quotes sound like those of an old confederate unwilling to let go of antebellum law..

And Yes changing the law will benefit one group, a group that is being discriminated against just as blacks were discriminated against by law.. until that law was changed
Originally Posted by AZwildcats

I read the first 2 pages and I'm sure the other 19+ pages are full of sillyputty wearing out his keyboard , anton neglecting his studies to refute everyones point, and anti-gay people using arguments like incest to prove their point. Standard NT homosexuality thread

Good guess

Christianity isnt supposed to be taught in public schools, and homosexuality doesnt have to be either.
But, homosexuality isn't being taught in schools. It's actually being ignored and buried for the most part. Until I started college, I had no idea the impact gay people have had on this country's history. They 'gay' parts of history are ignored during K-12 almost as much as the things that America's ashamed of (save for the Slave Trade, which imo still isn't being taught to the extent it should).
Gay marriage shouldn't even be the main issue, but it is due to its coverage in the media.

Sexual orientation (and gender identity, but that's a separate issue) is still not a protected class at the federal level and in over half of the states. That means a person can be fired from his or her job because of his or her sexual orientation. IMO this issue is more important than marriage.

I wonder how many of you against same-sex marriage also think sexual orientation shouldn't be a protected class...
Originally Posted by foxdawg2000

Well in that case fam.. Voting in this country was originally for 1 white man only...

When we decided to change that did it make the whole equation different? Did we throw out voting rights and scrap that portion of  the constitution?

No we amended it.. Hence the  15th amendment.. An inclusive action on the part of gov't to include certain groups that were denied certain rights..

And Yes changing the law will benefit one group, a group that is being discriminated against just as blacks were discriminated against by law.. until that law was changed

Your contradicting yourself
The right to vote was for 1 white man with land

Then the 15th amendment allowed black men to vote still only benefiting one group (Males)

Then women were granted the right to vote. 

So yes eventually they blew it up and gave EVERYONE a right to vote over 18. 

So Polygamists are therefore being discriminated against if you say marriage is no longer between a man and a woman but your group still cant get married just this one.

If you're going to break the original mold for one group you got to give it to everyone. 

Thats Civil Rights 
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by foxdawg2000

Well in that case fam.. Voting in this country was originally for 1 white man only...

When we decided to change that did it make the whole equation different? Did we throw out voting rights and scrap that portion of  the constitution?

No we amended it.. Hence the  15th amendment.. An inclusive action on the part of gov't to include certain groups that were denied certain rights..

And Yes changing the law will benefit one group, a group that is being discriminated against just as blacks were discriminated against by law.. until that law was changed

Your contradicting yourself
The right to vote was for 1 white man with land

Then the 15th amendment allowed black men to vote still only benefiting one group (Males)

Then women were granted the right to vote. 

So yes eventually they blew it up and gave EVERYONE a right to vote over 18. 

So Polygamists are therefore being discriminated against if you say marriage is no longer between a man and a woman but your group still cant get married just this one.

If you're going to break the original mold for one group you got to give it to everyone. 

Thats Civil Rights 

I like to thank the OP for making this thread. Finally there are still people on this earth with some "sense"
I too noticed the media is shoving homosexuality more and more into our programming.
It's funny if you don't accept it you're called a "hater"
First thing first... dont try to compare racial inequality to homosexual rights because they are totally different.

I seriously can't fathom how a non-gay male can actually stick up for gays. Why? What's the gain?
BET won't show any uplifting black shows (word to menace to society on Christmas day)
On tv they show more and more women being usely objects of society
Students come out of college with huge debt and no job....

But oh wait, more important issue... a guy kissing another guy and you say "im ok with that... it's there life"

Welcome to the generation"i dont care" ...next stop "get over it" town on your left.
/end rant
Originally Posted by Oe3x

I like to thank the OP for making this thread. Finally there are still people on this earth with some "sense"
I too noticed the media is shoving homosexuality more and more into our programming.
It's funny if you don't accept it you're called a "hater"
First thing first... dont try to compare racial inequality to homosexual rights because they are totally different.

I seriously can't fathom how a non-gay male can actually stick up for gays. Why? What's the gain?
BET won't show any uplifting black shows (word to menace to society on Christmas day)
On tv they show more and more women being usely objects of society
Students come out of college with huge debt and no job....

