Why Does Feminism Scare You?

No I don't think there should be any distinction between the size of a woman's breasts in that argument. However it's naturally bound to get less of a response though because a topless flat chest is less likely to arouse, distract or make people as uncomfortable as a woman with a big rack.

Again, my and Amy's argument boils down to thinking that there's nothing wrong with having your ******* out but also that there's nothing wrong with people who think it's too arousing, distracting or uncomfortable. Especially in public.
I Got you.

I just think What Amy is wishing for is the ideal situation since breasts by default have been sexualized by humans. (I ain't complaining about that though)
This is the literal definition of feminism: the advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.

The issue of course is that most people only wish to employ this on issues they are comfortable with.

Which then leads to the issue of women’s rights being based on what the general public deems to be appropriate.

Can any of you think of specific men’s rights are determined by voting or courts?
This is the literal definition of feminism: the advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.

The issue of course is that most people only wish to employ this on issues they are comfortable with.

Which then leads to the issue of women’s rights being based on what the general public deems to be appropriate.

Can any of you think of specific men’s rights are determined by voting or courts?
Right? When the last court case in which men were told if they could have a child or not?
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