Why am I persecuted for NOT accepting homosexuality..

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Simple question for those of you who do not "accept" homosexuality: Does this picture disgust you?
Full disclosure: I had this poster hanging in my freshman dorm 
I don't like gay people like I don't like onions.

I have no problem with onions and other people can eat onions but please don't put them in my food because I do not prefer them.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Simple question for those of you who do not "accept" homosexuality: Does this picture disgust you?
Not the same
Attractive women rubbing on each other is beauty 

Butch women wearing strap ons is gay 
Originally Posted by prestigeworldwidex21

I don't like gay people like I don't like onions.

I have no problem with onions and other people can eat onions but please don't put them in my food because I do not prefer them.

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Simple question for those of you who do not "accept" homosexuality: Does this picture disgust you?

Not the same

Attractive women rubbing on each other is beauty 

Butch women wearing strap ons is gay 
Originally Posted by prestigeworldwidex21

I don't like gay people like I don't like onions.

I have no problem with onions and other people can eat onions but please don't put them in my food because I do not prefer them.
You are prejudiced against gay people.
At least you admitted to it.
"The more people that are gay....the more women for me to choose from"  If the mentality I always had...I have met some really cool people, who just happen to be gay.  Their choice.  It is not for me, but I don't let that jade me from seeing the individual.  
Originally Posted by iYen

Originally Posted by prestigeworldwidex21

I don't like gay people like I don't like onions.

I have no problem with onions and other people can eat onions but please don't put them in my food because I do not prefer them.
You are prejudiced against gay people.
At least you admitted to it.
Never really been the type to hold back my thoughts at the expensive of random people's feelings.

If I can openly crack jokes about a chick's weight problem in a tight dress at a bar then I can bust on homosexuals without hesitation. But the difference is I hate fat girls, I don't hate gay people just dislike them.
Originally Posted by prestigeworldwidex21

Originally Posted by iYen

Originally Posted by prestigeworldwidex21

I don't like gay people like I don't like onions.

I have no problem with onions and other people can eat onions but please don't put them in my food because I do not prefer them.
You are prejudiced against gay people.
At least you admitted to it.
Never really been the type to hold back my thoughts at the expensive of random people's feelings.

If I can openly crack jokes about a chick's weight problem in a tight dress at a bar then I can bust on homosexuals without hesitation. But the difference is I hate fat girls, I don't hate gay people just dislike them.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by prestigeworldwidex21

Originally Posted by iYen

You are prejudiced against gay people.
At least you admitted to it.
Never really been the type to hold back my thoughts at the expensive of random people's feelings.

If I can openly crack jokes about a chick's weight problem in a tight dress at a bar then I can bust on homosexuals without hesitation. But the difference is I hate fat girls, I don't hate gay people just dislike them.

no karamo, though
Originally Posted by prestigeworldwidex21

Never really been the type to hold back my thoughts at the expensive of random people's feelings.

If I can openly crack jokes about a chick's weight problem in a tight dress at a bar then I can bust on homosexuals without hesitation. But the difference is I hate fat girls, I don't hate gay people just dislike them.
Even if your thoughts are ignorant?

The fat girl is wearing a dress that is too small for her, what is the homosexual doing that you feel the need to crack jokes?
I never said you hate gay people, but you did just admit that you have a prejudice for them.

If you found out one of your best friends was gay, would you still be friends with that person?
Originally Posted by iYen

Originally Posted by prestigeworldwidex21

Never really been the type to hold back my thoughts at the expensive of random people's feelings.

If I can openly crack jokes about a chick's weight problem in a tight dress at a bar then I can bust on homosexuals without hesitation. But the difference is I hate fat girls, I don't hate gay people just dislike them.
Even if your thoughts are ignorant?

The fat girl is wearing a dress that is too small for her, what is the homosexual doing that you feel the need to crack jokes?
I never said you hate gay people, but you did just admit that you have a prejudice for them.

If you found out one of your best friends was gay, would you still be friends with that person?
Son, my girl does !$#@ I hate all the time and I'm still with her.

So yes we would still be boys, but he would have to do things like mention my name a couple times at the hair salon and we would be good. Its not like I wouldn't call him out for being karamo.
Originally Posted by prestigeworldwidex21

Son, my girl does !$#@ I hate all the time and I'm still with her.

So yes we would still be boys, but he would have to do things like mention my name a couple times at the hair salon and we would be good. Its not like I wouldn't call him out for being karamo.
Okay, I see now.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Here is the thing.

I do not support any sort of religion. 

I do criticize religion.

I do poke holes in religious arguments. 

I do NOT want there to be no selective religious preference in government. 

