Wifing a Girl Who...... (update page 3)

May 11, 2004
Will this be able to end well..
This girl who I've been dating for 4 months has been telling me that she wants to have a serious relationship and has told me she's loved me for ab a month now. I'm 22 and she's 20 btw. About 6 months before she met me she had just gotten out of a 4 year relationship. So from soph year HS to soph year of college. The dude was her first for everything and she was crazy about him to the point that he would cheat on her nonstop and she'd stay with him no matter what. Dude would even cheat in parties she was at, once had a girl visit a social at his house and told his girl hes been having sex with her, and cheated on the day she had an abortion. And he eventually dumped her after 4 years for someone else instead of her saying it was enough. I know im disgusted by it too that she stayed with him but she was his first everything from a young age and they lived down the block from each other and dude had bread so it was hard for her to let go. She then continued having relations with him after their break up for a while but that ended before she and i met. Dude moved but now sees her at the gym she works at, still tries sweet talking her ab their past, and still on rare occasions tries hitting her up and told her he just wants to be friends which is obviously %#$!+%*+.

Girl then says to me ab a week ago shes changing her num so people from her past dont hit her up. I assumed he'd be a person she doesnt give her new num too but i saw she texted it to him and flipped yesterday that she had the chance to move on from that abusive dude but still kept him in her life esp when she has me, says she loves me, and wants a relationship. She then tells me she's not completely over him and said that she cant completely let go of someone that meant that much to her, and she misses the love and affection she would get. And even somewhat defended his actions by saying he was immature and not ready for a monogamous relationship and still isnt which is why he cheats on the girl hes with now. Theres a different between that and being completely grimey and doing it right in front of her. She did say though that she'll never allow herself to be with him again.

I then realized I've been giving her so little of that and she still loves me and has been with only me since we've been dating (her best friend lives with and in a relationship with my best friend and she tells him everything.) And I havent been doing it cuz i dont want her loving me any more than she does and eventually breaking her heart.

I've never been in a serious relationship before but this chicks beautiful, smart, on point with what shes doing in life and school, and seems to be willing to give me everything I want and need from a girl. The only thing I'm worried ab is that dude seems to have some kind of mind !#@! over her that might never end. And everything I do for her is just her trying to relive the memories of him. And also that she'll always have a place for that dude even though he was beyond grimey. And obviously worst of all that she'll go back to him.

I think by showing her the love and affection she wants/misses she might eventually be able to move on from that and realize she has someone and something better than shes ever had. But on the other hand its like she'll always wish it was him she can be with.

NTers with wisdom/experience in the game, is this chick bad news cuz of her past or should i just say !#@! it and give it a chance and by giving her what she needs in that regard she'll eventually be able to get over it and realize he should have no place in her life.
Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

Will this be able to end well..
This girl who I've been dating for 4 months has been telling me that she wants to have a serious relationship and has told me she's loved me for ab a month now. I'm 22 and she's 20 btw. About 6 months before she met me she had just gotten out of a 4 year relationship. So from soph year HS to soph year of college. The dude was her first for everything and she was crazy about him to the point that he would cheat on her nonstop and she'd stay with him no matter what. Dude would even cheat in parties she was at, once had a girl visit a social at his house and told his girl hes been having sex with her, and cheated on the day she had an abortion. And he eventually dumped her after 4 years for someone else instead of her saying it was enough. I know im disgusted by it too that she stayed with him but she was his first everything from a young age and they lived down the block from each other and dude had bread so it was hard for her to let go. She then continued having relations with him after their break up for a while but that ended before she and i met. Dude moved but now sees her at the gym she works at, still tries sweet talking her ab their past, and still on rare occasions tries hitting her up and told her he just wants to be friends which is obviously @*!$*!*%.

Girl then says to me ab a week ago shes changing her num so people from her past dont hit her up. I assumed he'd be a person she doesnt give her new num too but i saw she texted it to him and flipped yesterday that she had the chance to move on from that abusive dude but still kept him in her life esp when she has me, says she loves me, and wants a relationship. She then tells me she's not completely over him and said that she cant completely let go of someone that meant that much to her, and she misses the love and affection she would get. And even somewhat defended his actions by saying he was immature and not ready for a monogamous relationship and still isnt which is why he cheats on the girl hes with now. Theres a different between that and being completely grimey and doing it right in front of her. She did say though that she'll never allow herself to be with him again.

I then realized I've been giving her so little of that and she still loves me and has been with only me since we've been dating (her best friend lives with and in a relationship with my best friend and she tells him everything.) And I havent been doing it cuz i dont want her loving me any more than she does and eventually breaking her heart.

I've never been in a serious relationship before but this chicks beautiful, smart, on point with what shes doing in life and school, and seems to be willing to give me everything I want and need from a girl. The only thing I'm worried ab is that dude seems to have some kind of mind +@#% over her that might never end. And everything I do for her is just her trying to relive the memories of him. And also that she'll always have a place for that dude even though he was beyond grimey. And obviously worst of all that she'll go back to him.

