WM XXVII Fallout - 4/7 NTWT Maina I Concludes Tonight! - Hombrelobo vs TennHouse | IC Title Tourny

Originally Posted by DangerousG

Originally Posted by theDEEK

Like I said before, compared to the last 2 wrestlemania's, overall this mania was much better.

There is no way this was better than 26! Elaborate...

   I will. I never liked undercards being the better show than the title matches. Cena vs Batista? Boring......although Edge vs Jericho was decent.

What killed it for me was the last match being HBK vs Taker. That right there told the whole world that this was HBK's last match. That tells me that a career vs streak match is more important than the championship match. It's like WWE already knew that Cena vs Batista was going to be a snoozefest. Which it was.  

Before WM27, the most recent WM that was good was 24. Outside arena. CM Punk wining his first of two MITB matches.  Flair vs HBK.....not being the last match was the way it supposed to be. Flair being inducted to the HOF the night before, only builds up the hype.  Big Show vs Money was a good time killer.  Cena/Orton/HHH was a decent triple threat because Cena didn't win. And the main event was decent to me. Edge vs Undertaker.
Originally Posted by DangerousG

Originally Posted by theDEEK

Like I said before, compared to the last 2 wrestlemania's, overall this mania was much better.

There is no way this was better than 26! Elaborate...

   I will. I never liked undercards being the better show than the title matches. Cena vs Batista? Boring......although Edge vs Jericho was decent.

What killed it for me was the last match being HBK vs Taker. That right there told the whole world that this was HBK's last match. That tells me that a career vs streak match is more important than the championship match. It's like WWE already knew that Cena vs Batista was going to be a snoozefest. Which it was.  

Before WM27, the most recent WM that was good was 24. Outside arena. CM Punk wining his first of two MITB matches.  Flair vs HBK.....not being the last match was the way it supposed to be. Flair being inducted to the HOF the night before, only builds up the hype.  Big Show vs Money was a good time killer.  Cena/Orton/HHH was a decent triple threat because Cena didn't win. And the main event was decent to me. Edge vs Undertaker.
 @ all of u that think this year's WM was bad and 26 was better. People on here wanting WM X-Seven and X8 status!
 @ all of u that think this year's WM was bad and 26 was better. People on here wanting WM X-Seven and X8 status!
Originally Posted by hAzEee aNd sN3aKerS

I'm so glad Randy Orton Defeated CM Punk. CM punk is nothing but a punk. THats why his name is CM "Punk".
He fought Orton when Orton was not 100% as his knee was in bad shape, but since Punk is Garbage compared to Randy he still managed to lose. He had to attack Randy orton from behind mess up Ortons knee two weeks prior to wrestlemania on Raw just to "try" to get an advantage and he still ended up losing. CM Punk was 100% in shape Randy was not and still wins. This just proves who the better wrestler is of these two.

Randy Orton > CM Punk. & I hope Orton also Destorys Punk later on tonight on Monday night Raw. I hope he punts Punk in his head so hard later on tonight on Raw and that Punk gets a Concussion and serious brain damage.

Originally Posted by hAzEee aNd sN3aKerS

I'm so glad Randy Orton Defeated CM Punk. CM punk is nothing but a punk. THats why his name is CM "Punk".
He fought Orton when Orton was not 100% as his knee was in bad shape, but since Punk is Garbage compared to Randy he still managed to lose. He had to attack Randy orton from behind mess up Ortons knee two weeks prior to wrestlemania on Raw just to "try" to get an advantage and he still ended up losing. CM Punk was 100% in shape Randy was not and still wins. This just proves who the better wrestler is of these two.

Randy Orton > CM Punk. & I hope Orton also Destorys Punk later on tonight on Monday night Raw. I hope he punts Punk in his head so hard later on tonight on Raw and that Punk gets a Concussion and serious brain damage.

Originally Posted by hAzEee aNd sN3aKerS

I'm so glad Randy Orton Defeated CM Punk. CM punk is nothing but a punk. THats why his name is CM "Punk".
He fought Orton when Orton was not 100% as his knee was in bad shape, but since Punk is Garbage compared to Randy he still managed to lose. He had to attack Randy orton from behind mess up Ortons knee two weeks prior to wrestlemania on Raw just to "try" to get an advantage and he still ended up losing. CM Punk was 100% in shape Randy was not and still wins. This just proves who the better wrestler is of these two.

Randy Orton > CM Punk. & I hope Orton also Destorys Punk later on tonight on Monday night Raw. I hope he punts Punk in his head so hard later on tonight on Raw and that Punk gets a Concussion and serious brain damage.

Originally Posted by hAzEee aNd sN3aKerS

I'm so glad Randy Orton Defeated CM Punk. CM punk is nothing but a punk. THats why his name is CM "Punk".
He fought Orton when Orton was not 100% as his knee was in bad shape, but since Punk is Garbage compared to Randy he still managed to lose. He had to attack Randy orton from behind mess up Ortons knee two weeks prior to wrestlemania on Raw just to "try" to get an advantage and he still ended up losing. CM Punk was 100% in shape Randy was not and still wins. This just proves who the better wrestler is of these two.

