Why do you believe that there is a god?

Originally Posted by sillyputty

I was going to mention this yesterday -

A lot of those who are saying they believe in God keep talking about a "feeling".  You know what that feeling is? It's called euphoria
Euphoria (pronounced /ju
Originally Posted by Pump Fake

I don't care if the next person believes in a certain religion etc. Everyone is free to believe in what they want to believe in. To be honest, I don't know what I believe. But the one thing that really bothers me about religion is how much it divides people. Division is something in the world and something that will always be present, but I just hate it. Also, a lot of religious people end up believing their religion is the "right" religion or better than the next man's religion. These people may never outwardly say it, but they always give off this sense of, "I'm better than you because I believe in so and so." More than religion, I believe in people just being good to one another. No need to worship the unknown, just help one another. Be a good person.
This is pretty much exactly how I feel.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Aside from his name, how the hell does somebody SOUND Asian?

People like BSmooth give religious people a bad name
I think a lot of my beef with religion stems from the fact that I have an idealistic view of what a religious person is supposed to be, that's why that Gandhi quote resonates so much with me-You can't be a horrible, ignorant human being and tell me how your religion makes you a better person
 You give your country a bad name, you abandoned your own nationality to be an American. Black Americans wander  in search for a true identity to build on and all we ever get is static from our African brothers who probably traded us for some !+%#+!@ rum in the first place. No wonder you don't believe in God..
why dont you go take Pookieman out on a date....your FREE to do that in the West....brother

Yeah, I'm not sure how someone can determine my ethnicity over the internet.

You didnt deny you were Asian though. 
Originally Posted by pookieman

I was going to mention this yesterday -

A lot of those who are saying they believe in God keep talking about a "feeling".  You know what that feeling is? It's called euphoria
Euphoria (pronounced /juËˈfɔəriə/, from Ancient Greek εὖ, "well", and ÆέÃειν. "to bear") is medically recognized as a mental and emotional state defined as a profound sense of well-being.[sup][1][/sup] Technically, euphoria is an affect,[sup][2][/sup] but the term is often colloquially used to define emotion as an intense state of transcendent happiness combined with an overwhelming sense of contentment. It has also been defined as an "affective state of exaggerated well-being or elation.[sup][3][/sup] The word derives from Greek εá½Ã†ÃŽ¿Ãία, "power of enduring easily, fertility".[sup][4][/sup][sup][5][/sup] In some cases, the word is "interpreted as little more than a feeling of light-headedness" [sup][6][/sup].
Euphoria is generally considered to be an exaggerated physical and psychological state, sometimes induced by the use of psychoactive drugsand not typically achieved during the normal course of human experience. However, some natural behaviors, such as activities resulting in orgasm, love and the triumph of an athlete, can induce brief states of euphoria.[sup][2][/sup] Euphoria has also been cited during certain religious or spiritual rituals and meditation.[sup][7][/sup] Euphoria can also be the result of a psychological disorder. Such disorders "include bipolar disorder, cyclothymic personality, head injury, and hyperthyriodism".[sup][8][/sup] Euphoria may also occur with "diseases affecting the nervous system, such as syphilis and multiple sclerosis."[sup][9][/sup].

The few times that I went to Christian churches in the past 10 years, I felt this - the pastors connect with you, they make it seem that every word they speak is directly to you. They bring up pain points that are common to all, and they dig the knife in deep and make their sermons connect more. You fall into a trance and you want to feel something. They say the words "You will now feel god entering you". You think you feel him, but what you feel is Euphoria. You were just systematically mind-$%%#!%.

Its the same tricks they use in church...it plays on your emotions....
people compare religious experiences to rock concerts with thousands of fans screaming the exact same thing.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Aside from his name, how the hell does somebody SOUND Asian?

People like BSmooth give religious people a bad name
I think a lot of my beef with religion stems from the fact that I have an idealistic view of what a religious person is supposed to be, that's why that Gandhi quote resonates so much with me-You can't be a horrible, ignorant human being and tell me how your religion makes you a better person
 You give your country a bad name, you abandoned your own nationality to be an American. Black Americans wander  in search for a true identity to build on and all we ever get is static from our African brothers who probably traded us for some !+%#+!@ rum in the first place. No wonder you don't believe in God..
why dont you go take Pookieman out on a date....your FREE to do that in the West....brother

Yeah, I'm not sure how someone can determine my ethnicity over the internet.
You didnt deny you were Asian though. 


