WM XXVII Fallout - 4/7 NTWT Maina I Concludes Tonight! - Hombrelobo vs TennHouse | IC Title Tourny

excuse my grammar, but i'm just ranting..i was definitely entertained,

but I felt like it wasn't worth the full $65. Some minor changing in booking could have made this PPV great.

ADR/Edge - WHY WAS THIS THE OPENER?? blatant disrespect. (just like having the Miz come out first..they have no regard for Championships these days)..a slot in the middle would have sufficed.
Cody Rhodes/Mysterio - great match, period. this match or Orton/Punk would have been a better start to the show
8 Man Tag - I understand guys like the Big Show and Kane are vets and will find their way on the card, but for a 2 minute match, they should have thrown together some of these guys in for a MITB match. MITB matches are for Wrestlemania, not a stupid pay per view named after it. Why throw MITB off the card when you know the crowd will be hot for this match 100% of the time.
Punk/Orton - Nice finish, terrible match..and Orton is complaining? we see why, he has no chemistry with his opponents..this viper gimmick has gotten stale..its the same move set just like Cena (maybe worse)..slow..boring..and a waste for a good persona like Punk.
Cole/Lawler - Nice build up, comedy was great, but the match went on for way too long..we knew Austin was gonna get the last laugh at the end..but the middle of this match was hard to watch.
HHH/Taker - fantastic..ending submission was questionable, but i won't let that ruin it for me.
6 man tag - such as a shame..I understand this was the filler and it ended just how it should have, but a Morrison vs Ziggler match could have stole the show...the Snooki spot at the end provided one of the 'surprising' moments of the night..

Miz/Cena - A++++++ promos and entrances..Miz surprised me..although both him and Cena have been criticized for their ring work, they had chemistry (unlike Orton) and pulled off a few good spots..a rather short match actually, a little dissapointed in that.

The ending was inevitable...I just wasn't happy with how the Miz won for the 50th time, even though they are setting the Rock/Cena up for a later program...it was just sad for a WRESTLEMANIA to end like that, when usually the last match endsclean.

How I would have liked the card to go/look like:

-Punk/Orton or Rhodes/Mysterio
-Rhodes/Mysterio or Punk/Orton
-Divas Match (for the sole purpose that it has to be included)

just my thoughts.
Miz's Hate me now video package before the match

I thought WM was overall a good event. My favorite match last night was Mysterio vs. Rhodes. The match never felt like it was dragging, and really entertaining.

The main event was decent. At first I marked out when the Rock Rock Bottomed Cena and The Miz went for the cover. But after it happened, reality settled in and i was like "damn this finish could have been a little better."

NTWTMania I was awesome. Homebrelobo is that dude!!!
Miz's Hate me now video package before the match

I thought WM was overall a good event. My favorite match last night was Mysterio vs. Rhodes. The match never felt like it was dragging, and really entertaining.

The main event was decent. At first I marked out when the Rock Rock Bottomed Cena and The Miz went for the cover. But after it happened, reality settled in and i was like "damn this finish could have been a little better."

NTWTMania I was awesome. Homebrelobo is that dude!!!
While I'm not a fan of Michael Cole, I would've loved to hear an alternate commentary track with him calling the Miz's win.
While I'm not a fan of Michael Cole, I would've loved to hear an alternate commentary track with him calling the Miz's win.
I caught the show from the Orton - Punk match. So I really can't say if overall it was a bad PPV or not.

But I was a bit letdown with what I saw.

Orton - Punk was a decent match. For some reason, it wasn't memorable. But I'm a big Randy fan so I was happy with that sick RKO counter.

Cole - Lawler was HORRENDOUS.

Taker - Trips was good. Surprised (and thankful) that Trips didn't break the streak. If they DO fight again next year though, Taker should let Trips break it.

Mixed tag match was meh. Props to Snooki for looking fluid out there.

Miz - Cena was terrible. Crowd was so dead. Rock's appearance was all everyone was waiting for. And even when he finally showed, it was kind of anticlimactic.

WWE seems like they may be doing with Rock what they did with Cena: force us down our throats. That entire Pee Wee segment was so unnecessary for instance. Let Rock interact with other wrestlers to give him/her some rub.

