Why do you believe that there is a god?

Silly im commenting from my phone so its gonna be a little hard trying to get to all thoes points colorcoded

1.like i said in my post after the one u qouted i agree with getting religion out of the government
2.i dont have a problem with a debate just at the beggining of this it was more people answering the question then maybe u or one other people trying to debate then a bunch of other people just attacking with gifs, and "ur soooo stupid" without adding anything to the discussion, thats not a debate...and theres alot of stupid things being said that are only gettin cosigned because someone on there "side" said it
3.maybe uv said science is imperfect but ur the only one, everyone else is trying to premtend like it is....and yes questioning things is a good thing, but it only works if ur going to actually listen and think about the answers givin back ( not directed towards you)
4.nobody is asking you to respect or defend there beliefs
5. Again iv already said in here that i belief the government and religion dont mix
6.that analogy doesent work because in this case once we die we wouldnt know anything anyway right?

Either way its all good im done its pretty much just become two people arguing with everyone else throwing around insults and gifs without adding anything
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

ok so their assertions then that doesn't mean they are't true....What is a real fact?

Do you need empirical evidence to prove something? No.
You typically need empirical evidence to support a claim, yes. That's how it works. I can sit here and say that good can exist without evil, or that good and evil don't exist. It would be no different than what you're doing. Also, when you state that something has a "function", you're implying that something was designed for a specific role. Again, that's not necessarily true unless you can demonstrate that it is true. So yeah, if you're going to make wild claims, you might want to back them up. Otherwise you're opening the discussion up to baseless claims as support for the arguments being presented.
What evidence do I need other than the evidence I live everyday? History has already prevailed over all your precious empirical science. 
So your denying that everything in the universe has a particular function? How does that make sense? For every action there is an equal an opposite reaction. These are physical truths. 

I don't have to back +@+@ up to you. because you back me up by saying your an atheist.  So what can really be proved? Math is applied to our lives but what does it prove us?

I'm not even an atheist because people use religion manipulatively...i'm an atheist because the claims for their to be a god aren't substantiated. 
God is substantiated through us, if you can't understand that then you don't understand time, you can't see the dialectic because your not meant to see. 

Atheists act like people owe them something...like an explanation...why don't all you Atheists have a convention and see what happens. Get organized in the name of Atheism! 

Oh nevermind...I forgot the sate of America already fills that void for you.

This is a conscious issue which is why atheists will always talk about God. How can you argue against something you suppose doesn't exist in the first place? That's impossible.  At least be a good Atheist...

See how dude has to post 50 gifs just to get his point across? Your completely impotent. Thanks for validating me. 

This statement makes no sense. Its like comparing figure skating to chess. 

If everything has a "function"...please prove this. or provide evidence. understanding how ONE thing works or interacts with the environment doesn't mean you win the game of life. 

Math doesn't prove anything to us? Go sit in your car and marvel at how the rubber tires don't ever manage to scrape the wheel arch. Go take your iphone and notice how cellular towers are able to triangulate your position within seconds. Go watch a video on Youtube from 6 years ago and marvel at how much more incredible the viewing quality is these days. 

I can't even call you names because I want to get through to you
... But you're NOT making any sense dude. 

Furthermore, why argue if you don't want to provide evidence? Are you doing it for the sake of just hearing yourself talk? ...or reading what you write? 

Why should anyone believe YOU if you don't provide any evidence. If anyone has assumed the tone of superiority, it has been YOU. You claim to be above providing evidence yet keep making claims with no outside substantiation. If you were in court the jury would vote against you each and every time. 

I really don't understand what this means. 

BTW, if god made me not able to see that god exists, why should you make me feel like lesser of a person for not acknowledging god.

I mean if your god exists and made me then he clearly made me an atheist. 

Explained in PINK already.

Your "god" has inspired a lot of BS to go down for much of human history...i'd like to check in from time to time to make sure it actually exists...it certainly doesn't like to take sides in any of its debates either. 

So if I believe that Batman is going to save me in the middle of a robbery I should go around spreading the gospel of Batman? 

Do you see why thats dangerous? Not only is it a lie, but people might actually DEPEND on batman when their livihood depends on it if they believe it enough. 

Thats the problem. 

It was purely disbelief. I've never met anyone who felt they could make an argument and use no proof and think it makes their argument untouchable. Just astounding.

