WM XXVII Fallout - 4/7 NTWT Maina I Concludes Tonight! - Hombrelobo vs TennHouse | IC Title Tourny

Originally Posted by LanZeR23

It was an alright WM.
definately not very memorable.

   Great Wrestlemania! I cant believe HHH lost to Taker.This guy Undertaker remains undefeated at wrestlemania 19 - 0. HHH said he would end Undertaker wrestlemania win streak last Monday night raw looks like he was wrong!
Originally Posted by LanZeR23

It was an alright WM.
definately not very memorable.

   Great Wrestlemania! I cant believe HHH lost to Taker.This guy Undertaker remains undefeated at wrestlemania 19 - 0. HHH said he would end Undertaker wrestlemania win streak last Monday night raw looks like he was wrong!
Originally Posted by hAzEee aNd sN3aKerS

I'm so glad Randy Orton Defeated CM Punk. CM punk is nothing but a punk. THats why his name is CM "Punk".
He fought Orton when Orton was not 100% as his knee was in bad shape, but since Punk is Garbage compared to Randy he still managed to lose. He had to attack Randy orton from behind mess up Ortons knee two weeks prior to wrestlemania on Raw just to "try" to get an advantage and he still ended up losing. CM Punk was 100% in shape Randy was not and still wins. This just proves who the better wrestler is of these two.

Randy Orton > CM Punk. & I hope Orton also Destorys Punk later on tonight on Monday night Raw. I hope he punts Punk in his head so hard later on tonight on Raw and that Punk gets a Concussion and serious brain damage.


Note to self: do not question fanhood...
Originally Posted by hAzEee aNd sN3aKerS

I'm so glad Randy Orton Defeated CM Punk. CM punk is nothing but a punk. THats why his name is CM "Punk".
He fought Orton when Orton was not 100% as his knee was in bad shape, but since Punk is Garbage compared to Randy he still managed to lose. He had to attack Randy orton from behind mess up Ortons knee two weeks prior to wrestlemania on Raw just to "try" to get an advantage and he still ended up losing. CM Punk was 100% in shape Randy was not and still wins. This just proves who the better wrestler is of these two.

Randy Orton > CM Punk. & I hope Orton also Destorys Punk later on tonight on Monday night Raw. I hope he punts Punk in his head so hard later on tonight on Raw and that Punk gets a Concussion and serious brain damage.


Note to self: do not question fanhood...
Which one of these wrestlers would win in an 8-waySubimssion/Elimination match while IN THEIR PRIME.. Topic open fordiscussion..

The "World's Most Dangerous Man" ----- Ken Shamrock   
   (Original Ankle Lock)

The "Canadian Crippler" ---- Chris Benoit  
  (Crippler Crossface)

The "Perfect Storm" ----- Lance Storm   
  (Maple Leaf) aka Half Boston Crab... (Loved the way he would roll people into it)

MarkSanchez beating Peyton Manning and Tom Brady consecutively this year??That was nothing compared to Jericho taking out the Rock and Stone Coldon the same night to be our first ever undisputed Champion. With thatsaid...

The "ayatollah of rock and rolla" ------- Chris Jericho 
  (WCW- Lion Tamer) (WWE - Walls of Jericho)

The "Ice Man/Man of 1000 Holds" -------  Dean Malenko 
  (Texas Cloverleaf)

Our "Olympic Hero" -------- Kurt Angle  
  (ANGLE Lock)
PS. I could tolerate Kurt for biting off Shamrock but you are trippin if you think Jack Swagger is making the list 

The "Human Suplex Machine" ------ Tazz 

"The best there is, best there was, best there ever will be..." -------- Bret Hart
  (Sharpshooter) *Screw the scorpion deathlock..

Okay..so I know a lot of you aren't going to agree with my list of 8... BUTkeep in mind I wanted to include some of the best TECHNICAL wrestlersof all time.. Not one trick pony's who just happen to have a signaturesubmission move *cough**cough*

(John Cena - ES TE EF YOU)
(Jeff Jarrett, Ric Flair and co. - figure four leglock)
(Saturn - Rings of Saturn)

Listgoes on forever.. Let me know what yall think... also, if you feel I'veleft someone out that should be mentioned let me know!  I'll post myrankings in a bit. BTW, it's a 8-way in which once someone submits,they are eliminated and the match continues until there is only one.
Which one of these wrestlers would win in an 8-waySubimssion/Elimination match while IN THEIR PRIME.. Topic open fordiscussion..

The "World's Most Dangerous Man" ----- Ken Shamrock   
   (Original Ankle Lock)

The "Canadian Crippler" ---- Chris Benoit  
  (Crippler Crossface)

The "Perfect Storm" ----- Lance Storm   
  (Maple Leaf) aka Half Boston Crab... (Loved the way he would roll people into it)

MarkSanchez beating Peyton Manning and Tom Brady consecutively this year??That was nothing compared to Jericho taking out the Rock and Stone Coldon the same night to be our first ever undisputed Champion. With thatsaid...

The "ayatollah of rock and rolla" ------- Chris Jericho 
  (WCW- Lion Tamer) (WWE - Walls of Jericho)

The "Ice Man/Man of 1000 Holds" -------  Dean Malenko 
  (Texas Cloverleaf)

Our "Olympic Hero" -------- Kurt Angle  
  (ANGLE Lock)
PS. I could tolerate Kurt for biting off Shamrock but you are trippin if you think Jack Swagger is making the list 

The "Human Suplex Machine" ------ Tazz 

"The best there is, best there was, best there ever will be..." -------- Bret Hart
  (Sharpshooter) *Screw the scorpion deathlock..

Okay..so I know a lot of you aren't going to agree with my list of 8... BUTkeep in mind I wanted to include some of the best TECHNICAL wrestlersof all time.. Not one trick pony's who just happen to have a signaturesubmission move *cough**cough*

(John Cena - ES TE EF YOU)
(Jeff Jarrett, Ric Flair and co. - figure four leglock)
(Saturn - Rings of Saturn)

Listgoes on forever.. Let me know what yall think... also, if you feel I'veleft someone out that should be mentioned let me know!  I'll post myrankings in a bit. BTW, it's a 8-way in which once someone submits,they are eliminated and the match continues until there is only one.
My bad, didn't know where to post this... Makes sense to post it in the wrestling thread.
My bad, didn't know where to post this... Makes sense to post it in the wrestling thread.
Ken Shamrock's face was intimidating enough. So, my pick would be "The World's Most Dangerous Man"
Ken Shamrock's face was intimidating enough. So, my pick would be "The World's Most Dangerous Man"
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