Why am I persecuted for NOT accepting homosexuality..

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by Noskey

Why cant someone like that be allowed to marry someone they love? I'm still not seeing any proof that they'd put life as we know it at risk.
because religion has taught people to believe what theyre told and not to use simple logic. it's trickled down into things like gay rights
Not to turn this into a religion thread but this is a great example of how religion is NOT a personal thing and how religion really does affect our society. Religion shapes peoples views on certain topics, say sexuality, and in turn those that subscribe to the religions can really affect those that do not share their madness. "The Bible/Koran/*insert religious document* says that homosexuality is sinful therefore homosexuality is wrong (and apparently akin to pedophilia and bestiality)"
I never want to hear a religious person say that their beliefs are "personal" because that is not reality. If they were truly personal beliefs, you would vote for the betterment of society as a whole. You would want to strive for as equal and as equitable a society as possible. You would want schools to teach progressive science as opposed to BS creationism or intelligent design. You would not allow your unsubstantiated views to affect how you treat anyone else. But that's not realistic.
Ace Rawstein wrote:

im wit you. NT atheist come off like they really hate and despise ppl that are religious. its like they point, laugh, degrade and try to "school" anyone of faith.
If they could, im sure they would wipe anybody religious off the planet because of whatever reasons they believe are right to be a non-believer. Im sure some of the ppl against homosexuality feel the same way about gays.

the groups are pretty much one in the same man. Religion is constantly bashed on this board tho...and thats ok? 

and i am totally against flamboyant gayness. if your gay ur gay but some stuff just makes me uncomfortable to witness or hear about. I dont wanna feel like im a bad person cuz i cant stomach seeing men dressed and acting like women among other things 

Flamboyant gayness? What about those loud/obnoxious drunkards, who can't control their alcoholic intake? Or, individuals who degrade women publicly and call them all sorts of derogatory names amongst an outdoor populous of people? Better yet, on the social network landscape? Or, what about the dude/female who INSISTS that he's "fresh to death" or "swagged out" with hopes of belittling a person he/she does not even care for? Do you see where I'm getting at? We worship an omniscient being yet, WE "boldly" have disdain for a person who carries themselves in a manor unrelated to ours.  You deem it to be "flamboyant", that's playing the role of the creator, is it not? Because that's what YOU perceive it to be. That person is just being themselves. You want an individual to tone down his/her behavior just because YOU find it "flamboyant" that's not being selfless or respectful in my opinion.  I'd rather a person showcase their genuine traits as opposed to a individual who plays on my intelligence by displaying a fraudulent personality. I swear, people inhabiting this globe act as if it is so hard to unlearn a certain custom. Just because you were raised a certain way DOES NOT mean the buck stops there. If that were the case, there'd be no diversity in the world.

Stop living by these social norms and create your own story. If you continue to let things that you were taught dictate how you behave, so be it. But, attacking another individual just because they have a qualities you see as uncouth or far-fetched is an archaic and narcissistic way of thinking. The varying personalities and creeds that are present in the world is what makes it such an extraordinary place yet, people still insist upon making a steadfast effort to "change" another civilians psyche. I thought it was everyones birth-right to think freely and let their energy flow according to how they want it to with respect for others? Hmmmm, i wish everyone would walk, talk, and think the same. That'd be a great world to live in. A utopian society swarming with clones full of drab personalities. 
Alright, so if your justification is that everybody should just accept homosexuality because they are born like that and it is not a choice, I have a question for you.
If people who practiced incest used the same justification (it wasn't a choice, they're just naturally attracted to their sister, brother, father, etc) would y'all be just as accepting and willing to give rights to them?
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

So race is as malleable as sexual orientation now?

There are many cases of abuse resulting in homosexual behavior (temporary/long term/willing/unwilling/whatever) but what type of trauma would lead to someones race changing?
ask michael jackson

in all seriousness, it's not as malleable as you make it seem. even if it's due to abuse...it's not the choice of whoever is being abused. it's not their choice to be abused and not their choice to "switch" teams.
Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Alright, so if your justification is that everybody should just accept homosexuality because they are born like that and it is not a choice, I have a question for you.
If people who practiced incest used the same justification (it wasn't a choice, they're just naturally attracted to their sister, brother, father, etc) would y'all be just as accepting and willing to give rights to them?
Nah incest isnt cool enough yet 
If incest and bestiality were pushed as heavily as homosexuality is in the media...they would be as accepted within 10-20 years.
Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Alright, so if your justification is that everybody should just accept homosexuality because they are born like that and it is not a choice, I have a question for you.
If people who practiced incest used the same justification (it wasn't a choice, they're just naturally attracted to their sister, brother, father, etc) would y'all be just as accepting and willing to give rights to them?
incest creates a greater chance of children being born with disabilities...it's actually harmful
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

So race is as malleable as sexual orientation now?

There are many cases of abuse resulting in homosexual behavior (temporary/long term/willing/unwilling/whatever) but what type of trauma would lead to someones race changing?

