Why am I persecuted for NOT accepting homosexuality..

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Really the create life argument? With that logic women or men who can not have children shouldn't be allowed to get married either right? I mean why get in a relationship/marriage if you not creating life?

"According to some" is not according to ALL. You should see where that argument fails from the jump.

Its not an argument its a fact. Did i agree with it or say it should be a reason why same sex shouldnt get married NO. The guy posted there is no difference when ppl have same sex vs. ppl who are of opposite sex. And there is infact a difference. I didnt say all str8 ppl have sex to create life, what i said is that some do and all homosexual sex is strickly for enjoyment. Its not an argument its simply a fact. So how exactly is that a fail? Unless you can provide evidence where same sex can create life. And some ppl believe it or not that marriage and creating life and having a family is what the basis of having a relationship. That is the og. basis of marriage.

Thats all i was saying is thats some ppl stand on why it is wrong. And it isnt a argument its stating facts. whether ppl believe this way because of religion, prejudice ideals, whatever it stills exist.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

I have no problem with polygamy honestly as long as they're consenting adults...even though it would be legally unprecedented and would uproot the tax code...

I have no problem with incest as long as they're consenting adults and know the heightened genetic risks.

I have a problem with bestiality as other species have no verifiable way of granting consent.

BUT...Gays can't do ANY of these things.

which is ultimately why I don't understand the concept of marriage in the first place. I'm against ALL forms of marriage because its a stupid concept at the end of the day. Society is moving past it.

totally agreed, marriage in todays form is nothing more than a spectacle. its the same as when ppl buy expensive cars, shoes clothes etc... Its nothing more than a big hoopla, showcase to be a braggard. Alot of guys is like nah nah its all about love is lying to themselves and they no it. i mentioned this in the why get married thread awhile back and a proposed a question and merely a guestiment. I stated im pretty sure 80-85% of ppl who are married if they didnt buy a ring, spend tons of money and made a showcase of it all, and simply went with we been together x amount of yrs i love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you, they wouldnt be married or better yet wouldnt even be in a relationship anymore.

Im positive moreso than not if we took iuno 100 couples and dudes just stated i love you wanna be with you got on bended knees and did so without a ring, and said no wedding dress, no big specticle, no hoopla, just simply we will be together. Out that 100 im confident in saying 80-85 of those couples probably wouldnt get married or hell not even be in a relationship anymore.
Not even going to get into everything being spoken about but I do NOT believe 100% of homosexuals were born that way.

Example...some of those Penn State accusers are homosexual. You really think that @%++ that was going on at 7,8,9 years old didn't have ANYTHING to do with that?
Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

Ninjahood, +%* does a man throwing himself off a bridge because of the shame he had from filming a sextape with another man have to do with anything?
gee wiz, i dunno..maybe, juuust maybe he knew he wasn't gonna da same person in society anymore...then again you don't see kim kardashian buying da farm after her sex tape leaked.
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Really the create life argument? With that logic women or men who can not have children shouldn't be allowed to get married either right? I mean why get in a relationship/marriage if you not creating life?

"According to some" is not according to ALL. You should see where that argument fails from the jump.
Its not an argument its a fact. Did i agree with it or say it should be a reason why same sex shouldnt get married NO. The guy posted there is no difference when ppl have same sex vs. ppl who are of opposite sex. And there is infact a difference. I didnt say all str8 ppl have sex to create life, what i said is that some do and all homosexual sex is strickly for enjoyment. Its not an argument its simply a fact. So how exactly is that a fail? Unless you can provide evidence where same sex can create life. And some ppl believe it or not that marriage and creating life and having a family is what the basis of having a relationship. That is the og. basis of marriage.

Thats all i was saying is thats some ppl stand on why it is wrong. And it isnt a argument its stating facts. whether ppl believe this way because of religion, prejudice ideals, whatever it stills exist.
What is a fact? Procreation has nothing to do with marriage. You can create life without being married. Those ppl, whoever they are, that according to some is irrelevant.


You just saying things now. It's not a point. A man and woman can create life, that's a fact but it has nothing to do with this topic.

