Why is there so much disgusting obesity in this country?

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

lol @ thick women

so who is repsonsible for fat men?  

The extent to which people are making an incorrect association with skinny and healthy is hilarious
good point...

people assume cuz you look thin you are healthy which is far from the truth for most skinny people
skinny isn't necessarily healthy. However obesity has been directly linked to many health conditions.
Came in here to see pictures of fat people. Motivates the hell out of me. There are none though.

I think it's disgusting and I
just about everytime I see fatness. Not too empathetic for those individuals.
Came in here to see pictures of fat people. Motivates the hell out of me. There are none though.

I think it's disgusting and I
just about everytime I see fatness. Not too empathetic for those individuals.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Damn whoever brought up the idea of Obese Rights, you might be on to something. Stay tuned.
Sure thing bud.
Big difference between a life choice and a health choice. Does being fat benefit quality of life? Life expectancy? Health? No to all of these things. 
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Damn whoever brought up the idea of Obese Rights, you might be on to something. Stay tuned.
Sure thing bud.
Big difference between a life choice and a health choice. Does being fat benefit quality of life? Life expectancy? Health? No to all of these things. 
Of course they don't but the same way people scream sexism, and ageism. I could see folks in the future having a fit because someone else has showed discrimination against them because of their weight.

But I think lack of education of what is/isn't healthy is also an issue. This can stem from the parents and/or the school. Not sure if schools have health anymore but a lot can be learned if people simply talked to kids. But then again, a lot of adults don't know what should and shouldn't be eaten.

But of course, cheaper food is the unhealthiest food. And the unhealthiest food is usually found in the urban regions. Get the poor to kill themselves even more, yes I know poor people aren't the only fast food eaters, but just watch MacDonnas commercials to see who is the #1 target.
Of course they don't but the same way people scream sexism, and ageism. I could see folks in the future having a fit because someone else has showed discrimination against them because of their weight.

But I think lack of education of what is/isn't healthy is also an issue. This can stem from the parents and/or the school. Not sure if schools have health anymore but a lot can be learned if people simply talked to kids. But then again, a lot of adults don't know what should and shouldn't be eaten.

But of course, cheaper food is the unhealthiest food. And the unhealthiest food is usually found in the urban regions. Get the poor to kill themselves even more, yes I know poor people aren't the only fast food eaters, but just watch MacDonnas commercials to see who is the #1 target.
A case of fanta tangerine for $2.00 n a 12pack of vanilla glazed doughnuts for $2.00 too at the grocery store
A case of fanta tangerine for $2.00 n a 12pack of vanilla glazed doughnuts for $2.00 too at the grocery store
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by Furrell

I know it is. I see it everyday in my neighborhood where the number of fast food restaurants outnumber supermarkets. There are actually parts of the country where some urban areas have no supermarkets at all which is disgusting to hear and see.

While its expensive to eat healthy, you can control your portion size.

If you want all that organic stuff, of course it's expensive. But most natural foods are pretty cheap. If people are really serious about getting healthy,
fruit, vegetables, turkey meat, and exercise isn't expensive at all, along with other natural foods. Most people just get to out of shape that it seems
impossible to lose weight.  

That's true and all...but it's not that simple my dude 
Oh it's definitely not that simple. The best thing is to just always watch your health in the first place. You don't wanna be the 37 year old
former star athlete who picked up 70 pounds since they stopped competing, and being on the "Man back in high school/college I NEVER
had a stomach" tip.

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by Furrell

I know it is. I see it everyday in my neighborhood where the number of fast food restaurants outnumber supermarkets. There are actually parts of the country where some urban areas have no supermarkets at all which is disgusting to hear and see.

While its expensive to eat healthy, you can control your portion size.

If you want all that organic stuff, of course it's expensive. But most natural foods are pretty cheap. If people are really serious about getting healthy,
fruit, vegetables, turkey meat, and exercise isn't expensive at all, along with other natural foods. Most people just get to out of shape that it seems
impossible to lose weight.  

