Why is Kanye west so angry at Jimmy Kimmel?

I'm rollin wit Ye

A lot of stuff that makes people angry w/ Ye I see no problem with. I can care less about fashion and all that but that self confidence and belief you can overcome anything is :pimp:

"I can't believe he calls himself a god" meh
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It's funny to see the lengths some people will go to in order to defend their favorite celebrity's honor like they know them personally.
You just proved my point. Kanye has no clue you exist by the way pumpkin. But keep fighting for that mans honor if it makes you happy.

This reasoning is so stupid. The Seahawks players don't know I exist, guess I should stop cheering for them then huh? :rolleyes

Defending your favorite sports team is the same reason you would defend your favorite artist albeit they don't know who you are.
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It's funny to see the lengths some people will go to in order to defend their favorite celebrity's honor like they know them personally.

Stans will Stan. You got people on a messageboard with their panties in a bunch fighting to defend another mans honor like a straight groupie. I guess, some dudes on here are the 2k13 karrine steffans's I see the way they ride for their man
kanye falls for it everytime and makes himself look just like the stereotype he says everyone sees him as which is  "the typical angry black guy" 

that 38 part interview could've been dont so much better had he gathered his thoughts rather than just looking like a complete lunatic.

he was all over the place in that interview, it's funny as hell to see all these people riding for this dude he could honestly give a crap about.

im a fan and i even bought a ticket to his show, but i know he could still show up an hour late perform for 20 mins and not give a crap.
This reasoning is so stupid. The Seahawks players don't know I exist, guess I should stop cheering for them then huh? :rolleyes

Defending your favorite sports team and defending your favorite artist are one in the same.

Would you defend your favorite player on your favorite team when their acting like a complete tool? Its one thing to defend someone when its warranted. if your defending them when their in the wrong just because you like their music then your foolish. Its one thing to like someones music, its another to disregard their douchy whiny emotional tendancies and try and rationalize their actions. I don't see how any rational intelligent person could defend kanye on this one.
Kanye fans have the maturity of 12 year olds, why even try to reason with them? Just ignore them so people don't think you're related to them in any way

Dude is an embarrassment to humanity in general
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Kanye fans have the maturity of 12 year olds, why even try to reason with them? Just ignore them so people don't think you're related to them in any way

Dude is an embarrassment to humanity in general

Good point. Its not even worth arguing with unintelligent people.
Would you defend your favorite player on your favorite team when their acting like a complete tool? Its one thing to defend someone when its warranted. if your defending them when their in the wrong just because you like their music then your foolish. Its one thing to like someones music, its another to disregard their douchy whiny emotional tendancies and try and rationalize their actions. I don't see how any rational intelligent person could defend kanye on this one.

Kanye's response was lame but the reason behind it I fully support. In the interview Kanye was clearly passionate about the things he was talking about and made many valid points. Then you get a guy like Kimmel who chops up one segment from it and gets the whole crowd to roar with laughter from that part. To add the cherry on top he even gets kids to mimic it. Like how lame is that? He has every right to be upset.

Imagine yourself discussing something you're very passionate about, then all of a sudden people around you start laughing at your statements; how would you feel?
Would you defend your favorite player on your favorite team when their acting like a complete tool? Its one thing to defend someone when its warranted. if your defending them when their in the wrong just because you like their music then your foolish. Its one thing to like someones music, its another to disregard their douchy whiny emotional tendancies and try and rationalize their actions. I don't see how any rational intelligent person could defend kanye on this one.

Kanye's response was lame but the reason behind it I fully support. In the interview Kanye was clearly passionate about the things he was talking about and made many valid points. Then you get a guy like Kimmel who chops up one segment from it and gets the whole crowd to roar with laughter from that part. To add the cherry on top he even gets kids to mimic it. Like how lame is that? He has every right to be upset.

Imagine yourself discussing something you're very passionate about, then all of a sudden people around you start laughing at your statements; how would you feel?
i'd feel like every other celebrity/politician who has been made fun of by a talkshow host/comedian

Kanye is too sensitive... great music artist, but his heart is made of cotton candy
Kanye's response was lame but the reason behind it I fully support. In the interview Kanye was clearly passionate about the things he was talking about and made many valid points. Then you get a guy like Kimmel who chops up one segment from it and gets the whole crowd to roar with laughter from that part. To add the cherry on top he even gets kids to mimic it. Like how lame is that? He has every right to be upset.

Imagine yourself discussing something you're very passionate about, then all of a sudden people around you start laughing at your statements; how would you feel?

I see what your saying but if your a public figure that's what happens. Presidents and politicians get mocked way worse, other celebs get mocked way worse and its fair game if your a public figure.

Does it make it right? Not necessarily but without being promoted on tv and played on public radio stations and public tv channels he would be an average joe.

He's been in the spotlight for about 10 years now and he still doesn't know how to handle it. If he played it off and brushed stuff like this off and took in stride no one would be trying to rustle his jimmies and get a reaction out of him.

For someone so sensitive as he is, he wasnt sensitive to how he disrespected Taylor swift at the vma's a few years ago. I could care less about both as artist but I'm pointing it out. He can dish it out but can't take it.

You see celebs on those roast specials getting mocked way worse and they take in stride.

Presidents speeches get mocked by comics regularly and their talking about way more important stuff then an egomaniac like kanye. At this point in his career he should know how to handle things by now and stop being so emotional. If he don't like the attention then don't be a public figure.
Meh, I'm rollin wit Ye

A lot of stuff that makes people angry w/ Ye I see no problem with. I can care less about fashion and all that but that self confidence and belief you can overcome anything is

"I can't believe he calls himself a god" meh
Self confidence?  The man is throwing a tantrum over a joke.  

:lol: @ anyone defending Kanye in this situation.

Kanye is ******g whack. This is coming from a fan who appreciated his albums pre-08.. The **** he puts out now? How do y'all even call that music? That coupled with his attitude.. I don't even need to go there. Haters, come at me.
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Meh, I'm rollin wit Ye

A lot of stuff that makes people angry w/ Ye I see no problem with. I can care less about fashion and all that but that self confidence and belief you can overcome anything is :pimp:

"I can't believe he calls himself a god" meh

Self confidence?  The man is throwing a tantrum over a joke.  :lol:


I see your point but i don't see getting mad over jokes as lack of confidence. More like short temper and sensitivity
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