With all the garabage that comes out of UFC fans mouths....

eh i havnt paid for a card in a while been watching stuff online and usually the Pac Man fights i go to one of my friends house great to have fillipino friends
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

I wouldn't be surprised if Cotto/Pac pulls more buys than UFC 100.

And I really don't see 103 getting more buys than JMM/PBF, not to lower the integrity of UFC, but JMM will pull a crapload of buys himself, not to mention the most flamboyant boxer in a long damn time.
Cause its finally a fight everyone wants to see.
As far as this UFC card right not, its not that big. The biggest fight on the card is a main event shown at a catch weight..It could have been shown for freeon spike.
As far as being a fad, time will tell. The striking in MMA is only getting better. You're just starting to see kids train in MMA which will show a newbreed of fighters. MMA is still growing. The damn thing isn't even legal in NY yet.
I don't understand why boxing fans like Bob Arum feel sothreatened. Boxing is ingrained with American History. I do appreciate the sweet science but I can also appreciate a good takedown, kick or submission. Idon't get why we just can't have both.
Wait did someone really just ask for someone with more name recognition than Mayweather?

Like Pac is some second-rate boxer that no one knows.

This isn't 2002.
Originally Posted by Stringer Bell 32

Originally Posted by jmadidas2001

Name a CURRENT boxer with more name recognition than Mayweather?

too easy

I dunno about that...

what are you basing that on? just mayweather was retired for a couple years? From an average fan's point of view, I gotta disagree.
No offense to MMA/UFC (whatever you call yourselves) fans but I still see it as a very minor league sport as does most of the country. I know your sport isgrowing but boxing is international and until MMA reaches that stage you will always be considered a minor league sport to the average joe. Hell I think if youwere to ask most people on the streets if they've even heard of it most would say no.

When one fighter can pull in the attention of a whole country like Marquez did today or Pacman does then you know you've made it. Til then good luck withyour sport growing and don't get to butt hurt at people like us just telling you what we think.
Noone cares if you think mma is minor league honestly cause well... It's still not mainstream.. No problem telling it like it is.
at mma not beinginternational tho. The top p4p mixed martial artists are Russian, Brazilian, Canadian and from Hawaii. Some of the biggest MMA orgs are in Japan Where mma ison another level. On the sherdog forums most of these dudes are tight on how big the ufc has blown up and that was a few years ago. A lot of fans used to havepride in their sport being underground. Hell, I remember just a short few years ago, dudes had no knowledge of what MMA was on here. Now some of you at leastknow what the ufc stands for and what a submission might look like
Originally Posted by socluis90

No offense to MMA/UFC (whatever you call yourselves) fans but I still see it as a very minor league sport as does most of the country. I know your sport is growing but boxing is international and until MMA reaches that stage you will always be considered a minor league sport to the average joe.

When people make statements like this it's very clear they are uneducated on the matter and are commenting based on assumption.

MMA is more popular overseas than it is in North America.

Events in Japan are regularly held in stadiums instead of arenas to accomodate the demand.

The Pride/K-1 co-promoted Dynamite event in 2002 had an attendance of over 90 000.

Hell I think if you were to ask most people on the streets if they've even heard of it most would say no.
that is one of the most ridiculous statements ive ever read on this board.

you dont really believe that. you're just attempting to make some absurd comment to support boxing.
Originally Posted by Stringer Bell 32

I dunno maybe just the fact that Manny can pull in an entire nation into his fights
and mayweather can pull everybody else. Including people who don't really care about boxing. So I'd say he has better name recognition.
MMA gives me the best of both worlds.
ESPN used to show a lot of kickboxing when it was popular.
They also showed a lot of boxing, so I grew up a fan of martial arts and boxing.
MMA, in particular the UFC, gives me the chance to get a slight mixture of both.
UFC also gives me the feeling of the old WWF and NWA wrestling matches with the submissions and the blood everywhere.
To me a leg lock or a rear-naked choke is the same as the figure four and the sleeper hold.
The only difference is real submissions do damage but they give the same viewing experience as old school fake wrestling.
Stringer Bell 32

You were the same guy claiming to be neutral in the other topic taking subliminal shots at me and now you make a topic like this. I knew all along you weremore biased towards boxing. What a joke
Originally Posted by socluis90

No offense to MMA/UFC (whatever you call yourselves) fans but I still see it as a very minor league sport as does most of the country. I know your sport is growing but boxing is international and until MMA reaches that stage you will always be considered a minor league sport to the average joe. Hell I think if you were to ask most people on the streets if they've even heard of it most would say no.

When one fighter can pull in the attention of a whole country like Marquez did today or Pacman does then you know you've made it. Til then good luck with your sport growing and don't get to butt hurt at people like us just telling you what we think.

if anything, it sounds like YOU'RE the one who's butthurt. Talking about boxing like an overprotective mother.

im a bigger MMA fan than i am boxing, but i follow and respect both sports a great deal.

Boxing fans seem to be the most butthurt when MMA fans tell them what they think as well.

id be highly suprised if UFC 103 did more buys than PBF/JMM (infact i can almost guarantee it wont)
Ufc did 2.4 million buys but of course it didn't do as well. It's a catchweight fight up against a championship mayweather fight. I'm sure it didat least 7 mill buys.
Originally Posted by His diabolical Majesty

Ufc did 2.4 million buys but of course it didn't do as well. It's a catchweight fight up against a championship mayweather fight. I'm sure it did at least 7 mill buys.

what are you talking about? the JMM vs. Money May fight was not for a belt and was also a catchweight fight
Originally Posted by His diabolical Majesty

at the title saying UFC and not MMA though..

Well, pretty soon that's how it's going to be with Dana driving everyone else out of business.
Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

Originally Posted by His diabolical Majesty

Ufc did 2.4 million buys but of course it didn't do as well. It's a catchweight fight up against a championship mayweather fight. I'm sure it did at least 7 mill buys.

what are you talking about? the JMM vs. Money May fight was not for a belt and was also a catchweight fight

spoke to quick and didn't proof. Meant it was mayweather against a champion
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