   Well, a form of that is people who have self-hate for their own race. It can be equally as traumatic as what you describe with homosexuality. You never heard
of instances where people do everything they can to assimilate into white culture, that they forsake their own identity? Then, there's the more extreme form
of people who bleach their skin cause they're "too dark" and want to "fit it". It's not far-fetched at all. 
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Alright, so if your justification is that everybody should just accept homosexuality because they are born like that and it is not a choice, I have a question for you.
If people who practiced incest used the same justification (it wasn't a choice, they're just naturally attracted to their sister, brother, father, etc) would y'all be just as accepting and willing to give rights to them?
incest creates a greater chance of children being born with disabilities...it's actually harmful
I said this as a reply to a pervious poster but it is relevant to this point as well. 
Imagine the same scenario but instead of homosexuality being the reason for reproductive limitation imagine some other factor. For example, take a look at incest instead of bestiality since we are talking about humans. Naturally, inbreeding will not allow for efficient reproduction. Now imagine scientific methods allow inbreeding between a father and a daughter, to create viable offspring, consistently. Everything about them is the same BUT sexual attraction, would the support for their rights be the same? I do not think so. Therefore our reproductive barriers should not be ignored simply because we have the technology that allows us to bypass them.
Originally Posted by 00david00

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by 00david00

I never stated they lose their ability to produce sperm and eggs. We can make many unnatural things occur through various scientific methods what is the point you are making about being able to inseminate sperm into a donor egg? Naturally, homosexuality DOES NOT produce viable, fertile offspring. 

In regards to eusociality mentioned above in the wikipedia article. Eusociality with biologically sterile individuals is the most extreme form of kin selection. If you look at the definition of eusociality by Crespi here: http://beheco.oxfordjourn...rg/content/6/1/109.short it states that " definition specifies the requirement for irreversibly distinct behavioral groups or castes (with respect to sterility and/or other features), and such a definition excludes all social vertebrates, none of which have irreversible castes" So using eusociality to describe behaviors between mammals, even more broadly, vertebrates at all, is unaccountable.

And finally in regards to the point that heterosexual reproduction results in offspring that are infertile or not viable. Yes that is true, however that is not what happens MOST of the time. There are exceptions to everything, and simply saying sexual reproduction can be unsuccessful at times (in an evolutionary point of view) is not enough justification to say that it has the same capacity of reproduction as homosexual reproduction or bestiality.
The distinction is that homosexual humans ARE capable of producing fertile, viable offspring. Just not with those of the same gender. Everything about homosexual humans is the SAME as heterosexual humans other than sexual attraction. We live in an age where we no longer need "traditional" modes of reproduction to carry on our lineage evolutionarily. I fail to see the similarity between hetero or homosexuality and bestiality.
With that being said, if everything else is the same BUT sexual attraction, is that enough to designate homosexuals as second-class citizens by not giving them the same rights as heterosexuals?
Imagine the same scenario but instead of homosexuality being the reason for reproductive limitation imagine some other factor. For example, take a look at incest instead of bestiality since we are talking about humans. Naturally, inbreeding will not allow for efficient reproduction. Now imagine scientific methods allow inbreeding between a father and a daughter, to create viable offspring, consistently. 
Everything about them is the same BUT sexual attraction, would the support for their rights be the same? I do not think so. Therefore our reproductive barriers should not be ignored simply because we have the technology that allows us to bypass them.
I already said three times in this thread that I'd be all for incestuous relationships being legal under law as long as there isn't inbreeding since it would be unfair for the children of those relationships to start lives off with a handicap.
I think incest is a MUCH much less prevalent in the world than is homosexuality. If there is a large enough population in society that really pushes for that kind of change, I would support them. I doubt it very much though.
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Alright, so if your justification is that everybody should just accept homosexuality because they are born like that and it is not a choice, I have a question for you.
If people who practiced incest used the same justification (it wasn't a choice, they're just naturally attracted to their sister, brother, father, etc) would y'all be just as accepting and willing to give rights to them?
incest creates a greater chance of children being born with disabilities...it's actually harmful
So why cant they just adopt? 
Originally Posted by 00david00

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Alright, so if your justification is that everybody should just accept homosexuality because they are born like that and it is not a choice, I have a question for you.
If people who practiced incest used the same justification (it wasn't a choice, they're just naturally attracted to their sister, brother, father, etc) would y'all be just as accepting and willing to give rights to them?
incest creates a greater chance of children being born with disabilities...it's actually harmful
I said this as a reply to a pervious poster but it is relevant to this point as well. 
Imagine the same scenario but instead of homosexuality being the reason for reproductive limitation imagine some other factor. For example, take a look at incest instead of bestiality since we are talking about humans. Naturally, inbreeding will not allow for efficient reproduction. Now imagine scientific methods allow inbreeding between a father and a daughter, to create viable offspring, consistently. Everything about them is the same BUT sexual attraction, would the support for their rights be the same? I do not think so. Therefore our reproductive barriers should not be ignored simply because we have the technology that allows us to bypass them.
inbreeding was accepted back in the day until we realized the effects. if one day we were able to bypass those effects, it would probably become accepted once again...
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Alright, so if your justification is that everybody should just accept homosexuality because they are born like that and it is not a choice, I have a question for you.
If people who practiced incest used the same justification (it wasn't a choice, they're just naturally attracted to their sister, brother, father, etc) would y'all be just as accepting and willing to give rights to them?
incest creates a greater chance of children being born with disabilities...it's actually harmful
And two homosexuals raising a child increases the possibility of them having psychological issues, which is also harmful.  So what's your point?
Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Alright, so if your justification is that everybody should just accept homosexuality because they are born like that and it is not a choice, I have a question for you.
If people who practiced incest used the same justification (it wasn't a choice, they're just naturally attracted to their sister, brother, father, etc) would y'all be just as accepting and willing to give rights to them?


