willing to pay 10,000 dollars really serious to

The Company is after you. You're only chance for survival is to contact this man.

Spoiler [+]
for someone to..

1. own or have access to a helicopter
2. have the time to stay flying over your house everyday watching you
3. have the mad money it would take to keep that chopper in the air 365 days a year

is pretty wild.

the FBI would be the only group capable of such. and unless you supply like 70% of the drugs in the US, the FBI isn't gonna devote that kind of time tojust you.

anyways dude I hope everything turns out ok for you.

this seems to crazy to make up. i dont know how anybody could come up with all this. hah!
dude no blood has the time to mess with you on that wide scale of torment for 3 months let alone 3 years, you would be gone already if this was true. Calm downand learn not to pop off when you don't pop off, stop watching conspiracy shows watch some Comedy Central go get yourself some good food listen to somemood muzik and throw in a good movie and you'll be set.

Also not to be mean but you are not that important to be made the center of someone's life like that, so it's false.

maybe getting a car alarm would be smart if someone actually was busting in your car. And get ADT so when it goes off the cops come by.

My advice is chill and stop worrying because it is not happening.
Originally Posted by jeenewed

like is someone following you around town?

EDIT: I re-read it. So there's someone flying over your house everyday coincidentally when you're fapping?

I find that hard to believe.
First the Street Fighter hairline post and now this... NT is on fire tonight.


OP, How you depressed and still fapping???
Wow i've been gopne for 2 days and come back to this

Minds playing tricks on me
I was looking for this thread earlier,
sorry to hear that you still haven't gotten better.

get some help bro, seriously, this thread isn't even funny anymore
Son, theres 2 things you need to do:

1. Stop beating it by the god damn window, whats the matter with you?

2. Cop a burner, and become a real gangster

I hope duke doesn't off himself though

I was just about to go to sleep too and then i stumbled upon this madness
SMH @ everyone telling this kid to get a gun.

Dude is mentally ill..word to Seung-Hui Cho.
Lakers Vs. Cavs come on 10:30 ESPN!!!!!!

Dude this guy is off his rocker.. he's clearly on something, leave this weirdo alone until he comes off his trip.

Symptoms of bad shrooms, or bad acid trip IMO


Dude I fel your story man thts like me too.
For ex today I went to elephant bar right ? I go to my table and all da tables are filled with 18 to 21 year old hot girls all hot man I was amazed in shockbut since I have low self esteem I felt kinda low because I sensed they wouldn't like me but as time went by I started checkin out this shorty she wasamazin and she started lookin back at me I gave her a smile and we kept eye it was goin good but then. What r the odds that the girl I'm eyein as sheleaves contacts the waiter and asks for his name tryin to get me jealous. I wasn't trippin I jus said ef it and put my ipodd and listened to my music. Butas all da girls all of them had to be 30 of them left a group of 30 men came in all men something seemed funny so I looked at my mom and she pretended shedidn't know and then some guy starts lookin at me and I'm like yup I knew it it was jus a dumb plan to see if I'm karamo. I lost it as we left Idecked moms in da face and told her to quit doing these karamo plots cause I'm sick of it. I feel for u man everywhere I go theses feminine karamos arewhere I'm at. I know some of yall probably them and I'm starting to lose it man I swear imma kill one of them if they push me cause I'm tired of itman not them first but da fact dat I'm being tested to see if I'm karamo and them 2nd.
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