I really want to know EVERYTHING you believe. From A to Z. Its utterly fascinating... 
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

nah I don't loose sucka....your just hiding from some inconvenient truths....it has everything to do with this discussion but your ego won't allow you to admit it...

You know nothing more about me other than what my avatar on this site looks like, and what the signature that I use says. What kind of idiot determines what kind of person they are based off of that? Inconvenient truths? Youre looking at my Avatar and assuming that I am just like him. I saw that you have resorted to racism to defend yourself, so I took a shot at you. Now I see that you are resorting to judging people based off of their avatars. I call it like I see it. I see your arguement slowly but surely coming to an end. So far you have done nothing prove or validate your claims on Gods existance. You also have nothing to say so you try to insult me based off of my avatar! This is entertainment to me, Im showing people at my crib all of these pathetic arguements and getting a kick out it as we speak. Anymore?
Originally Posted by NeptuneBeats187

How do you think everything that got here from everything else, got here?

As a human being I can literally create and manipulate life, am I god?
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Those people don't represent God just because they say they do and you believe what they say, that shows how truly unsophisticated your outlook is when you hold those idiots with any kind of regard merely because they hold an influential position in this bull $#+% society.

Bad exists for good to exist.Furthermore if you gave real scripture a chance , or actually read instead of posting your big industry funded statistical graphs, you would see that scriptures warn against people who pose as believers to compensate for their true reality.

I can respect people being honest and saying they are Atheist because their are a lot of people who use organized religion as a veil for their own immoral conduct, but I still feel like if you embrace atheist sentiments your asking to be a target.
and then you try the good ol' I'm atheist so I'm a smarter person that a believer. WRONG. That exposes your own Atheist-hypocrisy.

 Sir Issac Newton>>>>>> you 

Everything exists for a particular function and all is one. Peace. 

No no no there are religious people that are far more intelligent that I am, don't mistake the fact that I claim to be more intelligent than you as making a generalization about religious people-Sillyputty and I are objectively more intelligent than you are, has nothing to do with religion

It doesn't take much intelligence to be an atheist, I have these arguments while reading scientific topics that would make your head hurt

No one gives a child special accolades for realizing Santa Claus isn't real
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by NeptuneBeats187

How do you think everything that got here from everything else, got here?

As a human being I can literally create and manipulate life, am I god?
Your a liar. You don't create a damn thing. You reproduce material that is already here. 
-Sillyputty and I are objectively more intelligent than you are, has nothing to do with religion

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]how is intelligence determined? Through western standards? Your logic is flawed which is why I always bring up Nigeria as your native country which your family abandoned to be American..or maybe Boko Haram ran y'all out of the country...IDK. [/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]I prefer oriental culture over Western culture.  So your more intelligent than me because you study chemicals medicine that Chinese people have solved with herbal remedies for thousands of years? I could have chose a science or math related field or medicine  or neurology but I chose to study to a branch o social science because I felt people need to understand where they come from and why they are here. 

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]You can't teach everything....if we could we would live in a perfect world..do we? [/font]

Whether a God exists is beyond our realm of knowledge. Human beings cant even conquer the basic essentials of life.

Enjoy your holiday and get ready for work Tuesday machines.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by NeptuneBeats187

How do you think everything that got here from everything else, got here?

As a human being I can literally create and manipulate life, am I god?
Your a liar. You don't create a damn thing. Your reproduce what is already here. 
Human beings can manipulate the life of lesser beings like yourself-sort of like what you consider a God (a being that possibly exists but may not be as benevolent as people make it out to be)

Is it at all possible that your God manipulates what is already here?



yes it's a wiki link but interesting nonetheless

life forms like viruses and bacteriophage can in fact be created by man in theory
Originally Posted by tune205


Whether a God exists is beyond our realm of knowledge. Human beings cant even conquer the basic essentials of life.

Enjoy your holiday and get ready for work Tuesday machines.

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

As a human being I can literally create and manipulate life, am I god?
Your a liar. You don't create a damn thing. Your reproduce what is already here. 
Human beings can manipulate the life of lesser beings like yourself-sort of like what you consider a God (a being that possibly exists but may not be as benevolent as people make it out to be)

Is it at all possible that your God manipulates what is already here?



yes it's a wiki link but interesting nonetheless

life forms like viruses and bacteriophage can in fact be created by man in theory

yeah you conveniently ingnored the 2nd half of that post huh? 
Originally Posted by tune205


Whether a God exists is beyond our realm of knowledge. Human beings cant even conquer the basic essentials of life.

