Why isn't anyone talking about this?: NAACP Colorado office bombed

Let me try to be conciliatory here. I have seen blco post for years, he is not trolling. For better or for worse, his views are authentic and they are the views of a lot of Americans. I do not know about other people in this thread because I have not seen them posting for years. Some of them may be deliberately trying to upset black or liberal NTers or they may be like blco, they are genuine conservatives and they are arguing their views.

The thing that gets me is that conservatives should be concerned about our ever burgeoning Police and Prison empire. Conservatives are for property rights but they are largely mute on asset forfeiture, where the police can seize private property with trial. Conservatives believe in the rule of law but they defend both extrajudicial street executions and mandatory minimum laws that give prosecutors dictatorial power and virtually rob Americans of their right to a jury trial. If you are a fiscal conservative, you should worry about just how much the State, federal and local governments spend on military grade gear for police officers. If you feel that public employee unions are too powerful, you should be appalled at the conduct of the NYPD in the last few weeks.

The biggest fear of all is of an all powerful big government that deprives individuals of their rights. That is largely a terrible abstraction for white people but it is already a reality for black people. If you are a patriot who wants to block the growth of an out of control government, join the fight against police overreach in the black neighborhoods because one day we, white suburban and rural folks, may be next. Conservative foreign policy has been to fight the enemy "over there" so that we do have to fight them "here." That dynamic should be applied to white civilians towards an out of control police establishment.
comparing the oppressor to the ones being oppressed......yall are so saddddddddddddddd

getting schooled by meth and reaching for heaven 
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Now this turned into "But they called us names and hurt our feelings!"

As if coming in these threads and posting rhetoric about any and all races is somehow better :lol:
If someone had one that said, "Pissing off plantation workers descendants" :nthat:  people would be going nuts every time said person posted. It's cool Meth let's people post their opinions, but it's clear how biased he is. You can get banned from the site or even individual threads for opposing opinions, but you can make racist remarks, and wide generalizations about whites all day. It's no wonder no one wants to argue with him. He's an admin of the site who clearly thinks one way, so honestly who really wants to challenge him? 

BRUH, like that's even remotely the same difference.

Are you ******* kidding me?

Did plantation workers rape, exploit, breed out and murder generations of plantation owners OR WAS IT THE OTHER WAY AROUND?

Have generations of plantation workers benefitted from years of that exploitation and government land grants OR WAS IT THE PLANTATION OWNERS?

Have plantation owners descendants given back those land grants? Or given back the money their forefathers generated on the backs of black slaves?

You talking some straight BS.
Great way to represent yourselves and your morals. And they wonder why they receive little to no respect. It's not my fault they portray themselves (as individuals) to be a certain way, it's theirs.
buddy madddddddddddd
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I love how this dude just throws out "NT Liberals" so dismissively as if to toss aside the opinions that challenge his :lol:
The word literally has no meaning when he says it.

I just think to myself what does this dude think a liberal even is? :lol:
Methodical Management Methodical Management , should me, @WhatCanISay, me662ll a me662ll a , and others who generally oppose the conventional NT wisdom just not post? Why did you choose to single me out? Are you going to ban us for giving our opinions? Why haven't you banned mr marcus mr marcus and countless other NT'ers who contstantly accuse us of being racist, SWS, etc?

Per these rules: http://niketalk.com/t/583919/reminder-slur-substitutes-are-not-allowed-on-our-forums, I thought "We all need to work together to maintain a friendly, RESPECTFUL community environment."
Oh now we playing the victim :lol:

Meth addressed your stance on the topic and now you running pointing fingers at specific posters.

At least you were nice enough to group yourself with the others. Forgot one or two though.
I love how this dude just throws out "NT Liberals" so dismissively as if to toss aside the opinions that challenge his 
The word literally has no meaning when he says it.

I just think to myself what does this dude think a liberal even is?
@Methodical Management, should me, @WhatCanISay, @ME662LL A, and others who generally oppose the conventional NT wisdom just not post? Why did you choose to single me out? Are you going to ban us for giving our opinions? Why haven't you banned @Mr Marcus and countless other NT'ers who contstantly accuse us of being racist, SWS, etc?

