Why am I persecuted for NOT accepting homosexuality..

Ppl have rtoo many fundamental ideological differences to come to a concensus on this issue.
Originally Posted by offbad

Originally Posted by Wr

Ppl have rtoo many fundamental ideological differences to come to a concensus on this issue.

is spelling one of them?

Feel better about yourself? Like I honestly want to know what you or this thread gains from what you just said. What do you reallywant to say, or are you just passive aggressive?
Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by offbad

Originally Posted by Wr

Ppl have rtoo many fundamental ideological differences to come to a concensus on this issue.
is spelling one of them?
Feel better about yourself? Like I honestly want to know what you or this thread gains from what you just said. What do you reallywant to say, or are you just passive aggressive?
thou art irate?
Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by Oe3x

Plants, mammals, and reptiles reproduce
If being gay is natural then how come gay people cannot reproduce?
First lets agree that same sex feelings isn't natural. Why? Because you cannot reproduce from it.
Once this is accepted as a fact... then we can talk about rights and acceptance.

Now lets say being gay wasn't a choice.... lets say you were born gay...
There are people born with feelings for little children, feelings to steal (Kleptomania) , feelings to murder.... we have treatments for them.
But oh... being gay shouldn't be treated because nothing is wrong with being gay. SERIOUSLY?

If gays wants to be accepted cool...
But first have it made officially that being gay is a medical condition... like all the things I listed above.
There's so much wrong with your thought process. 
Being gay is considered "natural" because we observe it all throughout nature. It's not some rare phenomenon that humans invented. Someone has already posted a list of different species that have been seen demonstrating homosexual behavior. 

How are "same sex feelings" in any way relevant to reproduction? Regardless of whether you can reproduce or not has no bearing on your "feelings". 

You're comparing homosexuality to murder and theft. Take a moment to think about what you're doing here. It's not difficult to understand what's wrong with your comparison here. 
to 0e3x
so... barren couples? they are not natural so why are they okay? there are so many deviations in nature that are considered "unnatural" genetic mutations causing down syndrome and other diseases? should they be put to death?

deviation in genetics and changing from the norm is the epitome of nature and evolution. 

sit down. 
Originally Posted by offbad

Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by offbad

is spelling one of them?
Feel better about yourself? Like I honestly want to know what you or this thread gains from what you just said. What do you reallywant to say, or are you just passive aggressive?
thou art irate?

Im not "irate" lol. Just wondering why you went through the trouble of waisting bamdwidth to make that reply. Ive never even talked to you in any thread on any issue over anything and you felt the need to quote what I said to point out spelling mistakes? Im not writing peer reviewed articles and im on a phone as it is. Just curious if you thought what you did holds any significance?
most people dont like gays cuz its not how nature intended humans to be
anyways i dont think people should be persecuted for not liking or accepting gays.
everybody has choices and opinions and they should be repescted
Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by offbad

Originally Posted by Wr

Feel better about yourself? Like I honestly want to know what you or this thread gains from what you just said. What do you reallywant to say, or are you just passive aggressive?
thou art irate?
Im not irate. Just wondering why you went through the trouble of waisting bamdwidth to make that reply. Ive never even talked to you in any thread on any issue over anything and you felt the need to quote what I said to point out spelling mistakes? Im not writing peer reviewed articles and im on a phone as it is. Just curious if you thought what you did holds any significance?
clearly, not everyone can handle the internet.

you talk about "wasting bandwidth" and you continue this banter. well played.
Originally Posted by offbad

Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by offbad

thou art irate?
Im not irate. Just wondering why you went through the trouble of waisting bamdwidth to make that reply. Ive never even talked to you in any thread on any issue over anything and you felt the need to quote what I said to point out spelling mistakes? Im not writing peer reviewed articles and im on a phone as it is. Just curious if you thought what you did holds any significance?
clearly, not everyone can handle the internet.

you talk about "wasting bandwidth" and you continue this banter. well played.

oh no, you've caught me... 
looks like i'm way too late for my response to be significant...

it's kind of a paradox.  in the US, most people preach being completely tolerant of others, no matter their race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, etc.
we also preach being accepting of what others believe in.  but what if people believe in intolerance?  what if they choose not to accept the beliefs and rights of people different than them?  should we be intolerant of the intolerance of these people?  but wouldn't that go against the tolerance that most US citizens adhere to?
Originally Posted by IcyyyESR Two3

looks like i'm way too late for my response to be significant...