But oh wait, more important issue... a guy kissing another guy and you say "im ok with that... it's there life"

Welcome to the generation"i dont care" ...next stop "get over it" town on your left.
/end rant

do us all a favor and dont ever post in a thread that requires even the slightest form of intelligence.
Originally Posted by Oe3x

Troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll
Troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll
Troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll
Troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll

Troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll
Troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll
Troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll
Troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll

Troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll

Troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll
Troll troll

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by foxdawg2000

Well in that case fam.. Voting in this country was originally for 1 white man only...

When we decided to change that did it make the whole equation different? Did we throw out voting rights and scrap that portion of  the constitution?

No we amended it.. Hence the  15th amendment.. An inclusive action on the part of gov't to include certain groups that were denied certain rights..

And Yes changing the law will benefit one group, a group that is being discriminated against just as blacks were discriminated against by law.. until that law was changed

Your contradicting yourself
The right to vote was for 1 white man with land

Then the 15th amendment allowed black men to vote still only benefiting one group (Males)

Then women were granted the right to vote. 

So yes eventually they blew it up and gave EVERYONE a right to vote over 18. 

So Polygamists are therefore being discriminated against if you say marriage is no longer between a man and a woman but your group still cant get married just this one.

If you're going to break the original mold for one group you got to give it to everyone. 

Thats Civil Rights 

exactly ^^
Originally Posted by Oe3x

I like to thank the OP for making this thread. Finally there are still people on this earth with some "sense"
I too noticed the media is shoving homosexuality more and more into our programming.
It's funny if you don't accept it you're called a "hater"
First thing first... dont try to compare racial inequality to homosexual rights because they are totally different.

I seriously can't fathom how a non-gay male can actually stick up for gays. Why? What's the gain?
BET won't show any uplifting black shows (word to menace to society on Christmas day)
On tv they show more and more women being usely objects of society
Students come out of college with huge debt and no job....

But oh wait, more important issue... a guy kissing another guy and you say "im ok with that... it's there life"

Welcome to the generation"i dont care" ...next stop "get over it" town on your left.
/end rant
Originally Posted by 00david00

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by foxdawg2000

Well in that case fam.. Voting in this country was originally for 1 white man only...

When we decided to change that did it make the whole equation different? Did we throw out voting rights and scrap that portion of  the constitution?

No we amended it.. Hence the  15th amendment.. An inclusive action on the part of gov't to include certain groups that were denied certain rights..

And Yes changing the law will benefit one group, a group that is being discriminated against just as blacks were discriminated against by law.. until that law was changed

Your contradicting yourself
The right to vote was for 1 white man with land

Then the 15th amendment allowed black men to vote still only benefiting one group (Males)

Then women were granted the right to vote. 

So yes eventually they blew it up and gave EVERYONE a right to vote over 18. 

So Polygamists are therefore being discriminated against if you say marriage is no longer between a man and a woman but your group still cant get married just this one.

If you're going to break the original mold for one group you got to give it to everyone. 

Thats Civil Rights 
exactly ^^
How long did it take you guys to get this good at mental gymnastics? Semi-serious. I'd rather you guys just be honest like some of the other posters in this thread and just say that you're against homosexuality in principle. This faux concern for legalizing polygamy is disingenuous. Because marriage is equal between heterosexual and homosexual couples, that suddenly means it's okay for heterosexual or homosexuals or whatever else lays between to marry more than one person? I just can not see how you guys are reaching that conclusion. It's illogical.
Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by AZwildcats

I read the first 2 pages and I'm sure the other 19+ pages are full of sillyputty wearing out his keyboard , anton neglecting his studies to refute everyones point, and anti-gay people using arguments like incest to prove their point. Standard NT homosexuality thread

Good guess

Christianity isnt supposed to be taught in public schools, and homosexuality doesnt have to be either.
But, homosexuality isn't being taught in schools. It's actually being ignored and buried for the most part. Until I started college, I had no idea the impact gay people have had on this country's history. They 'gay' parts of history are ignored during K-12 almost as much as the things that America's ashamed of (save for the Slave Trade, which imo still isn't being taught to the extent it should).

Unfortunately a lot of this country's history is left out of school curriculum's. Thing about homosexuality is it is one of those subjects that will cause a ruffle with the parents and school board. Remember sex ed classes when we were younger? Or the pledge of allegiance issue with the word "God"? Or even people complaining that Christmas break should be changed to winter break? People make big deals out of things like this. I dont see why homosexuality, like religion, even needs to be taught in public schools.
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