Why aren't people buying the Verizon iPhone?

Originally Posted by ItsJaloppyDummy

should of sent the iphone to tmobile people would of been copping like crazy

Most T-Mobile ppl I know that wanted an iPhone already have one... Putting the iPhone on verizon allowed Apple to reach a consumer market they don't already have.... One of my boys has been on T-Mobile since 03 and I know for a fact he has had every iPhone (except the 4)
Originally Posted by ItsJaloppyDummy

should of sent the iphone to tmobile people would of been copping like crazy

Most T-Mobile ppl I know that wanted an iPhone already have one... Putting the iPhone on verizon allowed Apple to reach a consumer market they don't already have.... One of my boys has been on T-Mobile since 03 and I know for a fact he has had every iPhone (except the 4)
Originally Posted by Alchemist IQ

Originally Posted by Bozo7000

proper english said:
Originally Posted by Alchemist IQ

Originally Posted by Bozo7000

Because if your coming from an android phone, the iphone feels like you've taken a step back in technology.

I've had 3 co-workers who admit this to me when they switched from the EVO to the iphone 4 for verizon. I just shurg them cause they are all followers, that buy cause of hype. I can't wait till Verizon really screws them over i just laugh in their faces.

what is this hype you guys keep mentioning? as if android phones arent hyped 
 "dont worry.. this next HTC is going to be the next iphone killer!!"
& you sit there and laugh at them because "they took a step back in technology"? boy, please.. these are just cellphones were talking about here.

I don't know what hype you are talking about. All phones are hyped. My "step back in tech" statement was from my personal experience, and I had a few people I know also agree with me. I went from the Incredible, to the Evo, and most recently to the iphone 4 for Verizon. Now it could have had to do with me being use to Android (especially with HTC sense), but I felt both the Incredible and the Evo allowed more freedom, customization, but were still very user friendly. I didn't like iphones email features it had. I think the whole look of the row of icons is outdated, with the lack of widgets being a turn off. Multitasking didn't feel like actual multitasking. I could go on, but there are things that I liked about the iphone better than the Android phones. I think the touch screen responsiveness is better than any of the android phones I have used. The retina display was the best screen on a cell phone I have seen. With that said, I still feel like I took a step back in technology when I had the iphone. If you like the iphone, great. It is a great phone. I just happen to think android is superior. I'm looking forward to seeing what the new iphone will bring.

I'm also curious to know if the people who are saying apple > android or android >apple have actually had both phones. I have had discussions with people at work who keep telling me their iphone is the best phone out and android is "just ok". But when I asked them if they have owned an android phone they said no.

Okay, I didn't phrase my comments right "hype" people do buy off of hype, but my co-workers are followers. When 1st bought my EVO and they all tried, they went ahead and got it like a month after but all 3 of them got it at the same time, most of us macbooks at work so using a Android device with a macbook is brings no circle of unity cause it doesn't sync with any of the os x software. So when the iphone dropped for verizon, they completely switched over and they did this on desperate measures adding new lines to existing lines that the contract wasn't over and basically trying get the iphone by selling of their EVO to pay-off the etf. Now when your decisions is based on someone actions, its not your decision, your simply flowing a crowd. Them knowing that they can get more work done on a EVO didn't matter to them, the fact that they wanted to match brand for brand, when one person switched from EVO to iphone they all did at the same time. I'm NOT comparing OS, I'm informing an observation that I saw, and i thought was dumb, because a week later they complained about certain things the iphone couldn't do for them. I told all 3 them and said your "Don't blame your phone, blame your decision, you bought what you wanted, you'll get what comes out it"

I'm actually staying in topic here, some of you are still bickering which OS is better, just drop it. It gets tired and old. Just buy what you like, give yourself options.

Sorry but there is no topic to be discussed. OP asked why people arent buying the Verizon iPhone when in actuality its the best selling phone in Verizon's history. Not much to discuss on this topic might was well keep the war going.
Originally Posted by Alchemist IQ

Originally Posted by Bozo7000

proper english said:
Originally Posted by Alchemist IQ

Originally Posted by Bozo7000

Because if your coming from an android phone, the iphone feels like you've taken a step back in technology.

