Why do idiots say an Airball is

I actually got into a big argument with a friend about this like a year ago. 

I since then learned it's a rule only applied to the nba but imo it should be the same on every level except before high school

It is just stupid to be able to legally self pass to yourself on the grounds that you made a legitimate attempt to shoot.  Shouldn't fly after 6th or 7th grade. 
Originally Posted by ryanbbn23

in case u idiots dare to argue, i am a paid high school official, i have plenty of rule books at home.

straight out of the NCAA rule book:
A.R. 110.

A1 attempts a try at Team A’s basket after having completed the dribble.
The try does not touch the backboard, the ring or the flange or any other
player. A1 runs and catches the ball before it strikes the playing court.
Is this traveling?
RULING: No. When A1 recovered his or her own try, A1 could either dribble,
pass or try again. There is no team control by either team when a try is
in flight. However, when the shot clock expires and a try by A1 or a
teammate has not struck the ring or the flange, it shall be a violation of
the shot-clock rule. (Rule 4-68.1, 4-15.4.c and 9-11.2)
straight out of the NFHS rule book:
4.44 SITUATION B: A1 attempts a try after ending the dribble.
The try does not touch the backboard, the rim or any other player. A1 runs
and is able to catch the ball before it strikes the
floor. Is this traveling? RULING: No. When A1 recovered his/her own
try, A1 could either dribble, pass or try again. There was no team control
after the ball was released
on a try. (4-12; 4-41).
so unless u clearly state you are playing by NBA rules, you sir are the idiot


Originally Posted by ryanbbn23

in case u idiots dare to argue, i am a paid high school official, i have plenty of rule books at home.

straight out of the NCAA rule book:
A.R. 110.

A1 attempts a try at Team A’s basket after having completed the dribble.
The try does not touch the backboard, the ring or the flange or any other
player. A1 runs and catches the ball before it strikes the playing court.
Is this traveling?
RULING: No. When A1 recovered his or her own try, A1 could either dribble,
pass or try again. There is no team control by either team when a try is
in flight. However, when the shot clock expires and a try by A1 or a
teammate has not struck the ring or the flange, it shall be a violation of
the shot-clock rule. (Rule 4-68.1, 4-15.4.c and 9-11.2)
straight out of the NFHS rule book:
4.44 SITUATION B: A1 attempts a try after ending the dribble.
The try does not touch the backboard, the rim or any other player. A1 runs
and is able to catch the ball before it strikes the
floor. Is this traveling? RULING: No. When A1 recovered his/her own
try, A1 could either dribble, pass or try again. There was no team control
after the ball was released
on a try. (4-12; 4-41).
so unless u clearly state you are playing by NBA rules, you sir are the idiot


im calm.

im taking it out on nt, bc the other day this happened and we had game point taken away from us. the very next possession the other team comes down and hits a 3 to win
im calm.

im taking it out on nt, bc the other day this happened and we had game point taken away from us. the very next possession the other team comes down and hits a 3 to win
I've been campaigning this topic since I first found out you can catch your own airball. It's like telling 13th century people that the Earth is round.
I've been campaigning this topic since I first found out you can catch your own airball. It's like telling 13th century people that the Earth is round.
its pickup ball, everything is just a matter of if someone calls it or not. Gotta pick your spots of when to bother with an argument.
its pickup ball, everything is just a matter of if someone calls it or not. Gotta pick your spots of when to bother with an argument.
Originally Posted by ryanbbn23

actually known of u guys know the rules. you are allowed to catch an airball. you are allowed to catch any intentionally missed shot.

Its not an intentionally missed shot though, AND  im assuming he caught it while he was on the ground.
Originally Posted by ryanbbn23

actually known of u guys know the rules. you are allowed to catch an airball. you are allowed to catch any intentionally missed shot.

Its not an intentionally missed shot though, AND  im assuming he caught it while he was on the ground.
Yeah, I always thought you could catch an airball, so long as you are actually attempting a shot at the basket.
Yeah, I always thought you could catch an airball, so long as you are actually attempting a shot at the basket.
Like everyone else has said, that rule is different only in the NBA. So it comes down to do you guys play NBA or NCAA or NFHS rules which is something no1 discusses so it's really just who argues better/louder will win.
Like everyone else has said, that rule is different only in the NBA. So it comes down to do you guys play NBA or NCAA or NFHS rules which is something no1 discusses so it's really just who argues better/louder will win.
now that the debate is done with and thats answered...

seriously...airballing layups?

and then the fact that dude somehow managed to get his own rebound without anyone else getting it
now that the debate is done with and thats answered...

seriously...airballing layups?

and then the fact that dude somehow managed to get his own rebound without anyone else getting it
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