Why did they go to such great lengths to try and destroy the black man?

Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

what about blacks selling blacks in the slave trade to get themselves rich?
That isn't the same as Europeans enslaving Africans. AT ALL.
who said it was ... but africans sold their own kind to europeans LONG after they knew what the deal was
Originally Posted by MARTIN AND CO


Did I paint it as a fair comparison? I mean slavery is just disgusting point blank, and its unjustifiable. To be honest though, what do you know about how Egyptians treated their slaves? Thats a real question because I'm honestly unsure of how Egyptians treated their slaves, but could it have been that much better than American slaves? The worst slave trading was the Eastern Slave trade, in which whites had no direct part of.

Its just that when slavery comes up, only the last 400 years seem to be discussed, which is perfectly understandable, since thats really the only relevant slavery to any American or black residing in North or South America.


my t,

To be honest with you, I'm not really an expert either, just an avid reader.

The thing is though, isn't that option to convert kind of a moot point? I mean ok so option or no option, 20 Million still died you know?
I would question if the option to convert was ever presented to these slaves in the first place, because I think you are right about not Muslims being able to own Muslims, but wouldn't you convert to another religion if it meant you could be free, even if the conversion was only symbolic? Also if you think about it, if your primary business was slaves, would you really want to give up your lively hood? Would you really just buy all these slaves to resell, or take them time to raid villages to capture them, and then say, "ok, if you all convert to Islam I will free you". I think not. Slavery wasn't really looked down upon then, so I doubt many people who would partake in the slave trade would let people out on a moral ground anyway.

and slavery was different there....they wouldn't be packed into a boat like a can of sardines

The most common slave trade in Africa was the Eastern slave trade, which had about an 80% mortality rate, vs a 20% mortality rate of the middle passage. So, selling slaves to Europeans was actually more beneficial to the slaves (yeah, as if any slavery is beneficial to anyone but the slave master/seller, but you get my point)

I have a better idea of where you are coming from now...
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

who said it was ... but africans sold their own kind to europeans LONG after they knew what the deal was

ehh... sorta.

there were africans that were corrupted by the incentives, but they were ignorant of the reality of it all.

how could they know the conditions that slaves were subjected to if they weren't on the ships themselves?

they just played the game how it went.
Originally Posted by MARTIN AND CO

To be honest with you, I'm not really an expert either, just an avid reader.

The thing is though, isn't that option to convert kind of a moot point? I mean ok so option or no option, 20 Million still died you know?
I would question if the option to convert was ever presented to these slaves in the first place, because I think you are right about not Muslims being able to own Muslims, but wouldn't you convert to another religion if it meant you could be free, even if the conversion was only symbolic? Also if you think about it, if your primary business was slaves, would you really want to give up your lively hood? Would you really just buy all these slaves to resell, or take them time to raid villages to capture them, and then say, "ok, if you all convert to Islam I will free you". I think not. Slavery wasn't really looked down upon then, so I doubt many people who would partake in the slave trade would let people out on a moral ground anyway.

and slavery was different there....they wouldn't be packed into a boat like a can of sardines

The most common slave trade in Africa was the Eastern slave trade, which had about an 80% mortality rate, vs a 20% mortality rate of the middle passage. So, selling slaves to Europeans was actually more beneficial to the slaves (yeah, as if any slavery is beneficial to anyone but the slave master/seller, but you get my point)

i think i sold my book from last semester but if i'm remembering the East African Slave trade correctly if a slave woman had a child by her master thatchild was free and she also recieved some (i'm not sure if all so i'll say some) of the benefits of being a free woman...your definately right on thatnot changing the numbers of who was involved but like you said...the TAST is what is most important today b/c its what has gotten us where we are today...

for anyone really interested in the topic of race "Race in North America" by Audrey Smedly is really good...it talks about the origins and idea ofrace and "The Racial Contract" by Charles Mills and "The Ethnic Myth" by Stephen Steinberg are all really good...especially the"Racial Contract" and "The Ethnic Myth"
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

who said it was ... but africans sold their own kind to europeans LONG after they knew what the deal was
But did africans try to destroy their psyche?
Originally Posted by early90s

I was thinking about this earlier today, and I was really confused. What don't they want us to know about our history and heritage? Why did they go to such
extreme measures to try and subjugate us? Why? Like on some real +$#*. Just because of our pigment? I feel it has to be more than that.

great question!! ince u really give this question some in depth educated thought, u KNOW it is some DEEP.

i know many will flame me for saying this, but it is what it is. we (not just us blacks, but ppl of color) are God's chosen ppl. each of Jesus' 12disciples had a "tribe" or lineage, hence the term "the 12 tribes of Isreal."

