Why is there so much disgusting obesity in this country?

Originally Posted by dayoyoman

All of the articles (except the infertility one) mention BMI as their indicator of obesity. Again, BMI has been proven to be a faulty way of measuring 'obesity'. I just don't see how there can be any proof between correlations of obesity and other diseases with obesity. How can they attribute it to fatness when the way the measure fatness is so problematic? Studies have shown that people categorized with an 'overweight' BMI actually have longer life spans than those with 'normal'. How can you explain that? Those diseases you mention do cause health problems and death, but how can you be so sure that they are symptoms of obesity? Couldn't the diseases be coming from a different source? Maybe the all the toxins in our food and our environment? Maybe just a product of old age?

All I want to get at is that the links between obesity and diseases isn't as black and white as you make it. Obesity may very well be the cause of these diseases, but the science is not there yet. Would you really argue that BMI is an accurate measure of obesity? What really constitutes 'obese' versus 'normal'? By all accounts, 'obese' has literally become the new 'normal' (statistically). How do we really know if the disease is from being too fat?

Sorry if I dodged the question. I'm not a scientist by any means, just someone who's skeptical about the whole 'obesity epidemic'.


Post several studies that show overweight people have a higher lifespan.

The science is there and pretty clear cut, you chose to ignore it. Like I said, this is just as bad as saying there is no link between cigarettes and lung cancer....and saying people who smoke cigarettes actually live longer. Your stance on this carries a tone of denial.

When they do epidemiological studies, they control for "confounding variables". The fact that you're bringing up variables such as toxins, age, etc means you clearly have NO IDEA how these studies work. These studies control for all those variables, if you actually read a few of them you would know.

It's all there, the data is overwhelming it's up to you to learn how to read and interpret scientific data. BMI can be higher in people like body builders....if someone has a high BMI and doesn't have the build associated with obesity they're clearly not going to be used for the study. People with high BMI + central obesity are who these studies are intended for http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdominal_obesity

Love how you clearly ignored the physiological and pathological studies done on the obese and chose to focus on epidemiological studies....You don't believe those studies as well? The clear cut evidence showing severe artherosclerosis in the obese people is made up by scientists?

The pathophysiological mechanisms linking central obesity to various diseases have been CLEARLY elucidated....don't say the science doesn't exist because it's beyond the scope of your comprehension.

Someone dying of a myocardial infarction at 45 years old is NOT normal aging. An obese patient with type 2 diabetes needing a leg amputated because of severe gangrene is not normal aging or because of toxins.

The science is there, you're still living in the dark ages!!!
Originally Posted by dayoyoman

All of the articles (except the infertility one) mention BMI as their indicator of obesity. Again, BMI has been proven to be a faulty way of measuring 'obesity'. I just don't see how there can be any proof between correlations of obesity and other diseases with obesity. How can they attribute it to fatness when the way the measure fatness is so problematic? Studies have shown that people categorized with an 'overweight' BMI actually have longer life spans than those with 'normal'. How can you explain that? Those diseases you mention do cause health problems and death, but how can you be so sure that they are symptoms of obesity? Couldn't the diseases be coming from a different source? Maybe the all the toxins in our food and our environment? Maybe just a product of old age?

All I want to get at is that the links between obesity and diseases isn't as black and white as you make it. Obesity may very well be the cause of these diseases, but the science is not there yet. Would you really argue that BMI is an accurate measure of obesity? What really constitutes 'obese' versus 'normal'? By all accounts, 'obese' has literally become the new 'normal' (statistically). How do we really know if the disease is from being too fat?

Sorry if I dodged the question. I'm not a scientist by any means, just someone who's skeptical about the whole 'obesity epidemic'.


Post several studies that show overweight people have a higher lifespan.

The science is there and pretty clear cut, you chose to ignore it. Like I said, this is just as bad as saying there is no link between cigarettes and lung cancer....and saying people who smoke cigarettes actually live longer. Your stance on this carries a tone of denial.

When they do epidemiological studies, they control for "confounding variables". The fact that you're bringing up variables such as toxins, age, etc means you clearly have NO IDEA how these studies work. These studies control for all those variables, if you actually read a few of them you would know.

It's all there, the data is overwhelming it's up to you to learn how to read and interpret scientific data. BMI can be higher in people like body builders....if someone has a high BMI and doesn't have the build associated with obesity they're clearly not going to be used for the study. People with high BMI + central obesity are who these studies are intended for http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdominal_obesity

Love how you clearly ignored the physiological and pathological studies done on the obese and chose to focus on epidemiological studies....You don't believe those studies as well? The clear cut evidence showing severe artherosclerosis in the obese people is made up by scientists?

The pathophysiological mechanisms linking central obesity to various diseases have been CLEARLY elucidated....don't say the science doesn't exist because it's beyond the scope of your comprehension.

