Why Are So Many Successful Black Women Unmarried?

A lot of Black women are dumb. Point blank period. And so are men who allow themselves to be pushovers by black women.

If your standards aint getting you what you want then lower them.

It's so many requirements that women think a man should have if he doesn't have them then they won't allow anything further.

If he not making six figures, but he's a good man to you and shows he'd be a good man to your kids then drop some of those requirements.
Originally Posted by MisterP0315


All I needed to see is that there are 1.8 million MORE Black women than Black men in America.

So...they can be picky or pump themselves up as God's gift to Earth or whatever. But...we have the options. What you won't do, someone else will.

That pretty much sum things up......that's the mentality you've got to have. Life's too short, you can't please everyone. And like many onhere mentioned---this is a numbers game----a game of averages, esp. for black men. It's a complete waste of time and energy, two of a man's valubleassets they can have. Just appreciate what you have and don't dwell on what you can't control or what others expect from you. The world is too huge ofa place to cater to some woman's outlandish and exaagerated expectations and standards. There is about a million women hitting that 18yr old mark per day.You dont have time to cater towards these women standards and mess like that. point blank.

And once again, the media finds ways to subtlety throw us under the bus: finding ways to make it where a exaggerated majority of blacks are in jail doing badthings, or not going to college---once again another biased depiction of the black male.
Originally Posted by memphisboi55

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by memphisboi55

Just a small input...

If i was a VERY successful black man, i would fray away from marriage if she wouldn't sign a prenuptial agreement.

I see too too many cases these days where women taking 1/2.

Lamar Odom, r.i.p in a few years when they split. His agreement he made was outrageous.
Honestly that's why I think its best to meet someone young. You are nothing in the sense of money so the girl/guy was with you in the dark days
. Like my girl now. I wouldn't dare go to her with a prenup. She has been with me through a lot. I wouldn't feel right. But people should also adopt Dr.Phil's marriage rules where divorce is not an option. If both parties agree and mean it then you have a great foundation to start with IMO.

I rambled a bit

But see, that's when they say " I helped him along the way, he owes me 1/2 "

Like when they started, they have nothing. Then the man makes it big and now they split, judge is saying she deserves half of what you got now because she been with you and helped you along the way. See that ALOTTTTT in the news.
Cause by that time, your looking at 10 or more years of marriage, few kids even.

Judicial system is @*$%$% up.

Yeah it is a messed up system. I could see 30-40%. I don't know about have but 30-40% is cool if I guess.
So for all this talk of averages and the numbers games and this OPTIONS talk that ya'll have you collectively reached that is the consensus it is true youdon't have to be a successful black women and that's fine, your life, but when will you feel like you can actuallysettle down with somebody?

Why does it seem like men are so scared of getting to know one female these days? The *#@%? When did that go out style? Why do yall think money and successwill rub your back in the night?
Yeah you can date around...yall arethe ones that have the options(I'm humoring for arguments sake
) butlike what happens when you meet a woman you are feeling and she isn't like the women in the video that yall are crying over that have the unrealistic highstandards? She is a down to earth chick who doesn't expect much of you(
) and is loyal and would a good mother and a good wife?

What then? Should she just be expected to wait for you? She is well traveled too and CAN COOK AND CLEAN.
Her race is irrelevant at this point cause the way some of ya'lltalking I just don't know. A good woman is a good woman.
Black women in general are an enigma. They want a good man, but at the time they want it, they usually have already passed up 5 good men.. How many black womenin this thread alone have passed up the straight and arrow dude, for the cat who is sideways. I am not in here to point fingers, but the single life is madefor men. We are designed to talk to several potential mates and if one suits us, we settle. Woman on the other hand tend to hold out for that ONE. There isnothing wrong with this, except for the fact that when she finds the one, usually women aint ready, nor are capable of the relationship needed to keep saidman. In turn, they lose the few potential suitors that she is willing to accept in the process of her own issues/life...ect... We (men) can afford to lose suchfemales because well, quite frankly we are pretty shallow.

Why are black women not married? Because they are not the choosers, and they need to stop acting like they are.
Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

So for all this talk of averages and the numbers games and this OPTIONS talk that ya'll have you collectively reached that is the consensus it is true you don't have to be a successful black women and that's fine, your life, but when will you feel like you can actually settle down with somebody?

Why does it seem like men are so scared of getting to know one female these days? The *#@%? When did that go out style? Why do yall think money and success will rub your back in the night?
Yeah you can date around...yall are the ones that have the options(I'm humoring for arguments sake
) but like what happens when you meet a woman you are feeling and she isn't like the women in the video that yall are crying over that have the unrealistic high standards? She is a down to earth chick who doesn't expect much of you(
) and is loyal and would a good mother and a good wife?

What then? Should she just be expected to wait for you? She is well traveled too and CAN COOK AND CLEAN.
Her race is irrelevant at this point cause the way some of ya'll talking I just don't know. A good woman is a good woman.