Enjoy your holiday and get ready for work Tuesday machines.
I agree with you but for different reasons...
If a god exists according to this understanding than to even postulate about the existence of one would be impossible.

That is unless you don't mean that... 

In any case...lets say this god exists...how much sense does it make to AUTOMATICALLY worship this god? 

Who speaks on behalf of god? Other followers?

None of this makes ANY sense...If you go that far with it you have to go all the way. Thats the point I'm getting at. 
What is sense man? What in the world makese sense in the first place kid? Your rigid claims to 'sense' are non-sensical in themselves

and thats the point
I don't care if the next person believes in a certain religion etc. Everyone is free to believe in what they want to believe in. To be honest, I don't know what I believe. But the one thing that really bothers me about religion is how much it divides people. Division is something in the world and something that will always be present, but I just hate it. Also, a lot of religious people end up believing their religion is the "right" religion or better than the next man's religion. These people may never outwardly say it, but they always give off this sense of, "I'm better than you because I believe in so and so." More than religion, I believe in people just being good to one another. No need to worship the unknown, just help one another. Be a good person.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Your a liar. You don't create a damn thing. Your reproduce what is already here. 
Human beings can manipulate the life of lesser beings like yourself-sort of like what you consider a God (a being that possibly exists but may not be as benevolent as people make it out to be)

Is it at all possible that your God manipulates what is already here?



yes it's a wiki link but interesting nonetheless

life forms like viruses and bacteriophage can in fact be created by man in theory

yeah you conveniently ingnored the 2nd half of that post huh? 

I didn't, I asked you if its possible that your "God" manipulated what is already here


I'm thinking abstractly
I believe there is a God. Does it change how I live my life. Not really. If I wanna drink I do so. If I don't feel like praying I don't. I respect other religions and even atheist for their opinions. I just choose to believe there is one. I just hold myself to certain standards on how I should act and keep it moving. Do I want answers..... sure, but more likely than not they wont affect how I live.

Why do I believe in God. I guess I believe that there are some other forces out there that have brought us to this point where we are. I'm not saying that there is a definite being that controls us all. Just the forces that are in work around us.
To all the religious people out there, just something I'm curious about. What's the right religion? Why are there so many different religions? Why are certain people born to luxury, while a lot of people are born to situations that are inescapable? Why do really life altering events happen to good people?

I guess I'm just salty since I grew up in a pretty unstable environment and saw/experienced things my colleagues/classmates/friends really didn't have to go through. And honestly, praying, or worshiping wouldn't help me get out of it, it just how things turned out and it was up to me just to grow from it. God or some other being wasn't going to do that for, it was myself.

I guess this is my overall belief, there might be some overall power that started things off and let science take its course and life formed. I believe in evolution, etc, but my question is what started it all, and we probably will never know that.

In my mind no religion or worshiping is going to save you/help you/or advance you. It's all up to yourself.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

What is sense man? What in the world makese sense in the first place kid? Your rigid claims to 'sense' are non-sensical in themselves

and thats the point

I'm simply asking to explain yourself in another way so that i can understand you better
Originally Posted by Pump Fake

To all the religious people out there, just something I'm curious about. What's the right religion? Why are there so many different religions? Why are certain people born to luxury, while a lot of people are born to situations that are inescapable? Why do really life altering events happen to good people?

I guess I'm just salty since I grew up in a pretty unstable environment and saw/experienced things my colleagues/classmates/friends really didn't have to go through. And honestly, praying, or worshiping wouldn't help me get out of it, it just how things turned out and it was up to me just to grow from it. God or some other being wasn't going to do that for, it was myself.

I guess this is my overall belief, there might be some overall power that started things off and let science take its course and life formed. I believe in evolution, etc, but my question is what started it all, and we probably will never know that.