I've had 3 co-workers who admit this to me when they switched from the EVO to the iphone 4 for verizon. I just shurg them cause they are all followers, that buy cause of hype. I can't wait till Verizon really screws them over i just laugh in their faces.

what is this hype you guys keep mentioning? as if android phones arent hyped 
 "dont worry.. this next HTC is going to be the next iphone killer!!"
& you sit there and laugh at them because "they took a step back in technology"? boy, please.. these are just cellphones were talking about here.

I don't know what hype you are talking about. All phones are hyped. My "step back in tech" statement was from my personal experience, and I had a few people I know also agree with me. I went from the Incredible, to the Evo, and most recently to the iphone 4 for Verizon. Now it could have had to do with me being use to Android (especially with HTC sense), but I felt both the Incredible and the Evo allowed more freedom, customization, but were still very user friendly. I didn't like iphones email features it had. I think the whole look of the row of icons is outdated, with the lack of widgets being a turn off. Multitasking didn't feel like actual multitasking. I could go on, but there are things that I liked about the iphone better than the Android phones. I think the touch screen responsiveness is better than any of the android phones I have used. The retina display was the best screen on a cell phone I have seen. With that said, I still feel like I took a step back in technology when I had the iphone. If you like the iphone, great. It is a great phone. I just happen to think android is superior. I'm looking forward to seeing what the new iphone will bring.

I'm also curious to know if the people who are saying apple > android or android >apple have actually had both phones. I have had discussions with people at work who keep telling me their iphone is the best phone out and android is "just ok". But when I asked them if they have owned an android phone they said no.

Okay, I didn't phrase my comments right "hype" people do buy off of hype, but my co-workers are followers. When 1st bought my EVO and they all tried, they went ahead and got it like a month after but all 3 of them got it at the same time, most of us macbooks at work so using a Android device with a macbook is brings no circle of unity cause it doesn't sync with any of the os x software. So when the iphone dropped for verizon, they completely switched over and they did this on desperate measures adding new lines to existing lines that the contract wasn't over and basically trying get the iphone by selling of their EVO to pay-off the etf. Now when your decisions is based on someone actions, its not your decision, your simply flowing a crowd. Them knowing that they can get more work done on a EVO didn't matter to them, the fact that they wanted to match brand for brand, when one person switched from EVO to iphone they all did at the same time. I'm NOT comparing OS, I'm informing an observation that I saw, and i thought was dumb, because a week later they complained about certain things the iphone couldn't do for them. I told all 3 them and said your "Don't blame your phone, blame your decision, you bought what you wanted, you'll get what comes out it"

I'm actually staying in topic here, some of you are still bickering which OS is better, just drop it. It gets tired and old. Just buy what you like, give yourself options.

Sorry but there is no topic to be discussed. OP asked why people arent buying the Verizon iPhone when in actuality its the best selling phone in Verizon's history. Not much to discuss on this topic might was well keep the war going.
Originally Posted by sneakaprince

Originally Posted by ItsJaloppyDummy

should of sent the iphone to tmobile people would of been copping like crazy

Most T-Mobile ppl I know that wanted an iPhone already have one... Putting the iPhone on verizon allowed Apple to reach a consumer market they don't already have.... One of my boys has been on T-Mobile since 03 and I know for a fact he has had every iPhone (except the 4)
Is he enjoying the Edge connection?
Originally Posted by sneakaprince

Originally Posted by ItsJaloppyDummy

should of sent the iphone to tmobile people would of been copping like crazy

Most T-Mobile ppl I know that wanted an iPhone already have one... Putting the iPhone on verizon allowed Apple to reach a consumer market they don't already have.... One of my boys has been on T-Mobile since 03 and I know for a fact he has had every iPhone (except the 4)
Is he enjoying the Edge connection?
Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Its funny how this thread was a clear hate thread based of 0 facts. Android fanboys never cease to amaze me. You guys literally are the dumbest fanboys I have ever encountered. Seriously you claim the iPhone isnt selling well on Verizon when it is the BEST selling phone on verizon right now. Than you have the arguments that the iPhone is "outdated" when in reality ALL THE BEST APPLICATIONS ARE ON THE IPHONE. If the iPhone is really so garbage why is everyone developing for iPhone and not for android? Seriously you guys lack simple logic and are so brainwashed beyond anything else. Its sad that you have to make thread just to tell yourself android is winning when android is clearly not.

