Why Are So Many Successful Black Women Unmarried?

I'm a 20 year old black male.

My parents have been divorced since I was in elementary school.

I've heard it from both sides about how black men/women aren't good enough, having the high standards, and all of this other stuff.

None of the females (aunts...) in my family are in healthy successful relationships/single parent homes.

I've heard females in my life talk about how some black men aren't good and what they should bring to the table in kid's lives as well asrelationships.

If you spend more time looking at the negative qualities/attributes instead of the positives in a person - male or female...you'll never be satisfied andkeep going from person to person trying to find who's right for you.

Me, personally. If I find a girl [don't discriminate] who's respectful and willing to compromise some things instead of what she "hopes" forin a person. I'd have no problem making her my gf.
Just remembered this exchange from Good Times:

James Evans: You know what the problem with Willona is, baby? She too picky.
Thelma Evans: Daddy she's got a right to be picky. she's a beautiful woman,she's smart...
James Evans: Yeah, but Thelma, she ought not to stay picky cause women that play hardto get don't get got.

The 4 women from the video (and other women that think like them) will be just like Willona in a couple years...in their 40s and still single.

The fact of the matter is obvious. Women outnumber men. It's simple mathematics. So women can't have a -hitlist of bs expectations.

All I needed to see is that there are 1.8 million MORE Black women than Black men inAmerica.

So...they can be picky or pump themselves up as God's gift to Earth or whatever. But...we have the options. What you won't do, someone else will.
wow 1.8 million more?

where is this stat from? I'm about to up my a-hole factor like 1,000 times
Originally Posted by Nyota de la star

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

No, it's just that a respectable woman doesn't ask for a mans number. That's just another thing of society. Seriously, how do u feel about the girls that pursue u and ask for ya math?
What's not respectable about a woman asking for a man's number?

Gender roles...remember. The man must always pursue
The pickings for these females are slim, they need to get off their damn high horse.

"Me? Ask for a number?"
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by Nyota de la star

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

No, it's just that a respectable woman doesn't ask for a mans number. That's just another thing of society. Seriously, how do u feel about the girls that pursue u and ask for ya math?
What's not respectable about a woman asking for a man's number?

Gender roles...remember. The man must always pursue
The pickings for these females are slim, they need to get off their damn high horse.

"Me? Ask for a number?"
The pickings for every female are slim. Aint got anything to do w/ bein on a high horse. Just that if any woman has any respect for herself, shewon't pursue the man.
Just a small input...

If i was a VERY successful black man, i would fray away from marriage if she wouldn't sign a prenuptial agreement.

I see too too many cases these days where women taking 1/2.

Lamar Odom, r.i.p in a few years when they split. His agreement he made was outrageous.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

The pickings for every female are slim. Aint got anything to do w/ bein on a high horse. Just that if any woman has any respect for herself, she won't pursue the man.
? On the contrary, being on a "high horse" has every thing to do with it. Respect has no part in women not approaching a man, or asking a man for his number if he doesn't ask for hers. So when women or people in general say, "no self-respecting woman would..." they really mean, "no woman with too much pride would...". There's nothing wrong with a woman asking for a number. If a woman asked you for yours you'd think she had no respect for herself? What kind of logic is that?

ding ding ding
Originally Posted by memphisboi55

Just a small input...

If i was a VERY successful black man, i would fray away from marriage if she wouldn't sign a prenuptial agreement.

I see too too many cases these days where women taking 1/2.
I read this and wonder why you guys are in this thread talking about Black women having high standards.

Black men COMPLAIN, and if the Black woman doesn't meet one of their standards, they go date a White woman.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

The pickings for every female are slim. Aint got anything to do w/ bein on a high horse. Just that if any woman has any respect for herself, she won't pursue the man.
? On the contrary, being on a "high horse" has every thing to do with it. Respect has no part in women not approaching a man, or asking a man for his number if he doesn't ask for hers. So when women or people in general say, "no self-respecting woman would..." they really mean, "no woman with too much pride would...". There's nothing wrong with a woman asking for a number. If a woman asked you for yours you'd think she had no respect for herself? What kind of logic is that?
It's the logic of society. I agree that some women are on their high horse but when does it make her look desperate and thirsty when askin fora mans number? After the frist, second, third? Males are supposed to purse, at least, that's how society thinks
Originally Posted by blueLAMBORGHINI

Originally Posted by memphisboi55

Just a small input...

If i was a VERY successful black man, i would fray away from marriage if she wouldn't sign a prenuptial agreement.

I see too too many cases these days where women taking 1/2.
I read this and wonder why you guys are in this thread talking about Black women having high standards.

Black men COMPLAIN, and if the Black woman doesn't meet one of their standards, they go date a White woman.

or hispanic.
Originally Posted by blueLAMBORGHINI

Black men COMPLAIN, and if the Black woman doesn't meet one of their standards, they go date a White woman.EDIT*or a hispanic woman, or an asian woman or any other woman who meets our standards*
And if black women would do the same, this post wouldnt exist.
Originally Posted by memphisboi55

Just a small input...

If i was a VERY successful black man, i would fray away from marriage if she wouldn't sign a prenuptial agreement.

I see too too many cases these days where women taking 1/2.

Lamar Odom, r.i.p in a few years when they split. His agreement he made was outrageous.
Honestly that's why I think its best to meet someone young. You are nothing in the sense of money so the girl/guy was with you in the darkdays
. Like my girl now. I wouldn't dare go to her with a prenup.She has been with me through a lot. I wouldn't feel right. But people should also adopt Dr.Phil's marriage rules where divorce is not an option. Ifboth parties agree and mean it then you have a great foundation to start with IMO.

I rambled a bit
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by memphisboi55

Just a small input...

If i was a VERY successful black man, i would fray away from marriage if she wouldn't sign a prenuptial agreement.

I see too too many cases these days where women taking 1/2.

Lamar Odom, r.i.p in a few years when they split. His agreement he made was outrageous.
Honestly that's why I think its best to meet someone young. You are nothing in the sense of money so the girl/guy was with you in the dark days
. Like my girl now. I wouldn't dare go to her with a prenup. She has been with me through a lot. I wouldn't feel right. But people should also adopt Dr.Phil's marriage rules where divorce is not an option. If both parties agree and mean it then you have a great foundation to start with IMO.

I rambled a bit

But see, that's when they say " I helped him along the way, he owes me 1/2 "

Like when they started, they have nothing. Then the man makes it big and now they split, judge is saying she deserves half of what you got now because she beenwith you and helped you along the way. See that ALOTTTTT in the news.
Cause by that time, your looking at 10 or more years of marriage, few kids even.

Judicial system is @*$%$% up.
They're all pretty but god damn this broad said her man need to be at least 6'5 ? And the other broad said she used to have 50 items on her daterequirement list ? LOL no wonder no body want to marry these women.
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