In my mind no religion or worshiping is going to save you/help you/or advance you. It's all up to yourself.
God is very picky about who he helps out-celebrities, athletes, me
, some dude a few pages back

Originally Posted by jdi23

I believe there is a God. Does it change how I live my life. Not really. If I wanna drink I do so. If I don't feel like praying I don't. I respect other religions and even atheist for their opinions. I just choose to believe there is one. I just hold myself to certain standards on how I should act and keep it moving. Do I want answers..... sure, but more likely than not they wont affect how I live.

Why do I believe in God. I guess I believe that there are some other forces out there that have brought us to this point where we are. I'm not saying that there is a definite being that controls us all. Just the forces that are in work around us.

Holding yourself to "standards" and abstaining from this and doing things you WANT to do is what you should be doing. 
Just choosing to believe simply because you want to, while a comforting idea, doesn't make it any more or less true. You're admittedly lying to yourself. 

Saying there are "forces" out there just shows that you don't think you're in control of your life. 

Thats really unfortunate. 
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Pump Fake

To all the religious people out there, just something I'm curious about. What's the right religion? Why are there so many different religions? Why are certain people born to luxury, while a lot of people are born to situations that are inescapable? Why do really life altering events happen to good people?

I guess I'm just salty since I grew up in a pretty unstable environment and saw/experienced things my colleagues/classmates/friends really didn't have to go through. And honestly, praying, or worshiping wouldn't help me get out of it, it just how things turned out and it was up to me just to grow from it. God or some other being wasn't going to do that for, it was myself.

I guess this is my overall belief, there might be some overall power that started things off and let science take its course and life formed. I believe in evolution, etc, but my question is what started it all, and we probably will never know that.

In my mind no religion or worshiping is going to save you/help you/or advance you. It's all up to yourself.
God is very picky about who he helps out-celebrities, athletes, me
, some dude a few pages back

 I guess life experiences was one thing that made me not too hooked on religion and also the fact that some religious people subconsciously believe their religion is "right" while everything isn't. There are so many customs, traditions, etc in each religion, what's right? And I'm sure people who do practice a certain religion believe their religion is the "best" one. Doesn't Christianity clearly state if you don't believe in Jesus, you are done for? Even in this thread I barely went through any pages so please excuse my ignorance on this topic but some person not that I have a problem with his or her beliefs posted this

*what do we look like when we stand up straight?
the number one... in sanksrit, arabic, english, roman... so many different languages... isn't this a sign that the one god created you?

*The call to Islam has been heard by people of all different creeds and colors, and a visit to your local masjid will verify this... Everytime I visit my local mosque, I am in awe of how diverse the gathering is... african americans, white people, latinos, asians, indians, arabs... native americans even. Islam has reached every single corner of this earth. there are muslims in Japan, Russia, China, South Asia, Vietnam, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Europe, Australia... even in the USA muslims are everywhere. If you read the stories of how islam spread in Syria, Ethiopia and India... the first people to convert to Islam were Kings. Kings who heard the Quran being recited in Arabic and began to cry just at the sound of the book, despite not understanding it... kings who cried even more when hearing the quran being translated. 
Why are there mosques on every corner of the globe? and why are the congregations so diverse? I see this as a sign of God's existence... His message does not spare anyone, of any color, of any background, of any wealth bracket... it is the universal calling to the truth. (Mike Tyson is orthodox Muslim, Cassius Clay became Muslim, Maurice Bucaille (a deceased, mid 20th century, french scientist) became muslim, Jeffery Lang (professor of Mathematics at Kansas, and former athiest) became Muslim)

Islam didn't spread by the sword in Japan, or china, or Europe. Nor is it being spread by the sword now, why are so many people converting to Islam?

(name me another mainstream, orthodox religion that has such an ethically diverse congregation in the USA.) You won't be able to... Hinduism is mostly indians, bhuddism is mostly east asians, Christian churches vary depending on the neighborhood you are in... and synagogues are mostly white.

"Seek knowledge even as far as China"

"Charity is prescribed for each descendant of Adam every day the sun rises...The doors of goodness are many...enjoining good, forbidding evil, removing harm from the road, listening to the deaf, leading the blind, guiding one to the object of his need, hurrying with the strength of one's legs to one in sorrow who is asking for help, and supporting the feeble with the strength of one's arms--all of these are charity prescribed for you."

 "Your smile for your brother is charity." 

- Muhammad (peace be upon him) is a sign of god's existence.

