Why do 'Hipsters' deny being or trying to be a 'Hipster'?

Why does NT care so much about what hipsters do? If you dont want to be affiliated with a certain group of people then leave them alone, its that easy.
Originally Posted by Ouch my feet

Why does NT care so much about what hipsters do? If you dont want to be affiliated with a certain group of people then leave them alone, its that easy.

I don't give a Shh what they do... im just askin a question... someone sounds a little butt hurt...
Anyone that shops at Urban Outfitters or American Apparel basically.
For anyone in Seattle, you can find them in the Capitol Hill area.
Williamsburg in Brooklyn...just take the L train to Bedford ave and walk around, then ask one if he/she relizes they're dressed the same as everyone intheir neighborhood, how unique is that ?
Originally Posted by Ouch my feet

Why does NT care so much about what hipsters do? If you dont want to be affiliated with a certain group of people then leave them alone, its that easy.
Whats wrong with having a discussion about it? This is amessage board.
Originally Posted by mjbetch

not all of us are from cali. lol

we don't all know what a hipster is. haha
I'm from Cali....and have no clue what a 'hipster' is...
drinking pbr and riding "fixies" while wearing "nuthuggers" does not in anyway make someone a hipster.
Originally Posted by Ouch my feet

Whats wrong with having a discussion about it? This is a message board.

You obviously havent been here for long. The same topics get tiring week after week.
I haven't see any topics about hipsters
Originally Posted by iantheshark

drinking pbr and riding "fixies" while wearing "nuthuggers" does not in anyway make someone a hipster.

thats exactly what a hipster would say, if he were trying to deny his being a hipster.
so that people will keep telling them and insisting that they're "hip"
it's a scam to get more compliments for their efforts of "trying too hard"
while they front like they're not trying at all.
Originally Posted by Ouch my feet

Whats wrong with having a discussion about it? This is a message board.

You obviously havent been here for long. The same topics get tiring week after week.
Naw I been here for a hot minute I just never see this topic come up that much.
Originally Posted by JD Turk

Williamsburg in Brooklyn...just take the L train to Bedford ave and walk around, then ask one if he/she relizes they're dressed the same as everyone in their neighborhood, how unique is that ?

the only person in this thread who knows what hipsters are and where they dwell.
Anyone who wants to look the part, but not take part, is a poser. A hipster is just a denomination of poser.
i see what you did there....

i never said that i wasn't a hipster, i guess you could say that i am. its not like its the defining label of my identity.
people that go to great lengths to deny being "hipsters" when its fairly obvious, give hipsters a bad name.
maybe they're just trying to avoid being labeled with stupid generalizations?
it's funny how much emphasis these "hipster" stereotypes are in defining and identifying hipsters. everyone knows where judging people based offof stereotypes leads...

for the record, hipsters also eat lunch, like music, and some even watch tv!
bet you didn't know that....
There is absolutely nothing wrong with fixed gear bicycles, i love biking. People just love slapping labels on people like a food product.
Originally Posted by realxfresh

There is absolutely nothing wrong with fixed gear bicycles, i love biking. People just love slapping labels on people like a food product.

Yea, Don't say someone's a hipster if they ride a fixie.
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