I think by showing her the love and affection she wants/misses she might eventually be able to move on from that and realize she has someone and something better than shes ever had. But on the other hand its like she'll always wish it was him she can be with.

NTers with wisdom/experience in the game, is this chick bad news cuz of her past or should i just say +@#% it and give it a chance and by giving her what she needs in that regard she'll eventually be able to get over it and realize he should have no place in her life.

Give it a chance, but WIFING? HELL NO. She will always have feelings for that dude no matter what. You really want that to bother you for the whole time you're with her?
Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

I think by showing her the love and affection she wants/misses she might eventually be able to move on from that and realize she has someone and something better than shes ever had. 
WRONG. She is still in love with him. All he has to do is roll up and she will smash. Save yourself the heartache and move onto someone with no emotional baggage.  You're only going to get hurt. If you can smash and not fall in love with her fine.  But it seems like you're looking for a relationship and this chick will only cut you.  
Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

she's not completely over him and said that she cant completely let go of someone that meant that much to her, and she misses the love and affection she would get.

He's gonna be that "one guy" that she will always have a place in her heart for. Move on, you're always gonna be second best if you stay.
Been in a situation similar to this. My advice is tread very lightly. She is still in love with old boy. As long as the communication lines are still open between them, anything can happen.
So every girl will always have a place in her heart for the guy who she lost her V too, you have not control over that.

The fact that they still have communication and she gave him her new number is a little weird. If she wasnt changing her number to have him not contact her who was she trying to get away from?

But yea I would say continue dating shorty but yea as stated previously tread carefully cuz as long as her X is trying he has a shot.

Man, I know exactly what you mean ... and I've been thinking about jumping into something similar. The problem is, she has to truly be disgusted with the way he treated her for her to move on and seeing that he broke off the relationship and she's still in contact with him I don't think that's possible. At the end of the day I don't think you will ever be able to completely trust her and that's one of the issues I'm facing. All it takes is one fight between you guys or one moment of weakness on her part for them to be smashing again. Honestly all you could do is roll the dice and if things don't turn out well chalk it up to life experience. YOLO ... BTW if they're currently not smashing she was sexing both of you at the same time even if she has or hasn't said otherwise
Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

I've never been in a serious relationship before but this chicks beautiful, smart, on point with what shes doing in life and school, and seems to be willing to give me everything I want and need from a girl.
This is bad news bro...she's not going to get over the other guy any time soon. I mean she gave him the new # and tells you she still has feelings for him and misses him even after all the stuff he did to her
. You're here security blanket and only has you there until she feels the other guy is ready and mature enough. One day he'll tell her what she wants to hear and you'll be left out in the cold with a broken heart.

She might love you but I doubt she's in love with you. If you don't want to break up with her just take things slow and see what happens. Just don't rush in and set yourself up for an epic heart break...
Originally Posted by killahcam06

Been in a situation similar to this. My advice is tread very lightly. She is still in love with old boy. As long as the communication lines are still open between them, anything can happen.
keep it moving OP.
don't do it...you'll never have her COMPLETELY and it'll never work unless you don't get attached. can we have pics of girl possibly?? =D
Scrolled down, read she was beautiful, heart flutters at thought of pics.
Leaves disappointed.
It's the fine art of the trap, my dude. Don't take the bait. She will only continue to love you as long as he doesn't love her. He's in full control of the situation because as soon as he decides he wants her back and puts forth that effort, she'll slip away faster than you thought you had her. Trust me OP, I've seen this happen far too many times and have even fell victim. As long as the spand of time isn't too great, (which sounds like it isn't in your case).
This has nothin to do with the chick bro
If you keep havin doubts in the back of your mind, or if you're thinkin she could be cheating or textin him the relationship is gonna end either way regardless of what she does

If I was you, from the sound of it i'd save myself the stress and find a girl who im comfortable with
i remember when we used to ask for pics instead of helping dudes with girl problems they already know the answer to
Possible damaged goods. She is still in her infant stage of becoming  jaded. Also, you are waaaaaaay to young to be getting into a serious relationship. You will go through so many changes by the time you turn 25. Keep this superficial dude. dont get mixed up in this. You are the rebound cat. I hate to say it like that but its true. Keep her at arms length and make sure you strap up 100 out of 100 times. The worse thing that could happen is she goes back to old dude in another moment of weakness (i.e. texting her new number) and she claims she is pregnant and the baby is yours. Good Luck! 
Son, the moment this guy makes a serious concerted effort to get her back claiming that he's "changed" & other nonsense, she'll leave you in the dust.

He's in her head right now, g.

Do NOT cuff that.
You heard it here OP, we all agree on the same thing.

Question now is what are you going to do?
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