Until the iPhone gets Flash (which will never happen), it is outdated. Go ahead and play the HTML 5 card. Android supports that, too.
What exactly do you need flash on your phone for? To play games? iPhone has better games than any Flash website out. To watch videos? iPhone has youtube app, Netflix app, Hulu app, VOD support should be coming from Comcast and others, websites like Adult Swim have already ported their video librarys to iphone apps. Which exact sites do you use Flash for?
I have neither an android or iphone..so explain why should I, as a prospective consumer, have to get a whole bunch of different apps instead of my phone just natively supporting a common bit of software?
What do you mean a common bit of software? Are you talking about Flash? Even with Flash you couldnt use any of the stuff maybe outside of the Adult Swim. For example Netflix requires Microsoft Silverlight plus Flash to run on systems. Currently no Android phone has the DRM capabilities (according to Netflix) for them to port their software. Hulu on the other hand does not require more software than Flash but has been blocking Android and GoogleTv users because they claim they do not have the licensing rights to show their videos on the platforms (but they have an iPhone app that can do it). Flash is a known resources hog and can causes crashes tell you have not had a moment where Flash has crashed your browser. Having an App to access certain things than having it natively run Flash will also make the stream more optimize for your device. Most Flash sites are made for dekstops which do not have data caps, small screens, and no keyboards having the developers create an app allows them to tie their website into the OS.

- damn, you took the time to write all that out and that wasnt at all what he was asking.

- dirty, these dudes are so polarized on this issue and blinded by iPhone vs. Android that they cant even comprhend a question like yours.
Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Its funny how this thread was a clear hate thread based of 0 facts. Android fanboys never cease to amaze me. You guys literally are the dumbest fanboys I have ever encountered. Seriously you claim the iPhone isnt selling well on Verizon when it is the BEST selling phone on verizon right now. Than you have the arguments that the iPhone is "outdated" when in reality ALL THE BEST APPLICATIONS ARE ON THE IPHONE. If the iPhone is really so garbage why is everyone developing for iPhone and not for android? Seriously you guys lack simple logic and are so brainwashed beyond anything else. Its sad that you have to make thread just to tell yourself android is winning when android is clearly not.

Until the iPhone gets Flash (which will never happen), it is outdated. Go ahead and play the HTML 5 card. Android supports that, too.
What exactly do you need flash on your phone for? To play games? iPhone has better games than any Flash website out. To watch videos? iPhone has youtube app, Netflix app, Hulu app, VOD support should be coming from Comcast and others, websites like Adult Swim have already ported their video librarys to iphone apps. Which exact sites do you use Flash for?
I have neither an android or iphone..so explain why should I, as a prospective consumer, have to get a whole bunch of different apps instead of my phone just natively supporting a common bit of software?
What do you mean a common bit of software? Are you talking about Flash? Even with Flash you couldnt use any of the stuff maybe outside of the Adult Swim. For example Netflix requires Microsoft Silverlight plus Flash to run on systems. Currently no Android phone has the DRM capabilities (according to Netflix) for them to port their software. Hulu on the other hand does not require more software than Flash but has been blocking Android and GoogleTv users because they claim they do not have the licensing rights to show their videos on the platforms (but they have an iPhone app that can do it). Flash is a known resources hog and can causes crashes tell you have not had a moment where Flash has crashed your browser. Having an App to access certain things than having it natively run Flash will also make the stream more optimize for your device. Most Flash sites are made for dekstops which do not have data caps, small screens, and no keyboards having the developers create an app allows them to tie their website into the OS.

- damn, you took the time to write all that out and that wasnt at all what he was asking.

- dirty, these dudes are so polarized on this issue and blinded by iPhone vs. Android that they cant even comprhend a question like yours.
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Its funny how this thread was a clear hate thread based of 0 facts. Android fanboys never cease to amaze me. You guys literally are the dumbest fanboys I have ever encountered. Seriously you claim the iPhone isnt selling well on Verizon when it is the BEST selling phone on verizon right now. Than you have the arguments that the iPhone is "outdated" when in reality ALL THE BEST APPLICATIONS ARE ON THE IPHONE. If the iPhone is really so garbage why is everyone developing for iPhone and not for android? Seriously you guys lack simple logic and are so brainwashed beyond anything else. Its sad that you have to make thread just to tell yourself android is winning when android is clearly not.