What is this dude ON?! 
Originally Posted by Chrisphreezy

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by Chrisphreezy

My Two Cents.

My belief is based off faith. Believing in something you can't see. I've read the Bible before i even started believing and to this day it has never been wrong. I've seen and felt things and gotten through things that would have been impossible to do alone. I remember when i first began believing, I felt his presence
. Before that moment i always had doubts, but from that point i've always felt him inside of me.

In this world, he's the only thing to give a %$+%! hope to survive and keep going. I didn't get here on my own. I can't walk around and do these things I do by myself. And nah I don't have scientific physical evidence that he exists, that's why my relationship with him is based off faith. And although things get tough, no matter what, I never worry, and I never lose faith.

No offense but the bible is similar to people who do mind-reading. Its an abstract book that people use to think that it directly applies to them. Thats why prophecy is such a crock. Its so abstract that it will always tend to be true at some point or another.

I suggest you look into the Forer Effect. They studied people who read random horoscopes and thought they applied to them but later found out it was mostly incorrect because it applied to another zodiac sign. Its basically if you give people enough information about something they'll look at it and think it always applies to them in some way of fashion. It exposes our ability to be biased to ourselves. Thats why I call religion and spirituality a very narcissistic entity. Its always about ME, MYSELF, and I. 

You're trusting in a book that has been re-written, edited, plagarized, re-translated, and revamped over a period of 1600 years with unidentifiable authors with contradictions and inaccurate timelines. The earliest book in the bible was written no sooner than 70 years after the supposed events in the bible took place. You would think that biblical scholars would try to push the number even closer just to solidify their claims. They can't. Entire books are missing components that were clearly added later to fulfill "prophecy" in much of the same way that people write the conclusion first and then the story. Biblical scholars have backtracked year after year about the veracity of the claims as well as certain stories. 

Exodus didn't happen. Most Jewish Rabbis agree on this. 

When modern day israel was made the academics there had the largest license in the history of the world to archeologically verify the claims of the bible. What did they find? Nothing. They had access to all of the land and all of the mythology. Nothing checked out. 

Do you know why your bible doesn't include all books? 

Do you know why your bible has VERSION on the side? 

Did you know King James was openly homosexual? 

Did you know that the notion of the Trinity was created 300 years after the supposed events in the bible? 

Did you know the popular face of "jesus" is Cesare Borgia, the son of one of the most controversial pope's in papal history...Showtime has a show called the Borgias about the very guy... 

Did you know that even with respect to some of the most revered stories in the bible the details like the resurrection, the revisiting of jesus, the stories of major wars, and even historical figures are inconsistent with other parts of the bible? 

Did you know even entire chapters were written by SEVERAL people? Indicating forgery? 

If a new chapter of the bible was discovered today, would you accept it? 

I always wonder why people that have doubts don't act on them... it never makes sense to me... sometimes when things don't make sense, they tend to not be reasonable in the end. overlooking doubt is never a good thing. What about all those times you had a feeling something was wrong and it ended up being true? On the same coin what if you thought something was off but you checked and it was alright all along? Then thats even better...because now you're sure. 

To me it seems like its a coping mechanism to deal with the uncertainty in life. To feel like someone is in your corner. Its similar to the fight music people play before they enter the ring...or how they psych themselves up before doing something they're unsure of the outcome with...its a means of making you feel like you're never alone. It gives you motivation by reading the happy parts...the parts that make you feel like you can do anything. ...and I'm not knocking that...motivation is an amazing tool of mental solidarity...it inspires us...but the claims of the bible just aren't true. If the claims of the bible ARE true however, then those of Judaism and Islam are true...because they involve the same characters in the same context. You have to do your history to separate the inspiration from the fact. The divinity of the book is falsity and can not be proven or even reasonably justified.