That's true and all...but it's not that simple my dude 
Oh it's definitely not that simple. The best thing is to just always watch your health in the first place. You don't wanna be the 37 year old
former star athlete who picked up 70 pounds since they stopped competing, and being on the "Man back in high school/college I NEVER
had a stomach" tip.

a lot of people are lazy and many fat people say they're"happy" being fat/that size, but really, it's laziness
a lot of people are lazy and many fat people say they're"happy" being fat/that size, but really, it's laziness
We have all these programs the government puts out but the core problem is that the people in the US are used to an unhealthy lifestyle.  How can we expect someone who is fat, and out of shape to care about the environment, or financial crisis.  They can't even take care of themselves.  I'm not one who blames fat people completely, it is our American way of life that is at fault.  
Steps to remedy

1.  Hurt the fast food industry financially.  Have a 'fat tax', on items.  If a singular item is over 500 calories, a certain amount of cholesterol, sodium, fat, etc it should be taxed accordingly.  Of course we could never get this passed with the fast food lobbyists and others with their paid men in Washington.  If it did happen though the fast food joints would adapt and re-design their whole menu.  We are just soooo used to soggy, greasy versions of everything that is tastes good to us.  Anyone that has given up soda for over two months and then randomly tried to drink 20+ ounces knows how hard/bad/not tasty it is. Give health based incentives as the counter of the fat tax.

2. Even if we don't have a nationwide healthcare system, have a nationwide health screening program 2x a year.  Give a tax incentive for people and make it mandatory (much like a smog check for a car).  A simple health screening (vision, ears, weight, blood pressure, bf% type setup). If they record improvement, or are in the 'healthy' range have some sort of tax benefit.
*Edit this wouldn't be possible until the above is done, otherwise it would work for the rich and against the poor (who have to eat at Mickey D's).

A lot more to do after this...but these two would completely change the health problems we have as a nation.  It is sad that as one of the most developed countries, that are biggest problem is our ability to be responsible about our health (body and financial lol).
We have all these programs the government puts out but the core problem is that the people in the US are used to an unhealthy lifestyle.  How can we expect someone who is fat, and out of shape to care about the environment, or financial crisis.  They can't even take care of themselves.  I'm not one who blames fat people completely, it is our American way of life that is at fault.  
Steps to remedy

1.  Hurt the fast food industry financially.  Have a 'fat tax', on items.  If a singular item is over 500 calories, a certain amount of cholesterol, sodium, fat, etc it should be taxed accordingly.  Of course we could never get this passed with the fast food lobbyists and others with their paid men in Washington.  If it did happen though the fast food joints would adapt and re-design their whole menu.  We are just soooo used to soggy, greasy versions of everything that is tastes good to us.  Anyone that has given up soda for over two months and then randomly tried to drink 20+ ounces knows how hard/bad/not tasty it is. Give health based incentives as the counter of the fat tax.

2. Even if we don't have a nationwide healthcare system, have a nationwide health screening program 2x a year.  Give a tax incentive for people and make it mandatory (much like a smog check for a car).  A simple health screening (vision, ears, weight, blood pressure, bf% type setup). If they record improvement, or are in the 'healthy' range have some sort of tax benefit.
*Edit this wouldn't be possible until the above is done, otherwise it would work for the rich and against the poor (who have to eat at Mickey D's).

A lot more to do after this...but these two would completely change the health problems we have as a nation.  It is sad that as one of the most developed countries, that are biggest problem is our ability to be responsible about our health (body and financial lol).
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Of course they don't but the same way people scream sexism, and ageism. I could see folks in the future having a fit because someone else has showed discrimination against them because of their weight.

But I think lack of education of what is/isn't healthy is also an issue. This can stem from the parents and/or the school. Not sure if schools have health anymore but a lot can be learned if people simply talked to kids. But then again, a lot of adults don't know what should and shouldn't be eaten.

But of course, cheaper food is the unhealthiest food. And the unhealthiest food is usually found in the urban regions. Get the poor to kill themselves even more, yes I know poor people aren't the only fast food eaters, but just watch MacDonnas commercials to see who is the #1 target.
Absolutely, but I doubt it has anything to do with discrimination. At least where I work... a top American corporation and littered with obese folks of all ages, colors, and sex. 
Price is absolutely the key ingredient but some have the ability to shop at Whole Foods over BK and still don't. A matter of convenience or an addiction to grease.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Of course they don't but the same way people scream sexism, and ageism. I could see folks in the future having a fit because someone else has showed discrimination against them because of their weight.

But I think lack of education of what is/isn't healthy is also an issue. This can stem from the parents and/or the school. Not sure if schools have health anymore but a lot can be learned if people simply talked to kids. But then again, a lot of adults don't know what should and shouldn't be eaten.

But of course, cheaper food is the unhealthiest food. And the unhealthiest food is usually found in the urban regions. Get the poor to kill themselves even more, yes I know poor people aren't the only fast food eaters, but just watch MacDonnas commercials to see who is the #1 target.
Absolutely, but I doubt it has anything to do with discrimination. At least where I work... a top American corporation and littered with obese folks of all ages, colors, and sex. 
Price is absolutely the key ingredient but some have the ability to shop at Whole Foods over BK and still don't. A matter of convenience or an addiction to grease.
Originally Posted by Wr

^TimCity2000 you make a great point. Really think about what is glorified in this country as a standard of living.

