Why Vote ?

Is this an excuse?

Tea Party?

Why recognize corruption even exists if you don't care to change it?


Because other than that, you're not doing anything. 

I've never heard of that...but if I had, I wouldn't acknowledge it. 
excuse for what? im simply using the internet to share my harsh opinions that i have the decency not to share with people that i actually know and care about.

I would love to change things but its simply not worth the time and effort to fight a battle that is impossible to win.  this aint no underdog inspirational movie, be real.  things usually dont end well for those who speak out against the government, federal reserve, etc.  the juice definitely isnt worth the squeeze.

and with that logic u are basically saying i move into a house with broken heating system but i cannot say anything about it being broken to anyone until i figure out how to fix it and try myself.  makes no sense.  if something is broken it should be called out point blank.  u can spend every minute of every day on the internet and read all the books in the world but until u start using some logic and critical thinking u will never dominate this website the way i imagine u dream of doing so. 
Is this an excuse?

Tea Party?

Why recognize corruption even exists if you don't care to change it?


Because other than that, you're not doing anything. 

I've never heard of that...but if I had, I wouldn't acknowledge it. 
excuse for what? im simply using the internet to share my harsh opinions that i have the decency not to share with people that i actually know and care about.

I would love to change things but its simply not worth the time and effort to fight a battle that is impossible to win.  this aint no underdog inspirational movie, be real.  things usually dont end well for those who speak out against the government, federal reserve, etc.  the juice definitely isnt worth the squeeze.

and with that logic u are basically saying i move into a house with broken heating system but i cannot say anything about it being broken to anyone until i figure out how to fix it and try myself.  makes no sense.  if something is broken it should be called out point blank.  u can spend every minute of every day on the internet and read all the books in the world but until u start using some logic and critical thinking u will never dominate this website the way i imagine u dream of doing so. 
You're contradicting yourself with EVERY reply.

You want things to change...but you don't want to put in the work. So don't complain. Its pretty simple. 

Identifying a problem and not doing anything about it is just lazy.
FutureMD- Compare changing the system to notifying "radical Christians" of how you believe their beliefs are wrong.  Except the likelihood that harm would come to visit you is umpteen times greater if someone would try and enact true and lasting change to the system
FutureMD- Compare changing the system to notifying "radical Christians" of how you believe their beliefs are wrong.  
This isn't about belief.

I don't think people are wrong. Religion is easy to debunk. You can't prove anything they're saying.

You can't prove a political position to be wrong however. Its completely different. 

On top of that, this analogy makes NO sense, whatsoever. 
Except the likelihood that harm would come to visit you is umpteen times greater if someone would try and enact true and lasting change to the system

Everyone finds it so easy to "not vote" because they don't like the big two instead of supporting someone they DO like. 

You don't win any sympathy by showing how defeated you are and refusing to participate in the system when you're not doing anything to change the system or support anyone you want to represent you. 

Put up, or shut up, essentially. 

Criticism is the most baseless and sophomoric action you can take when you're not responsible for actually DOING something about it. 

Congratulations. You have an opinion on something. Now what? Who cares? 
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so if thats the logic u live by when things break that u dont specifically know how to fix u just forget about them?  u really must know it all and how to fix everything cuz if u truly believe in that logic u would be dead by now.

 this is the problem with a lot of book smart people like yourself.  u often lack common sense.  i admit u disguise your lack of common sense very well by the use of big words, and knowledge but someone of us can see through all that.  learn how to gain knowledge instead of letting the knowledge gain you  
so if thats the logic u live by when things break that u dont specifically know how to fix u just forget about them?  u really must know it all and how to fix everything cuz if u truly believe in that logic u would be dead by now.
If I can't find someone to fix it, then I'll do it myself.

I'll find a plumber for the pipes and a CPA for my bills. 

You on the other hand observe things in a state of disrepair and can't be bothered to even try to fix them.
 this is the problem with a lot of book smart people like yourself.  u often lack common sense.  i admit u disguise your lack of common sense very well by the use of big words, and knowledge but someone of us can see through all that.  learn how to gain knowledge instead of letting the knowledge gain you  
You sound immature and rather foolish. 

The use of "big words?" Being "book smart?" 

...As if being well-read and being able to express myself using mere synonyms is indicative of a flaw on MY behalf. 

Whats lacking common sense in asking you to be more accountable in the political process that you seem to have such a problem with.

You realize that you're letting them win by you not doing anything, right? 

Your inaction serves as a reminder to those you disagree with that they don't need to change their ways to win you over.