Do you know where I look to for motivation? Myself. I know I'm ultimately responsible for my successes and my failures. I have no one to blame but ME. I make it happen. There are those around me that happen but I've got to put in the groundwork to see it through. It doesn't work for everyone...the reformed %+%$@! thinks she needs some guidance of a single body so she goes to church....the old drug user thinks that believing in someone who never "judges" them makes them feel welcome...the closeted gay man has been told being gay is wrong so he clings to the notion that he can pray the gay away because he wants to be straight SO bad... Its all wishful thinking. True change comes from YOURSELF...not from others and definitely not from some mystical entity. 

Its all in the mind. Look to inspire yourself and you'll see how much more purpose and meaning you can give your life. 

If you define your purpose as the serving of something you just have "faith" in then what else can't you believe in? You're literally subject to be told anything. I know this is the only life I get. You don't think ants or pigs or elephants go to heaven do you? Hitler was a christian...does he go to heaven? Citing that then since this is the ONLY shot i've got, I've got to make it count. I've got to make the most out of it and learn to live my life as best as I can and to make it easier for all of us to make it enjoyable while where on this tiny speck of dust called earth. Knowing that THIS IS IT makes anything you do with life YOUR PURPOSE. Whatever you choose to do is what YOU ARE TO SOCIETY. If you're not happy then move up or down...just know that YOU are in control...not some higher power who swoops in to take credit for YOUR work. 
I read everything you wrote. I'm set in my ways and nothing can change that. I'm not sure if your trying to change my mind or just share your opinion, there's no hard feelings on this end.  I'm just saying, no matter what logic is thrown at me, what anybody tells me, I know what I felt and feel to this day, in my heart. No theory in psychology can justify my relationship with God to be faulty. Nothing can change this. The fact that God exists isn't an opinion of mine so whether other's believe it or not won't change that. So, if you believe me to be a fool, allow me to be a fool. Because life couldn't get any better for me honestly.

Its not about life getting better for you. Isn't this just more religious Its about knowing if what you say is true and valid. 
You just said, that if someone introduces new evidence to you, that you would not take it seriously and would in fact ignore it.

Congratulations. You are willfully ignorant. 

Don't take offense to it. Just accept this as the truth. 

You don't even care that you've been given evidence to disprove your claims. 

Just admit that you lie to yourself and be done with it. 
I knew this thread would get ugly. It's the equivalent of going to a Giants vs Dodgers game and asking the crowd which teams better. Believe what you feel comfortable believing.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Aside from his name, how the hell does somebody SOUND Asian?

People like BSmooth give religious people a bad name
I think a lot of my beef with religion stems from the fact that I have an idealistic view of what a religious person is supposed to be, that's why that Gandhi quote resonates so much with me-You can't be a horrible, ignorant human being and tell me how your religion makes you a better person
 You give your country a bad name, you abandoned your own nationality to be an American. Black Americans wander  in search for a true identity to build on and all we ever get is static from our African brothers who probably traded us for some !+%#+!@ rum in the first place. No wonder you don't believe in God..
why dont you go take Pookieman out on a date....your FREE to do that in the West....brother
lol you sound desperate
I'm an American and Nigerian and I couldn't be more proud of both
Ironically, I created a thread where I said I'd fight for Naija if this country went to war with my country

What the hell does this have to do with you sounding like an ignorant racist moron? The fact that you think you have no identity doesn't give you an excuse for your behavior.

Now fundamentally is there a problem with me going on a date with Pookie? Refer to where I said I hold religious people to high standards, you can't be a horrible human being and expect me to join ur religion. Anyone who sees the right for me and Pookie
to freely express our homosexual love without threats of violence and death as a problem is a horrible human being
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Aside from his name, how the hell does somebody SOUND Asian?

People like BSmooth give religious people a bad name
I think a lot of my beef with religion stems from the fact that I have an idealistic view of what a religious person is supposed to be, that's why that Gandhi quote resonates so much with me-You can't be a horrible, ignorant human being and tell me how your religion makes you a better person
 You give your country a bad name, you abandoned your own nationality to be an American. Black Americans wander  in search for a true identity to build on and all we ever get is static from our African brothers who probably traded us for some !+%#+!@ rum in the first place. No wonder you don't believe in God..
why dont you go take Pookieman out on a date....your FREE to do that in the West....brother

Yeah, I'm not sure how someone can determine my ethnicity over the internet.
You didnt deny you were Asian though. 