it's kind of a paradox.  in the US, most people preach being completely tolerant of others, no matter their race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, etc.
we also preach being accepting of what others believe in.  but what if people believe in intolerance?  what if they choose not to accept the beliefs and rights of people different than them?  should we be intolerant of the intolerance of these people?  but wouldn't that go against the tolerance that most US citizens adhere to?
Once again, its OK to hate other people. Its why westboro baptist church and other racist groups can legally exist. Its within their rights to express themselves.  I also will PROTECT their right to do so, even though I don't agree with them
But the problem is that their views are contradictory and aren't substantiated when investigated. 

Every premise listed opposing the recognition of homosexual rights or even existence has been refuted with both scientific and consistent ethical philosophy. 

Gay deserve the same recognition of rights under the law.
Originally Posted by sillyputty


Do not get it. I think most ppl will and disassociate casual sex with marriage. Also the 2 girls comment is different because im pretty sure most ppl are referring to 2 chicks who are attractive, and moreso bi as opposed to 2 chicks that look like rosie odonnell or ellen degeneres.
Originally Posted by GTEK

but in terms of trying to understand homosexuality it has no place. 

son, why do you have to understand it?

why do you even care?

i dont care.


im not gay, i know some gay people, it is what it is.......

let them live man.

and anton, that's about as far as i'd like to see the correlation between being black and being gay fleshed out........

i do take offense to the gay rights movement piggybacking on black civil rights....

because, again, there are no dogs, hoses or white police officers clubbing them in the streets....

they may get a funny look from a fat housewife or a comment.....but nobody is physically assulting them under orders from an actual government agency, legally....

so i dont wanna hear that.

most people dont like gays cuz its not how nature intended humans to be
first of all, "most people" arent born with a predisposition to not like gay people......

besides, im not even sure "most people" have a problem with homosexuality

as far as "how nature intended"

please, sir, tell us more of natures intentions......

since you speak from a position of authority on the subject of what nature does and doesnt intend...

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by sillyputty


Do not get it. I think most ppl will and disassociate casual sex with marriage. Also the 2 girls comment is different because im pretty sure most ppl are referring to 2 chicks who are attractive, and moreso bi as opposed to 2 chicks that look like rosie odonnell or ellen degeneres.

son, do you even know how dumb you sound right now?

i pray you are making a corny joke which cant be articulated on the internet...
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by sillyputty


Do not get it. I think most ppl will and disassociate casual sex with marriage. Also the 2 girls comment is different because im pretty sure most ppl are referring to 2 chicks who are attractive, and moreso bi as opposed to 2 chicks that look like rosie odonnell or ellen degeneres.

son, do you even know how dumb you sound right now?

i pray you are making a corny joke which cant be articulated on the internet...

im guessing maybe your homosexual not sure, because i cannot understand how a str8 male can say whats attractive cool about 2 attractive woman as oppose to 2 ugly women making out or 2 males making out. if i see beyonce and iuno halle berry making out yes thats attractive, as it would be to most str8 males. monique and precious um... not so much. um tom cruise and charlie sheen um i dont think so.

Seriously are you saying you cant see why a str8 man would find 2 woman attractive versus 2 men? I dont understand how this is dumb. If so then i guess str8 males are dumb because majority of str8 males will find 2 hot woman attractive over 2 males making out.

Well i take that back im guessing, seeing as dudes nowadays are wearing women clothes,dyeing hair etc... so i may have to retract that statement.
Originally Posted by LDJ

CurbYourEnthusiasm wrote:
LDJ wrote:

Do not get it. I think most ppl will and disassociate casual sex with marriage. Also the 2 girls comment is different because im pretty sure most ppl are referring to 2 chicks who are attractive, and moreso bi as opposed to 2 chicks that look like rosie odonnell or ellen degeneres.

son, do you even know how dumb you sound right now?

i pray you are making a corny joke which cant be articulated on the internet...

im guessing maybe your homosexual not sure,


Ad-hominem of the year goes to...

 because i cannot understand how a str8 male can say whats attractive cool about 2 attractive woman as oppose to 2 ugly women making out or 2 males making out.

So you set the standard of what other people should be attracted to. 

I see. 
if i see beyonce and iuno halle berry making out yes thats attractive, as it would be to most str8 males. monique and precious um... not so much. um tom cruise and charlie sheen um i dont think so. 

