Why did they go to such great lengths to try and destroy the black man?

a seventeen page topic on niketalk, especially one carrying a title like this, doesnt take much of a stretch to make that assumption. im betting mike vick evenmade his way in here somewhere.
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

image, why you getting mad that a large number of black people feel systematically mistreated?

how can you even argue, being that you have absolutely zero perspective on the issue?
And consequently wouldn't black people then have zero perspective on being white?

No Micheal Vick...just some good back and forth.
Originally Posted by Mr S J King

Greed and envy. A poisonous combination.
youre implying black people dont also suffer from these character flaws? thats part of being human.
Why are people in this thread acting like blacks aren't racist also? As if whites are the only racists in the world...Get off your high horses
Originally Posted by mr delorean

Originally Posted by Mr S J King

Greed and envy. A poisonous combination.
youre implying black people dont also suffer from these character flaws? thats part of being human.
Historically we have not collectively manifested those flaws in the way that Europeans have.

Creating the racial caste system, crushing the spirituality of billions, grossly misrepresenting history, lynching successful black by the thousands, defilingmonuments out of pure jealously....etc, etc.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by mr delorean

Originally Posted by Mr S J King

Greed and envy. A poisonous combination.
youre implying black people dont also suffer from these character flaws? thats part of being human.
Historically we have not collectively manifested those flaws in the way that Europeans have.

Creating the racial caste system, crushing the spirituality of billions, grossly misrepresenting history, lynching successful black by the thousands, defiling monuments out of pure jealously....etc, etc.
oh, okay. well, that certainly explains the making up for lost time in present era.
see, i knew at some point this thread was gonna make its way down this road of nothingness.


despite the fact that slavery existed in sub saharan Africa while Europe was dying off in droves from the Black Death, its more interesting to note theexistence of Mali, Songhay, and Ghani as the worlds first empires with full blown centers for learning (Timbuktu).

Point being, that in relation to this thread's title, the knowledge of knowing all sides of the story is essential to getting closer to the truth. Theresno point in debating about knowledge in a forum where less important historical points are going to be brought into the conversation, just for the sake ofarguing the brevity of a historical fact.

however, it is important to note that although slavery did exist in sub saharan Africa, the social, physical, emotional, and spiritual experience is wayyydifferent from the impression left by European slavery.

Why talk about race when the real struggle is for power?
Originally Posted by Gordon Gekko 979

Why are people in this thread acting like blacks aren't racist also? As if whites are the only racists in the world...Get off your high horses

Who acting like that?

Want to point it out where someone said that whites are the only racists in the world?

Or you just looking for something to say?
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by Gordon Gekko 979

Why are people in this thread acting like blacks aren't racist also? As if whites are the only racists in the world...Get off your high horses

Who acting like that?

Want to point it out where someone said that whites are the only racists in the world?

Or you just looking for something to say?
Let me ask you a question ABH, since you appear intelligent. Do you think it's some sort of conspiracy as to the shortcomings ofAfrican-Americans?
Originally Posted by Gordon Gekko 979

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by Gordon Gekko 979

Why are people in this thread acting like blacks aren't racist also? As if whites are the only racists in the world...Get off your high horses

Who acting like that?

Want to point it out where someone said that whites are the only racists in the world?

Or you just looking for something to say?
Let me ask you a question ABH, since you appear intelligent. Do you think it's some sort of conspiracy as to the shortcomings of African-Americans?

Your'e college educated asking stupid questions like that?
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by Gordon Gekko 979

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by Gordon Gekko 979

Why are people in this thread acting like blacks aren't racist also? As if whites are the only racists in the world...Get off your high horses

Who acting like that?

Want to point it out where someone said that whites are the only racists in the world?

Or you just looking for something to say?
Let me ask you a question ABH, since you appear intelligent. Do you think it's some sort of conspiracy as to the shortcomings of African-Americans?

Your'e college educated asking stupid questions like that?

FYI:Africans have the highest educational attainment rates of any immigrant group in the United States with higher levels of completion than the stereotypedAsian American model minority
Harvard University, for example, has estimated that two-thirds oftheir black population is not traditional blackAmericans.[sup][6][/sup]
hmm, now i see why african immigrants/west indians look down on AA's.....So immigrants from africa can come and thrive in the USA, while AA'salready here for generatiosn can't?
your whole black militaphilosophy is foolishness; just looking for somebody else blame for your shortcomings
Originally Posted by Gordon Gekko 979

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by Gordon Gekko 979

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by Gordon Gekko 979

Why are people in this thread acting like blacks aren't racist also? As if whites are the only racists in the world...Get off your high horses

Who acting like that?

Want to point it out where someone said that whites are the only racists in the world?