I however I do NOT want to take away the rights of religious people to talk.

I do NOT want to stop them from expressing their opinion. 

I will NOT prevent you from believing in Chthulu, the Annunaki, or Atlantis. 

I disagree with the KKK, Westboro Baptist Church, and Michelle Bachmann...but I WILL protect their rights to speak FREELY as long as they respect the rights of others. 

You have a right to be offended as much as you have the right to offend but you do NOT have the right to limit the rights of others.

Not giving homosexuals equal rights when they have violated NO laws or statues is illegal. 

I'm not sure anyone has been paying attention but gay soldiers JUST became ok...like three months ago??? If you're more worried that a man might find you attractive rather than where you should be aiming your rifle...YOU HAVE SOMETHING YOU NEED TO ADDRESS. 

I will say this, in my experience, those who REALLY don't care about homosexuality, don't even think to hate it. Its those that spend their lives trying to run from it and ostracize others are the ones hiding something. I know i'm straight. I don't have to prove that to anyone. Who cares? Its all you guys trying to prove something that I start to question... 

There is a long way to go in terms of progress in this country so don't think that the fight is over in terms of equality. 

Look at all of the presecuted groups in America over time:








Latin Americans




...now gays. 

As soon as one group gets their rights, they pile no top of everyone else and forget what they went through. 


Originally Posted by Ace Rawstein

dawg but how is it not easy for somebody to flip the same thing yall talking bout in regards to religion, on the subject of homosexuality?
I refute the claims made by ALL religions as being illogical. 
Do you refute claims that Santa exists?

I have no problem with you saying Santa exists. I will protect your right to say santa exists. 

But, I will challenge you on that. 

it just seems hypocritical to me. regardless of the science and theory behind either subject. I just would like to see things treated with equal respect.

I respect the opinions of others in here. 

I do NOT respect the stance that seeks to limit the rights of other law-abiding citizens.

Maybe we should go back to a time where Japanese people weren't allowed out past 9PM. 

like its easy for atheist to type words like crazy, foolish or whatever in regards to religion but if somebody did that about homosexuals or race...it would be uproar.

thats your observation. I obviously disagree. 

First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me.

-- Martin Niemöller 


Originally Posted by a55a5in11

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Definitely man. I think I may just start sticking to the women appreciation threads and keep out of these hate haven threads, cause at least in
those threads, everything is truly subjective and opinionated. In these threads, people seem to avoid facts presented to them and pass their
opinions off of the truth, however ignorant and nonfactual their opinions may be.

really? because this started when you called my opinions "hatemonger" but couldn't provide facts and than turned around to saying some dudes might take what i say personal. like really son?

Already said my piece. Logout your account.
**cant think of any relevant counter argument**
In your perfect world, how would those of you who "do not like homosexuals" treat homosexuals?
Originally Posted by prestigeworldwidex21

Originally Posted by sillyputty

In your perfect world, how would those of you who "do not like homosexuals" treat homosexuals?

In my perfect world there wouldn't be any homosexuals. 
How did your dislike for gays come about?
Originally Posted by prestigeworldwidex21

Originally Posted by sillyputty

In your perfect world, how would those of you who "do not like homosexuals" treat homosexuals?

In my perfect world there wouldn't be any homosexuals. 

I would find it SO amazing if you had a gay kid.

...only for the sake of perspective. 

I wish there was a god I could pray to to make this happen. 

I don't understand you guys... I mean you wish there was MORE competition for women? 

I wish all the gay ladies and gents would just come out and make my stock go up, if nothing else. At least make it comfortable for people to be openly gay or bisexual. No more women being hurt 30 years down the road when their GOP senator husband gets caught giving sloppy top in a denny's bathroom, or kids running to religion to "fix" them...real talk. 
 Forbid we actually curb the number of suicides of teens being bullied and beaten. 

Everyone in here needs to familiarize themselves with this: 

The Kinsey Scale:



Originally Posted by iYen

Originally Posted by prestigeworldwidex21

Originally Posted by sillyputty

In your perfect world, how would those of you who "do not like homosexuals" treat homosexuals?

In my perfect world there wouldn't be any homosexuals. 
How did your dislike for gays come about?
...he knows... 


And to homie up top,

not trolling and why would you want my son to be gay? I don't wish unwanted things on you, why do you have to have spite for me just because we don't see eye to eye on something?
Originally Posted by prestigeworldwidex21

And to homie up top,

not trolling and why would you want my son to be gay? I don't wish unwanted things on you, why do you have to have spite for me just because we don't see eye to eye on something?

Probably so that you realize that there is nothing wrong with being gay and that you can have a good son that is gay. 
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