What you're saying has nothing to do with the topic at all.
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Whatever makes you feel better. Just remember this thread and many of the responses when you're out in public and someone
pops you in the mouth for saying something that you thought wasn't racist or offensive, just cause you didn't recognize your
own ignorance. Many people aren't as kind and helpful as me to point that out for you.

at some point in their life ignorance will always be corrected (albeit not in the proper fashion) by someone that doesn't have the patience for their nonsense.
i just sit back, 
, and let the nonsense spew.

i stopped debating with people a long time ago because 90% of people will just regress in the pyramid of proper debate the longer the argument lasts.

no matter what you say or even the facts behind your argument people will continue to believe what they believe no matter how asinine their opinion is.
Definitely man. I think I may just start sticking to the women appreciation threads and keep out of these hate haven threads, cause at least in
those threads, everything is truly subjective and opinionated. In these threads, people seem to avoid facts presented to them and pass their
opinions off of the truth, however ignorant and nonfactual their opinions may be.

really? because this started when you called my opinions "hatemonger" but couldn't provide facts and than turned around to saying some dudes might take what i say personal. like really son?
Originally Posted by a55a5in11

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by brasilianmami

at some point in their life ignorance will always be corrected (albeit not in the proper fashion) by someone that doesn't have the patience for their nonsense.
i just sit back, 
, and let the nonsense spew.

i stopped debating with people a long time ago because 90% of people will just regress in the pyramid of proper debate the longer the argument lasts.

no matter what you say or even the facts behind your argument people will continue to believe what they believe no matter how asinine their opinion is.
Definitely man. I think I may just start sticking to the women appreciation threads and keep out of these hate haven threads, cause at least in
those threads, everything is truly subjective and opinionated. In these threads, people seem to avoid facts presented to them and pass their
opinions off of the truth, however ignorant and nonfactual their opinions may be.

really? because this started when you called my opinions "hatemonger" but couldn't provide facts and than turned around to saying some dudes might take what i say personal. like really son?

Already said my piece. Logout your account.
Originally Posted by hugebird

Originally Posted by devildog1776

i find it to be disgusting ..... i believe that homosexuality should be ignored... if your gay , so what. I dont care for their supposed rights or desires. It means nothing to me.

If they want to marry go ahead.... Im not religious so the act wouldnt bother me.... If they do decide to get married i think they shouldnt be allowed to be divorced.

It aint like them getting married will stop my P flow or turn me gay... i just find it disturbing that gays always want to promote being gay while straight people just live straight...
I imagine that people that are "disgusted" by homosexuality aren't going to turn away in disgust if they see two beautiful girls going at it.

Once again, I am having trouble figuring out if people are being sincere or trolling, because I seriously don't believe that anyone can be earnest and have this line of thought.
This is how I feel about it: I think homosexuals should have the same rights as anyone else and if they want to get married etc that's fine by me as it's not my job to tell them how to live their life. I know and have hung out with gay people many times and I treat them with the same respect I would anyone else. 
That being said, if I see two gay guys making out, that's gonna gross me out a little bit. Why? Because I'm not attracted to men. If some other guy is, that's fine, but that doesn't mean I necessarily can fathom how he is, or not be somewhat grossed out by it. I'm not attracted to fat girls either and I would be just as grossed out to see two straight fat people going at it, or my parents making out for that matter. Maybe it makes me immature or shallow but I don't want to see or think about somebody in a sexual context if they aren't attractive to me, and it's just not within me at all to understand seeing another guy in that light. Hell, sometimes I can't even believe that WOMEN are attracted to men.

On the other hand, in the example you mentioned of two beautiful girls going at it, I'm attracted to both of them so that doesn't bother me at all. If I saw two morbidly obese girls going at it that would gross me out just as much as two guys. It doesn't mean that I hate fat people or treat them like any less of a person, merely that I don't want to see or think about them in a sexual context because they are unattractive to me. I'm not saying gay people shouldn't be allowed to show affection, merely that I should have the right to be grossed out by whatever the hell I want to be grossed out by without being accused of being intolerant. 

Also for all the people that talk about having a mother and father as the best environment to raise a child, I agree with that but it's not my job or the government's job to impart our opinions on others about how they live their lives or raise their kids IMO. I don't think a poor 15 year old single mom raising a kid, or a nuclear family with an alcoholic father, is the best environment to raise a child either, but it's not my place to prevent those people from getting married or bringing a child into the world. 
I don't understand the procreation argument...

By that measure, we should get ride of any and all prophylactics should be made illegal and casual sex AND masturbation AND anal sex (gay or straight) should be illegal

Fleshlights, dolls, and other non-vaginal tools should be illegal.

