Why Are So Many Successful Black Women Unmarried?

I spoke w/ a young lady that lives in Atlanta, and its not what you would think in terms of potential w/ brothers there. I think the opposite chasm caterstowards the guys in terms of finding a spouse.
Originally Posted by MissKickBack

blackmagnus514 wrote:
You'll be shocked at how many DL cats are in atlanta
This should be common knowledge by now.
Yeah but still. Altanta is like the Mecca for young black professionals.
Like I said if she can't find at least 1 black man that can live up to her standards
she needs to take a long hard look in the mirror
Exactly. It's times like this when i know what type of woman i want to be with when my efforts pay off.

"Chickens that used to act ill, f ya'll I aint forgiving that/a nucca bitter, so when a nucca hit ya' tryin to hurt ya chest like 10,000situps"
I dont know why...but i dont feel pity for them either. there seems to be something about them WE dont know. What's the say they dont have issuesthat'll turn a guy off PLUS their attitudes.
Originally Posted by sreggie101

The Black James Bond said:
sreggie101 said:
Interesting take on it. Never would've seen it as the successful black women holding themselves back somewhat...Most of the one's i've seen simply aren't attractive (this includes face). well, at least at my school at Temple. Then again i dunno many to begin with

Although to be fair Im not helping black women out, I'm haitian and my girl is irish/portugese, and im hella happy with her so i can care less

you go to Temple too?
I'm president of one of the "cultural" student orgs on campus and it's funny how many of the girls within theorganization approach me and try to lock me down. always "joking" about marrying them etc....now I see why.

yea im engineering at Temple.
at them girls tryin to get you to put a ring on it. what organization you part of

Organization of African Students. I was an EE major up until last year, I'm still in the same building you are now though
i heard in atlanta da men are so outnumbered by women that they actually holla at u......
The mo's are deep in the A, but yall make it sound
Like its straight up huntin season. It all depends where u at and what time ur there. Its easy not to get caught
There's also plenty of successful single men & women
In Atl, Idk where one would be to not run into them. The college scene on top of the whole club scene, and
The Other many social venues is like rime realestate to find a respectable candidate.
Originally Posted by jimmybeanz

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Black women in general are an enigma. They want a good man, but at the time they want it, they usually have already passed up 5 good men.. How many black women in this thread alone have passed up the straight and arrow dude, for the cat who is sideways. I am not in here to point fingers, but the single life is made for men. We are designed to talk to several potential mates and if one suits us, we settle. Woman on the other hand tend to hold out for that ONE. There is nothing wrong with this, except for the fact that when she finds the one, usually women aint ready, nor are capable of the relationship needed to keep said man. In turn, they lose the few potential suitors that she is willing to accept in the process of her own issues/life...ect... We (men) can afford to lose such females because well, quite frankly we are pretty shallow.

Why are black women not married? Because they are not the choosers, and they need to stop acting like they are.
If you said this around some of the black chicks I know, you would get whupped.

Not saying that I disagree with you or anything.

me too, which is why I just stopped having these discussions with my black homegirls. It proved to be a big waste of time. Sure women are the choosers inthe sense that they have to approve of a mate, but the numbers are clearly not in their favor, and they need to stop acting like they are.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

i heard in atlanta da men are so outnumbered by women that they actually holla at u......

Why is ATL one of the most hated cities on here? NVM
Originally Posted by memphisboi55

Too strong.
Too independent.
Can do w/o a man attitude.
No time for sex.
No time for nothing but their career.


This is OD
but man i wont even lie, i just dont like black girls at ALL( if its racist kick rocks)...they was at their PRIME in the 1990s...but after 1999brothas is into that mixed, lighter skin females... I'm not even giving ANY attention to a black female unless she catches my eyes with somethin crazy....LATINA GIRLS IS THE WAY TO GO.
This is proof that women DO have issues. You mean to tell me you can get a bachelors degree, masters degree, doctoral degree etc etc, along withall these accomplishments and make more money than most people in a year?

but you can't get a decent man?

I feel no pity

Originally Posted by kicksgetmehigh

This is proof that women DO have issues. You mean to tell me you can get a bachelors degree, masters degree, doctoral degree etc etc, along with all these accomplishments and make more money than most people in a year?

but you can't get a decent man?

I feel no pity

As a man, I can honestly say that most of us guys have commitment issues. And I'd like to think thats what the video was about.

Me personally, when it comes to women, I'm no different than a dog... I gotta sniff a chick out and make sure she doesn't have issues before I can becompletely comfortable with her.
sometimes us guys feel intimidated by a go getter believe it or not. so we settle for boquita with the banging body and 2 kids cause she has no choice but todeal with our crap. gotta love boquita lol but these woman are doing it to themselves.
Originally Posted by The Black James Bond

Originally Posted by sreggie101

Originally Posted by The Black James Bond

sreggie101 said:
Interesting take on it. Never would've seen it as the successful black women holding themselves back somewhat...Most of the one's i've seen simply aren't attractive (this includes face). well, at least at my school at Temple. Then again i dunno many to begin with

Although to be fair Im not helping black women out, I'm haitian and my girl is irish/portugese, and im hella happy with her so i can care less

you go to Temple too?
I'm president of one of the "cultural" student orgs on campus and it's funny how many of the girls within the organization approach me and try to lock me down. always "joking" about marrying them etc....now I see why.

yea im engineering at Temple.
at them girls tryin to get you to put a ring on it. what organization you part of

Organization of African Students. I was an EE major up until last year, I'm still in the same building you are now though

Another Temple EE Major in Here???

I know reggie and whatever but who's The Black James Bond.

Anyway I'm the Program's Chair for NSBE. What org are you the president of? And are you interested in collaborating with NSBE in the spring??

but back to the subject matter. At Temple most of the women there aren't as mature as the might appear. Most of them are still in that "I will onlytalk to you if you have status"(Letters, Athlete, etc.) and from that will pass up many good men. But once they grow out of it they tend to look for morenarrow brothas, but this might be from the experience of getting played so many times by other dudes.

On looks thats relative. My theory is that Most of the communications majors(which are most of the good looking females) are just in school to find I man IMO.

This issue play's out in the engineering building all the time. Engineering women complain about being single but they will never talk to a engineerbecause for the most part we don't have status. But once engineering man steps outside of that building and you realize those options engineering women getmad at you for dealing with the good looking communications major.
Originally Posted by Yeezy St Laurent

Originally Posted by ninjahood

i heard in atlanta da men are so outnumbered by women that they actually holla at u......
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

heard that too, i heard they MAD aggressive too
That happened to me when I was there

National NT Summit in Atlanta? I'm down to chill with fellow NTer's and fail to meetthe relationship expectations of multiple successful black women (as long as they realize that after we spend the night together).
Originally Posted by ninjahood

i heard in atlanta da men are so outnumbered by women that they actually holla at u......

These rumors are in fact truth. Beautiful women everywhere in the A, if you can't bag a joint I don't even know what to tell you
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