if u google the name cesar borgia, u will see pics of the GREAT LIE. that is, u'll see the person who we were told is Jesus. The falsepicture that people today believe is Christ was actually a real person. his name was cesar borgia. he was an ancient roman. he was also a rapist, a homosexual,and a murderer among many other things. like i said, i'm not here to argue with anyone, so if u don't believe what i am saying, do the research. it isdef. all there.

believe or not, blacks were once kings and queens and we actualy ruled the world. our transgressions led us toward accepting paganism and other horrible thingswhich ultimately led to the Lord scattering us across what He refers to as "the four corners of the earth." the state of the black man and themajority of ppl of color today is punishment from The Most High, himself and is a direct result of our transgressions against Him many, many years ago.

if u want to get technical, blacks are the real jews. i understand that many ppl reading this will not accept this as fact, and why would u?? it's not likewe have been taught the truth. we have all been taught and have all been living this GREAT LIE. there are many "jewish" ppl who know the truth, but uwill NEVER gear them admit to any of this.

if u look back throughout all of world history, every nation that has had us in captivity has ruled the world. as we were displaced throughout the 4 corners byChrist as punishment, we now have little to know knowledge of our true roots. most blacks don't understand that we were actually kings & queens at onepoint.

as i'm u sure u can guess, it goes much, much deeper as i have not even began to scratch the surface. we are one of the only groups that don't have a"home." africa is not out home, tho it once was. but africans won't accept us in africa. nor would we fit in in africa anyway because this is allwe know.

i'm kinda straying off topic a little maybe but there is so much to say on this topic, but i know ppl would rather see pics as opposed to actually read.
also, look at the living conditions they have for us in EVERY MAJOR CITY across the country. housing projects. look at the difference in the education given tothe inner city schools vs. the suburbs, for example. coincidence?? i think not.
Originally Posted by CharmCityKid

also, look at the living conditions they have for us in EVERY MAJOR CITY across the country. housing projects. look at the difference in the education given to the inner city schools vs. the suburbs, for example. coincidence?? i think not.
Both of those are based on economic status you dunce not race.
so there ARE white people on welfare, but there arent white people living in inner citys and such? seems like some people like to curve the facts in favor oftheir argument
Originally Posted by CharmCityKid

Originally Posted by early90s

I was thinking about this earlier today, and I was really confused. What don't they want us to know about our history and heritage? Why did they go to such
extreme measures to try and subjugate us? Why? Like on some real +$#*. Just because of our pigment? I feel it has to be more than that.

great question!! ince u really give this question some in depth educated thought, u KNOW it is some DEEP.

i know many will flame me for saying this, but it is what it is. we (not just us blacks, but ppl of color) are God's chosen ppl. each of Jesus' 12 disciples had a "tribe" or lineage, hence the term "the 12 tribes of Isreal."

if u google the name cesar borgia, u will see pics of the GREAT LIE. that is, u'll see the person who we were told is Jesus. The false picture that people today believe is Christ was actually a real person. his name was cesar borgia. he was an ancient roman. he was also a rapist, a homosexual, and a murderer among many other things. like i said, i'm not here to argue with anyone, so if u don't believe what i am saying, do the research. it is def. all there.

believe or not, blacks were once kings and queens and we actualy ruled the world. our transgressions led us toward accepting paganism and other horrible things which ultimately led to the Lord scattering us across what He refers to as "the four corners of the earth." the state of the black man and the majority of ppl of color today is punishment from The Most High, himself and is a direct result of our transgressions against Him many, many years ago.

if u want to get technical, blacks are the real jews. i understand that many ppl reading this will not accept this as fact, and why would u?? it's not like we have been taught the truth. we have all been taught and have all been living this GREAT LIE. there are many "jewish" ppl who know the truth, but u will NEVER gear them admit to any of this.

if u look back throughout all of world history, every nation that has had us in captivity has ruled the world. as we were displaced throughout the 4 corners by Christ as punishment, we now have little to know knowledge of our true roots. most blacks don't understand that we were actually kings & queens at one point.

as i'm u sure u can guess, it goes much, much deeper as i have not even began to scratch the surface. we are one of the only groups that don't have a "home." africa is not out home, tho it once was. but africans won't accept us in africa. nor would we fit in in africa anyway because this is all we know.

i'm kinda straying off topic a little maybe but there is so much to say on this topic, but i know ppl would rather see pics as opposed to actually read.

I'm sorry but
believe or not, blacks were once kings and queens and we actualy ruled the world. our transgressions led us toward accepting paganism and other horrible things which ultimately led to the Lord scattering us across what He refers to as "the four corners of the earth." the state of the black man and the majority of ppl of color today is punishment from The Most High, himself and is a direct result of our transgressions against Him many, many years ago.