Some times people like to screw any and everything.

NO one is telling you to do these things...just to get out of the way of those that DO enjoy these things.
Originally Posted by throwedyonasb

yall dudes gettin real hurt over opinions

race is not equal to sexuality... i hate these dudes pointing minority rights like its the same thing.

my take on the whole situation : i really dont care, nor do i have hope for this country. i dont give a *@!+ what these fools marry now. @%#% they can get with bambi for all i care.

legalize weed and leave me the hell alone. gays/******s yall can marry each other. if your attracted to animals, go find a significant other at the spca. if your down to get down with your pops, get your johnson on.. 
i dont care anymore.   


Pls do not the tarnish legacies of the late Dr. King, X, Parks, etc with this nonsense.
Race is visible. Sexual orientation is as visible as you want to make it. End of discussion.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by devildog1776

If they want to marry go ahead.... Im not religious so the act wouldnt bother me.... If they do decide to get married i think they shouldnt be allowed to be divorced.

i just woke up and started typing whatever i felt
Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

Not even going to get into everything being spoken about but I do NOT believe 100% of homosexuals were born that way.

Example...some of those Penn State accusers are homosexual. You really think that @%++ that was going on at 7,8,9 years old didn't have ANYTHING to do with that?

I know people like to say people are or arent born gay, but there is no proof either way. Pro-gay activists point towards a study of the difference in the hypothalamus of gay boys compared to straight boys in 1991 by Dr. LaVey (an openly gay scientist). This study has been proven to have "technical flaws" and "inaccurate results". He himself said it wasn't supposed to prove being gay is innate and genetic.
I'm sure that hormone imbalances at an embryonic stage causes some men to have sexual differentiation events in terms of their orientation, but it hasnt been proven yet. To me it makes more sense that enviromental factors are more immediate causes for a change in orientation.
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by throwedyonasb

yall dudes gettin real hurt over opinions

race is not equal to sexuality... i hate these dudes pointing minority rights like its the same thing.

my take on the whole situation : i really dont care, nor do i have hope for this country. i dont give a *@!+ what these fools marry now. @%#% they can get with bambi for all i care.

legalize weed and leave me the hell alone. gays/******s yall can marry each other. if your attracted to animals, go find a significant other at the spca. if your down to get down with your pops, get your johnson on.. 
i dont care anymore.   


Pls do not the tarnish legacies of the late Dr. King, X, Parks, etc with this nonsense.
Race is visible. Sexual orientation is as visible as you want to make it. End of discussion.

It doesn't matter if it's not the same thing. These people are being denied human rights that everyone else has. Is that fair? No. Is that legal? No. OK, gays don't have it as bad as African Americans did...does this make this less of an injustice? No, because in the end, both groups were denied equality. I don't know how people fail to grasp this concept. It's not a contest about who suffered more, it is a fight for equal rights that should be available for everyone. You don't have to accept them, fine, but you wanna spread ignorance around and keep them from marrying each other? End of discussion.
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by throwedyonasb

yall dudes gettin real hurt over opinions

race is not equal to sexuality... i hate these dudes pointing minority rights like its the same thing.

my take on the whole situation : i really dont care, nor do i have hope for this country. i dont give a *@!+ what these fools marry now. @%#% they can get with bambi for all i care.

legalize weed and leave me the hell alone. gays/******s yall can marry each other. if your attracted to animals, go find a significant other at the spca. if your down to get down with your pops, get your johnson on.. 
i dont care anymore.   


Pls do not the tarnish legacies of the late Dr. King, X, Parks, etc with this nonsense.
Race is visible. Sexual orientation is as visible as you want to make it. End of discussion.
What's funny to me is that in a little over 1 generation black folks have forgotten what it means to be discriminated against....

I'm not making a case that marriage is a wonderful thing.. I'm making the case that all people should be aloud to take that step if desired..

I can make 3 bets about this^ guy

1) The majority of individuals who are against gay rights identify themselves are a certain religion or faith and admittedly or not that is the reason behind their Stigma vs homosexuals (christian, muslim etc)  He is one of these...

2) he's obsessed with talking down on homosexual relations but would never acknowledge that his "hero" Malcolm X had homosexual relations numerous times in his life..admittedly, and even served as a gay prostitute..  (does that make him less of a man? )

3) MLK was a repeated adulterer and by traditional Christian standards was a horrible husband.. He lied and cheated on Coretta numerous times ... Do I respect his work any less? Not at all, but as a married man he was terrible...