What is this dude ON?! 

Son insists on bringing up Nigeria in religious threads, consistently-Which is kinda ironic cause he tries to portray himself as being un-apologetically problack  not realizing that 1 out of 6 black people on this earth are actually of Nigerian descent and that's not adding adding people who were taken from there as slaves
Originally Posted by marmourjr

Faith is something that nobody can argue...

I dont understand why religious people bother arguing in these threads, they can't win a logical argument-say you have blind faith and keep the sh moving
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by marmourjr

Faith is something that nobody can argue...

I dont understand why religious people bother arguing in these threads, they can't win a logical argument-say you have blind faith and keep the sh moving

Werd.  As I understood, we are not to "argue" but to have dialogue.  Everybody is always wanting to prove someone wrong.  Just seek your own knowledge and do what is best for you.
Originally Posted by marmourjr

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by marmourjr

Faith is something that nobody can argue...

I dont understand why religious people bother arguing in these threads, they can't win a logical argument-say you have blind faith and keep the sh moving

Werd.  As I understood, we are not to "argue" but to have dialogue.  Everybody is always wanting to prove someone wrong.  Just seek your own knowledge and do what is best for you.

This is true-I have a lot of respect for religious people who are open to dialogue-I went to a Seventh Day Adventist bible study and was pleasantly surprised at how open and non judgmental they were about my views
Originally Posted by buggz05

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by buggz05

Intelligence, adaption, survival. Love, hate and co-existence. All of these things are inevitable. There are very simple laws in this Universe that are not relating to physics.
Those things aren't "inevitable"....what are you talking about?
Originally Posted by buggz05

When you think of everything in the Universe as a collective existence, the memory of that complete existence is equal to a One Whole God. The Will of God is Inevitable.

I'm not even trolling...but what are you talking about? 

Could you break down your argument or introduce a parallel one for me to think about? No more one liners...i'm not following. I'm trying here. 
My point exactly.
Physics - energy never dies. Any form of life or intelligence will always push to survive and evolve. We are a perfect example. Regardless of whether we evolved from bacteria out of water, or whether aliens juiced up our DNA or whether God designed a human. In whichever scenario, there was a WILL to expand.

Wave physics - there is always a positive and a negative in wave physics. The tide of the ocean rushes upon the beach and then it falls back. Everything in existence is made out of a wave form, i.e. vocal communication is a vibration of vocal chords. Thoughts in your brain are very small sparks/spikes of electrovolts running through your nervous system similar to a computer. Computer data AKA binary code is either ON or OFF, 1 or 0. Matter is classified into solid, liquid, or gas depending on how fast the particles are vibrating.  So - Love, Hate. It is inevitable. You cannot have one without the other. You cannot have supporters without naysayers. How would you even know if you were supporting something if you had absolutely no idea that someone else out there disagreed?

Now place yourself at the "end of time". Reminisce upon everything that ever happened since the beginning of time throughout the entire Universe. Think of those infinite happenings as one entire existence (except think of it all as a timeless instance) and call that being the "One". Anything that had happened, or will happen is...
Dude you can't make that logical jump. Not until there is a means to discern an emotional connection to what we can only currently define as a mental emotional state. 

Stop mysticizing modern physics to make it sound on ying-yangy. We understand that things have polar opposities but to say that that is connected to physics, which REALLY doesn't care about you being happy or sad then you're not going to get any where. 

This is the problem. You can't just assert jumps like that because of some supernatural claim. Just STATING a comparison doesn't make it a legitimate one. 

I could the say, because "if everything in matter has an opposite in our understanding of physics then cats are fundamentally differnt from dogs"....like what? You're comparing two different things. Just asserting differences between objects doesn't make the comparison valid. 
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Aside from his name, how the hell does somebody SOUND Asian?