So if its not attractive to you, then its not attractive to anyone else.

Its all making sense now. 

Seriously are you saying you cant see why a str8 man would find 2 woman attractive versus 2 men?

Homosexual. = Same Sex. 

Being attracted to one gender doesn't make the actions of two women giving each other the business less homosexual. 
I dont understand how this is dumb. If so then i guess str8 males are dumb because majority of str8 males will find 2 hot woman attractive over 2 males making out.
Because they're attracted to women.

What if women like seeing two dudes make out?

Is that not the same thing?

Why can't women that are attracted to men not like seeing two men make out?

Well i take that back im guessing, seeing as dudes nowadays are wearing women clothes,dyeing hair etc... so i may have to retract that statement.

So if I dye my hair or wear jeans that a COMPANY'S  MARKETING DEPARTMENT said was made for women then that makes me gay?

What the hell is wrong with you? 
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by LDJ

CurbYourEnthusiasm wrote:

son, do you even know how dumb you sound right now?

i pray you are making a corny joke which cant be articulated on the internet...

im guessing maybe your homosexual not sure,

Ad-hominem of the year goes to...

 because i cannot understand how a str8 male can say whats attractive cool about 2 attractive woman as oppose to 2 ugly women making out or 2 males making out.

So you set the standard of what other people should be attracted to. 

When did i said i did.

I see. 
if i see beyonce and iuno halle berry making out yes thats attractive, as it would be to most str8 males. monique and precious um... not so much. um tom cruise and charlie sheen um i dont think so. 

So if its not attractive to you, then its not attractive to anyone else.

When did i say that. i used thise women as examples.

Its all making sense now. 
 Yes its making sense to me 2. Your saying you dont understand how a str8 male can be attracted to 2 women as oppose to 2 men.
Seriously are you saying you cant see why a str8 man would find 2 woman attractive versus 2 men?

Homosexual. = Same Sex. 
Um ok meaning didnt answer the question. That was on some when your parents answer you with a said so type of answer.

Being attracted to one gender doesn't make the actions of two women giving each other the business less homosexual. 

Who said it did.

I dont understand how this is dumb. If so then i guess str8 males are dumb because majority of str8 males will find 2 hot woman attractive over 2 males making out.
Because they're attracted to women.

What if women like seeing two dudes make out?

Is that not the same thing?
Yes it is...ok point.

Why can't women that are attracted to men not like seeing two men make out?

Well i take that back im guessing, seeing as dudes nowadays are wearing women clothes,dyeing hair etc... so i may have to retract that statement.

So if I dye my hair or wear jeans that a COMPANY'S  MARKETING DEPARTMENT said was made for women then that makes me gay?

 It would put your manhood in question yes it would. im sorry maybe its a generation gap but if i see a dude with open toe timberlands on, women tights, a womans hairdo, makeup etc... The first thought in my mind isnt gonna be man this is one str8 dude.

What the hell is wrong with you? 

Seems like alot of yall are closet homosexuals and iuno taking offense to some ppl take on it. And also going waaaaaaaaaaaay eft field in response to some ppl answers. I mean hell we had a dude who said wrong is wrong and being treated different for being homosexual is in the same light as having a family member kidnapped tortured murdered and raped. Saying that its all the same cause wrong is wrong.

Then you got dudes saying i dont see why someone would question my sexuality because i cant see why would str8 men find 2 attractive women sexually arousing as oppose to 2 men. Then you have ppl saying i cant understand how/why ppl would question my sexuality because if i acted feminine and wore clothes that were made specifically for women. And this is the killer one from another thread, dudes said i cant see how someone would question sexual orientation if a bunch of dudes jerk off on a cookie and the last one to finish has to eat it.
Do some of you feel that homosexuals are weak so you have to jump in front of a car for them?

Theres hella threads making fun of one group or another and a lot of the usual suspects go out of there way to defend gay people's honor

Whats the difference?

I mean I can clown a fat person I find fat people kissing gross. But if I say a man kissing another man is gross here comes the cavalry saying Im homophobic or a closet #%%#
This is why its hard to take some of you serious 
Originally Posted by cartune

Do some of you feel that homosexuals are weak so you have to jump in front of a car for them?

Theres hella threads making fun of one group or another and a lot of the usual suspects go out of there way to defend gay people's honor

Whats the difference?