So are you championing heterosexual marriage because it is the christian norm or because it is proven to be more perfect?  Marriage failures are at an all time high nationally and most black children are born out of wedlock.. Marriage and procreation synonymous, I think not... You of all people should know this because you speak so highly of "black" leaders I'd think you had a feel of the pulse "your people"...

Just helping you with your history
Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

Not even going to get into everything being spoken about but I do NOT believe 100% of homosexuals were born that way.

Example...some of those Penn State accusers are homosexual. You really think that @%++ that was going on at 7,8,9 years old didn't have ANYTHING to do with that?

I know people like to say people are or arent born gay, but there is no proof either way. Pro-gay activists point towards a study of the difference in the hypothalamus of gay boys compared to straight boys in 1991 by Dr. LaVey (an openly gay scientist). This study has been proven to have "technical flaws" and "inaccurate results". He himself said it wasn't supposed to prove being gay is innate and genetic.
I'm sure that hormone imbalances at an embryonic stage causes some men to have sexual differentiation events in terms of their orientation, but it hasnt been proven yet. To me it makes more sense that enviromental factors are more immediate causes for a change in orientation.
I'm with you. I don't believe it's one way or the other. I just find it ridiculous when people completely dismiss the notion that someone can be conditioned or choose to be that way. 
if u that mad over gay people either:

1.  you scared of something that is outside of your comfort zone
2.  you like dudes and you're not comfortable with yourself
3.  a chick stole your girl // you jealous that some girls get more ( | ) than you

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Really the create life argument? With that logic women or men who can not have children shouldn't be allowed to get married either right? I mean why get in a relationship/marriage if you not creating life?

"According to some" is not according to ALL. You should see where that argument fails from the jump.
Its not an argument its a fact. Did i agree with it or say it should be a reason why same sex shouldnt get married NO. The guy posted there is no difference when ppl have same sex vs. ppl who are of opposite sex. And there is infact a difference. I didnt say all str8 ppl have sex to create life, what i said is that some do and all homosexual sex is strickly for enjoyment. Its not an argument its simply a fact. So how exactly is that a fail? Unless you can provide evidence where same sex can create life. And some ppl believe it or not that marriage and creating life and having a family is what the basis of having a relationship. That is the og. basis of marriage.

Thats all i was saying is thats some ppl stand on why it is wrong. And it isnt a argument its stating facts. whether ppl believe this way because of religion, prejudice ideals, whatever it stills exist.
What is a fact? Procreation has nothing to do with marriage. You can create life without being married. Those ppl, whoever they are, that according to some is irrelevant.


You just saying things now. It's not a point. A man and woman can create life, that's a fact but it has nothing to do with this topic.

What you're saying has nothing to do with the topic at all.

never said it was. all i stated was is that some ppl believe and historically its been that date-marry-family. and i also stated that for fact that homosexual sex is nothing more then for personal gratification and enjoyment only. my response was to the person who said same sex and hetero sex is the same. i simply said the reasons for why both have sex arent the same.

to be honest half of everything discussed the last 5-10 pages has nothing to do with the topic to be quite honest. It went from homosexuals acceptance and its overemphasis in the media, to is it morally right, to civil right movements, to all sorts of topics.
Originally Posted by foxdawg2000

Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by throwedyonasb

yall dudes gettin real hurt over opinions

race is not equal to sexuality... i hate these dudes pointing minority rights like its the same thing.

my take on the whole situation : i really dont care, nor do i have hope for this country. i dont give a *@!+ what these fools marry now. @%#% they can get with bambi for all i care.

legalize weed and leave me the hell alone. gays/******s yall can marry each other. if your attracted to animals, go find a significant other at the spca. if your down to get down with your pops, get your johnson on.. 
i dont care anymore.   


Pls do not the tarnish legacies of the late Dr. King, X, Parks, etc with this nonsense.
Race is visible. Sexual orientation is as visible as you want to make it. End of discussion.
What's funny to me is that in a little over 1 generation black folks have forgotten what it means to be discriminated against....

I'm not making a case that marriage is a wonderful thing.. I'm making the case that all people should be aloud to take that step if desired..

I can make 3 bets about this^ guy

1) The majority of individuals who are against gay rights identify themselves are a certain religion or faith and admittedly or not that is the reason behind their Stigma vs homosexuals (christian, muslim etc)  He is one of these...