She meets my whole family on christmas day before I'm even ready to be serious
So for all this talk of averages and the numbers games and this OPTIONS talk that ya'll have you collectively reached that is the consensus it is true you don't have to be a successful black women and that's fine, your life, but when will you feel like you can actually settle down with somebody?

Why does it seem like men are so scared of getting to know one female these days? The *#@%? When did that go out style? Why do yall think money and success will rub your back in the night? Yeah you can date around...yall are the ones that have the options(I'm humoring for arguments sake) but like what happens when you meet a woman you are feeling and she isn't like the women in the video that yall are crying over that have the unrealistic high standards? She is a down to earth chick who doesn't expect much of you( ) and is loyal and would a good mother and a good wife?

What then? Should she just be expected to wait for you? She is well traveled too and CAN COOK AND CLEAN. Her race is irrelevant at this point cause the way some of ya'll talking I just don't know. A good woman is a good woman.

Talked about this on my blog.

For me personally, options bring security. I remember being in college and dating this girl. Liked her a lot. Went outta my way. We werent BF/GF but itwoulda gone there if she aint freeze up. Next thing, i go to chill with her and she's spending time with some next dude. After that, i learned to alwayshave a backup.

Women are emotionally driven. If one day she's feeling me and the next day she's not, I'm not gonna be assed out because I invested ALL my timeand affection on her. I just had a girl i was dating tell me "she wants to be alone" because she's going back to school. fine no harm, no foul.then i see her on FB talkin some ##% with another cat. Sure enough, i give her space and now she's back on my jock. Stuff like that is why I keep an ace inthe hole...and if i dont have one, it sure seems like i always do. Women have that leeway and are the ones who choose mates. If thats what they are, we dudeshave to be prepared for rejection and to keep it moving. I just do that by diversifying my options.

I would never expect a woman to wait for me, but if she does it's on her. I'm probably too upfront aboutmy dating stances nowadays but it's likewomen would rather than than being lied to..and thats an opportunity i wont pass up if it gets me what i want. I've had a lotta girls tell me how shockedthey were that i aint got a girl...but i just like my freedom. i'm allowed that, no?

In life, options will make or break you. You have to realize that the days of our parents are LONG gone. It's averages. You meet 5 chicks, you aintgonna be compatible with all of em...so why not date around and see what you like AND get experience so if you do meet someone you like, you know what todo?
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

So for all this talk of averages and the numbers games and this OPTIONS talk that ya'll have you collectively reached that is the consensus it is true you don't have to be a successful black women and that's fine, your life, but when will you feel like you can actually settle down with somebody?

Why does it seem like men are so scared of getting to know one female these days? The *#@%? When did that go out style? Why do yall think money and success will rub your back in the night? Yeah you can date around...yall are the ones that have the options(I'm humoring for arguments sake) but like what happens when you meet a woman you are feeling and she isn't like the women in the video that yall are crying over that have the unrealistic high standards? She is a down to earth chick who doesn't expect much of you( ) and is loyal and would a good mother and a good wife?

What then? Should she just be expected to wait for you? She is well traveled too and CAN COOK AND CLEAN. Her race is irrelevant at this point cause the way some of ya'll talking I just don't know. A good woman is a good woman.

Talked about this on my blog.

For me personally, options bring security. I remember being in college and dating this girl. Liked her a lot. Went outta my way. We werent BF/GF but it woulda gone there if she aint freeze up. Next thing, i go to chill with her and she's spending time with some next dude. After that, i learned to always have a backup.

Women are emotionally driven. If one day she's feeling me and the next day she's not, I'm not gonna be assed out because I invested ALL my time and affection on her. I just had a girl i was dating tell me "she wants to be alone" because she's going back to school. fine no harm, no foul. then i see her on FB talkin some ##% with another cat. Sure enough, i give her space and now she's back on my jock. Stuff like that is why I keep an ace in the hole...and if i dont have one, it sure seems like i always do. Women have that leeway and are the ones who choose mates. If thats what they are, we dudes have to be prepared for rejection and to keep it moving. I just do that by diversifying my options.

I would never expect a woman to wait for me, but if she does it's on her. I'm probably too upfront aboutmy dating stances nowadays but it's like women would rather than than being lied to..and thats an opportunity i wont pass up if it gets me what i want. I've had a lotta girls tell me how shocked they were that i aint got a girl...but i just like my freedom. i'm allowed that, no?

In life, options will make or break you. You have to realize that the days of our parents are LONG gone. It's averages. You meet 5 chicks, you aint gonna be compatible with all of em...so why not date around and see what you like AND get experience so if you do meet someone you like, you know what to do?

This is my exact mindset at this point in time...
Originally Posted by eplaya06

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

So for all this talk of averages and the numbers games and this OPTIONS talk that ya'll have you collectively reached that is the consensus it is true you don't have to be a successful black women and that's fine, your life, but when will you feel like you can actually settle down with somebody?