Originally Posted by masondid

According to wrestlezone.com 
WrestleZonehas learned exclusively tonight that as of 6pm EST, WWE Raw star RandyOrton is upset with his position on tonight's WrestleMania card.According to a well placed WWE source, the Cole/Lawler, TripleH/Undertaker, 8 man tag match and Cena/Miz are set to close the show,and we have been told that Orton is upset that his match against CMPunk is not amongst the top 4 on the show, as he feels his program withPunk has been helping to carry Raw on a weekly basis and at house showevents heading into Wrestlemania.

Additionally,we have been told that agent/producer Arn Anderson informed Ortonearlier today that after several Wrestlemania edits his match againstPunk would also be trimmed down time-wise, and this further upset Orton.

WhileOrton understands that Triple H/Undertaker and Cena/Miz/Rock hasgarnered much fan interest and are money matches that deserve to beahead of him on the Wrestlemania card, he feels that an 8 man tag matchand a match between announcers should not supersede the work he andPunk have been doing on Raw. Of course plans can always change duringthe show tonight, but as of earlier this evening, this is what we'vebeen told.
Good call.

Originally Posted by SoundsoftheGame

Originally Posted by Lakersfan1

Originally Posted by ar916

Me too.
Let me get in on that!
Don't forget me, guys!
@ Meth.

@ the homie pac getting caught in the crossfire though.
I caught the show from the Orton - Punk match. So I really can't say if overall it was a bad PPV or not.

But I was a bit letdown with what I saw.

Orton - Punk was a decent match. For some reason, it wasn't memorable. But I'm a big Randy fan so I was happy with that sick RKO counter.

Cole - Lawler was HORRENDOUS.

Taker - Trips was good. Surprised (and thankful) that Trips didn't break the streak. If they DO fight again next year though, Taker should let Trips break it.

Mixed tag match was meh. Props to Snooki for looking fluid out there.

Miz - Cena was terrible. Crowd was so dead. Rock's appearance was all everyone was waiting for. And even when he finally showed, it was kind of anticlimactic.

WWE seems like they may be doing with Rock what they did with Cena: force us down our throats. That entire Pee Wee segment was so unnecessary for instance. Let Rock interact with other wrestlers to give him/her some rub.

Originally Posted by masondid

According to wrestlezone.com 
WrestleZonehas learned exclusively tonight that as of 6pm EST, WWE Raw star RandyOrton is upset with his position on tonight's WrestleMania card.According to a well placed WWE source, the Cole/Lawler, TripleH/Undertaker, 8 man tag match and Cena/Miz are set to close the show,and we have been told that Orton is upset that his match against CMPunk is not amongst the top 4 on the show, as he feels his program withPunk has been helping to carry Raw on a weekly basis and at house showevents heading into Wrestlemania.

Additionally,we have been told that agent/producer Arn Anderson informed Ortonearlier today that after several Wrestlemania edits his match againstPunk would also be trimmed down time-wise, and this further upset Orton.

WhileOrton understands that Triple H/Undertaker and Cena/Miz/Rock hasgarnered much fan interest and are money matches that deserve to beahead of him on the Wrestlemania card, he feels that an 8 man tag matchand a match between announcers should not supersede the work he andPunk have been doing on Raw. Of course plans can always change duringthe show tonight, but as of earlier this evening, this is what we'vebeen told.
Good call.

Originally Posted by SoundsoftheGame

Originally Posted by Lakersfan1

Originally Posted by ar916

Me too.
Let me get in on that!
Don't forget me, guys!
@ Meth.

@ the homie pac getting caught in the crossfire though.
- There are no major injuries coming out of WrestleMania last night. However, the WWE crews are worn out from the past week in Atlanta and most are looking forward to wrapping up this week's RAW and SmackDown TV tapings.

- The men carrying Triple H's shields during his entrance at WrestleMania last night were talents from WWE developmental. They were all told to hide their faces at all costs.

- Matt Hardy, Tommy Dreamer, The Iron Sheik and Luke Gallows were all visiting with the WWE crew after WrestleMania ended.