Until the iPhone gets Flash (which will never happen), it is outdated. Go ahead and play the HTML 5 card. Android supports that, too.
What exactly do you need flash on your phone for? To play games? iPhone has better games than any Flash website out. To watch videos? iPhone has youtube app, Netflix app, Hulu app, VOD support should be coming from Comcast and others, websites like Adult Swim have already ported their video librarys to iphone apps. Which exact sites do you use Flash for?
I have neither an android or iphone..so explain why should I, as a prospective consumer, have to get a whole bunch of different apps instead of my phone just natively supporting a common bit of software?
What do you mean a common bit of software? Are you talking about Flash? Even with Flash you couldnt use any of the stuff maybe outside of the Adult Swim. For example Netflix requires Microsoft Silverlight plus Flash to run on systems. Currently no Android phone has the DRM capabilities (according to Netflix) for them to port their software. Hulu on the other hand does not require more software than Flash but has been blocking Android and GoogleTv users because they claim they do not have the licensing rights to show their videos on the platforms (but they have an iPhone app that can do it). Flash is a known resources hog and can causes crashes tell you have not had a moment where Flash has crashed your browser. Having an App to access certain things than having it natively run Flash will also make the stream more optimize for your device. Most Flash sites are made for dekstops which do not have data caps, small screens, and no keyboards having the developers create an app allows them to tie their website into the OS.

- damn, you took the time to write all that out and that wasnt at all what he was asking.

- dirty, these dudes are so polarized on this issue and blinded by iPhone vs. Android that they cant even comprhend a question like yours.
So what is his question? he said " why should I, as a prospective consumer, have to get a whole bunch of different apps instead of my phone just natively supporting a common bit of software" which would be assuming "Flash". I gave the reasons why its bigger than just supporting Flash and why the app ecosystem makes more sense for mobile device.
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Its funny how this thread was a clear hate thread based of 0 facts. Android fanboys never cease to amaze me. You guys literally are the dumbest fanboys I have ever encountered. Seriously you claim the iPhone isnt selling well on Verizon when it is the BEST selling phone on verizon right now. Than you have the arguments that the iPhone is "outdated" when in reality ALL THE BEST APPLICATIONS ARE ON THE IPHONE. If the iPhone is really so garbage why is everyone developing for iPhone and not for android? Seriously you guys lack simple logic and are so brainwashed beyond anything else. Its sad that you have to make thread just to tell yourself android is winning when android is clearly not.

Until the iPhone gets Flash (which will never happen), it is outdated. Go ahead and play the HTML 5 card. Android supports that, too.
What exactly do you need flash on your phone for? To play games? iPhone has better games than any Flash website out. To watch videos? iPhone has youtube app, Netflix app, Hulu app, VOD support should be coming from Comcast and others, websites like Adult Swim have already ported their video librarys to iphone apps. Which exact sites do you use Flash for?
I have neither an android or iphone..so explain why should I, as a prospective consumer, have to get a whole bunch of different apps instead of my phone just natively supporting a common bit of software?
What do you mean a common bit of software? Are you talking about Flash? Even with Flash you couldnt use any of the stuff maybe outside of the Adult Swim. For example Netflix requires Microsoft Silverlight plus Flash to run on systems. Currently no Android phone has the DRM capabilities (according to Netflix) for them to port their software. Hulu on the other hand does not require more software than Flash but has been blocking Android and GoogleTv users because they claim they do not have the licensing rights to show their videos on the platforms (but they have an iPhone app that can do it). Flash is a known resources hog and can causes crashes tell you have not had a moment where Flash has crashed your browser. Having an App to access certain things than having it natively run Flash will also make the stream more optimize for your device. Most Flash sites are made for dekstops which do not have data caps, small screens, and no keyboards having the developers create an app allows them to tie their website into the OS.

- damn, you took the time to write all that out and that wasnt at all what he was asking.