Per these rules: http://niketalk.com/t/583919/reminder-slur-substitutes-are-not-allowed-on-our-forums, I thought "We all need to work together to maintain a friendly, RESPECTFUL community environment."
Oh now we playing the victim

Meth addressed your stance on the topic and now you running pointing fingers at specific posters.

At least you were nice enough to group yourself with the others. Forgot one or two though.

dudes trying they hardest trying to get me out the paint.....like I'm crying laughing knowing I rustled them this bad. 
Great way to represent yourselves and your morals. And they wonder why they receive little to no respect. It's not my fault they portray themselves (as individuals) to be a certain way, it's theirs.
View media item 1316029

buddy madddddddddddd

And yet another great representation. I don't know what else to do to help the NT community anymore.

I truly view myself as your guys' friends who is just offering honest advice.
Stop trying to help the NT community you're going about it the wrong way.

I think you've seen the negative feedback to your honest advice. Just stop.

Perhaps NT General and NT as a whole isn't the sneaker forum for you?
And you know what's REALLY funny about that question you guys absolutely will not answer?  

In your heart of hearts, you probably think the root problem is "cultural."  I mean, you don't REALLY believe in genetic predisposition to violence, right?  That much we can admit in 2015 is racism.  

No, it's the neoliberal "culture of poverty" allegation that's all the rage among today's prejudiced.  

Now I don't know for sure - which is why I asked the question to begin with - but, since you refuse to answer, let's just assume that you do think there's some sort of cultural "deficiency" producing disparate social outcomes.

In that case, the irony would be absolutely off the charts.  Think about it.

You believe that contemporary racial inequality is due to "cultural pathology"... and yet the reason you're here is likely due to an infatuation with that same culture.  Some of you bump Jay Z.  (The "bootstrap" hero who would've been shot to death in your Judge Dredd fantasy world for selling drugs or stabbing a man.)  Some of you rock Jordans.  You do the same things the so-called "thugs" do, and yet you're not scorned or profiled the way they are and, what's more, you apparently look down your nose at them despite emulating  them in your adolescence while attempting to distinguish yourself from your parents and cobble together an identity of your own.  

Connect the dots. 

Most, if not all, of you are able to judge certain people as individuals.  At least one of you worships Jay Z, and can treat him as an individual (the way one treats a "minority friend" like an individual), but you're quick to judge everyone you DON'T know.  Everyone who is not an individual to you is judged and labeled according to racial stereotype. 

That is not acceptable. 

You understand that, of course, because you know that it's wrong to stereotype White folks.  Why, then, is it acceptable to not only stereotype people of color - but to enforce these stereotypes on an institutional level?

I don't see anyone here suggesting that White people should be profiled for rape, let alone for hate crimes.  Nobody cites statistics or pop culture examples to that end. 
Yo meth, what's up with Marcus' sig though? How is that not ban-worthy or offensive?
Ask that user if he's been "protected."  You've arguably made more offensive statements than he has and yet he has more warnings and suspensions than you.

Not all White people are the direct descendants of plantation owners.  Are we really going to sit here and pretend that the descendants of plantation owners deserve their inherited wealth?  It's not an ideal signature, but it's a false equivalence to suggest that it amounts to "White bashing."  

It does not.  

Is it needlessly provocative?  Sure.  But so is much of what you guys say day in and day out.  You're still here, are you not?  

And you know what?  I get that you don't want to be associated with plantation owners.  Who would?  

You didn't personally enslave anyone.  Even if you are a direct descendant of a plantation owner, you didn't CHOOSE to be so.  

You DO make a choice when you support racial profiling and racist stereotypes.  That choice perpetuates racism and racial inequality in the present day.  
BRUH, like that's even remotely the same difference.

Are you ******* kidding me?

Did plantation workers rape, exploit, breed out and murder generations of plantation owners OR WAS IT THE OTHER WAY AROUND?

Have generations of plantation workers benefitted from years of that exploitation and government land grants OR WAS IT THE PLANTATION OWNERS?

Have plantation owners descendants given back those land grants? Or given back the money their forefathers generated on the backs of black slaves?

