Why are conservatives always angry?


First black person to do ANYTHING is never a good story...word to Dave Chapelle. I'm not comfortable with taking race out of this equation cause I just don't think that highly of human beings in general. Is he the first because he's horrible or is he the first because of perceptions. Cause i look back in history and America has had a lot of monsters as leaders. Somehow this guy is a "first".

First president I ever heard being called a 'lair' out loud during a speech.
First president I ever heard the 'other' side say they won't work with him and their # 1 goal was to make him a one term president right after an election.
First president I ever heard asking for a spy drone back.
First president I ever saw get confronted at the airport.
First president I ever heard of being accused of not being an 'American' and questioning his birth certificate.

I have legit complaints about Obama and I agree that it doesn't make you a racist because you don't like him or agree. However, just some of this stuff is very questionable and very sideways.

I equate SOME OF the Obama hate to that parent who "in the open" has no beef with black people until their daughter dates one, then their true colors show cause its affecting their personal life. Just my opinion tho. And I'm not saying all conservatives who hate Obama are racist, I legit believe people are just WAY too loyal to a party to realize that it's ******g them and the country as a whole up. Picking sides, especially during these times is beyond stupid. Corporations and lobbying run this country, people need to open their eyes.

Media spins things to get parties riled up. There is no balance. It keeps people close minded and oblivious to how things really are.
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I'm black.
I'm not democrat or republican.

.... but I am conservative. 
Why? Because that's how I was raised. I respect good morals that are taught in the bible. My views on gender roles and the family unit are old-fashioned and maybe sexist by today's standards. I want the government to stay far away from my personal life and choices I feel should be mine to make. I want the tax money I pay to be spent responsibly and frugally. Etc. etc.

lib·er·al   (l
l, l

a. Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry.

b. Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.

c. Of, relating to, or characteristic of liberalism.

d. Liberal  Of, designating, or characteristic of a political party founded on or associated with principles of social and political liberalism, especially in Great Britain, Canada, and the United States.

a. Tending to give freely

Just looking at the definition of Liberal. We can see that traditions and old morals are not high on their agenda. Reforming things is a key component. Also, they GIVE FREELY(which for the government means they take freely from me and give to others).

I don't know what OP meant by conservatives are always angry. But being that conservatives want the government to stay out of their business and liberals think it's the governments job to make things better for everyone. There's going to be conflict there forever. Since healthcare is the hot topic right now I'll use that. Should everyone have healthcare... ehh I guess it wouldn't be bad if it was there. Should I be forced to pay for the sake of something thats perceived by the public to be good? NO I don't think I should. Unfortunately life has a lot of grey area. Being black it's hard for me to say a business owner should be able to refuse business to black people or refuse to hire black people, it's HIS/HER business. The government can't tell them what to do with it!

The government shouldn't have control over my choices and possessions, sometimes that means things won't be fair and equal for everybody. Perhaps that can be seen as them having less freedom for me to have more. Either way, if liberals were in full control, America would spiral into a socialist state trying to make things fair for everyone.  For now I just cherish all the affirmative action and opportunities I can take because they are there now whether I think they are rightly principled or not. I don't claim to have things all figured out, If I did I'd be a wealthy political scientist and writer. but I do know when I'm forced into something I feel some type of way.

Gay marriage was and still is a HUGE debate. Do I think gays should marry? I don't really care. To me that's up to the church (many still say no). I see marriage as a religious institution (vows taken before God). I get that not every see's things like that. But even if I'm morally against it, it doesn't matter because a TRUE CONSERVATIVE, would say that the government has no say in that personal matter and everyone wins in the name of freedom. These people that claim to be conservative but want government to be involved in personal affairs like abortion are not truly conservative. They are what we in the biz call Neo-Cons. They spout the nonsense and bigotry you hear on fox news.
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^^one of the definitions of liberal means to give freely. That's doesn't mean liberals give freely. A single word in the English language can have many meanings depending on the context. You choose the wrong one and ran with it because it satisfied your biased  misconceived notion of what it means to be liberal. 

    It is a misconception that liberals wanna turn America into a socialist country. supporting social programs doesn't make you a socialist. Republicans support Medicare, does that make them socialists?  Being liberal in a nutshell is about being progressive, reforming the country for the better and fighting against inequality. Now obviously we have leaders who don't fight for the true principles of liberalism and instead cater to special interests but I'm talking about political ideology.
^^one of the definitions of liberal means to give freely. That's doesn't mean liberals give freely. A single word in the English language can have many meanings depending on the context. You choose the wrong one and ran with it because it satisfied your biased  misconceived notion of what it means to be liberal. 

    It is a misconception that liberals wanna turn America into a socialist country. supporting social programs doesn't make you a socialist. Republicans support Medicare, does that make them socialists?  Being liberal in a nutshell is about being progressive, reforming the country for the better and fighting against inequality. Now obviously we have leaders who don't fight for the true principles of liberalism and instead cater to special interests but I'm talking about political ideology.
well said, there are a lot of institutions in this country that are socialized and the republican party supports it.
well said, there are a lot of institutions in this country that are socialized and the republican party supports it.

Can you name a few? They are always screaming how bad the government is and how the private companies can do it 'better'
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well said, there are a lot of institutions in this country that are socialized and the republican party supports it.

Can you name a few? They are always screaming how bad the government is and how the private companies can do it 'better'


both democrats and republicans have socialism in their core. where they divide in it is where they want the money to flow in the expense of others.
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both democrats and republicans have socialism in their core. where they divide in it is where they want the money to flow in the expense of others.

