Why do you believe that there is a god?

Originally Posted by TennHouse2

I still dont understand why alot of atheists try so hard? U asked a question and many people have answered that question. they gave you reasons why they beleive in god, and if that really all you wanted to know you could have listened to the responses and whether u believed they were legit reasons or not moved on because you got ur answer. But alas for one reason or another u cant just let other people believe what they believe, your just gonna pretend like science is perfect and absolut and everyone else is an idiot for not agreeing with you...........if a believed my dog was god and im not hurting anyone with my belief (and dont try and tell me we are hurting people with our beliefs, i highly doubt anyone on nt are starting any religous wars, if thats ur problem you should be campaining to take religion out of the government not attacking people on nt) why would u care? If u believe theres nothingness after death anyway why couldnt you just let me live and be happy?
Nobody is trying to stop you. In fact, believers are the one who impede in the lives of non believers. It's how you work your way into Heaven, it's expressly written. And religion has been used as the basis of every negative thing that has happened in humanity from slavery to war to sexism, racism, every type of oppression that exists, genocide, etc. so the idea that it isn't hurting anyone is a falsehood.

And yes to the person above who asked if things have to be empirically proven to be considered valid. That IS how it works.

O man my bad Im in here arguing like a fool when the original thread was scientifically prove why you believe in God

Thats like sayin scientifically prove you love your family

Dead from the start. Im out
No it isn't and that is a TERRIBLE comparison. Love is an abstract noun so of course you can't prove it using the 5 senses. We're talking about proving existence. You could prove your family exists; easily.
mods, i think it's time to make a seperate forum for these religion threads since they pop up

every other day
Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

ok so their assertions then that doesn't mean they are't true....What is a real fact?

Do you need empirical evidence to prove something? No.
You typically need empirical evidence to support a claim, yes. That's how it works. I can sit here and say that good can exist without evil, or that good and evil don't exist. It would be no different than what you're doing. Also, when you state that something has a "function", you're implying that something was designed for a specific role. Again, that's not necessarily true unless you can demonstrate that it is true. So yeah, if you're going to make wild claims, you might want to back them up. Otherwise you're opening the discussion up to baseless claims as support for the arguments being presented.
What evidence do I need other than the evidence I live everyday? History has already prevailed over all your precious empirical science. 
So your denying that everything in the universe has a particular function? How does that make sense? For every action there is an equal an opposite reaction. These are physical truths. 

I don't have to back +@+@ up to you. because you back me up by saying your an atheist.  So what can really be proved? Math is applied to our lives but what does it prove us?

I'm not even an atheist because people use religion manipulatively...i'm an atheist because the claims for their to be a god aren't substantiated. 

God is substantiated through us, if you can't understand that then you don't understand time, you can't see the dialectic because your not meant to see. 

Atheists act like people owe them something...like an explanation...why don't all you Atheists have a convention and see what happens. Get organized in the name of Atheism! 

Oh nevermind...I forgot the sate of America already fills that void for you.

This is a conscious issue which is why atheists will always talk about God. How can you argue against something you suppose doesn't exist in the first place? That's impossible.  At least be a good Atheist...

See how dude has to post 50 gifs just to get his point across? Your completely impotent. Thanks for validating me. 
Male order gro.......who here on niketalk is impeding ur life with there beliefs? The only people on here making religous threads have been atheists. Like i said earlier if u want religion taken out of the government thats a completely diffrent situation which i agree with (and lol at religion being the basis for every negative thing to happen)......so again how do strangers on nt believing somthing affect ur lif
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

What evidence do I need other than the evidence I live everyday? History has already prevailed over all your precious empirical science. 
So your denying that everything in the universe has a particular function? How does that make sense? For every action there is an equal an opposite reaction. These are physical truths. 

I don't have to back +@+@ up to you. because you back me up by saying your an atheist.  So what can really be proved? Math is applied to our lives but what does it prove us?
I'm going to have to try to sift through this nonsense.

History has prevailed over empirical science? What the hell are you even talking about? That's like saying music has prevailed over biology. You literally make zero sense here.

Yes, if you read what I wrote, I am denying that because stating that something has a "function" implies that it was designed for a specific purpose. Yeah, I'm aware of Newtonian physics. Newtonian physics has nothing to do with whether the universe was designed or not.