Suburban living/ urban corporate job = Spending majority of your time travelling sitting on your butt to get to work and do more sitting your butt. Get off work, sit on your butt and drive home. But you are tired by the time you come home and the first thing you wanna do is kick off your shoes and sit on your butt some more. 

Eating- The problem with eating is that it is a business in a free market economy rather than a necessity to live.  Companies have a fiduciary interest as agents of their respective corporations to market you a product, that is cheaper to produce, and will retain client retention so they have to find a way to make it appear to taste better and better to keep you coming. Sadly the measures taken to do this are artificial and really only serve to trigger our bodies systems to react and store more fat because the body thinks it is not being fed food and is trying to hold out until it get's real sustenance.

Obese Rights 

Stress- stress but not like we see on the cover of pamphlets of somebody in a black and white photo looking down and sad. But stress from over stimulation of the bodies systems. The body naturally has so many mechanisms to counter act anything we could possibly think of, yet we continue to test the human limits. We saturate ourselves with fear, advertisements, theories, cultures, and seeking fit into a mold pre designed for us. These things make the body also store fat

If America truly wants to get in shape ( health wise and economy wise) we have to incentivize being healthy and active. We could do that by rebuilding our nation and not outsourcing. This we people can be healthy and we increase national pride because people can see where they personally contributed. 
Why the hell would you incentivize being healthy and active? Who will bear the burden of this? Taxpayers who already pay a grip on insurance premiums due in part to obese people. No. You shouldn't incentivize being healthy. That is a private matter.
Originally Posted by Wr

^TimCity2000 you make a great point. Really think about what is glorified in this country as a standard of living.

Suburban living/ urban corporate job = Spending majority of your time travelling sitting on your butt to get to work and do more sitting your butt. Get off work, sit on your butt and drive home. But you are tired by the time you come home and the first thing you wanna do is kick off your shoes and sit on your butt some more. 

Eating- The problem with eating is that it is a business in a free market economy rather than a necessity to live.  Companies have a fiduciary interest as agents of their respective corporations to market you a product, that is cheaper to produce, and will retain client retention so they have to find a way to make it appear to taste better and better to keep you coming. Sadly the measures taken to do this are artificial and really only serve to trigger our bodies systems to react and store more fat because the body thinks it is not being fed food and is trying to hold out until it get's real sustenance.

Obese Rights 

Stress- stress but not like we see on the cover of pamphlets of somebody in a black and white photo looking down and sad. But stress from over stimulation of the bodies systems. The body naturally has so many mechanisms to counter act anything we could possibly think of, yet we continue to test the human limits. We saturate ourselves with fear, advertisements, theories, cultures, and seeking fit into a mold pre designed for us. These things make the body also store fat

If America truly wants to get in shape ( health wise and economy wise) we have to incentivize being healthy and active. We could do that by rebuilding our nation and not outsourcing. This we people can be healthy and we increase national pride because people can see where they personally contributed. 
Why the hell would you incentivize being healthy and active? Who will bear the burden of this? Taxpayers who already pay a grip on insurance premiums due in part to obese people. No. You shouldn't incentivize being healthy. That is a private matter.
Originally Posted by scshift

Slim women >>> all.

Whenever fools gas up thick women, then fat girls start thinking they're "thick" and that much better

Especially cause it gets mad nasty as they age. You can take a slim girl out in public without feeling like a fool

  I think you may be that same dude who goes on every appreciation thread calling every female bigger than Beyonce fat, but

They're equally disgusting, and I'd be embarrassed by either. So whether you hit up plywood or Peter Griffin, it's
 either way.
Originally Posted by scshift

Slim women >>> all.

Whenever fools gas up thick women, then fat girls start thinking they're "thick" and that much better

Especially cause it gets mad nasty as they age. You can take a slim girl out in public without feeling like a fool

  I think you may be that same dude who goes on every appreciation thread calling every female bigger than Beyonce fat, but

They're equally disgusting, and I'd be embarrassed by either. So whether you hit up plywood or Peter Griffin, it's
 either way.
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

You gotta remember that eating healthy is very very expensive. Most simply can't afford it..

Can't agree with that, you can eat healthy for cheap. People just don't make healthy choices.
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

You gotta remember that eating healthy is very very expensive. Most simply can't afford it..

Can't agree with that, you can eat healthy for cheap. People just don't make healthy choices.
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