I mean I can clown a fat person I find fat people kissing gross. But if I say a man kissing another man is gross here comes the cavalry saying Im homophobic or a closet #%%#
This is why its hard to take some of you serious 

Exactly and i find it odd especially in light of some folks comments saying I dont understand how a str8 man can find a woman who is bi/@!@% attractive and not find a man thats str8/bi/@!@%. That topped with so if I act/dress feminine why would someone question my sexuality. And why would dudes suspect im @!@% if i jerk off in a circle with a group of guys on a cookie and eat it. Im thinking some folks do not no what being homosexual is.

Or they participate in said actions and it gets talked about/made fun of and all of a sudden your homophobic, which one i fear no man/woman etc regardless of what their sexuality is,i have never had an uncontrollable fright or scare of person because of their sexuality .

And 2, just cause someone calls and spade a spade doesnt mean they hate you. I mean i could maybe understand if ppl was making alledged claims, or stereotyping degrading them. But when a guy says there isnt a difference in a str8 male being attracted to a women that happens to be gay versus being attracted to a male......
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by LDJ

Do not get it. I think most ppl will and disassociate casual sex with marriage. Also the 2 girls comment is different because im pretty sure most ppl are referring to 2 chicks who are attractive, and moreso bi as opposed to 2 chicks that look like rosie odonnell or ellen degeneres.

son, do you even know how dumb you sound right now?

i pray you are making a corny joke which cant be articulated on the internet...

im guessing maybe your homosexual not sure, because i cannot understand how a str8 male can say whats attractive cool about 2 attractive woman as oppose to 2 ugly women making out or 2 males making out. if i see beyonce and iuno halle berry making out yes thats attractive, as it would be to most str8 males. monique and precious um... not so much. um tom cruise and charlie sheen um i dont think so.

Seriously are you saying you cant see why a str8 man would find 2 woman attractive versus 2 men? I dont understand how this is dumb. If so then i guess str8 males are dumb because majority of str8 males will find 2 hot woman attractive over 2 males making out.

Well i take that back im guessing, seeing as dudes nowadays are wearing women clothes,dyeing hair etc... so i may have to retract that statement.


yeah, he's just dumb.

check it, yeah, im madd gay b...super gay....like, i pop lock in coochie cutters gay.....

oddly enough, my sexual preferences have absolutely nothing to do with the logic i presented to you all....

so gay or not, im still right and you still sound like an idiot.

if i see beyonce and iuno halle berry making out yes thats attractive, as it would be to most str8 males. monique and precious um... not so much. um tom cruise and charlie sheen um i dont think so.
see, there are two types of statements.




you have to have perspective to understand the difference.

to YOU its "attractive" to see "attractive" girls such as beyonce and halle berry kiss.......you state that "ANY STRAIGHT MALE" would agree.....even racist straight males who think black people are subhuman? they'd find that attractive? oh.

next, monique and precious? they are unattractive to YOU.....there is a huge population of people who have BBW fetishes....

charlie sheen and tom cruise?

pretty sure theres a huge population of women, gays and transgender who would find that attractive, as well....

because its subjective.

now, saying "homosexuality is wrong" while ALSO maintaining that "two hot chicks kissing is good" is a bit of a contradiction.

when you make statements then contradict yourself later .....we call that a hypocrite

i mean, i guess theres nothing wrong with being a hypocrite, you know, saying one form of homosexuality is immoral and wrong, yet lusting after another form of homosexuality at the same time......

if you're cool being one, more power to you.

im certainly not gonna hate you because you choose to be a hypocrite....

you being a hypocrite doesnt affect me, so imma let you live your life how you want...hypocritically.

(im certain you dont see what i did there. dont possibly have the brain function to see what i did there)
Originally Posted by cartune

I mean I can clown a fat person I find fat people kissing gross. But if I say a man kissing another man is gross here comes the cavalry saying Im homophobic or a closet #%%#
This is why its hard to take some of you serious 
un true.

i promise most of you cant even read.

nobody said you were wrong for finding it gross....

its not hurting you tho

so nobody cares that you find it gross

coming to the realization that noone cares what yall think about them being gay must hurt


noone cares that it grosses you out

stop being so soft

pull your skirt up

men kiss everyday, b

live in YOUR life

where men arent kissing men....

instead of living in theirs....where men obviously kiss other men.

my whole point is, as a straight man, WHY DO YOU GIVE A %##@ EITHER WAY?


im gay because my stance is i dont give a %##@ what gay people do....


im defending gay people's honor by not caring about them...

only way i could care less about gay people is if they were animals

as in a dog or cat, which i REALLY dont give a %##@ about.