Randy Orton > CM Punk. & I hope Orton also Destorys Punk later on tonight on Monday night Raw. I hope he punts Punk in his head so hard later on tonight on Raw and that Punk gets a Concussion and serious brain damage.

WM was decent, definitely not better than 26 though. Whoever thought the WHC match should open the show is an idiot, it was a decent match but the placement and the pointless car smashing bit hurt it.

Rhodes/Mysterio was enjoyable, there was no reason for Cody to loose the match and he didn't, well done.

The 8-man tag match should have been sacrificed for the US title match...

Punk/Orton was alright but the finish was great. I was expecting a bit more generally though.

Also what was wrong with the crowd?? They killed the atmosphere!

King/Lawler was too drawn out, just give us the big face win and a bunch of Stunners. What exactly is the point of having Cole win??

Undertaker/HHH was excellent, by far match of the night (but you already knew that). It wasn't topping the HBK matches and I didn't like the fact that HHH basically just battered Taker who was on the counter attack the whole match. They tried to recreate the HBK matches with all the false finishes but sometimes just stacking finish upon finish doesn't make a classic, I would of had it a bit more of a brawl like at 17. It was 5 minutes on the outside and then 20 minutes of finishers.

The WWE title match didn't work for me, how the Rock/Cena feud pans out will probably determine if it was a good finish or not. If Rock just leaves after a couple weeks then it would all have been a waste of time.
WM was decent, definitely not better than 26 though. Whoever thought the WHC match should open the show is an idiot, it was a decent match but the placement and the pointless car smashing bit hurt it.

Rhodes/Mysterio was enjoyable, there was no reason for Cody to loose the match and he didn't, well done.

The 8-man tag match should have been sacrificed for the US title match...

Punk/Orton was alright but the finish was great. I was expecting a bit more generally though.

Also what was wrong with the crowd?? They killed the atmosphere!

King/Lawler was too drawn out, just give us the big face win and a bunch of Stunners. What exactly is the point of having Cole win??

Undertaker/HHH was excellent, by far match of the night (but you already knew that). It wasn't topping the HBK matches and I didn't like the fact that HHH basically just battered Taker who was on the counter attack the whole match. They tried to recreate the HBK matches with all the false finishes but sometimes just stacking finish upon finish doesn't make a classic, I would of had it a bit more of a brawl like at 17. It was 5 minutes on the outside and then 20 minutes of finishers.

The WWE title match didn't work for me, how the Rock/Cena feud pans out will probably determine if it was a good finish or not. If Rock just leaves after a couple weeks then it would all have been a waste of time.
Originally Posted by solidsnake

WM was decent, definitely not better than 26 though. Whoever thought the WHC match should open the show is an idiot, it was a decent match but the placement and the pointless car smashing bit hurt it.

Rhodes/Mysterio was enjoyable, there was no reason for Cody to loose the match and he didn't, well done.

The 8-man tag match should have been sacrificed for the US title match...

Punk/Orton was alright but the finish was great. I was expecting a bit more generally though.

Also what was wrong with the crowd?? They killed the atmosphere!

King/Lawler was too drawn out, just give us the big face win and a bunch of Stunners. What exactly is the point of having Cole win??

Undertaker/HHH was excellent, by far match of the night (but you already knew that). It wasn't topping the HBK matches and I didn't like the fact that HHH basically just battered Taker who was on the counter attack the whole match. They tried to recreate the HBK matches with all the false finishes but sometimes just stacking finish upon finish doesn't make a classic, I would of had it a bit more of a brawl like at 17. It was 5 minutes on the outside and then 20 minutes of finishers.

The WWE title match didn't work for me, how the Rock/Cena feud pans out will probably determine if it was a good finish or not. If Rock just leaves after a couple weeks then it would all have been a waste of time.
Probably to have his heel persona carry on into the coming months..  you know he's gonna be on RAW trollin' tonight, braggin' and all that jazz.  I definitely wanna see the angle end though, I don't know much more they can draw it out, it's stale after tonight.
Originally Posted by solidsnake

WM was decent, definitely not better than 26 though. Whoever thought the WHC match should open the show is an idiot, it was a decent match but the placement and the pointless car smashing bit hurt it.

Rhodes/Mysterio was enjoyable, there was no reason for Cody to loose the match and he didn't, well done.

The 8-man tag match should have been sacrificed for the US title match...

Punk/Orton was alright but the finish was great. I was expecting a bit more generally though.

Also what was wrong with the crowd?? They killed the atmosphere!

King/Lawler was too drawn out, just give us the big face win and a bunch of Stunners. What exactly is the point of having Cole win??

Undertaker/HHH was excellent, by far match of the night (but you already knew that). It wasn't topping the HBK matches and I didn't like the fact that HHH basically just battered Taker who was on the counter attack the whole match. They tried to recreate the HBK matches with all the false finishes but sometimes just stacking finish upon finish doesn't make a classic, I would of had it a bit more of a brawl like at 17. It was 5 minutes on the outside and then 20 minutes of finishers.