Why does it seem like men are so scared of getting to know one female these days? The *#@%? When did that go out style? Why do yall think money and success will rub your back in the night? Yeah you can date around...yall are the ones that have the options(I'm humoring for arguments sake) but like what happens when you meet a woman you are feeling and she isn't like the women in the video that yall are crying over that have the unrealistic high standards? She is a down to earth chick who doesn't expect much of you( ) and is loyal and would a good mother and a good wife?

What then? Should she just be expected to wait for you? She is well traveled too and CAN COOK AND CLEAN. Her race is irrelevant at this point cause the way some of ya'll talking I just don't know. A good woman is a good woman.

Talked about this on my blog.

For me personally, options bring security. I remember being in college and dating this girl. Liked her a lot. Went outta my way. We werent BF/GF but it woulda gone there if she aint freeze up. Next thing, i go to chill with her and she's spending time with some next dude. After that, i learned to always have a backup.

Women are emotionally driven. If one day she's feeling me and the next day she's not, I'm not gonna be assed out because I invested ALL my time and affection on her. I just had a girl i was dating tell me "she wants to be alone" because she's going back to school. fine no harm, no foul. then i see her on FB talkin some ##% with another cat. Sure enough, i give her space and now she's back on my jock. Stuff like that is why I keep an ace in the hole...and if i dont have one, it sure seems like i always do. Women have that leeway and are the ones who choose mates. If thats what they are, we dudes have to be prepared for rejection and to keep it moving. I just do that by diversifying my options.

I would never expect a woman to wait for me, but if she does it's on her. I'm probably too upfront aboutmy dating stances nowadays but it's like women would rather than than being lied to..and thats an opportunity i wont pass up if it gets me what i want. I've had a lotta girls tell me how shocked they were that i aint got a girl...but i just like my freedom. i'm allowed that, no?

In life, options will make or break you. You have to realize that the days of our parents are LONG gone. It's averages. You meet 5 chicks, you aint gonna be compatible with all of em...so why not date around and see what you like AND get experience so if you do meet someone you like, you know what to do?
This is my exact mindset at this point in time...

exactly I always try to tell my young dudes always try to have backups on deck
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by Nyota de la star

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

No, it's just that a respectable woman doesn't ask for a mans number. That's just another thing of society. Seriously, how do u feel about the girls that pursue u and ask for ya math?
What's not respectable about a woman asking for a man's number?

Gender roles...remember. The man must always pursue
The pickings for these females are slim, they need to get off their damn high horse.

"Me? Ask for a number?"

I don't get it guys. One minute you're praising good old-fashioned gender-boxed positions... the next minute you ain't having it.

Geez man I know I'm only 18 but I really, really don't wanna go through this dating scene if it is this confusing!
at the end of the day black women are getting played out more and more by the way they carry themselves and the attitudes that they have towards black men andmore respectable blue and white collar black men are noticing it * Kanye shrugging it * and moving on and dating outside they race the day i knew that some aka44% of black women was on some BS is when i was in college and i seen black women carrying themselves
just like fast females thats in the hood or in music videos
Originally Posted by Nyota de la star

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by Nyota de la star

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

No, it's just that a respectable woman doesn't ask for a mans number. That's just another thing of society. Seriously, how do u feel about the girls that pursue u and ask for ya math?
What's not respectable about a woman asking for a man's number?

Gender roles...remember. The man must always pursue
The pickings for these females are slim, they need to get off their damn high horse.

"Me? Ask for a number?"

I don't get it guys. One minute you're praising good old-fashioned gender-boxed positions... the next minute you ain't having it.

Geez man I know I'm only 18 but I really, really don't wanna go through this dating scene if it is this confusing!
It is confusing, but the fact of the matter is, create your own boundaries (through life experiences), and operate within them.

There are a lot of old-fashioned values that should remain intact, imo. But something as trivial as not asking for someone's , who you may be attracted to,number for fear of stepping outside of your imaginary gender role sociological trap, exemplify why you're in the position that you're in. (in ref. tothe lady in the video)
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Black women in general are an enigma. They want a good man, but at the time they want it, they usually have already passed up 5 good men.. How many black women in this thread alone have passed up the straight and arrow dude, for the cat who is sideways. I am not in here to point fingers, but the single life is made for men. We are designed to talk to several potential mates and if one suits us, we settle. Woman on the other hand tend to hold out for that ONE. There is nothing wrong with this, except for the fact that when she finds the one, usually women aint ready, nor are capable of the relationship needed to keep said man. In turn, they lose the few potential suitors that she is willing to accept in the process of her own issues/life...ect... We (men) can afford to lose such females because well, quite frankly we are pretty shallow.

Why are black women not married? Because they are not the choosers, and they need to stop acting like they are.
If you said this around some of the black chicks I know, you would get whupped.

Not saying that I disagree with you or anything.
if they can't find a sucessful black man in atlanta of all places
it might be time for them to throw in the towel
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

if they can't find a sucessful black man in atlanta of all places
it might be time for them to throw in the towel
I was just thinking this
. Just give up on finding truelove if you can't find someone in Atlanta.
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