Someone dying of a myocardial infarction at 45 years old is NOT normal aging. An obese patient with type 2 diabetes needing a leg amputated because of severe gangrene is not normal aging or because of toxins.

The science is there, you're still living in the dark ages!!!
Me personally, i worry about myself and myself only. When i see fat people, the last thing I do is think of how "disgusting" they are, because i barely notice them. I just dont care

How do you know whats going on in their lives ? They might be depressed so they eat. Same way that attractive broad from around the way might cut her wrists to deal with depression, thats disgusting as well, but it's not something you'd notice at first glance.

OP sounds mad smug
"top American corporation" congrats bro, we all think youre a hotshot because you take trips to Japan and hate fat people

(im 5'11 and ___ < 200 lbs if that matters)
Me personally, i worry about myself and myself only. When i see fat people, the last thing I do is think of how "disgusting" they are, because i barely notice them. I just dont care

How do you know whats going on in their lives ? They might be depressed so they eat. Same way that attractive broad from around the way might cut her wrists to deal with depression, thats disgusting as well, but it's not something you'd notice at first glance.

OP sounds mad smug
"top American corporation" congrats bro, we all think youre a hotshot because you take trips to Japan and hate fat people

(im 5'11 and ___ < 200 lbs if that matters)
if people are obese, let them be
I didn't started working out till I went to the Marines 
if people are obese, let them be
I didn't started working out till I went to the Marines 
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

at the aggressiveness

But for real...obesity is out of hand in this country. I'm not understanding why big girls steady hit on skinny dudes like me. I can't do %@%# with that.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Story of my life a few years ago! These days not so much, they just stare [/color]

Originally Posted by FullTech

if people are obese, let them be
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]It becomes a problem when you're taking up 2 or 3 seats on the train though.. that's not fair for the rest of us. [/color]
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

at the aggressiveness

But for real...obesity is out of hand in this country. I'm not understanding why big girls steady hit on skinny dudes like me. I can't do %@%# with that.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Story of my life a few years ago! These days not so much, they just stare [/color]

Originally Posted by FullTech

if people are obese, let them be
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]It becomes a problem when you're taking up 2 or 3 seats on the train though.. that's not fair for the rest of us. [/color]
Originally Posted by dmncn lew

It blows my mind that in this day of age the drive thru line at McDonalds is always wrapped around the building! How the hell does someone eat that mess?!
i'd rather starve that eat that garbage. the new fruit shakes look appealing but that it 

Originally Posted by dmncn lew

It blows my mind that in this day of age the drive thru line at McDonalds is always wrapped around the building! How the hell does someone eat that mess?!
i'd rather starve that eat that garbage. the new fruit shakes look appealing but that it 

Originally Posted by SonOfTony

Originally Posted by dmncn lew

It blows my mind that in this day of age the drive thru line at McDonalds is always wrapped around the building! How the hell does someone eat that mess?!
i'd rather starve that eat that garbage. the new fruit shakes look appealing but that it 
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Currently eating McD's breakfast for the first time in about a year and change, tastes oh so good [/color]
Originally Posted by SonOfTony

Originally Posted by dmncn lew

It blows my mind that in this day of age the drive thru line at McDonalds is always wrapped around the building! How the hell does someone eat that mess?!
i'd rather starve that eat that garbage. the new fruit shakes look appealing but that it 
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Currently eating McD's breakfast for the first time in about a year and change, tastes oh so good [/color]
im happily obese checking in

to all my fat brethren ,i know that feel bro

Spoiler [+]
im happily obese checking in

to all my fat brethren ,i know that feel bro

Spoiler [+]
the tracy morgan quote.. i apply that to my son being fat.. naw but the core problem for children's obesity is economics, parent's work schedule, and of course pop culture... kids are force fed mcdonalds, coke and doritos commecials 24/7... how often do you see a commercial for carrots or greens?  Corporations tell us what to eat, drink and consume and most people follow their orders... A lot of children want to do and consume what they see on pop tv or what their fav athlete or movie star do.. Most adults are so consumed by the american obsession to work work work that they don't take exercise and healthy eating into account.. a lot of it comes down to nutrition and lack of exercise ..
the tracy morgan quote.. i apply that to my son being fat.. naw but the core problem for children's obesity is economics, parent's work schedule, and of course pop culture... kids are force fed mcdonalds, coke and doritos commecials 24/7... how often do you see a commercial for carrots or greens?  Corporations tell us what to eat, drink and consume and most people follow their orders... A lot of children want to do and consume what they see on pop tv or what their fav athlete or movie star do.. Most adults are so consumed by the american obsession to work work work that they don't take exercise and healthy eating into account.. a lot of it comes down to nutrition and lack of exercise ..
when i went to vegas the guy next to me was obese on my flight, we didnt even have the arm rest down

obese ppl should be force to pay for first class, that was not a pleasant flight at all.
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