Oh, okay. You can just mindlessly state absolute garbage because I'm an atheist and you're sitting up there on your high horse. Gotcha. Don't discuss here then. It's pretty clear that you make absolutely no sense.
Some of yall just need to give it up. Sillyputty has dominated the Atheist side of this debate. Its not even close. Hes made all of the believers look like clowns.
Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

What evidence do I need other than the evidence I live everyday? History has already prevailed over all your precious empirical science. 
So your denying that everything in the universe has a particular function? How does that make sense? For every action there is an equal an opposite reaction. These are physical truths. 

I don't have to back +@+@ up to you. because you back me up by saying your an atheist.  So what can really be proved? Math is applied to our lives but what does it prove us?
I'm going to have to try to sift through this nonsense.

History has prevailed over empirical science? What the hell are you even talking about? That's like saying music has prevailed over biology. You literally make zero sense here.

Yes, if you read what I wrote, I am denying that because stating that something has a "function" implies that it was designed for a specific purpose. Yeah, I'm aware of Newtonian physics. Newtonian physics has nothing to do with whether the universe was designed or not.

Oh, okay. You can just mindlessly state absolute garbage because I'm an atheist and you're sitting up there on your high horse. Gotcha. Don't discuss here then. It's pretty clear that you make absolutely no sense.
You sound Asian. 

You don't understand what I'm talking about because you haven't made any adequate historical inquires to the state of contemporary culture. 

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

What evidence do I need other than the evidence I live everyday? History has already prevailed over all your precious empirical science. 
So your denying that everything in the universe has a particular function? How does that make sense? For every action there is an equal an opposite reaction. These are physical truths. 

I don't have to back +@+@ up to you. because you back me up by saying your an atheist.  So what can really be proved? Math is applied to our lives but what does it prove us?
I'm going to have to try to sift through this nonsense.

History has prevailed over empirical science? What the hell are you even talking about? That's like saying music has prevailed over biology. You literally make zero sense here.

Yes, if you read what I wrote, I am denying that because stating that something has a "function" implies that it was designed for a specific purpose. Yeah, I'm aware of Newtonian physics. Newtonian physics has nothing to do with whether the universe was designed or not.

Oh, okay. You can just mindlessly state absolute garbage because I'm an atheist and you're sitting up there on your high horse. Gotcha. Don't discuss here then. It's pretty clear that you make absolutely no sense.
You sound Asian. 
You sound booty hurt to me. You mad doggie?
Originally Posted by NikeAirForce1

Originally Posted by buggz05

When you think of everything in the Universe as a collective existence, the memory of that complete existence is equal to a One Whole God. The Will of God is Inevitable.


Intelligence, adaption, survival. Love, hate and co-existence. All of these things are inevitable. There are very simple laws in this Universe that are not relating to physics.
Originally Posted by AJMasta

Some of yall just need to give it up. Sillyputty has dominated the Atheist side of this debate. Its not even close. Hes made all of the believers look like clowns.
ok cool were all clowns, do u feel better about ur life now for hearing that? Has they changed anything about your life? Why do u care so much what sombody u dont know and has no affect on your life believes? Its responses like this that make alot of atheists look bad
Originally Posted by AJMasta

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

I'm going to have to try to sift through this nonsense.

History has prevailed over empirical science? What the hell are you even talking about? That's like saying music has prevailed over biology. You literally make zero sense here.

Yes, if you read what I wrote, I am denying that because stating that something has a "function" implies that it was designed for a specific purpose. Yeah, I'm aware of Newtonian physics. Newtonian physics has nothing to do with whether the universe was designed or not.

Oh, okay. You can just mindlessly state absolute garbage because I'm an atheist and you're sitting up there on your high horse. Gotcha. Don't discuss here then. It's pretty clear that you make absolutely no sense.
You sound Asian. 
You sound booty hurt to me. You mad doggie?

Son you have a Nas av and signature  and your asking me if I'm mad?
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

What evidence do I need other than the evidence I live everyday? History has already prevailed over all your precious empirical science. 
So your denying that everything in the universe has a particular function? How does that make sense? For every action there is an equal an opposite reaction. These are physical truths. 

I don't have to back +@+@ up to you. because you back me up by saying your an atheist.  So what can really be proved? Math is applied to our lives but what does it prove us?
I'm going to have to try to sift through this nonsense.

History has prevailed over empirical science? What the hell are you even talking about? That's like saying music has prevailed over biology. You literally make zero sense here.

Yes, if you read what I wrote, I am denying that because stating that something has a "function" implies that it was designed for a specific purpose. Yeah, I'm aware of Newtonian physics. Newtonian physics has nothing to do with whether the universe was designed or not.