You talking some straight BS.
First off, you're taking everything completely out of context. The point is that neither sig is okay, and shouldn't be allowed, period. With that sig, he's singling out a specific race, and given his history with ignorant comments towards caucasians, it's pretty safe to say that's comparing plantation owners and descendants, as if descendants should be held accountable for their ancestors actions, or committed crimes against humanity that they should pay for. 
So crime rates in Black community is the topic of this thread? :nerd:

I guess OP needs to change the thread title.
First off, you're taking everything completely out of context. The point is that neither sig is okay, and shouldn't be allowed, period. With that sig, he's singling out a specific race, and given his history with ignorant comments towards caucasians, it's pretty safe to say that's comparing plantation owners and descendants, as if descendants should be held accountable for their ancestors actions, or committed crimes against humanity that they should pay for. 

Nah I'm not talking out of context, what I'm doing is completely shredding your BS rebuttal to pieces. That's what I'm doing.

And AB-SO-*******-LUTELY descendants should be held accountable. ONE HUNNID PERCENT.

They still benefitting from their ancestors past exploitation of blacks? They have undue privilege? They gave back the land that was given to them unjustly by our government?

Until they do, **** yes they're all accountable, every single last one of them. Why should they continue to enjoy the benefit of being the descendant of a wealthy plantation owner? Why? Why shouldn't their wealth be redistributed to the descendants who ACTUALLY built that wealth? You tell me, come on, I'm waiting.

I want reparations for Black Americans and I want it from the people (and government) whose family exploited and enslaved their ancestors . You damned right I hold them accountable.

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So crime rates in Black community is the topic of this thread?

I guess OP needs to change the thread title.
That's where "racism deniers" almost always take it, right?  

"There's no racism because Chicago."  

I'm calling the bluff.  If you think racism is a hoax and that racially disproportionate mass incarceration is justified, explain why.  

They won't, because doing so REQUIRES the raw assertion of racial prejudice.  

It's "dog whistle" politics.  It's code.  The problem is, the only people DECEIVED by the code are those who use it.  It's not clever.  It's not subtle.  It's as obvious as a punch in the face - or a choke hold.  If you're going to imply something shorthand, at least own up to it in long form.  
I can say that meth has given me plenty of warnings and I was even suspended once. Since yall track my posts so hard you should notice I tend to stay on topic and stay away from the petty name calling. I rustle yall with respect but it cuts so deep that yall mistake it for "bashing".
That's where "racism deniers" almost always take it, right?  

"There's no racism because Chicago."  

I'm calling the bluff.  If you think racism is a hoax and that racially disproportionate mass incarceration is justified, explain why.  

They won't, because doing so REQUIRES the raw assertion of racial prejudice.  

It's "dog whistle" politics.  It's code.  The problem is, the only people DECEIVED by the code are those who use it.  It's not clever.  It's not subtle.  It's as obvious as a punch in the face - or a choke hold.  If you're going to imply something shorthand, at least own up to it in long form.  

White denial, the blue pill, because facing the truth (taking the red pill) means facing an uncomfortable reality that they just can't accept responsibility for.

Ignorance is bliss.
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Sometimes I slip in yall trap and take it there but best believe meth acted when yall reported me :lol:
White denial, the blue pill, because facing the truth (taking the red pill) means facing an uncomfortable reality that they just can't accept responsibility for.

Ignorance is bliss.
I am redpilled, you are not. Not even close. Coming from a black neighborhood I can firmly say that the biggest problem in the African American community is the lack of personal responsibility and holding people accountable for their actions, as well as the negative culture surrounding black youth. The media portrays black as criminals and drug dealers, and these same youths think that they can attain success by doing the things their favorite rappers talk about. Drugs, violence, and promiscuity are the main ones.  When an adult attacks a cop and dies, who's fault is it? The cop, because his skin was white. A kid pulls a gun on an officer, and is shot in self defense. Again who's fault? The cop, because his skin is different. If the cops were black it'd be no big deal, because only white people can be racist, right? When in reality their own personal actions and a toxic culture/upbringing are the cause of their downfalls. 

Meth, no one's denying racism exists. It does, and always will. It's a harsh reality. 
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