People like BSmooth give religious people a bad name
I think a lot of my beef with religion stems from the fact that I have an idealistic view of what a religious person is supposed to be, that's why that Gandhi quote resonates so much with me-You can't be a horrible, ignorant human being and tell me how your religion makes you a better person
 You give your country a bad name, you abandoned your own nationality to be an American. Black Americans wander  in search for a true identity to build on and all we ever get is static from our African brothers who probably traded us for some !+%#+!@ rum in the first place. No wonder you don't believe in God..
why dont you go take Pookieman out on a date....your FREE to do that in the West....brother
lol you sound desperate
I'm an American and Nigerian and I couldn't be more proud of both
Ironically, I created a thread where I said I'd fight for Naija if this country went to war with my country

What the hell does this have to do with you sounding like an ignorant racist moron? The fact that you think you have no identity doesn't give you an excuse for your behavior.

Now fundamentally is there a problem with me going on a date with Pookie? Refer to where I said I hold religious people to high standards, you can't be a horrible human being and expect me to join ur religion. Anyone who sees the right for me and Pookie
to freely express our homosexual love without threats of violence and death as a problem is a horrible human being
What's wrong with B Smooth? Oh, god made you write that nonsense
Originally Posted by megachamploo

Originally Posted by NikeAirForce1

What makes you believe that a god exists?  The question is geared toward anyone that believes in a god.

Why do I care whether you believe or not?  Answer:  I don't.   I just want to know why you believe. 

If the basis for your beliefs can be scientifically explained or falsified with facts,  I won't be holding back any information.

Let me be clear, I believe in God, not religion. I think there's a big difference.

I don't really think there's a person in the sky judging us and keeping us in line. But that doesn't mean that I don't believe that something could have created this universe.
I believe in God because there are things that humans just can't and may never be able to explain. I feel like atheists are set on the idea that religion created God and they never explore the idea that God and religion have nothing to do with each other.
So atheists believe that science disproving religion is adequate enough to come to the conclusion that God doesn't exist. Atheists wager that everything can be explained by a series of experiments and yet there's a huge gray area that is still left for exploration (our consciousness for instance). I believe the existence of God sits somewhere in that enormous gray area.

God could have started the big bang like lighting a firecracker and we wouldn't even know the difference today (not saying I believe that actually happened). In short, I think religions inaccurately portray God. That doesn't mean he doesn't exist.

so the question you end up asking yourself is whether you think everything is the way it is as a result of a spontaneous coincidence or a purpose. I think the latter makes more sense to me. I guess you can call me agnostic if you want.

Your entire god concept is based on ideas that others have created to interpret that god. If that god exists then no one really can be certain of:

A. What that god's powers are. In terms of where it resides, what it can do, how it intervenes, if it even cares

B. even if this god exists then nothing says to "worship" it or to even acknowledge it. These notions are drafted by religion. 

The only reason people pray is to make concessions to an ALL KNOWING being whose mind people think they can change to act in their favor. Its essentially a bribe of the mental state. 

God WAS created by religion. 

That is why in each religion people think of different types of gods with different abilities and stories relating to it. 

Do you believe in a "jesus" btw? Just curious.

Its funny how religions need a HUMAN prophet to share the message with them...if god really cared it would just share the news using clouds as a loudspeaker or something...I'm being facetious here. 

Also saying "you can't disprove it" doesn't make sense. Can you disprove that I'm not a talking horse typing right now on an iPad? Disprove that. Evidence SUPPORTS claims. It doesn't disprove them. It merely supports other claims to a greater extent. More evidence behind a claim, the less likely the other situation is plausible.

Science doesn't explain everything.

Just UNDERSTAND that already.

But it provides evidence behind other more reasonable explanations for the things that "god" supposedly did. 

It doesn't DISPROVE god...it simply makes claims supporting other conclusions FAR MORE LIKELY. 

Plus, just saying you "believe" to find god somewhere doesn't it make it so. Where is your evidence? You say its in the gray area, well lets FIND it first. If we can't find it then the search continues, but just having faith that its there doesn't make you more right or your claim more true. You simply do not have evidence.

This is flawed reasoning. YOU THINK RELIGIONS INACCURATELY PORTRAY THAT WHICH YOU CANNOT PROVE. That indicates your OWN bias towards what god can and cannot do! Don't you understand this?

That means your "god" is only what YOU THINK it is. 

If you can discredit other religions on the lack of evidence or evidence that you find to be flawed then others can use your conclusions against the very claim you support.