2) he's obsessed with talking down on homosexual relations but would never acknowledge that his "hero" Malcolm X had homosexual relations numerous times in his life..admittedly, and even served as a gay prostitute..  (does that make him less of a man? )

3) MLK was a repeated adulterer and by traditional Christian standards was a horrible husband.. He lied and cheated on Coretta numerous times ... Do I respect his work any less? Not at all, but as a married man he was terrible...

So are you championing heterosexual marriage because it is the christian norm or because it is proven to be more perfect?  Marriage failures are at an all time high nationally and most black children are born out of wedlock.. Marriage and procreation synonymous, I think not... You of all people should know this because you speak so highly of "black" leaders I'd think you had a feel of the pulse "your people"...

Just helping you with your history
Agreed with the exception of the malcolm comment, not that it matters but im not sure of him being bi-sexual. This was alledged and has no absolute truths to it. Manning Marable who states this in his biography which i have read, only evidence of alledged he say she say. Almost on some i heard a friend who said that they heard that kinda deal. In those cases i tend not to take it as a absolute truth.

Also he stated that he got his info from ppl in his camp etc and was there when x spoke on the subject, yet no names of who these so called ppl are. another is he said he based it on readings of malcolms personal diary. Thing is malcolms daughter awhile ago was on tv and had his original diary and said it has nothing in there that even speaks on the subject.

i mean its possible it does and she doesnt want ppl to associate homosexuality with her father. But at the same token, considering who her father was, and what he stood for it would kinda tarnished a miniscule his legacy, a legacy that is miniscule and hardly talked about and recognized already.

i know a little off the topic but just felt that it needed to be addressed. But with mlk i mean it goes without saying. same as andrew young did drugs, hosea williams was a severe alcoholic so on and so forth.

The divorce rate of straight couples is well over 40% and it should serve as a catalyst to show that marriage shouldn't only be granted to straight couples.
Many straight couples are getting divorced, why shouldn't gays get the opportunity to get married?
Statistics have already proven that a marriage between a man and a woman aren't perfect.

Isn't the point of getting married to be committed to your partner, not solely to procreate?
If marriage was only for procreation, why do people say their vows?
What's the point of having a big ceremony, ring, etc if all they intend to do is create another human?

Even if gays are only marrying for the benefits, why don't they deserve them?
Straight couples reap the benefits of marriage, why can't gays do the same?
Whether it be gays wanting to get married for love or for financial benefit, it's within their constitutional right to do so.

To the people that are mad that people are comparing the civil(every group) rights movement to the gay(one group) rights movement.
Do you guys look at yourselves and ask "What am I doing to make this world a better place for other people and the people yet to be born?"
Even if you are making the world a better for other people, why does it seem like you're putting gays at the bottom of your to-help list?

What is the point of classifying each group's struggles?
Blacks had it harder than gays, okay we get it, but how is stating that furthering this discussion?
The people supporting the gays are still going to compare what needs to be compared, such as the parallel ignorance of pro-Jim Crow supporters and anti-gay supporters.
I only read the first page to know where this was going to go. 
. I don't think a place like NT can handle such issues. Yeah, there is some lessons learned here, but on the whole, where do topics like this get us? No one learns a damn thing and a lot of people act like meatheads. That faction of people are allowed their opinion and that's fine, I respect it. But for the most part, their analogies are misguided and not valid. I'm begging the mods to please ban any topic dealing with race, sexuality, religion etc. Not in the sense of censoring those who want to express their views, but for the sake of learning anything and enlightenment. You can argue, "then don't read the thread"; and I do not read every single thread pertaining to this. However, every time I do decide to read a topic of this nature, it gets out of hand very quickly and it contains a lot of finger pointing as well as snarky, racist and/or sexist remarks. I know the majority of NT members are young, but some of you still have a lot to learn and apparently this isn't the place for people to gain any type of positive perspective. So mods, please amend your rules to ban this nonsense. I'd like to think the NT community is better than this.
Originally Posted by beh235