(granted they don't have children because children of inbreeding have much, much higher chances of beginning life with a terrible debilitating mental or physical disorder and that wouldn't be fair to them)
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

So race is as malleable as sexual orientation now?

There are many cases of abuse resulting in homosexual behavior (temporary/long term/willing/unwilling/whatever) but what type of trauma would lead to someones race changing?

   Well, a form of that is people who have self-hate for their own race. It can be equally as traumatic as what you describe with homosexuality. You never heard
of instances where people do everything they can to assimilate into white culture, that they forsake their own identity? Then, there's the more extreme form
of people who bleach their skin cause they're "too dark" and want to "fit it". It's not far-fetched at all. 
But I classify that self-hate, as well as the systems and behaviors that come along with it as disease....just as I do with homosexuality. 
"I already said three times in this thread that I'd be all for incestuous relationships being legal under law as long as there isn't inbreeding since it would be unfair for the children of those relationships to start lives off with a handicap."

So if we had the tools in place to allow inbreeding with no handicap to the child ?
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Alright, so if your justification is that everybody should just accept homosexuality because they are born like that and it is not a choice, I have a question for you.
If people who practiced incest used the same justification (it wasn't a choice, they're just naturally attracted to their sister, brother, father, etc) would y'all be just as accepting and willing to give rights to them?
incest creates a greater chance of children being born with disabilities...it's actually harmful
So why cant they just adopt? 
not sure what you mean.

if a brother and sister start having sex, she could get pregnant. and the result may be a child with a disability.

if a brother and sister want to get married...im not sure what the rules on marriage are. incest deals with sex though, i think. i'm not up on incest law
Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Alright, so if your justification is that everybody should just accept homosexuality because they are born like that and it is not a choice, I have a question for you.
If people who practiced incest used the same justification (it wasn't a choice, they're just naturally attracted to their sister, brother, father, etc) would y'all be just as accepting and willing to give rights to them?
incest creates a greater chance of children being born with disabilities...it's actually harmful
And two homosexuals raising a child increases the possibility of them having psychological issues, which is also harmful.  So what's your point?
This video has been quite popular on the internet as of late. Very relevant to your ignorant statement.
Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Alright, so if your justification is that everybody should just accept homosexuality because they are born like that and it is not a choice, I have a question for you.
If people who practiced incest used the same justification (it wasn't a choice, they're just naturally attracted to their sister, brother, father, etc) would y'all be just as accepting and willing to give rights to them?
incest creates a greater chance of children being born with disabilities...it's actually harmful
And two homosexuals raising a child increases the possibility of them having psychological issues, which is also harmful.  So what's your point?
not sure if serious...
Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Alright, so if your justification is that everybody should just accept homosexuality because they are born like that and it is not a choice, I have a question for you.
If people who practiced incest used the same justification (it wasn't a choice, they're just naturally attracted to their sister, brother, father, etc) would y'all be just as accepting and willing to give rights to them?
incest creates a greater chance of children being born with disabilities...it's actually harmful
And two homosexuals raising a child increases the possibility of them having psychological issues, which is also harmful.  So what's your point?
what kind of psychological issues?  like this guy?  he seems pretty messed up....
Originally Posted by 00david00

"I already said three times in this thread that I'd be all for incestuous relationships being legal under law as long as there isn't inbreeding since it would be unfair for the children of those relationships to start lives off with a handicap."

So if we had the tools in place to allow inbreeding with no handicap to the child ?
Go wild. 
 I mean, if you truly love that family member that is. Being saddled with a child, regardless of your sexual orientation or family makeup, is a huge responsibility and commitment.
Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Alright, so if your justification is that everybody should just accept homosexuality because they are born like that and it is not a choice, I have a question for you.
If people who practiced incest used the same justification (it wasn't a choice, they're just naturally attracted to their sister, brother, father, etc) would y'all be just as accepting and willing to give rights to them?
incest creates a greater chance of children being born with disabilities...it's actually harmful
And two homosexuals raising a child increases the possibility of them having psychological issues, which is also harmful.  So what's your point?

well, two hetero people raise psychopaths and so on.

maybe nobody should have children.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

incest creates a greater chance of children being born with disabilities...it's actually harmful
And two homosexuals raising a child increases the possibility of them having psychological issues, which is also harmful.  So what's your point?

well, two hetero people raise psychopaths and so on.

maybe nobody should have children.

Clearly the best idea in this thread.
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