You can't assert others have it wrong when you yourself can not add to the conclusion any further by backing it up. 

How does it make sense that there is a "purpose" ? 

I assert that I DO NOT KNOW. 

I go where the evidence suggests.

What does "purpose" mean to you anyways?

If it was spontaneously occurring why doesn't that make it able to be on "purpose" ? 

It happened THAT way, right? So you COULD assert that random assortment was ON PURPOSE. 

...but you won't. You only want to support the claim for a god by separating the two by saying purpose only happens with a god. 

Thats the error here. You're separating two things for the sake of SOUNDING like they're different when they technically could be deeply and intimately related. 

Saying it "makes more sense" to you in the lack of evidence either direct doesn't make you more right or more true. 

The HONEST thing to do is to sit on the fence and collect ONE IOTA of evidence...which you lack. Don't pick sides before you haven't even researched the teams yet. 

This is what I don't understand.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

So if I believe that Batman is going to save me in the middle of a robbery I should go around spreading the gospel of Batman? 

 This dude is hittin yall with mental black talon bullets n yall still tryna run....lay down already! 
 I would not even bother arguing this long if i was you Putty but to each it's own. Matter of fact it's not even an cogent argument because if a plus b does not equal c then your point is invalid, thus it can't be an argument. A bunch of jibber jabber
Originally Posted by KidJoke

What do atheists believe in then?

I need to answer this.
What do non-soccer players believe in?

What do people who don't collect stamps believe in?

What do people who don't drive Benz's believe in?

Did you notice how little it matters? 

Why do you think that because we don't believe in god that for some reason we have "things" we abide by? 

You can be a racist, conservative, environment killer, rapist, murderous, misogynistic, vegan...and still not believe in/a god(s).

None of those things have any thing to do with the other. You are falsely asserting that they do.

We're not apart of a club. 

Are the people who say santa doesn't exist part of a club too? What do they believe? 

I don't like the word atheist...but I understand the need for it in the context of so many believers...what do you call people who don't watch football? Exactly. Its like the word abolitionist. There was a word for people who wanted to FREE slaves. Can you imagine? Is there a word for non-astrologers? 
Originally Posted by smoke ya later

Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

SILLY PUTTY OWNED everyone he argued with in this thread, and it wasn't even close
best part is he wasnt even mad lol
probably was bored at work
his responses were some of the most clever and real that I've ever read on NT
I love how everyone just conveniently ignored man_listen posts............Guess Ill have to post it again instead of people quoting their own colorful posts...........

Originally Posted by man listen

sillyputty wrote:
I don't care if you don't want to be like me. Thats not the issue. The issue is you saying things and suggestion notions which have not only been disproven but have never been substantiated with ANY evidence. EVER. 
I uplift plenty of people. I just don't have to believe in a god to do so. I don't need to be told i'm going to hell to be a good person. I don't get anything out of not being a **** to another person. 

I also directed you to the video because it addresses and compiles a response to your pseudoscience endeavors in a more concise way than I can. Its not to say that I don't have my own opinions. 

dude..you're trying to pit science against God as if it isn't one in the same. science is the explanation of what is called "God" has put into existence. The "cause" of the "effect". as a primarily left brained logical thinker you should know that you can't have one without the other. science "changes" because it is incomplete and always will be like you said...it will always be millions of steps behind. new evidence isn't introduced, it always is. math doesn't "change" as you go from kindergarten to high school, you simply develop the capacity to understand calculus (or not). science has not yet developed the capacity to understand God on a logical level. before there was a scientific explanation for gravity there was gravity. gravity wasn't "introduced", it fell on top of Newton's head just like God will undeniably make his presence felt in your life once you develop the capacity. belief, faith, understanding, and execution of that which cannot be explained doesn't make you blind it makes you ahead of the time. science is not some all knowing entity, God is. God has a way of being true whether you understand it or not and you will understand God very soon. 
the "evidence" you keep referring to is secondhand knowledge. you won't believe something until someone else takes the time to make it tangible and dumb it down so that you can understand it and vicariously say "that makes sense". God cannot be explained through secondhand knowledge. God must be understood on a personal level through your own experience and findings because YOU ARE GOD. the "evidence" is your life and existence that you will never understand as long as YOU DENY GOD/YOURSELF. God is the creator, to deny him is to deny yourself. I'm not talking about religion or church or any of the bull *!%%, I'm talking about GOD-- YOU, YOURSELF on a physical, mental, spiritual level. you are stuck on the physical substance of what you call "evidence" and are blind and deaf to your very own spirit and your true mind BECAUSE YOU ARE WAITING ON SECONDHAND KNOWLEDGE. you are waiting on someone to explain you to yourself. if you were to stop thinking so much it would be impossible for you to deny God. you are trapped in this cage of "logic" thinking that it is the be all end all and that "logic" explains everything. the universe is infinite, whatever you can think of there is always MORE. there is MORE than logic, there is MORE than evidence and there is MORE than God. you are missing the forest for the trees dude... 