The problem with black America is more internal than external. Oppression was far more painful then today. The world has grown more wise to it's pasthowever it's not perfect. There are things in which we can't control but the things we should be policing in our own communities. The things that thenews tv movies music, even though exajerated, are the problems with our image. These are things that we must correct ourselves. There is hatred andanimocity(sp?) between us. That crab in a bucket mentality. We must unite because we are alone. Most other ethnicities come together and do many things orthemselves, you can't even have some black people from the same city but different streets together. We are killing eachother off so those who are bringingthe drugs over selling the guns don't have to get blood on their hands
why can't we have a mexican history month and a hawaiian history month and a chinese history month and a white history month..........
Martin and CO....the most conservative death toll that I have seen on the Trans-Atlantic Slave trade is 8-12 million and I from other sources that I havestudied I beileve that number to be significantly lower than the reality of the situation. No way 4 million is accurate.

Slavery in Egypt was virtually non-existent until the empire had been over run by foreigners and even then it was more of endured servitude than slavery as weknow it today. There were 3 social classes and citizens of the lower class, often sold themselves into "slavery" to pay off debts. No way you candraw Egyptians into the slavery debate. It just was not a prominent feature of their society.

There is also no way that you can compare Europe's history of military aggression and violence to any other peoples in the world. Its historicallyimpossible. From the Belgian Congo to Auschwitz...the European story has been the most bloody in the history of the globe. Other empire's had the means butdidn't. It is the feudal axiology of the European, which still perpetuates itself today.

You're employing a lot of revisionist and flat out erroneous history in here and I had to wait until I got home to address it.
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

believe or not, blacks were once kings and queens and we actualy ruled the world. our transgressions led us toward accepting paganism and other horrible things which ultimately led to the Lord scattering us across what He refers to as "the four corners of the earth." the state of the black man and the majority of ppl of color today is punishment from The Most High, himself and is a direct result of our transgressions against Him many, many years ago.


All jokes aside, I really hope that person doesn't believe the story of Ham in the Old Testament...
The majority of you people speak on the polar extremes of an intricate situation and few are hitting reality.

It is just unimaginable to me that some of you people are sitting in yale with 4.0 GPA's, reeling.

There are comments in this thread that i thought couldn't be surmounted by NT standards and i'm mad i clicked on this.
Rummel estimates a total death toll of 17,267,000 African slaves (1451-1870)

Jan Rogozinski, A Brief History of the Caribbean (1994): "[A]s many as eight million Africans may have died in order to bring four million slavesto the Caribbean islands. (only the Caribbean)"

In American Holocaust (1992), David Stannard estimates that some 30 to 60 million Africans died being enslaved. He claims a 50% mortality rate amongnew slaves while being gathered and stored in Africa, a 10% mortality among the survivors while crossing the ocean, and another 50% mortality rate in the first"seasoning" phase of slave labor. Overall, he estimates a 75-80% mortality rate in transit.

In terms of absolute numbers, the lowest possible (and only barely possible at that) death toll we can put on the trans-Atlantic slave trade is 6 million. If we assume the absolute worst, a death toll as high as 60 million is at the very edge of possibility; however, the likeliest number of deaths would fall somewhere from 15 to 20 million.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by GrandaddyPurp415

cool. my whole entire family is like that. please quit trying to school me. But it is funny taht you mention this because I have two female cousins whos father was a dark black male and their mother (my aunt) is spanish. They are the same skin tone as me, which is light. Then she has kids with another dark hispanic guy and their kids are a lil darker
are any of them white with Caucasian features?

the answer, undoubtedly, is no.
For a second I thought you might be intelligent until you come around and say that you know what my family looks like. If I didnt tell you thattheir father was black, there is no way in hell you would ever have guessed guaranteed. They are whiter than me guy
Here is the real answer to this question.....



Africa is the most resource rich land on the globe. In order to rule the globe, you must steal is riches and cru****s people, wherever they are found on Earth.

Originally Posted by iceman7920

why can't we have a mexican history month and a hawaiian history month and a chinese history month and a white history month..........
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]There shouldn't be a month for a race period. The most acknowledgment you do see infebuary is BET, ut we all know BET basically goes againest the teachings of those they preach. However all these +#$@@## textbooks of absolutely $$!#!$!! needto get rewritten and put into rainbow type view. The white christians are shown throughout US history and little of everything else[/color]
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

The Sphinx kind of says it all....without ever speaking....


They shoot of our nose to spite our skin.


I never knew Africa was the most resource abundant continent. Ask any random person to describe what they think Africa is like, I'm pretty sure I know whattheir description would be and the term abundant would be one of them

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