I only read the first page to know where this was going to go. 
. I don't think a place like NT can handle such issues. Yeah, there is some lessons learned here, but on the whole, where do topics like this get us? No one learns a damn thing and a lot of people act like meatheads. That faction of people are allowed their opinion and that's fine, I respect it. But for the most part, their analogies are misguided and not valid. I'm begging the mods to please ban any topic dealing with race, sexuality, religion etc. Not in the sense of censoring those who want to express their views, but for the sake of learning anything and enlightenment. You can argue, "then don't read the thread"; and I do not read every single thread pertaining to this. However, every time I do decide to read a topic of this nature, it gets out of hand very quickly and it contains a lot of finger pointing as well as snarky, racist and/or sexist remarks. I know the majority of NT members are young, but some of you still have a lot to learn and apparently this isn't the place for people to gain any type of positive perspective. So mods, please amend your rules to ban this nonsense. I'd like to think the NT community is better than this.
I think topics like this should be discussed, banning them isn't going to solve anything.
That's like shoving everything under your bed to clean your room.
Having an honest discussion where NTers aren't insulting each other is the only solution I see.
That way, NT as a whole can gain some understanding from NTers' with different perspectives.
If you don't read every thread pertaining to these issues, then I highly doubt you honestly care if topics like these are banned.
Originally Posted by beh235

I only read the first page to know where this was going to go. 
. I don't think a place like NT can handle such issues. Yeah, there is some lessons learned here, but on the whole, where do topics like this get us? No one learns a damn thing and a lot of people act like meatheads. That faction of people are allowed their opinion and that's fine, I respect it. But for the most part, their analogies are misguided and not valid. I'm begging the mods to please ban any topic dealing with race, sexuality, religion etc. Not in the sense of censoring those who want to express their views, but for the sake of learning anything and enlightenment. You can argue, "then don't read the thread"; and I do not read every single thread pertaining to this. However, every time I do decide to read a topic of this nature, it gets out of hand very quickly and it contains a lot of finger pointing as well as snarky, racist and/or sexist remarks. I know the majority of NT members are young, but some of you still have a lot to learn and apparently this isn't the place for people to gain any type of positive perspective. So mods, please amend your rules to ban this nonsense. I'd like to think the NT community is better than this.

Quit crying. At least be happy there are NTers who care to debate about important topics rather than what Kim K is up to. 

I'm sorry that there are REAL problems in the world some of us like to talk about. 

Yeah, lets make NT better...by banning any conversation YOU don't like. 
Simple question for those of you who do not "accept" homosexuality: Does this picture disgust you?
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by LDJ

Its not an argument its a fact. Did i agree with it or say it should be a reason why same sex shouldnt get married NO. The guy posted there is no difference when ppl have same sex vs. ppl who are of opposite sex. And there is infact a difference. I didnt say all str8 ppl have sex to create life, what i said is that some do and all homosexual sex is strickly for enjoyment. Its not an argument its simply a fact. So how exactly is that a fail? Unless you can provide evidence where same sex can create life. And some ppl believe it or not that marriage and creating life and having a family is what the basis of having a relationship. That is the og. basis of marriage.

Thats all i was saying is thats some ppl stand on why it is wrong. And it isnt a argument its stating facts. whether ppl believe this way because of religion, prejudice ideals, whatever it stills exist.
What is a fact? Procreation has nothing to do with marriage. You can create life without being married. Those ppl, whoever they are, that according to some is irrelevant.


You just saying things now. It's not a point. A man and woman can create life, that's a fact but it has nothing to do with this topic.

What you're saying has nothing to do with the topic at all.
never said it was. all i stated was is that some ppl believe and historically its been that date-marry-family. and i also stated that for fact that homosexual sex is nothing more then for personal gratification and enjoyment only. my response was to the person who said same sex and hetero sex is the same. i simply said the reasons for why both have sex arent the same.

to be honest half of everything discussed the last 5-10 pages has nothing to do with the topic to be quite honest. It went from homosexuals acceptance and its overemphasis in the media, to is it morally right, to civil right movements, to all sorts of topics.
We're not discussing homosexual sex though. You keep picking out trivial things trying to belittle homosexuality in it's entirety. Some ppl think archaic, some ppl don't. I'm not getting where your point is going. Whoever said sex for gay and straight ppl are obviously trolling. They'd have to be.

And yeah a lot of ppl in this thread arguing against civil rights for homosexuals are throwing out straw men and going on tangents to make their argument seem as if it has one iota of legitimacy backing it, going as far to pretend their arguing for incestuous relationships and polygamists cuz there isn't any argument when it comes to "accepting" this. If they really had a problem with homosexuality being in the media in a positive light they should go occupy time warner or viacom or something.
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