Why am I persecuted for NOT accepting homosexuality..

Originally Posted by Alchemiss

if u that mad over gay people either:

1.  you scared of something that is outside of your comfort zone
2.  you like dudes and you're not comfortable with yourself
3.  a chick stole your girl // you jealous that some girls get more ( | ) than you

actually there are people that dont accept it based on da influence/exposure to young children...they dont wanna have em growin up thinkin thats right.
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by prestigeworldwidex21

And to homie up top,

not trolling and why would you want my son to be gay? I don't wish unwanted things on you, why do you have to have spite for me just because we don't see eye to eye on something?

Probably so that you realize that there is nothing wrong with being gay and that you can have a good son that is gay. 

I would feel that I have failed as a parent, I don't really want kids in the first place anyways.

But then again, I don't believe the purely ancidotal information than people are born gay because Lady Gaga made a top 40 song about it. My graduate level neuroscience expeirence seems to lead me to certain environmental/behavioral learnings. But sorry for brining that up, that argument is another 5+ pages. 
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Alchemiss

if u that mad over gay people either:

1.  you scared of something that is outside of your comfort zone
2.  you like dudes and you're not comfortable with yourself
3.  a chick stole your girl // you jealous that some girls get more ( | ) than you

actually there are people that dont accept it based on da influence/exposure to young children...they dont wanna have em growin up thinkin thats right.
Is homosexuality wrong?
If so, why?

Also what sort of influence do you think young children would get just from interacting with gay people?
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Alchemiss

if u that mad over gay people either:

1.  you scared of something that is outside of your comfort zone
2.  you like dudes and you're not comfortable with yourself
3.  a chick stole your girl // you jealous that some girls get more ( | ) than you

actually there are people that dont accept it based on da influence/exposure to young children...they dont wanna have em growin up thinkin thats right.
See #1
Originally Posted by Alchemiss

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Alchemiss

if u that mad over gay people either:

1.  you scared of something that is outside of your comfort zone
2.  you like dudes and you're not comfortable with yourself
3.  a chick stole your girl // you jealous that some girls get more ( | ) than you

actually there are people that dont accept it based on da influence/exposure to young children...they dont wanna have em growin up thinkin thats right.
See #1

I stay comfortable.
Originally Posted by prestigeworldwidex21

Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by prestigeworldwidex21

And to homie up top,

not trolling and why would you want my son to be gay? I don't wish unwanted things on you, why do you have to have spite for me just because we don't see eye to eye on something?

Probably so that you realize that there is nothing wrong with being gay and that you can have a good son that is gay. 

I would feel that I have failed as a parent, I don't really want kids in the first place anyways.

But then again, I don't believe the purely ancidotal information than people are born gay because Lady Gaga made a top 40 song about it. My graduate level neuroscience expeirence seems to lead me to certain environmental/behavioral learnings. But sorry for brining that up, that argument is another 5+ pages. 
Oh, really? 
See i'm willing to call you out on that.
What do you know about the Posterior Bed Nigra of Stria Terminalis, related estrogen and vasopressin receptors, and related correlations to sexual dimorphism and its prevalence in gay men? Its currently being studied as a possible area of neurological difference in homosexual men. Its one of many areas being targeted for research and a basis of differences between the sexes and gender identification. 

I doubt any neuroscientist, especially at the graduate level is coming to a clear distinction that there is ONLY environmental pressures for homosexuality and not innate preferences. On top of that, your answer doesn't side step the possibility for their being any sort of innate homosexual gender idenfication. On top of that, I find it funny that a lot of neuroscientists  in graduate/phd level are gay 
. Makes you wonder if they're trying to hide something by the way you in particular talk about it. But thats besides the point. 

Don't drop your credentials if you don't want them used against you. 
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Alchemiss

if u that mad over gay people either:

1.  you scared of something that is outside of your comfort zone
2.  you like dudes and you're not comfortable with yourself
3.  a chick stole your girl // you jealous that some girls get more ( | ) than you

actually there are people that dont accept it based on da influence/exposure to young children...they dont wanna have em growin up thinkin thats right.
You don't grow up thinking that it's "right". You grow up accepting that there's nothing wrong with it and that some people are gay. 
It's the same people who deal drugs, rob, cheat on their girls, etc the list goes on... but they don't want their children to know about gay people. LULZ. Ok son. The whole concept is all messed up. You know what's mad funny ninjahood? People on Lenox f wit me, they respect me. Yet I go to Broadway and I can't walk 5 feet on a Friday night without mad dudes hitting on me. What is it with Dominican guys and their obsession with girls who look like little boys? Kinda rolly, no?
Plants, mammals, and reptiles reproduce
If being gay is natural then how come gay people cannot reproduce?
First lets agree that same sex feelings isn't natural. Why? Because you cannot reproduce from it.
Once this is accepted as a fact... then we can talk about rights and acceptance.

Now lets say being gay wasn't a choice.... lets say you were born gay...
There are people born with feelings for little children, feelings to steal (Kleptomania) , feelings to murder.... we have treatments for them.
But oh... being gay shouldn't be treated because nothing is wrong with being gay. SERIOUSLY?