Originally Posted by gambit215

Originally Posted by smoke ya later

Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

best part is he wasnt even mad lol
probably was bored at work
his responses were some of the most clever and real that I've ever read on NT
I love how everyone just conveniently ignored man_listen posts............Guess Ill have to post it again instead of people quoting their own colorful posts...........

Originally Posted by man listen

sillyputty wrote:
I don't care if you don't want to be like me. Thats not the issue. The issue is you saying things and suggestion notions which have not only been disproven but have never been substantiated with ANY evidence. EVER. 
I uplift plenty of people. I just don't have to believe in a god to do so. I don't need to be told i'm going to hell to be a good person. I don't get anything out of not being a **** to another person. 

I also directed you to the video because it addresses and compiles a response to your pseudoscience endeavors in a more concise way than I can. Its not to say that I don't have my own opinions. 
dude..you're trying to pit science against God as if it isn't one in the same. science is the explanation of what is called "God" has put into existence. The "cause" of the "effect". as a primarily left brained logical thinker you should know that you can't have one without the other. science "changes" because it is incomplete and always will be like you said...it will always be millions of steps behind. new evidence isn't introduced, it always is. math doesn't "change" as you go from kindergarten to high school, you simply develop the capacity to understand calculus (or not). science has not yet developed the capacity to understand God on a logical level. before there was a scientific explanation for gravity there was gravity. gravity wasn't "introduced", it fell on top of Newton's head just like God will undeniably make his presence felt in your life once you develop the capacity. belief, faith, understanding, and execution of that which cannot be explained doesn't make you blind it makes you ahead of the time. science is not some all knowing entity, God is. God has a way of being true whether you understand it or not and you will understand God very soon. 
the "evidence" you keep referring to is secondhand knowledge. you won't believe something until someone else takes the time to make it tangible and dumb it down so that you can understand it and vicariously say "that makes sense". God cannot be explained through secondhand knowledge. God must be understood on a personal level through your own experience and findings because YOU ARE GOD. the "evidence" is your life and existence that you will never understand as long as YOU DENY GOD/YOURSELF. God is the creator, to deny him is to deny yourself. I'm not talking about religion or church or any of the bull *!%%, I'm talking about GOD-- YOU, YOURSELF on a physical, mental, spiritual level. you are stuck on the physical substance of what you call "evidence" and are blind and deaf to your very own spirit and your true mind BECAUSE YOU ARE WAITING ON SECONDHAND KNOWLEDGE. you are waiting on someone to explain you to yourself. if you were to stop thinking so much it would be impossible for you to deny God. you are trapped in this cage of "logic" thinking that it is the be all end all and that "logic" explains everything. the universe is infinite, whatever you can think of there is always MORE. there is MORE than logic, there is MORE than evidence and there is MORE than God. you are missing the forest for the trees dude... 



Except where I clearly addressed him here: http://niketalk.yuku.com/...is-a-god-#reply-11547676

Once again. If you're going to make a point, use facts to back it up.

Don't suggest that posts went unaddressed when they DID NOT. 

Here is my response to that mindless drivel: 

How do you know "god" did it? Thats the point. You don't. And you have failed to show WHY or HOW you think that why. You keep resorting to cheap arguments to side-step this. Why must you assert that GOD did it? 

Explaining how things work doesn't mean we can explain how things became the way they were either.

Just because we don't know or understand something fully doesn't mean that we never will or that we should give up trying.