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

son, do you even know how dumb you sound right now?

i pray you are making a corny joke which cant be articulated on the internet...

im guessing maybe your homosexual not sure, because i cannot understand how a str8 male can say whats attractive cool about 2 attractive woman as oppose to 2 ugly women making out or 2 males making out. if i see beyonce and iuno halle berry making out yes thats attractive, as it would be to most str8 males. monique and precious um... not so much. um tom cruise and charlie sheen um i dont think so.

Seriously are you saying you cant see why a str8 man would find 2 woman attractive versus 2 men? I dont understand how this is dumb. If so then i guess str8 males are dumb because majority of str8 males will find 2 hot woman attractive over 2 males making out.

Well i take that back im guessing, seeing as dudes nowadays are wearing women clothes,dyeing hair etc... so i may have to retract that statement.


yeah, he's just dumb.

check it, yeah, im madd gay b...super gay....like, i pop lock in coochie cutters gay.....

Yea id say so if your saying that there isnt a difference between being attracted to a woman who happens to be gay as oppose to a male. I mean if you are equally attracted to men and women then or in your case cant see the difference then yeppers you sir are gay.

oddly enough, my sexual preferences have absolutely nothing to do with the logic i presented to you all....

Yes it very well does it would make sense if you said i dont see the difference in being a str8 male being attracted to a beatiful women that is gay then being attracted to a man.

so gay or not, im still right and you still sound like an idiot.

So now that you have established your sexuality it puts everything in perspective now. I understand how you can see how being attracted to a male and a female is the same for a str8 man. EDIt i overstand cant really understand because im not attracted to men at all regardless of sexuality.

if i see beyonce and iuno halle berry making out yes thats attractive, as it would be to most str8 males. monique and precious um... not so much. um tom cruise and charlie sheen um i dont think so.
see, there are two types of statements.




you have to have perspective to understand the difference.

to YOU its "attractive" to see "attractive" girls such as beyonce and halle berry kiss.......you state that "ANY STRAIGHT MALE" would agree.....even racist straight males who think black people are subhuman? they'd find that attractive? oh.

um again ill make it very simple. on some pre-k status for you. Any man that is str8 will find a women who they find attractive, attractive regardless of their sexual preference. No str8 male will find a male attractive regardless of what the male sexual preference is. So seeing as you dont understand that and you believe different makes me believe you sir are gay. Which i dont care either way. but no str8 male says i find a gay women just as attractive as a male. Or says its the same attraction.

next, monique and precious? they are unattractive to YOU.....there is a huge population of people who have BBW fetishes....

charlie sheen and tom cruise?

pretty sure theres a huge population of women, gays and transgender who would find that attractive, as well....

because its subjective.

now, saying "homosexuality is wrong" while ALSO maintaining that "two hot chicks kissing is good" is a bit of a contradiction.

when you make statements then contradict yourself later .....we call that a hypocrite

Never said homosexuality is wrong. So how can it be a contradiction? So are you saying im a hypocrite because i find a women that i believe is sexy, sexy regardless of her sexual preference, yet dont find any man sexually attractive regardless of sexuality?

i mean, i guess theres nothing wrong with being a hypocrite, you know, saying one form of homosexuality is immoral and wrong, yet lusting after another form of homosexuality at the same time......

if you're cool being one, more power to you.

im certainly not gonna hate you because you choose to be a hypocrite....

you being a hypocrite doesnt affect me, so imma let you live your life how you want...hypocritically.

(im certain you dont see what i did there. dont possibly have the brain function to see what i did there)

i guess being labeled hypocrite is the homosexual combat slur. Im a hypocrite because I find a attractive women attractive regardless of sexuality, and find no men attractive regardless of the guys sexual preference.

i mean i dont get why your being so elusive and evasive about who you are. i mean if you are gay its cool, really doesnt matter. i just wish you learn to accept and be proud of who you are and not take the frustration of being in the closet out on others by making snide comments online and making assumptions and false claims. i mean you dodging your sexuality like a deadbeat daddy owing child support.

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