- dirty, these dudes are so polarized on this issue and blinded by iPhone vs. Android that they cant even comprhend a question like yours.
So what is his question? he said " why should I, as a prospective consumer, have to get a whole bunch of different apps instead of my phone just natively supporting a common bit of software" which would be assuming "Flash". I gave the reasons why its bigger than just supporting Flash and why the app ecosystem makes more sense for mobile device.
Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by CWrite78

well look at that, usain is in here cheerleading for apple... once again.


The d_riding in this thread is stupendous.

I dont see why you're
-ing, you aren't getting a paycheck from apple. You're just sitting there wasting your weekend trying to convince people that really don't care to buy apple tech. And for what? So you can feel better about your purchase? I used to waste my time doing the same thing, fighting a pointless fight against everything apple until I realized that I really don't give a damn what other people use because I'm not paying for it. So unless google or MS or apple start cutting me a check, *$@+ it. Have them try to convince people to buy their products. And it's not just apple stans, same goes to fandroids, Sony lovers, and just about any fan boy.
Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by CWrite78

well look at that, usain is in here cheerleading for apple... once again.


The d_riding in this thread is stupendous.

I dont see why you're
-ing, you aren't getting a paycheck from apple. You're just sitting there wasting your weekend trying to convince people that really don't care to buy apple tech. And for what? So you can feel better about your purchase? I used to waste my time doing the same thing, fighting a pointless fight against everything apple until I realized that I really don't give a damn what other people use because I'm not paying for it. So unless google or MS or apple start cutting me a check, *$@+ it. Have them try to convince people to buy their products. And it's not just apple stans, same goes to fandroids, Sony lovers, and just about any fan boy.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by CWrite78

well look at that, usain is in here cheerleading for apple... once again.


The d_riding in this thread is stupendous.

I dont see why you're
-ing, you aren't getting a paycheck from apple. You're just sitting there wasting your weekend trying to convince people that really don't care to buy apple tech. And for what? So you can feel better about your purchase? I used to waste my time doing the same thing, fighting a pointless fight against everything apple until I realized that I really don't give a damn what other people use because I'm not paying for it. So unless google or MS or apple start cutting me a check, *$@+ it. Have them try to convince people to buy their products. And it's not just apple stans, same goes to fandroids, Sony lovers, and just about any fan boy.

You can say that about anything it's a simple debate. You don't go into the music forum asking if kanye is cutting posters check. If you don't like my posts block me it's that simple.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by CWrite78

well look at that, usain is in here cheerleading for apple... once again.


The d_riding in this thread is stupendous.

I dont see why you're
-ing, you aren't getting a paycheck from apple. You're just sitting there wasting your weekend trying to convince people that really don't care to buy apple tech. And for what? So you can feel better about your purchase? I used to waste my time doing the same thing, fighting a pointless fight against everything apple until I realized that I really don't give a damn what other people use because I'm not paying for it. So unless google or MS or apple start cutting me a check, *$@+ it. Have them try to convince people to buy their products. And it's not just apple stans, same goes to fandroids, Sony lovers, and just about any fan boy.

You can say that about anything it's a simple debate. You don't go into the music forum asking if kanye is cutting posters check. If you don't like my posts block me it's that simple.
you go above and beyond tho, your replies aren't exactly a "simple debate". you are dead set in your ways (apple superiority) and you will try to convince everybody that they're wrong and you're right. no matter what.

not exactly a "simple debate" especially when 90% of the time, you're just repeating everything you said in last time this topic came up. like, how many times are you going to bring up infinity blade? i mean, at least buy some apple stock that way you'll have a reason to fight so hard for them.
you go above and beyond tho, your replies aren't exactly a "simple debate". you are dead set in your ways (apple superiority) and you will try to convince everybody that they're wrong and you're right. no matter what.

not exactly a "simple debate" especially when 90% of the time, you're just repeating everything you said in last time this topic came up. like, how many times are you going to bring up infinity blade? i mean, at least buy some apple stock that way you'll have a reason to fight so hard for them.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

you go above and beyond tho, your replies aren't exactly a "simple debate". you are dead set in your ways (apple superiority) and you will try to convince everybody that they're wrong and you're right. no matter what.

not exactly a "simple debate" especially when 90% of the time, you're just repeating everything you said in last time this topic came up. like, how many times are you going to bring up infinity blade? i mean, at least buy some apple stock that way you'll have a reason to fight so hard for them.