Or you just looking for something to say?
Let me ask you a question ABH, since you appear intelligent. Do you think it's some sort of conspiracy as to the shortcomings of African-Americans?

Your'e college educated asking stupid questions like that?

FYI:Africans have the highest educational attainment rates of any immigrant group in the United States with higher levels of completion than the stereotyped Asian American model minority
Harvard University, for example, has estimated that two-thirds of their black population is not traditional black Americans.[sup][6][/sup]
hmm, now i see why african immigrants/west indians look down on AA's.....So immigrants from africa can come and thrive in the USA, while AA's already here for generatiosn can't?
your whole black milita philosophy is foolishness; just looking for somebody else blame for your shortcomings
those observations arent considered to be politically correct.
Originally Posted by mr delorean

Originally Posted by Gordon Gekko 979

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by Gordon Gekko 979

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by Gordon Gekko 979

Why are people in this thread acting like blacks aren't racist also? As if whites are the only racists in the world...Get off your high horses

Who acting like that?

Want to point it out where someone said that whites are the only racists in the world?

Or you just looking for something to say?
Let me ask you a question ABH, since you appear intelligent. Do you think it's some sort of conspiracy as to the shortcomings of African-Americans?

Your'e college educated asking stupid questions like that?

FYI:Africans have the highest educational attainment rates of any immigrant group in the United States with higher levels of completion than the stereotyped Asian American model minority
Harvard University, for example, has estimated that two-thirds of their black population is not traditional black Americans.[sup][6][/sup]
hmm, now i see why african immigrants/west indians look down on AA's.....So immigrants from africa can come and thrive in the USA, while AA's already here for generatiosn can't?
your whole black milita philosophy is foolishness; just looking for somebody else blame for your shortcomings
those observations arent considered to be politically correct.
of course not; it's not like west indian/africanimmigrants are thriving in the USA while their AA counterparts aren't up to par
Originally Posted by Gordon Gekko 979

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by Gordon Gekko 979

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by Gordon Gekko 979

Why are people in this thread acting like blacks aren't racist also? As if whites are the only racists in the world...Get off your high horses

Who acting like that?

Want to point it out where someone said that whites are the only racists in the world?

Or you just looking for something to say?
Let me ask you a question ABH, since you appear intelligent. Do you think it's some sort of conspiracy as to the shortcomings of African-Americans?

Your'e college educated asking stupid questions like that?

FYI:Africans have the highest educational attainment rates of any immigrant group in the United States with higher levels of completion than the stereotyped Asian American model minority
Harvard University, for example, has estimated that two-thirds of their black population is not traditional black Americans.[sup][6][/sup]
hmm, now i see why african immigrants/west indians look down on AA's.....So immigrants from africa can come and thrive in the USA, while AA's already here for generatiosn can't?
your whole black milita philosophy is foolishness; just looking for somebody else blame for your shortcomings
First of all....You're acting like you're presenting some type of ground breaking facts, when you are really a simpleton.

Much of my family is West Indian and we don't "look down" on anyone. West Indians and African Americas co-exist more peacefully and harmoniouslythan just about any other ethnic groups in this nation and my family is a perfect example of that. You can't even tell the difference between a CaribbeanAmerican and a Black American unless they choose reveal it to you.

And why do you think that happens genius?.....Because they are immigrants idiot. They come here with a purpose and are not subjected to the social constraintsthat a person of color growing up in America has. Have you seen the problems that are rampant in the nations that they are fleeing? Just as a "blackperson" growing up in America has to face tremendous obstacles to achieve success....so does a "black person" growing up in Nigeria or Mali.Those obstacles make it hard for many Black Americans to break the poverty cycle, just as it does for many Nigerians and Malians. If an American black fleesthis system and goes somewhere else in search of opportunity, they are going to look at it as a new lease of life and work less impeded towards whatever goalsthey set out to accomplish. The same thing with West Africans and West Indian immigrants.

While they are fleeing their homelands in search or economic and educational opportunities, simultaneously Indian, Chinese and South America immigrants aretraveling to Trinidad and Nigeria in search of greater opportunity than is presented in their homelands.

And for reference...I have 2 B.A.s, 1 in political science the other in Economics. I'm currently in Graduate school pursuing my Masters and I have beenupper management in a top 10 American health care institution for the last 5 years...I'm only 25 BTW. Try again Darko.

