WM XXVII Fallout - 4/7 NTWT Maina I Concludes Tonight! - Hombrelobo vs TennHouse | IC Title Tourny

I was watching a stream and I don't think I heard the crowd cheer at all for anyone after the HHH/Taker match. For those of you that had the actual PPV on your tv, did the Rock or anyone get a loud ovation? Maybe it was the crowd being dead or my stream but good lord they did not seem into it at all
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Why were there only two titles defended on the "grandest stage of them all"?
No IC bout, no US bout, no tag titles bout...****, no Divas/Women's bout?
Titles and wins/losses ultimately mean nothing

If the titles actually meant something, I would agree with you.  However, I had no desire to see an Eve match or a standalone Slater/Gabriel match.  I would have liked to see Barrett in a singles match, but they have seemed to slow his push a lot since The Corre.

The other thing is, it's not like you didn't know these title matches weren't happening coming into the show.  So I'm not taking these as legitimate complaints about the show.  I'm not trying to be a WWE apologist, because you guys know I bash them plenty.  I'm just arguing my point that I felt tonight's show was pretty good.
Overall it was a legit PPV... the Lawler-Cole was lame but Coles attire and jailhouse tattoos saved that
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Originally Posted by amrcangangstr

That ending was a whole gallon of weak sauce.

LOL! The crowd at the end was....

So what do they do with The Miz? Another program with Orton?
would u rather him lose and be a  mid carder again?

No, I like The Miz. I'm just tired of his "fluke" wins.
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Originally Posted by amrcangangstr

That ending was a whole gallon of weak sauce.

LOL! The crowd at the end was....

So what do they do with The Miz? Another program with Orton?
would u rather him lose and be a  mid carder again?

No, I like The Miz. I'm just tired of his "fluke" wins.
Yeah, that was a terrible show. The Taker-HHH match had good spots but the ending was wack and it was a very slow-paced match throughout.   
What did u wanted? A bunch of high flying evan bournes and kofi kingston pace of a match? U do realize both are in their mid 40s....
Yeah, that was a terrible show. The Taker-HHH match had good spots but the ending was wack and it was a very slow-paced match throughout.   
What did u wanted? A bunch of high flying evan bournes and kofi kingston pace of a match? U do realize both are in their mid 40s....
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by chillainvillain

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Edge d Del Rio - Good opener with a surprise finish
Cody Rhodes d Rey Mysterio - Very good match that helped establish Rhodes as a rising star.
Team Big Show d The Corre - Nothing squash match
Randy Orton d CM Punk - Slow, but well laid out match with a good finish. I would have had Punk win, but still a good match
Michael Cole d Jerry Lawler - This was the only letdown of the show for me
The Undertaker d HHH - Awesome match. Amazing what these two did for their condition and age.  Told a great story.
Team Snooki d Team LayCool - Short and sweet.  Provided the needed buffer.
The Miz d John Cena - We all knew it was building toward The Rock's appearance. The Rock certainly made his presence known, laying out Cena.  How often do you see a heel win in the main event at Mania?  Never, so it was a very nice swerve. And fans still went home happy with The Rock dropping the People's Elbow on The Miz.  Sets up The Rock and Cena down the line, and allows for Miz/Cena to continue.

One bad match on the entire show.  I have no idea what most of you are complaining about.

I didn't include the two tag matches because neither lasted for longer than 2 minutes.  I don't consider Miz/Cena a bad match.  So for me, it was just Cole and Lawler that let me down.
I will say that just about ALL of the backstage segments were bad an unneeded.  Especially the Snoop segment.
Overall I liked it. They should have found a way to do the battle royal, but still keep the Bryan Sheamus match on TV. No way they could take off the 8 man tag because Santino is so over with the fans. The Cole Lawler "match" itself was poor, but everything else that went along with it with Austin was cool. Obviously the HHH/Taker match was a gem. Miz Cena was cool because it leaves a world of possibilities. Now they can have Rock Miz at SS and Cena Rock at WM next year or do a triple threat at SS with Cena winning and then Cena Rock at WM. Either way I think it will build to that match at next year's WM. This 3 way feud is FAR from being over. Taker and HHH will be out a while and I think on SD! Del Rio will win the title soon enough.
Overall I liked it. They should have found a way to do the battle royal, but still keep the Bryan Sheamus match on TV. No way they could take off the 8 man tag because Santino is so over with the fans. The Cole Lawler "match" itself was poor, but everything else that went along with it with Austin was cool. Obviously the HHH/Taker match was a gem. Miz Cena was cool because it leaves a world of possibilities. Now they can have Rock Miz at SS and Cena Rock at WM next year or do a triple threat at SS with Cena winning and then Cena Rock at WM. Either way I think it will build to that match at next year's WM. This 3 way feud is FAR from being over. Taker and HHH will be out a while and I think on SD! Del Rio will win the title soon enough.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by chillainvillain