You really don't care about changing anything, so don't feign sincerity as if you actually do. 

Why do you even have an opinion on the matter? 

Just admit to yourself that you're lazy and you don't care to change anything. 
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your still missing it though.  by not voting i am taking a stand against the system altogether.  the only true way to get the ball rolling for changing the system would be a massive decrease in voter turnout. this was mentioned on the first page.  so i am doing my part to change the system by not supporting it.  if the rest of u media controlled slaves would catch on and stop supporting a flawed system maybe we could start making some progress.  has nothing to do with laziness.
your still missing it though.  by not voting i am taking a stand against the system altogether. 

You're not.

You're not changing the system through other means as a supplement to your inaction of the current system.

You're essentially letting them assume you dont have anything to say when they pass you up. At the end of the day, they don't know anything about your thoughts are or what your aims are.
 the only true way to get the ball rolling for changing the system would be a massive decrease in voter turnout. this was mentioned on the first page.
Are you promoting this or are you assuming that others will do the same?

Again, your inaction MUST be coupled with some sort of additional action to drive policy in the direction you want it to go.

If you're not promoting this, then you're not doing anything. 
  so i am doing my part to change the system by not supporting it.
You're not doing ANYTHING.

You're not promoting a system you DO like, nor are you promoting any sort of changes within the system that already exists.

On top of that, you're not taking advantage of the chance to vote for candidates that you actually do support. 
 if the rest of u media controlled slaves would catch on and stop supporting a flawed system maybe we could start making some progress.  has nothing to do with laziness.
You dont send a message by not voting if you're not establishing to others why you don't vote.

NOT voting coupled with NOT doing anything just means that the system still lives on and skips right over you.

You either must promote candidates in the current system you like OR promote changes to the system you want.

You already recognize the importance of voting over tests of physical acumen in cage matches. We're not going back to the latter. So that being said, your inaction reinforces the very problems you have with the system if you're not going to couple your inaction with some form of progress.

Your present state is that of unrepentant and excusatory laziness marked with an air of pseudo-intellectualism that exposes the massive flaw in your argument.

Every movement has two parts. 1. The part you refuse to participate in. 2. The promotion of the part you want to participate in.

You can't have it both ways. 
You're essentially letting them assume you dont have anything to say when they pass you up. At the end of the day, they don't know anything about your thoughts are or what your aims are.
because they would probably want me dead if they did. until the majority of the population comes to this realization then we can start doing something about it.  but that still probably will never happen since most people dont care enough and dont mind having other people do their thinking for them.  you sound like an educated puff daddy with this "support a flawed system or forfeit your opinion" crap
You're essentially letting them assume you dont have anything to say when they pass you up. At the end of the day, they don't know anything about your thoughts are or what your aims are.
because they would probably want me dead if they did. until the majority of the population comes to this realization then we can start doing something about it.
You aren't doing anything to inform the "majority," as you so call it. 

You're sitting on your tail and not doing anything to supplement it.

You clearly have problems with the system, but don't have the wherewithal to promote changes.

What your issue?

No candidates you like? Find one you do like.

You don't like how the system works? Promote the use of other forms like Alternative Voting or Mixed Member Proportional

Problem with your district? Look up gerrymandering reforms and systems that would eliminate the need for that like this or this

Don't like the debates? Look up George Farah or others pushing for campaign reform. 

Don't like anything? Promote a system that you DO want. 

Don't just sit there and act like you're doing something, when you're not. 
  but that still probably will never happen since most people dont care enough and dont mind having other people do their thinking for them.
When you choose not to vote OR change the system, then you're letting people do your thinking for you even more because you chose not to voice your grievances. 
 you sound like an educated puff daddy with this "support a flawed system or forfeit your opinion" crap
I didn't tell you to support the current system.

I said that you can make it work for you by supporting candidates you do like OR push for reforms you might like in the system at large.

You are choosing to do literally NOTHING. 
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You aren't doing anything to inform the "majority," as you so call it. 

You're sitting on your tail and not doing anything to supplement it.

You clearly have problems with the system, but don't have the wherewithal to promote changes.

What your issue?

No candidates you like? Find one you do like.

You don't like how the system works? Promote the use of other forms like Alternative Voting or Mixed Member Proportional

Problem with your district? Look up gerrymandering reforms and systems that would eliminate the need for that like this or this

Don't like the debates? Look up George Farah or others pushing for campaign reform. 

Don't like anything? Promote a system that you DO want. 

Don't just sit there and act like you're doing something, when you're not. 

