Why did they go to such great lengths to try and destroy the black man?

So he mischaracterized you personally...how does that justify the straight up vicious racism that you just spewed? He didnt say all white people are such andsuchs...he simply said that you try to act black. Then you proceded to show your racist ideas about what being black is.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by BobbyBrownpacks

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

because being white is a recssive trait, and you can't make a white baby with interracial parents.

Read the Isis Papers.
Welsing WENT IN

lolwut? i know about 5 girls and about 2 guys who have a brown haired brown eyed black father and a blond hair blue eyed mother. and they have blond hair and blue eyes. the children that is. i didnt know black was a dominant gene.

you serious, fam?

listen to Ras Kass - Nature of the Threat and wake y'all %** up....

"it's like a teaspoon of cream in a cup of coffee".

i love white people (especially white women), but I can't deny the history of white oppression, or the white priviledge that exists today.

for instance, in high school, my white peers were worried about GETTING INTO college. they weren't worried about paying for college.

i got into every school i applied to, even an ivy league school. but i didn't go cause i couldn't PAY FOR IT.

if that ain't white priviledge, i don't really know what to call it.
^ that's more you just don't have as much money as them. I agree white priveledge exists, but I don't think you could have picked a poorer example.
its dumb all this wars and @%+@, because if you think about it. we all came from the same ancestors long time ago. it is said that everything in earth wascreated in africa, and i truly believe that because most of the species in africa cant be found anywhere else in the world. so ill finish my post with thisJay- Z line:

"No more wars, no more iraq, no more white lies, my president is black" =]
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

So he mischaracterized you personally...how does that justify the straight up vicious racism that you just spewed? He didnt say all white people are such and suchs...he simply said that you try to act black. Then you proceded to show your racist ideas about what being black is.
didnt he generalize what "being black" is by suggesting im trying to be black? Why cant i "mischaracterize" or"generalize" what being black is?

o its because im white right ... its ok for the black dude to generalize a white guy but not vice versa ... BUMP that ... when it comes down to it, a humanbeing came at another human being sideways and that other human being came back sideways ...
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

So he mischaracterized you personally...how does that justify the straight up vicious racism that you just spewed? He didnt say all white people are such and suchs...he simply said that you try to act black. Then you proceded to show your racist ideas about what being black is.

when it comes down to it, a human being came at another human being sideways and that other human being came back sideways ...
Difference is...that's all you'll ever do...is run your mouth on here...because truth be told I'd run in your got damn grill if youever fixed your lips to get ill on concrete.
image, why you getting mad that a large number of black people feel systematically mistreated?

how can you even argue, being that you have absolutely zero perspective on the issue?

And consequently wouldn't black people then have zero perspective on being white?
Originally Posted by lnMyMind

Difference is...that's all you'll ever do...is run your mouth on here...because truth be told I'd run in your got damn grill if you ever fixed your lips to get ill on concrete.
... so you wanna meet me somewhere?
I don't why racist people always call blacks out for being drug-dealers .

THE PRESIDENT DEALT THE DRUGS TO US THO ! The crack epidemic ? That was the white man . The aids epidemic ? That was the white man too . For yearss , the whiteman has been seeing the black people get smarter &nd stronger , so they keep developing &nd developing more things tto keep us down . They thought theywere just going to put drugs in the city &nd we weren't going to lear how to make it &nd deal it . After we learned that , the government stoppedmaking money off of drugs &nd now they're mad .

&nd people still have faith in the white male ? &nd or government ?
lol i wanna be one of "you" so bad huh man ... so i guess all those rock star jean wearin dudes these days wanna be "what im supposed to be" ... ? ...

you think i cant come sideways out of my mouth on a message board? how about if i wanted to be one of "you" ida skipped my college education, continued to sell drugs on the corner, had unprotected sex, contracted aids, had some more unprotected sex, had 3 seperate baby mommas, filed for unemployment and any other assistance i could swindle the government for, shot my gun in the air when obama got elected and still sat my lazy +*! on the couch eating 3 pieces covered in mambo sauce ...