Oh, okay. You can just mindlessly state absolute garbage because I'm an atheist and you're sitting up there on your high horse. Gotcha. Don't discuss here then. It's pretty clear that you make absolutely no sense.
You sound Asian. 

You don't understand what I'm talking about because you haven't made any adequate historical inquires to the state of contemporary culture. 


Originally Posted by buggz05

Originally Posted by NikeAirForce1

Originally Posted by buggz05

When you think of everything in the Universe as a collective existence, the memory of that complete existence is equal to a One Whole God. The Will of God is Inevitable.


Intelligence, adaption, survival. Love, hate and co-existence. All of these things are inevitable. There are very simple laws in this Universe that are not relating to physics.
Those things aren't "inevitable"....what are you talking about?
Originally Posted by buggz05

When you think of everything in the Universe as a collective existence, the memory of that complete existence is equal to a One Whole God. The Will of God is Inevitable.

I'm not even trolling...but what are you talking about? 

Could you break down your argument or introduce a parallel one for me to think about? No more one liners...i'm not following. I'm trying here. 
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

What evidence do I need other than the evidence I live everyday? History has already prevailed over all your precious empirical science. 
So your denying that everything in the universe has a particular function? How does that make sense? For every action there is an equal an opposite reaction. These are physical truths. 

I don't have to back +@+@ up to you. because you back me up by saying your an atheist.  So what can really be proved? Math is applied to our lives but what does it prove us?
I'm going to have to try to sift through this nonsense.

History has prevailed over empirical science? What the hell are you even talking about? That's like saying music has prevailed over biology. You literally make zero sense here.

Yes, if you read what I wrote, I am denying that because stating that something has a "function" implies that it was designed for a specific purpose. Yeah, I'm aware of Newtonian physics. Newtonian physics has nothing to do with whether the universe was designed or not.

Oh, okay. You can just mindlessly state absolute garbage because I'm an atheist and you're sitting up there on your high horse. Gotcha. Don't discuss here then. It's pretty clear that you make absolutely no sense.
You sound Asian. 

You don't understand what I'm talking about because you haven't made any adequate historical inquires to the state of contemporary culture. 

lol. It bothers me when people like you don't understand how stupid you appear to be to everyone else. You make no argument and then you make attacks because people show why your claims are baseless. Good job, dude. Keep it up.
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Originally Posted by AJMasta

Some of yall just need to give it up. Sillyputty has dominated the Atheist side of this debate. Its not even close. Hes made all of the believers look like clowns.
ok cool were all clowns, do u feel better about ur life now for hearing that? Has they changed anything about your life? Why do u care so much what sombody u dont know and has no affect on your life believes? Its responses like this that make alot of atheists look bad
No, I dont feel any better now. I dont care what you feel or think, I said what i wanted now get over it. I said he is making you all look like clowns because your arguement is futile.
Has they changed anything about your life?
Talk right, then i'll answer your question you clown.

Why do u care so much what sombody u dont know and has no affect on your life believes?

As I stated above, I dont care. But this is a message board where we are free to discuss topics as we choose. So that is what I am doing.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by AJMasta

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

You sound Asian. 
You sound booty hurt to me. You mad doggie?

Son you have a Nas av and signature  and your asking me if I'm mad?
Is that all you got? So I have Nas in my avy and a Nas quote in my sig. Explain to me how that makes me mad?

That fact you are resorting to racist comments proves that you are weak.
Lol again what argument did i make that was futile? Theres a reason i dont argue things like this on a message board, sure there will be some people who actually want a debate then there will be others like you who just insult people who dont agree with you, without adding anything to the conversation...u say this is a message board and your free to discuss anything you want but is saying your all clowns adding anything to the discussion?..and yes it happens on both sides....if someone really wants to talk it over pming is way more effective
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

I still dont understand why alot of atheists try so hard? U asked a question and many people have answered that question. they gave you reasons why they beleive in god, and if that really all you wanted to know you could have listened to the responses and whether u believed they were legit reasons or not moved on because you got ur answer. But alas for one reason or another u cant just let other people believe what they believe, your just gonna pretend like science is perfect and absolut and everyone else is an idiot for not agreeing with you...........if a believed my dog was god and im not hurting anyone with my belief (and dont try and tell me we are hurting people with our beliefs, i highly doubt anyone on nt are starting any religous wars, if thats ur problem you should be campaining to take religion out of the government not attacking people on nt) why would u care? If u believe theres nothingness after death anyway why couldnt you just let me live and be happy?
This is why I actually try to debate religion:

Next question. 