If gays wants to be accepted cool...
But first have it made officially that being gay is a medical condition... like all the things I listed above.
Originally Posted by Oe3x

Now lets say being gay wasn't a choice.... lets say you were born gay...
There are people born with feelings for little children, feelings to steal (Kleptomania) , feelings to murder.... we have treatments for them.
But oh... being gay shouldn't be treated because nothing is wrong with being gay. SERIOUSLY?
the funny thing is this kid thinks he's saying something deep right now

kleptomaniacs wouldnt be a harm to anyone if they were confined to their own room to steal their own stuff

people born with feelings for little kids wouldnt cause harm to little kids if they werent around little kids

but you're missing one very huge aspect of your argument...

linking those populations to homosexuals, who do absolutely no harm to anyone (as far as being gay is concerned)

a klepto will steal from people, obviously doing them harm

a child molester will molest...obviously doing harm to children

gay people.....have gay sex...with other gay people....obviously doing absolutely no harm to you

so, nah, all that "point" you thought you had?

try again, b.

@ they dont get treatments, like they need a treatment to NOT do harm to other people....

wait, why do yall hate gay people again?

because you think your son will see the gay lifestyle and get super geeked to try it out?

seriously, that's the answer? you dont want them influencing your kids to be gay?


hopefully my kid will look at two men kissing the same way i do, but if not, oh well.....

hiding the men kissing isnt changing how your child will react to men kissing, b.

he may never see the men kiss, but thats not going to make him heterosexual, either.

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by Oe3x

Now lets say being gay wasn't a choice.... lets say you were born gay...
There are people born with feelings for little children, feelings to steal (Kleptomania) , feelings to murder.... we have treatments for them.
But oh... being gay shouldn't be treated because nothing is wrong with being gay. SERIOUSLY?

he may never see the men kiss, but thats not going to make him heterosexual, either.

I've never seen two dudes kiss in person. Only on TV. And before i'd even seen it on TV/Movies I knew I didn't like it.

Ya'll need to stop acting like dudes see a musical or learn how to paint and all of a sudden they start wanting to sleep with members of the same sex. 

Two gay people CONSENTING to have sex with each other is not wrong or even affecting you in any way. 
i mean, thats a moral judgement, if you think its wrong it can be wrong.

the key is that


then you'd just be a lame.

just because YOU think its wrong doesnt mean you can force your will on anyone else

thats the entire point of this country

if you're religious (most homosexual-haters are)


but i wouldnt expect any christian who hates homosexuals to even be able to READ text let alone pull that out of it or have any discourse

cause you're a walking contradiction and a joke.

if there was a jesus christ, he'd be deeply ashamed by how yall act man.
Originally Posted by Oe3x

Plants, mammals, and reptiles reproduce
If being gay is natural then how come gay people cannot reproduce?
First lets agree that same sex feelings isn't natural. Why? Because you cannot reproduce from it.
Once this is accepted as a fact... then we can talk about rights and acceptance.

Now lets say being gay wasn't a choice.... lets say you were born gay...
There are people born with feelings for little children, feelings to steal (Kleptomania) , feelings to murder.... we have treatments for them.
But oh... being gay shouldn't be treated because nothing is wrong with being gay. SERIOUSLY?

If gays wants to be accepted cool...
But first have it made officially that being gay is a medical condition... like all the things I listed above.
There's so much wrong with your thought process. 
Being gay is considered "natural" because we observe it all throughout nature. It's not some rare phenomenon that humans invented. Someone has already posted a list of different species that have been seen demonstrating homosexual behavior. 

How are "same sex feelings" in any way relevant to reproduction? Regardless of whether you can reproduce or not has no bearing on your "feelings". 

You're comparing homosexuality to murder and theft. Take a moment to think about what you're doing here. It's not difficult to understand what's wrong with your comparison here. 
Originally Posted by Oe3x

Plants, mammals, and reptiles reproduce
If being gay is natural then how come gay people cannot reproduce?
First lets agree that same sex feelings isn't natural. Why? Because you cannot reproduce from it.
Once this is accepted as a fact... then we can talk about rights and acceptance.

Now lets say being gay wasn't a choice.... lets say you were born gay...
There are people born with feelings for little children, feelings to steal (Kleptomania) , feelings to murder.... we have treatments for them.
But oh... being gay shouldn't be treated because nothing is wrong with being gay. SERIOUSLY?

If gays wants to be accepted cool...
But first have it made officially that being gay is a medical condition... like all the things I listed above.

Ignorant racists -If being gay is a medical condition, by logic being black is DEFINITELY a  medical condition. If black people want to be accepted cool but first we need to establish all their flaws and inferior mental capabilities. Look at how low their test scores and IQs are, it must be a genetic abnormality. They die of diseases at a higher rate than other races, clearly being black is a genetic disease"

Yea I'm glad some people aren't intelligent enough to get into medical school

A lot of yall seem to be knowledgeable on the subject so I'm gonna take the opportunity to ask a couple of questions...

What's are the counter arguments to reproductivity and the anatomical structure of the body again?

Although some cases of homosexuality are said to have been observed through-out the animal kingdom, under what exact circumstances did the activity occur? Were the animals relational or was the sex promiscuous or even consensual? Could there have been any certain stir of emotions that might have caused certain pressures for the activity to ensue? Stress, confusion, depression etc.?

I personally am not for homosexuality, and don't people people were initially created to partake in the action, but as we now know over time certain practices can create gene rifts leading to predispositions. Far as I'm concerned from a social and political standpoint no people deserve to be denied their human rights, that's that.

Also one last note, the whole "its doesn't effect you, let them do them" argument is def a valid point, but in terms of trying to understand homosexuality it has no place. I would much have a knowledgeable perspective on something I do or do not agree with rather then just shove it off as it is, even if the viewing is of their favor..can you truly say you respect those people?
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