* Those African Immigrants are also outperforming White Americans students idiot. Whats their excuse?
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

And why do you think that happens genius?.....Because they are immigrants idiot. They come here with a purpose and are not subjected to the social constraints that a person of color growing up in America has.
besides personal attacks, youre really splitting hairs now. on niketalk, we typically use the litmus test: would this person be pulled over intheir vehicle and ticketed/harrassed/assaulted/tazered by the police? ive learned here that the police are systematically and consistently racist, so yes,described person of color does indeed pass the test, regardless of land of origin.
Originally Posted by mr delorean

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

And why do you think that happens genius?.....Because they are immigrants idiot. They come here with a purpose and are not subjected to the social constraints that a person of color growing up in America has.
besides personal attacks, youre really splitting hairs now. on niketalk, we typically use the litmus test: would this person be pulled over in their vehicle and ticketed/harrassed/assaulted/tazered by the police? ive learned here that the police are systematically and consistently racist, so yes, described person of color does indeed pass the test, regardless of land of origin.
And you say that to say what?....

Try making a coherent point....for once in your life.

Its more becoming than constantly replying with dry, cynical one-liners.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by Gordon Gekko 979

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by Gordon Gekko 979

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by Gordon Gekko 979

Why are people in this thread acting like blacks aren't racist also? As if whites are the only racists in the world...Get off your high horses

Who acting like that?

Want to point it out where someone said that whites are the only racists in the world?

Or you just looking for something to say?
Let me ask you a question ABH, since you appear intelligent. Do you think it's some sort of conspiracy as to the shortcomings of African-Americans?

Your'e college educated asking stupid questions like that?

FYI:Africans have the highest educational attainment rates of any immigrant group in the United States with higher levels of completion than the stereotyped Asian American model minority
Harvard University, for example, has estimated that two-thirds of their black population is not traditional black Americans.[sup][6][/sup]
hmm, now i see why african immigrants/west indians look down on AA's.....So immigrants from africa can come and thrive in the USA, while AA's already here for generatiosn can't?
your whole black milita philosophy is foolishness; just looking for somebody else blame for your shortcomings
First of all....You're acting like you're presenting some type of ground breaking facts, when you are really a simpleton.

Much of my family is West Indian and we don't "look down" on anyone. West Indians and African Americas co-exist more peacefully and harmoniously than just about any other ethnic groups in this nation and my family is a perfect example of that. You can't even tell the difference between a Caribbean American and a Black American unless they choose reveal it to you.

And why do you think that happens genius?.....Because they are immigrants idiot. They come here with a purpose and are not subjected to the social constraints that a person of color growing up in America has. Have you seen the problems that are rampant in the nations that they are fleeing? Just as a "black person" growing up in America has to face tremendous obstacles to achieve success....so does a "black person" growing up in Nigeria or Mali. Those obstacles make it hard for many Black Americans to break the poverty cycle, just as it does for many Nigerians and Malians. If an American black flees this system and goes somewhere else in search of opportunity, they are going to look at it as a new lease of life and work less impeded towards whatever goals they set out to accomplish. The same thing with West Africans and West Indian immigrants.

While they are fleeing their homelands in search or economic and educational opportunities, simultaneously Indian, Chinese and South America immigrants are traveling to Trinidad and Nigeria in search of greater opportunity than is presented in their homelands.

And for reference...I have 2 B.A.s, 1 in political science the other in Economics. I'm currently in Graduate school pursuing my Masters and I have been upper management in a top 10 American health care institution for the last 5 years...I'm only 25 BTW. Try again Darko.

* Those African Immigrants are also outperforming White Americans students idiot. Whats their excuse?
lol this is a messageboard, i have 2 B.A.s too! anyone can make up lies

alright my HS was 60% black, but yet all my honor classes were so disproportionately white/asians. so let me guess, is it the white man holding the blacks downfrom doing well in school also?
Originally Posted by Gordon Gekko 979

lol this is a messageboard, i have 2 B.A.s too! anyone can make up lies

alright my HS was 60% black, but yet all my honor classes were so disproportionately white/asians. so let me guess, is it the white man holding the blacks down from doing well in school also?


You talk about me making excuses for my shortcomings.....then act like obtaining two B.A.s is a task so daunting and unbelievable that I would have to lieabout it to you.....You are clearly full of fail.

Great rebuttal to my post though....

And i'm sorry....but how do your random hypotheticals have anything to do with the subject of this thread?

Why did they go to such great lengths to try and destroy the black man?
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by mr delorean

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

And why do you think that happens genius?.....Because they are immigrants idiot. They come here with a purpose and are not subjected to the social constraints that a person of color growing up in America has.
besides personal attacks, youre really splitting hairs now. on niketalk, we typically use the litmus test: would this person be pulled over in their vehicle and ticketed/harrassed/assaulted/tazered by the police? ive learned here that the police are systematically and consistently racist, so yes, described person of color does indeed pass the test, regardless of land of origin.
And you say that to say what?....

Try making a coherent point....for once in your life.