Above and beyond? Did I make this thread? Did you not notice that this thread was a clear anti-apple thread? You are going above and beyond **** riding. This is the SECOND thread about Verizon iPhone sales on NT and the phone isnt a month old. Why are you singling me out instead of talking about IHeartBoost for making this thread. Obviously you have an issue with me and obviously i could care less about you. No one is paying you to read to or respond to my posts you can really just block me if its that big of a deal. Maybe I should just block you to make my NT experience better its not like you actually post about anything worth my reading.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

you go above and beyond tho, your replies aren't exactly a "simple debate". you are dead set in your ways (apple superiority) and you will try to convince everybody that they're wrong and you're right. no matter what.

not exactly a "simple debate" especially when 90% of the time, you're just repeating everything you said in last time this topic came up. like, how many times are you going to bring up infinity blade? i mean, at least buy some apple stock that way you'll have a reason to fight so hard for them.

Above and beyond? Did I make this thread? Did you not notice that this thread was a clear anti-apple thread? You are going above and beyond **** riding. This is the SECOND thread about Verizon iPhone sales on NT and the phone isnt a month old. Why are you singling me out instead of talking about IHeartBoost for making this thread. Obviously you have an issue with me and obviously i could care less about you. No one is paying you to read to or respond to my posts you can really just block me if its that big of a deal. Maybe I should just block you to make my NT experience better its not like you actually post about anything worth my reading.
Originally Posted by Regal Black

Originally Posted by sneakaprince

Originally Posted by ItsJaloppyDummy

should of sent the iphone to tmobile people would of been copping like crazy

Most T-Mobile ppl I know that wanted an iPhone already have one... Putting the iPhone on verizon allowed Apple to reach a consumer market they don't already have.... One of my boys has been on T-Mobile since 03 and I know for a fact he has had every iPhone (except the 4)
Is he enjoying the Edge connection?


edge in 2011 = bad cell phone experience
Originally Posted by Regal Black

Originally Posted by sneakaprince

Originally Posted by ItsJaloppyDummy

should of sent the iphone to tmobile people would of been copping like crazy

Most T-Mobile ppl I know that wanted an iPhone already have one... Putting the iPhone on verizon allowed Apple to reach a consumer market they don't already have.... One of my boys has been on T-Mobile since 03 and I know for a fact he has had every iPhone (except the 4)
Is he enjoying the Edge connection?


edge in 2011 = bad cell phone experience
Originally Posted by ninjahood

i guess usainboltisfast

forgets that android has N64, and PSX emulators that can do all that pretty bullish for free too huh

c'mon son....you know good and well you can't defeat a ARMY of android phones VS 1 iphone in various states of suckage (2g, 3g, 3gs, 4)


You forget that the first iPhone did all of that
And you forgot to say that the controls suck and it's usually choppy  
  Whos gonna go hard on a emulator on the phone with a touch screen ha
Originally Posted by ninjahood

i guess usainboltisfast

forgets that android has N64, and PSX emulators that can do all that pretty bullish for free too huh

c'mon son....you know good and well you can't defeat a ARMY of android phones VS 1 iphone in various states of suckage (2g, 3g, 3gs, 4)


You forget that the first iPhone did all of that
And you forgot to say that the controls suck and it's usually choppy  
  Whos gonna go hard on a emulator on the phone with a touch screen ha
Personally, I think Usain be dropping knowledge. He isn't disrespectful or condescending, and unlike most of those who debate on here, takes on all valid comments not just the ones he wants to.

- damn, you took the time to write all that out and that wasnt at all what he was asking. 

- dirty, these dudes are so polarized on this issue and blinded by iPhone vs. Android that they cant even comprhend a question like yours. 

Lol this clown. What was Dirty asking then? Ironic that while cats is arguing about d-riding, in comes this guy, to "save" dirty for no reason
, that's real d-ridding.
Android and Iphone both have their markets obviously. I prefer the iphone, I like the "small" screen size, operating system, and the battery life. 
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