suck +*! @$@*%

if you really want to have this debate, go to your local college and just sit in a class that somewhat relates to it
Take your own advice. 'White man' is not generalizing when white supremacy was an ideology that this entire country once followed. Thestate of race relations, social standards, and physical well being is all a product of America's past.....it's a pretty simple concept, if you knew thehistory maybe you, and anybody else in denial, would understand.
there are wayyy too many reaches in this thread and thats why conversations like this cant happen. saying that you have white friends who have money is aterrible example of white privilege

if we want to be honest, generalizing by saying "white man" automatically makes your point unvalid

and while i agree with many of the articles posted on here, people need to remember that anyone who wants to go to school enough can get a phd and it by nomeans makes their opinion correct

if you really want to have this debate, go to your local college and just sit in a class that somewhat relates to it

take everything you hear with a grain of salt because reading it in a book or hearing it in a lecture doesnt make it true

and i know its from a few pages ago, but the chris rock point means absolutely nothing...all that means is its possible for a dentist to make a lot of money,and has nothing to do with race

we all need to stop reaching and realize that if anyone wants it badly enough they are lucky to be in this country because regardless of race you can do nearlyanything you want
i think if the human race is still around in 150-200 years, white people will be scarce.

the world will be nearly ALL brown or light brown.

deep down, white people know this, and they do what they can to ensure the proliferation of their ethnicity.

like i said, teaspoon of cream in a cup of coffee.
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

Originally Posted by lnMyMind

Difference is...that's all you'll ever do...is run your mouth on here...because truth be told I'd run in your got damn grill if you ever fixed your lips to get ill on concrete.
... so you wanna meet me somewhere?

did somebody say race war?

i highly doubt white people go around each day ensuring that their race will be around in 200 years

just like everyone else people will go around trying to give their family the best life they can
i think too many of us take 1 or 2 negative experiences and let them dominate our opinions

while there are obviously people out there who just hate because of skin color i think there are just as many and probably more who live their life with anopen mind and when we use terms like "white man" and apply it to todays world it just creates more racism
This is my interpretation on this topic. Africans were the originators of SPIRITUALITY. We understood andcreated the concept of laws that man and woman should go by. We accepted the earth as it was and cherished everything in and around it. We are the beginning ofthe human race as it is known fact around the world but not publicized because of the stigma that comes along with black people. OUR original deities wereplagiarized and turned into EUROPEAN saints. THIS is known FACT… It was the curiosity of Europeans to figure out who Africans were… They were probablyintroduced to them by ARABS who were not Natives to Africa but knew of Nubians because of Geographical location. Romans who were the big thing in their partswere heavy hitters but they needed something to capture the hearts and minds of their own people without brut force. When Constantine stumbled upon the tombsof Egypt he found the perfect tool. They plagiarized the scriptures and created a NEW beginning. We were excluded from OUR OWN story then put aside as paganpractitioners. After yrs of BRAINWASHING… ie devil-dog cake is BLACK, angel cake is WHITE, BLACK plague(death) , Blackbook(secrets) , White lies ( minor consequences) , there are so many parallels its crazy… OUR HISTORY HAS BEEN ERASED and we are trying to figure out our rolesin this new world. NOT ALL WHITE PEOPLE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR OUR TRIALS AND TRIBULATIONS , but when we are forced out of our natural environment and forced tostart a new leaf on life its hard to do so when your don't have anything to begin with. WE DIDN'T CHOOSE TO LIVE IN AMERICA … us so called AfricanAmericans are A PRODUCT OF GENOCIDE… so when we sell drugs sag our pants drink 40s and kill our own …. it isn't our fault we were put here and told to fendfor ourselves with no support from NO ONE… Now that we have a Black president we are suppose to forget that when we grow up in poor neighbor hood and go tounfunded publics schools everything should be ok once we go to college. If you believe that there isnt a group of people that hate because of our pigmentationthen you must be livin on fantasy island…
It has nothing to do with people taking credit. Its based on media and perceptions. The world will place out what it wants you to know and thats it. But weshould not be bothered by the truth becasue it seems thta that is all they are stating. People just need to stop complaining about things and do soemthingabout it. If we had more "minorities" doing positive things in society then there would be no need for media to depict the "minority" as anothing to something. It is true we do need more black to also protray a positive image and do more positive things so that their negative things aren'tblown out of porportion to depict a whole race the way in which they do. The reason why people say what they say in regards to Obama and Tiger Woods is toeducate all of those who do not know or want to depict a certain person as being one thing when they aren't. It is also away to wake people up andunderstand and also stop with the whol on going sale and chant of Obama. I persoanlly feel it is not right how many are not giving the man a chance and areonly respecting him for the color of his skin. I know damn well if he wasn't black many people would not have voted for him or continued to celebrate hiselection win. They need to let the man show how educated he is and let him do him. He has enough pressure for being a "black" president. I just feelwe all as minorities need to portray more positive images to the media thus depicitng in better protrayls of us.
"I was thinking about this earlier today, and I was really confused. What don't they want us to know about our history and heritage? Why did they goto such extreme measures to try and subjugate us? Why? Like on some real +$#*. Just because of our pigment? I feel it has to be more than that."