So was he only supposed to listen and not comment? Or just take what the "explanations" were and just move on from there and close up shop?

I don't understand why ya'll get so uptight. We just in here talking. If I disagree with you so be it...but don't get mad for introducing arguments that DONT stand on their own and then cry fowl because it didn't slip under the radar. 

I've actually said how imperfect science is...when it gets something wrong it changes. It relies on evidence that gets better over time. It doesn't stop trying to understand things. I never said we had all the answers. We just dont accept "god" did it when 

A. Things god has done have been proven to work through other more reliable and predictable ways

B. Things that have final answers that aren't allowed to be challenged. 

Don't raise your kids to never question things. How will they know if they are right?

"Philosophy is questions that may never be answered. Religion is answers that may never be questioned" -- Anonymous

You may not be hurting anyone with your belief...and thats a good thing...

but tell me if we take that logic of just letting people believe what they want, how come you're worried about Voodoo as opposed to radical islam? Islam is infringing on the rights of women and the secularly educated in various parts of the world. 

Or why do you not loose any sleep over hinduism? Or Bahai? Or those trippy south american christian/indian religious mixes? Thats the point. 

Most faiths really don't matter, but the ones that do are VERY wrong and not only are they wrong, they are ILLOGICAL. Thats the difference. I actually care if things make sense or not. I don't know if that means anything to you.

I should note this...I will FIGHT for the right of ANY citizen to believe whatever they want to believe. That is something I think that makes this country great. HOWEVER...I will not respect or defend your beliefs. 

Do you understand this? 

Thats what we're trying to do. Some of the most religious candidates in government these days are starting to be laughed out of town hall meetings.

 Secular public events are starting to take precedent.

 Did you know that the 9/11 memorial coming up will not have ANY official prayer? 

Thats a step in the right direction. 

Its time that we stop allowing our most important and collective bodies of human influence...i.e. government being led by superstition and mythology only for the sake of pandering to constituents who don't know any better. Its unfair and intellectually dishonest. 

How would you feel if on your death bed you learned that your parents had been billionaires the whole time and they just hid the money from you? Wouldn't you feel like you wasted a lot of time and struggled in life for nothing?

I just care that people have valid reasons for doing things. Being led by illogical notions predisposes people to being misled and abused. 

Encouraging people to think critically and to justify objectively their positions makes society progress in a way that benefits us all because we carefully weigh the impact of our actions with how they will affect others. 
Originally Posted by AJMasta

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by AJMasta

You sound booty hurt to me. You mad doggie?

Son you have a Nas av and signature  and your asking me if I'm mad?
Is that all you got? So I have Nas in my avy and a Nas quote in my sig. Explain to me how that makes me mad?

That fact you are resorting to racist comments proves that you are weak.
because Nasir Jones is clear in his stance while your stance in this thread is contradictory to his...even though you tryna 'Represent'
"Im like all races combined in one man" 
I just want to applaud sillyputty. Keep the fight alive. I've stopped responding to religion threads just because you can't argue logically that which is inherently illogical "faith". But it's good to see we have a new champion on here.

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by AJMasta

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Son you have a Nas av and signature  and your asking me if I'm mad?
Is that all you got? So I have Nas in my avy and a Nas quote in my sig. Explain to me how that makes me mad?

That fact you are resorting to racist comments proves that you are weak.
because Nasir Jones is clear in his stance while your stance in this thread is contradictory to his...even though you tryna 'Represent'
"Im like all races combined in one man" 

I like his music so I decided to put his picture as my avatar and a quote from his music in my signature. That has nothing to do with who I am or this discussion. You loose. Try again.

Lol again what argument did i make that was futile? Theres a reason i dont argue things like this on a message board, sure there will be some people who actually want a debate then there will be others like you who just insult people who dont agree with you, without adding anything to the conversation...u say this is a message board and your free to discuss anything you want but is saying your all clowns adding anything to the discussion?..and yes it happens on both sides....if someone really wants to talk it over pming is way more effective
Oh the irony. You havent even taken the time to read through this thread yourself. If you did, you would see that I have added to this discussion. Get your shh straight before you try to win in a debate with me...clown.
nah I don't lose sucka...Im measured with the heat thats made by sun. Your just hiding from some inconvenient truths....it has everything to do with this discussion but your ego won't allow you to admit it...
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