What is your point here? 

This is a nonsensical argument of several levels.

The fact that others believe in other God(s) should mean that YOUR GOD ISNT THE ONLY ONE PEOPLE RECOGNIZE! 

Youre believing in a concept that you were TAUGHT. If this god is so apparent then why did you have to learn about it? Why do other people honor other gods? Why is your god not the only one?

Isn't it funny how god ONLY talks to people who believe in that god? Non-believers never get the same priviledge. 

If there was a god I want him to reveal himself. I want there to be a god. But I can't find a good reason to believe in one based on the claims youve proposed. You have to convince others to believe. NOT believing in something is the default stance. You must be convinced of every argument you have ever accepted as true or real, even in science. In court you are innocent until PROVEN guilty. You can't disprove a negative man. Its a mathematical and logical fallacy.

On top of that, I never said science was introduced. Whoever would make such a claim is a fool unlike no other. UNDERSTANDING how the world works is a different thing. Thats what math is. Its the numerical representation based on a system we created to attempt to streamline phenomena in predictable means. Thats all science is. We try to understand how things work to a reliable degree. Sometimes we get it wrong. But theres nothing wrong with trying as so many people benefit from it. 

Well if you can't prove it there is a saying I go by. Put up, or shut up. 

Not to offend you but lets be honest here. You apply logic and reasoning in EVERY aspect of your life. As I said in another post, you are skeptical of nigerian email scams, you look both ways before crossing the street, you realize you have to study to pass tests, you don't walk on bridges built on faith, you don't go to doctors who have "faith" in their treatment instead of collective empirical knowledge, you don't draft a kid out of middle school into the NBA based on faith, you don't drink whats been handed to you based on faith either. So why when it comes to accepting such a universal claim that you abandon ALL of the mental accounting systems you have and accept that notion. Thats DISHONEST fam. Just be real with yourself for a second. 

Additionally the "second-hand" knowledge thing you talk about is a valid question. I actually take the time to investigate scientific claims. My job actually depends on it. Its good that we've determined how reliable the calculation for the acceleration of an object due to gravity is. Its good that we can reliably determine epigenetic methylation on DNA to a particular degree. 

Those that dont take the time to validate their thoughts and conclusions are running the risk of being fed whatever is handed to them and not asking questions. 

This is the dense argument I never understand.

Why do you think I am "rejecting" god?

I don't have any negative experiences. I wasn't raped, molested or robbed. I've never been lied to by a person in authority. I have no personal qualms with churches or religious people at all. 

I do not believe in your god because I do not find the proof you have suggested for the existence of that god to be substantial. Especially when many of the claims for your god have been explained away through other means. 

Its funny you say "if i were to stop thinking so much I would find god" ...Thats the problem. Lets say your god exists. Then your god made me. Then your god knows what I think. Your god made me ask all these questions. Then your god made me not believe in that god. So where are we now? 

Whats the matter with thinking so much anyways? I guess thats illegal these days? 

You WANTING there to be some metaphysical connection to the world doesn't make it more true. All you have in this world is EVIDENCE AND TESTABLE CLAIMS. Otherwise you're free to just do or say or suggest anything you want. I can say the most foul thing in the world and have it be true because I believe it. If your kid starts believing in their imaginary friend does it make it more true? Is it true ONLY because you believe it?  Leave the tea leaves out of this debate for a second. Don't get confused by poetic charlatans like Chopra who talk on this level of haughty high-flying nonsense that doesnt explain anything. 

Leave this "god body" 5%-er nonsense out of here. Its this narcissistic claim that "we are the gods that created us" ...yeah it sounds nice in songs but it doesn't mean anything. Its simply useless jargon that does not prove your claim. 
Gambit thought he was kicking knowledge too
Great job by sillyputty putting an end to that nonsense

I wish religious people could get over their delusional fugue long enough to realize how utterly stupid some of the stuff they say is
sillyputty and Anton just proved with this thread God doesn't exist. I can accept that. 

no more talking about God...he doesn't exist....from now on let's talk about STRICTLY what we know and what we can test with science and math.   

now that we've got that far...tell me some more of your facts sillyputty...tell me something interesting.  
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