When you choose not to vote OR change the system, then you're letting people do your thinking for you even more because you chose not to voice your grievances. 

I didn't tell you to support the current system.

I said that you can make it work for you by supporting candidates you do like OR push for reforms you might like in the system at large.

You are choosing to do literally NOTHING. 
so my options are 

a. support a flawed system

b. go around preaching what nobody wants to hear and possibly risk my life

c. forfeit my opinion

i think ill stick with doing nothing and not make politics seem more important than they really are.
Do people really think the "government" is running a reality show to decieve the American public? When do they rehearse cause this is quality tv :pimp:

I mean seriously these dudes spend millions, work there butt off, ruin their families just to get your vote.

The storylines, the gaffes...you cant make this stuff up b :rofl:

ANd if you're black and you dont vote I dont want to hear **** out your mouth about black empowerment or black history if your bum *** cant get out the bed on election day when your people got murked for the right to.

Go Vote
You aren't doing anything to inform the "majority," as you so call it. 

You're sitting on your tail and not doing anything to supplement it.

You clearly have problems with the system, but don't have the wherewithal to promote changes.

What your issue?

No candidates you like? Find one you do like.

You don't like how the system works? Promote the use of other forms like Alternative Voting or Mixed Member Proportional

Problem with your district? Look up gerrymandering reforms and systems that would eliminate the need for that like this or this

Don't like the debates? Look up George Farah or others pushing for campaign reform. 

Don't like anything? Promote a system that you DO want. 

Don't just sit there and act like you're doing something, when you're not. 

When you choose not to vote OR change the system, then you're letting people do your thinking for you even more because you chose not to voice your grievances. 

I didn't tell you to support the current system.

I said that you can make it work for you by supporting candidates you do like OR push for reforms you might like in the system at large.

You are choosing to do literally NOTHING. 
so my options are 

a. support a flawed system

b. go around preaching what nobody wants to hear and possibly risk my life

c. forfeit my opinion

i think ill stick with doing nothing and not make politics seem more important than they really are.
So don't complain when your local SPLOST goes up to support something you didn't even know about or when your districts get realigned to a congressman who wants to move people who look like out out of the city. 

I'll say this again to you...by NOT voting in national elections you skip LOCAL measures that are also on the ballot. 

And I know you won't DARE say that local voting doesn't matter.

You all have every right to not be content or be dissatisfied but, you are letting them abuse you if you're going to be inactive about it. 
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so if i vote for third parties but since it's a two party system my vote still counts? you don't say
But the system is winning regardless so there is no point in fighting a loosing battle. If voting makes u feel important and gives u peace of mind that's terrific, seriously. But don't try and make people feel irresponsible for not feeling as strongly about it.
But the system is winning regardless so there is no point in fighting a loosing battle. If voting makes u feel important and gives u peace of mind that's terrific, seriously. But don't try and make people feel irresponsible for not feeling as strongly about it.
Why do you choose not to vote?

And from your reason, do you want to have a system in place that you feel like you would want to vote in?
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Why vote?..I'ma tell you what my grandparents told me..the laws being passed affect our generation and our future children and grandchildren.
Show me where its a two party system. 

Remember: "IS is not OUGHT"
Show me where its a two party system. 

Remember: "IS is not OUGHT"

that's one example.

so the fact that most of our elected officials are 98% either democratic or republican doesn't mean that it's a two party system?
One example of what?

Are you even aware that other countries use other systems to elect candidates?

Our system isn't even the ONLY way to do it.

I've posted several videos explaining at least two other ways to elect representatives. 

Third, fourth, (etc.) party candidates can be a reality for many, but you apparently can't be bothered to learn about this. 
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People who don't vote usually feel the same way James Corbett feels in this video.  
This video is complete sophistry. Do I agree with it? Sure I do.

But they're not voting on local measures and they're not sharing their opinion on local representatives.

Do you wonder where these politicians that don't understand abortion or evolution and end up on science committees even come from? They don't just pop out of nothing. 

This man in this video isn't doing anything to change the system into something he WOULD vote for or WOULD participate in.

The video is completely contradictory. 

This is straight libertarian extremist propaganda. 

This man just thinks its OK to sit on his rear and not do anything to change things into a process he wants to participate in. 

This man also makes fun of state-run schools while forgetting how minorities and the poor would be EVEN MORE screwed.

This man says that state run healthcare holds us back while saying things like charity and community altruism would be enough to help people...WHUT? 

The dude is WILDLY unrealistic.

He makes fun of people for voting for saying they're "doing their civil duty"...but then hes not doing ANYTHING himself. 
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