This is what bothers me at times. I'm sure this fellow niketalker is a good person, but his faith and worship kind of blinds him. He never stated it, but to me at least this simple post screams hey my religion is the best, it's right, that's why I worship. Who is to say that specific religion is right? No offense to whoever posted, just my two cents. 

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
Originally Posted by foreveryoung

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by foreveryoung

Because I actually care if what I think:
A. is Logical

B. Is true. 

Everything else is for you to have fun with. But to just play it off like religion has NO influence on the lives of others is just patently false...thus I DO take the time to poke holes in arguments and I love to expose the inconsistencies of popular stances in people who have never taken the time to assess what it is that they think they know. 

Downplaying my stance as "well its only one person so who matters" isn't the point. There are tons of people out there with doubt who are scared to come forward and admit it. Before the internet there would probably be half as many atheists out there...too many people were scared to look for the information...instead they stayed in their mental bubbles and didn't know any of this stuff...its the least I can do to at least introduce some objective and consistently rational basis into the argument.

I mean did you not read Steinbeckballa? Dude thinks he sinned before he was born. What type of messed up way to live is that??? 

So your goal is to instill as much doubt and disbelief as you have??

Im not saying religion doesnt influence society. I grew up in UTAH
that place is RAN by the Mormon church. Im just saying people have the right to believe whatever they want

If you were on here just saying "I dont believe in God, I believe that we have complete control of our futures, our lives, our success and our failures" I wouldnt even had said anything. But instead youre on here breaking down every statement into bits and pieces, like an experiment. And because youre an intelligent dude, youre using scientific explanations and historical evidence to disprove their hypothesis

But is it that you believe THRU and THRU that there is no God, or is it that you have so much doubt and so many questions that you refuse to believe there could be one?

You said it yourself  "There very well COULD be a god. But nothing you or anyone else has said supports that logically, or with any substantial evidence"

How can you be SOOO adamant about trying to discredit, and disprove others, when you yourself havent even taken a firm stance on your own beliefs?

The people on here who have said I believe have chosen. The people on here who have said I dont have chosen. The people on here who have said: Heres the 15 reason I do/dont are still not sure themselves


Skeptical people will always be skeptical. Others will be more prone to just accepting things for what they are. Its life...however, no matter how long you spend thinking about things, those two different people will know if things make sense or not. A lot of relgious people learned this stuff so young that they never really gave it any second thought and just took it and ran with it. Its like how some poeple can't imagine their parents doing bad things. They have this permanent image that is very hard to tackle. If we can teach people to step beside themselves and humble them with respect to things they THINK they know, then they can really assess to what extent they understand themselves and the world around them. 

My goal is to have people say "hmm, never thought about that."

So you understand how it feels to be subjected to SUBJECTIVE things that have no factual or logical basis? The same way you feel towards mormonism is how I feel towards EVERY religion.

Remember, you're an atheist with respect to the 9,999 other religions. I just take it a step further than you and add yours to the mix. 

So theres a problem with pointing out CLEAR inconsistencies with arguments? These aren't even in depth analyses. These are surface level readings of the responses you guys have posted that i'm replying to. If you have a problem with that then just don't type...it can't get any more clear than that. 

Don't make it seem i'm just out to argue. I've given props tons of times and conceded the limits of my argument willingly. Don't make me sound dishonest here. 

I am not an atheist because I doubt the existence of a god or i'm super skeptical. I'm an atheist because your explanation for god doesn't make any sense to me. Your proof is insufficient. 

I realize that you're saying "well if you're so skeptical how will you know if you're missing your chance?" ...well present the argument and lets find out if it stands on its own.

What other stance is there? I don't know if there is a god. I don't really care. But if there is, and you say so, and you go to PROVE it...and your proof falls onto itself, then I can't submit to that claim. Thats it. 

Everything you've ever done or known was mostly based evidence you had or you were able to reliably predict an outcome to a particular degree.

 When it comes to religion, why do you not hold it to same standards of criticism and inquiry? That should boggle your mind. 

I could say, there is no god. But I can't prove that. I can't PROVE a negative. I've been saying that since page one. I can only support claims based on the evidence that exists. I'm honest enough to admit this to you. 

But if you say there is a god that does X, Y, Z...and those claims don't stand on their own, then how can you reasonably expect anyone to submit to that ideology? 
this thread still going on? whats the point? neither side will budge so why waste your time?
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