Its more becoming than constantly replying with dry, cynical one-liners.
comprehension isnt your strong suit. i guess i shouldve just hit you with an idiot and left it at that.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by Gordon Gekko 979

lol this is a messageboard, i have 2 B.A.s too! anyone can make up lies

alright my HS was 60% black, but yet all my honor classes were so disproportionately white/asians. so let me guess, is it the white man holding the blacks down from doing well in school also?


You talk about me making excuses for my shortcomings.....then act like obtaining two B.A.s is a task so daunting and unbelievable that I would have to lie about it to you.....You are clearly full of fail.

Great rebuttal to my post though....

And i'm sorry....but how do your random hypotheticals have anything to do with the subject of this thread?

Why did they go to such great lengths to try and destroy the black man?

Sorry i don't believe in a conspiracy that the "white man" is keeping the "black man" down...

But good luck though with this nonsense, i'm sure this revolution you guys dream of will happen
Originally Posted by mr delorean

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by mr delorean

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

And why do you think that happens genius?.....Because they are immigrants idiot. They come here with a purpose and are not subjected to the social constraints that a person of color growing up in America has.
besides personal attacks, youre really splitting hairs now. on niketalk, we typically use the litmus test: would this person be pulled over in their vehicle and ticketed/harrassed/assaulted/tazered by the police? ive learned here that the police are systematically and consistently racist, so yes, described person of color does indeed pass the test, regardless of land of origin.
And you say that to say what?....

Try making a coherent point....for once in your life.

Its more becoming than constantly replying with dry, cynical one-liners.
comprehension isnt your strong suit. i guess i shouldve just hit you with an idiot and left it at that.
No making a point isn't yours...that's all you ever do.

You never reply with a cogent or compelling response, its always some sarcastic cliched quip. I implored you to expound on your point and take a stance of yourown...for once....instead of constantly piggybacking off of someone else's intellect andhypothesis. Continually throwing out random underhanded insults, useless facts and snide remarks...until you annoy the other person into submission. Saysomething of relevance for once.

Yes "black immigrants" have to deal with many of the same pitfalls as "black americans" but they have not been subjected to 6 or 7lifetimes of that treatment type of treatment. They are in a land far from their homeland, with a clearly defined purpose and no choice but to succeed. Studiesalso show that after 1-2 generations of "americanization", those same immigrant groups lose their competitive edge.

But next time....try not to have the person you're debating with, have to actually completeyour own point for you. It doesn't reflect well on your intelligence. Complete your own thoughts, take a clear stance in any direction and make a coherentresponse....Its not that hard.
Originally Posted by Gordon Gekko 979

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by Gordon Gekko 979

lol this is a messageboard, i have 2 B.A.s too! anyone can make up lies

alright my HS was 60% black, but yet all my honor classes were so disproportionately white/asians. so let me guess, is it the white man holding the blacks down from doing well in school also?


You talk about me making excuses for my shortcomings.....then act like obtaining two B.A.s is a task so daunting and unbelievable that I would have to lie about it to you.....You are clearly full of fail.

Great rebuttal to my post though....

And i'm sorry....but how do your random hypotheticals have anything to do with the subject of this thread?

Why did they go to such great lengths to try and destroy the black man?
Sorry i don't believe in a conspiracy that the "white man" is keeping the "black man" down...

But good luck though with this nonsense, i'm sure this revolution you guys dream of will happen

A little bit of logic and composure...it works every time.



.....you wantsome too?
lol.. this is good threa.. quite necessary and often appears during this time of the year.. BTW BLACK HISTORY MONTH FTL!!!

why do they go to such great lengths to try and destroy the black man? white male dominance.

some random thoughts...
The sad fact is that Willie Lynch was so successful in his letter that whites don't have to do nothing like go to great lengths.. they easily sit back andwatch us blacks destroy eachother. (crabs in barrel... teach them to hate eachother)
Slavery will always plague the mind of african-americans or should i say american-africans because africans don't consider us.i sadly know plenty of peoplein college and adults themselves who can't tell you anything about africa from resources, to kings or queens.. they didn't even know egypt was inafrica....
In order to get out this mold they have instilled/brainwashed us with.. we need to find our identity.. go back to africa for a generation or two.. find outabout our history..
ie.. the beliefs of stereotypes.. blacks believe it's cool to be gangster.. only care about black history in february.. sports, drug and entertainment nocam.. afraid of being smart and/or illiterate

my two questions..
1. why was it cool(if it is still not that way)) to sit in the back of the bus(i'm guilty myself).. i remember during k-12 it was cool to sit in the backof the bus but yet rosa parks and ancestors fought to sit wherever they chose. so are you to guilty?

2. is commercial hip-hop the evolved form of blackface and minstrel shows?

... don't put too much trust in obama.. and the revolution will not be televised
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