There's a phrase out there that goes something like "history is written by the winners", or the people who come out on top and in power. I thinkthis is a clear case of that, with white people having won and attained/maintained power and money throughout much of history.

What's especially sad today is that recism has only continued to change shape, though not diminish, throughout much of the United States. Instead ofphysically lynching people from certain social and racial groups, they are lynched financially by being redlinned by banks on loan applications, housingsteering (being pushed or confined to certain areas of cities and towns), and policing practices (which was most recently seen on a broad scale with whathappened in the Oakland BART station MURDER).

Having graduated with a sociology degree which allowed me to specialize in race & ethnicity and social stratification, I feel more ashamed than ever to bea straight white male. I hope to attend law school and become a civil rights attorney in order to do all that I can to ensure equality for all members ofsociety, regardless of race, class, sex, or creed.

Of course, the Bill O'Rileys, Sean Hannitys, and Ann Coulters of the world will disagree with me.
Originally Posted by jeenewed

I don't know. The hate of black people probably got passed down from generation to generation.

My professor told us one day that white children were taught that blacks had no feelings and no soul. My reaction was
How could anyone believe that. Were they really THAT stupid?
People are pretty stupid. Look at what religious people believe.
Originally Posted by Kneesh

I don't why racist people always call blacks out for being drug-dealers .

THE PRESIDENT DEALT THE DRUGS TO US THO ! The crack epidemic ? That was the white man . The aids epidemic ? That was the white man too . For yearss , the white man has been seeing the black people get smarter &nd stronger , so they keep developing &nd developing more things tto keep us down . They thought they were just going to put drugs in the city &nd we weren't going to lear how to make it &nd deal it . After we learned that , the government stopped making money off of drugs &nd now they're mad .

&nd people still have faith in the white male ? &nd or government ?

Let's try to base our posts on reality from now on, OK?
Originally Posted by SpringfieldXD

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by BobbyBrownpacks

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

because being white is a recssive trait, and you can't make a white baby with interracial parents.

Read the Isis Papers.
Welsing WENT IN

lolwut? i know about 5 girls and about 2 guys who have a brown haired brown eyed black father and a blond hair blue eyed mother. and they have blond hair and blue eyes. the children that is. i didnt know black was a dominant gene.

you serious, fam?

listen to Ras Kass - Nature of the Threat and wake y'all %** up....

"it's like a teaspoon of cream in a cup of coffee".

i love white people (especially white women), but I can't deny the history of white oppression, or the white priviledge that exists today.

for instance, in high school, my white peers were worried about GETTING INTO college. they weren't worried about paying for college.

i got into every school i applied to, even an ivy league school. but i didn't go cause i couldn't PAY FOR IT.

if that ain't white priviledge, i don't really know what to call it.
Unfortunate if true, but this sounds like a pathetic attempt at a lie.

Ivy League schools love to accept underprivileged and/or minority applicants, and they give financial aid to almost everyone who needs it. You wouldn'thave to pay $50,000/yr or even close unless you could afford it.
Originally Posted by SpringfieldXD

i think if the human race is still around in 150-200 years, white people will be scarce.

the world will be nearly ALL brown or light brown.

deep down, white people know this, and they do what they can to ensure the proliferation of their ethnicity.

like i said, teaspoon of cream in a cup of coffee.
its true. right now black and brown people are definately producing waay too many people. and for the most part cant even take care of them inthe first place. just making things worse
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