The WWE title match didn't work for me, how the Rock/Cena feud pans out will probably determine if it was a good finish or not. If Rock just leaves after a couple weeks then it would all have been a waste of time.
Probably to have his heel persona carry on into the coming months..  you know he's gonna be on RAW trollin' tonight, braggin' and all that jazz.  I definitely wanna see the angle end though, I don't know much more they can draw it out, it's stale after tonight.
Originally Posted by CanIFly34

I cosign to everyone talking about the crowd at WM 22.. They got INTO that last match big time. Made me wanna root for HHH

at one point hhh made me believe a little that he was winning. just a little

TNA Wrestling performer Kurt Angle, a former WWE Champion, posted numerous messages on his Twitter account during WrestleMania XXVIIcriticizing Randy Orton, Jack Swagger, Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler for using his trademark finishing maneuvers during their respective matches.

The tweets are as follows:

“To WWE wrestlers, Don’t use my Finish. Get more Creative. Hmmmm- Orton. Did I say that.
Originally Posted by CanIFly34

I cosign to everyone talking about the crowd at WM 22.. They got INTO that last match big time. Made me wanna root for HHH

at one point hhh made me believe a little that he was winning. just a little

TNA Wrestling performer Kurt Angle, a former WWE Champion, posted numerous messages on his Twitter account during WrestleMania XXVIIcriticizing Randy Orton, Jack Swagger, Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler for using his trademark finishing maneuvers during their respective matches.

The tweets are as follows:

“To WWE wrestlers, Don’t use my Finish. Get more Creative. Hmmmm- Orton. Did I say that.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

TNA Wrestling performer Kurt Angle, a former WWE Champion, posted numerous messages on his Twitter account during WrestleMania XXVIIcriticizing Randy Orton, Jack Swagger, Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler for using his trademark finishing maneuvers during their respective matches.

The tweets are as follows:

“To WWE wrestlers, Don’t use my Finish. Get more Creative. Hmmmm- Orton. Did I say that.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

TNA Wrestling performer Kurt Angle, a former WWE Champion, posted numerous messages on his Twitter account during WrestleMania XXVIIcriticizing Randy Orton, Jack Swagger, Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler for using his trademark finishing maneuvers during their respective matches.

The tweets are as follows:

“To WWE wrestlers, Don’t use my Finish. Get more Creative. Hmmmm- Orton. Did I say that.
^not to mention, ken shamrock used the ankle lock way before before kurt

angle actin as if ppl in tna dont bite off wwe moves/storylines

angle should be worried about the mess thats tna
^not to mention, ken shamrock used the ankle lock way before before kurt

angle actin as if ppl in tna dont bite off wwe moves/storylines

angle should be worried about the mess thats tna
excuse my grammar, but i'm just ranting..i was definitely entertained,

but I felt like it wasn't worth the full $65. Some minor changing in booking could have made this PPV great.

ADR/Edge - WHY WAS THIS THE OPENER?? blatant disrespect. (just like having the Miz come out first..they have no regard for Championships these days)..a slot in the middle would have sufficed.
Cody Rhodes/Mysterio - great match, period. this match or Orton/Punk would have been a better start to the show
8 Man Tag - I understand guys like the Big Show and Kane are vets and will find their way on the card, but for a 2 minute match, they should have thrown together some of these guys in for a MITB match. MITB matches are for Wrestlemania, not a stupid pay per view named after it. Why throw MITB off the card when you know the crowd will be hot for this match 100% of the time.
Punk/Orton - Nice finish, terrible match..and Orton is complaining? we see why, he has no chemistry with his opponents..this viper gimmick has gotten stale..its the same move set just like Cena (maybe worse)..slow..boring..and a waste for a good persona like Punk.
Cole/Lawler - Nice build up, comedy was great, but the match went on for way too long..we knew Austin was gonna get the last laugh at the end..but the middle of this match was hard to watch.
HHH/Taker - fantastic..ending submission was questionable, but i won't let that ruin it for me.
6 man tag - such as a shame..I understand this was the filler and it ended just how it should have, but a Morrison vs Ziggler match could have stole the show...the Snooki spot at the end provided one of the 'surprising' moments of the night..

Miz/Cena - A++++++ promos and entrances..Miz surprised me..although both him and Cena have been criticized for their ring work, they had chemistry (unlike Orton) and pulled off a few good spots..a rather short match actually, a little dissapointed in that.

The ending was inevitable...I just wasn't happy with how the Miz won for the 50th time, even though they are setting the Rock/Cena up for a later program...it was just sad for a WRESTLEMANIA to end like that, when usually the last match endsclean.

How I would have liked the card to go/look like:

-Punk/Orton or Rhodes/Mysterio
-Rhodes/Mysterio or Punk/Orton
-Divas Match (for the sole purpose that it has to be included)

just my thoughts.
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