- There are no major injuries coming out of WrestleMania last night. However, the WWE crews are worn out from the past week in Atlanta and most are looking forward to wrapping up this week's RAW and SmackDown TV tapings.
- There are no major injuries coming out of WrestleMania last night. However, the WWE crews are worn out from the past week in Atlanta and most are looking forward to wrapping up this week's RAW and SmackDown TV tapings.

- The men carrying Triple H's shields during his entrance at WrestleMania last night were talents from WWE developmental. They were all told to hide their faces at all costs.

- Matt Hardy, Tommy Dreamer, The Iron Sheik and Luke Gallows were all visiting with the WWE crew after WrestleMania ended.

- There are no major injuries coming out of WrestleMania last night. However, the WWE crews are worn out from the past week in Atlanta and most are looking forward to wrapping up this week's RAW and SmackDown TV tapings.
I just read that Abdullah the Butcher set up a makeshift merchandise table last night in the WWE hotel lobby selling his merchandise and photos. 

Also just a random thing I noticed. I'm watching WM24 right now and I just realized Michael Tarver was part of Mayweather's crew.
I just read that Abdullah the Butcher set up a makeshift merchandise table last night in the WWE hotel lobby selling his merchandise and photos. 

Also just a random thing I noticed. I'm watching WM24 right now and I just realized Michael Tarver was part of Mayweather's crew.
Originally Posted by hAzEee aNd sN3aKerS

I'm so glad Randy Orton Defeated CM Punk. CM punk is nothing but a punk. THats why his name is CM "Punk".
He fought Orton when Orton was not 100% as his knee was in bad shape, but since Punk is Garbage compared to Randy he still managed to lose. He had to attack Randy orton from behind mess up Ortons knee two weeks prior to wrestlemania on Raw just to "try" to get an advantage and he still ended up losing. CM Punk was 100% in shape Randy was not and still wins. This just proves who the better wrestler is of these two.

Randy Orton > CM Punk. & I hope Orton also Destorys Punk later on tonight on Monday night Raw. I hope he punts Punk in his head so hard later on tonight on Raw and that Punk gets a Concussion and serious brain damage.

Bless your heart.

I was expecting to see a titty pop out with that "controversial" Maryse pic; she just isn't wearing a bra. 

Maryse GWO pics > her Fan Axxess pic.

Originally Posted by hAzEee aNd sN3aKerS

I'm so glad Randy Orton Defeated CM Punk. CM punk is nothing but a punk. THats why his name is CM "Punk".
He fought Orton when Orton was not 100% as his knee was in bad shape, but since Punk is Garbage compared to Randy he still managed to lose. He had to attack Randy orton from behind mess up Ortons knee two weeks prior to wrestlemania on Raw just to "try" to get an advantage and he still ended up losing. CM Punk was 100% in shape Randy was not and still wins. This just proves who the better wrestler is of these two.

Randy Orton > CM Punk. & I hope Orton also Destorys Punk later on tonight on Monday night Raw. I hope he punts Punk in his head so hard later on tonight on Raw and that Punk gets a Concussion and serious brain damage.

Bless your heart.

I was expecting to see a titty pop out with that "controversial" Maryse pic; she just isn't wearing a bra. 

Maryse GWO pics > her Fan Axxess pic.

Overall I went in not expecting much and that's pretty much what I got.  Sole reason for watching was the Taker/HHH match and that didn't let down although I wanted to see HHH break the streak.  The Rock was irrelevant for the most part and it's obviously just not the same.  Stone Cold's entrance was pretty entertaining.

I felt that Taker was legitimately injured during the match, but I guess not.  Didn't know why else they would have him carted off.  Obviously it's going to be part of the storyline if he wasn't actually injured during the match.

Triple H's tombstone of Taker with the patented cover was the
of the night for me personally. 
Overall I went in not expecting much and that's pretty much what I got.  Sole reason for watching was the Taker/HHH match and that didn't let down although I wanted to see HHH break the streak.  The Rock was irrelevant for the most part and it's obviously just not the same.  Stone Cold's entrance was pretty entertaining.

I felt that Taker was legitimately injured during the match, but I guess not.  Didn't know why else they would have him carted off.  Obviously it's going to be part of the storyline if he wasn't actually injured during the match.

Triple H's tombstone of Taker with the patented cover was the
of the night for me personally. 
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