Not familiar with those acronyms, help me out.

military industrial complex, prison industrial complex throw the banking industrial complex but both sides support it.
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Can you name a few? They are always screaming how bad the government is and how the private companies can do it 'better'

Medicare, social security....they love these programs despite the fact that they account for one of the largest percentages of government spending after defense.

Yet, they continually rail against socialized medicine, which is similar to Medicare.

You would think the budget hawks in the right wing would want to reform it to bring spending down.
Medicare, social security....they love these programs despite the fact that they account for one of the largest percentages of government spending after defense.

Yet, they continually rail against socialized medicine, which is similar to Medicare.

You would think the budget hawks in the right wing would want to reform it to bring spending down.

They are only 'budget hawks' when 'their' guy isn't in there. They been trying to privatize SS for years.
Medicare, social security....they love these programs despite the fact that they account for one of the largest percentages of government spending after defense.

Yet, they continually rail against socialized medicine, which is similar to Medicare.

You would think the budget hawks in the right wing would want to reform it to bring spending down.
Here's a hint for you.

The people that actually vote use those programs especially the latter.
Here's a hint for you.

The people that actually vote use those programs especially the latter.

True enough. To be fair, I think there are probably people on both sides who want to reform it, but they know even mentioning it is political suicide because the AARP and elderly in general are too great a voting block.

It's sad because if we could cut that **** back we could probably fix some of our other problems.
Here's a hint for you.

The people that actually vote use those programs especially the latter.

True enough. To be fair, I think there are probably people on both sides who want to reform it, but they know even mentioning it is political suicide because the AARP and elderly in general are too great a voting block.

It's sad because if we could cut that **** back we could probably fix some of our other problems.

its only going to delay the inevitable so i rather have it crash and burn than delay its death
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I have no problem tweaking/reforming SS and medicare, but defense cuts have to happen first. Also, the US has a lot of tricks when it comes to 'budgeting'.
I have no problem tweaking/reforming SS and medicare, but defense cuts have to happen first. Also, the US has a lot of tricks when it comes to 'budgeting'.
And that's happening. The Marine Corps is reducing its force strength 174K troops; the lowest number since World War 1.
And that's happening. The Marine Corps is reducing its force strength 174K troops; the lowest number since World War 1.

That's great, but at the same time, what about the contractors? This is where the real money goes.
Can you name a few? They are always screaming how bad the government is and how the private companies can do it 'better'

Law enforcement

Social security

Unless they are half way socialist maybe we should stop funding this
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I have no problem tweaking/reforming SS and medicare, but defense cuts have to happen first. Also, the US has a lot of tricks when it comes to 'budgeting'.

I'd rather leave defense alone and deal with SS and Medicare. Defense benefits every American, every day. It's costly but essential. SS and Medicare benefit the elderly at the cost of the rest of society.

But don't ever try explaining that to an elderly person. Trust me, I have, often. Their response is always, "I paid for that," to which I respond, by the time you die , you would have collected way more in benefits than what you paid in to the system. They're not trying to hear reason though.
I'd rather leave defense alone and deal with SS and Medicare. Defense benefits every American, every day. It's costly but essential. SS and Medicare benefit the elderly at the cost of the rest of society.

I'll agree to disagree. If you think the two wars that are still going on are benefiting every American, then I don't know what to say.

War makes money for corporations and defense contractors, the "Americans" foot the bill.

Let's not forget these wars started on lies.
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I'd rather leave defense alone and deal with SS and Medicare. Defense benefits every American, every day. It's costly but essential. SS and Medicare benefit the elderly at the cost of the rest of society.

But don't ever try explaining that to an elderly person. Trust me, I have, often. Their response is always, "I paid for that," to which I respond, by the time you die , you would have collected way more in benefits than what you paid in to the system. They're not trying to hear reason though.

Huh?! Just to bring light to this, Do you think it makes sense to go next door and tell them how to run their house while your wife, daughter, and son are having problems of their own at home? And I don't think it's the elderly that are the problem with Medicare and SS. The problem with them is the Gov allows people to sit back and use them their whole life after they drop out of high school and don't wanna suffer the consequences and work at a fast food restaurant the rest of their life. The elderly do deserve what they get, but the person who is blind in one eye at 25 does not deserve a SS check forever without contributing to society.

All of the budgeting needs to stop and start up again on priority mode. And we need to get rid of everyone in the White House and in congress right now. I would rather people ran the country that have actually had to work a day in their life.
I'd rather leave defense alone and deal with SS and Medicare. Defense benefits every American, every day. It's costly but essential. SS and Medicare benefit the elderly at the cost of the rest of society.

I'll agree to disagree. If you think the two wars that are still going on are benefiting every American, then I don't know what to say.

War makes money for corporations and defense contractors, the "Americans" foot the bill.

Let's not forget these wars started on lies.

i understand why we went to war. now i dont AGREE with it but it makes sense.

we had to maintain the petro dollar or else we will lose our reserve currency status and that would be disastrous to our standard of living. this is why we went to war in iraq and libya.

if we cut military spending, look what it will do to unemployment numbers. this will be the fault of the president currently in office. so the MIC stays the way it is no matter whos in office. this also applies to the crooked justice system and the PIC. if we let non violent offenders off the hook, it will also raise and reveal the truth about unemployment numbers.
Only thing I'm going to say is this...y'all don't know anything about "drones".

No idea where this outrage came from. UAVs have been in use for years before Obama even announced he was running for the presidency.
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