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Edge d Del Rio - Good opener with a surprise finish
Cody Rhodes d Rey Mysterio - Very good match that helped establish Rhodes as a rising star.
Team Big Show d The Corre - Nothing squash match
Randy Orton d CM Punk - Slow, but well laid out match with a good finish. I would have had Punk win, but still a good match
Michael Cole d Jerry Lawler - This was the only letdown of the show for me
The Undertaker d HHH - Awesome match. Amazing what these two did for their condition and age.  Told a great story.
Team Snooki d Team LayCool - Short and sweet.  Provided the needed buffer.
The Miz d John Cena - We all knew it was building toward The Rock's appearance. The Rock certainly made his presence known, laying out Cena.  How often do you see a heel win in the main event at Mania?  Never, so it was a very nice swerve. And fans still went home happy with The Rock dropping the People's Elbow on The Miz.  Sets up The Rock and Cena down the line, and allows for Miz/Cena to continue.

One bad match on the entire show.  I have no idea what most of you are complaining about.

I didn't include the two tag matches because neither lasted for longer than 2 minutes.  I don't consider Miz/Cena a bad match.  So for me, it was just Cole and Lawler that let me down.
I will say that just about ALL of the backstage segments were bad an unneeded.  Especially the Snoop segment.
what ever happened to it ending at midnight due to a "special start time" that 7-11pm was BS
what ever happened to it ending at midnight due to a "special start time" that 7-11pm was BS
-Obviously off top..The Rock was underused......but I'm not surprised  at all....Vince knows how to advertise something and milk the hell out of it and then let you down in the end.
-HHH/Taker should have went on last but obviously for the finish they wanted that couldn't happen....I didn't think I would say HHH and Taker would have match of the night coming in but they did...it wasnt a 5 star match by any means but for nostalgia it was good.
-Crowd wasn't that into the show....it makes the watching experience alot better when they have wrestlemania(or any ppv or tv show) at a good arena with a crowd thats really into it. Last good crowd I remember was Wrestlemania 22 in Chicago.
-Main event was anti-climatic...(the videos were
...choir was dope too)

I'm not "*****ing" just dropping my opinion cause honestly it kept me watching to see what would happen so it wasnt that bad where i just cut my stream off....def looks like they're setting up for a Rock/Cena at Summerslam tho.
-Obviously off top..The Rock was underused......but I'm not surprised  at all....Vince knows how to advertise something and milk the hell out of it and then let you down in the end.
-HHH/Taker should have went on last but obviously for the finish they wanted that couldn't happen....I didn't think I would say HHH and Taker would have match of the night coming in but they did...it wasnt a 5 star match by any means but for nostalgia it was good.
-Crowd wasn't that into the show....it makes the watching experience alot better when they have wrestlemania(or any ppv or tv show) at a good arena with a crowd thats really into it. Last good crowd I remember was Wrestlemania 22 in Chicago.
-Main event was anti-climatic...(the videos were
...choir was dope too)

I'm not "*****ing" just dropping my opinion cause honestly it kept me watching to see what would happen so it wasnt that bad where i just cut my stream off....def looks like they're setting up for a Rock/Cena at Summerslam tho.
glad I streamed this online & saved myself $50+. I think they're gonna set up that Cena/Miz conflict for a triple threat match with The Rock @ SummerSlam
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

a few things

@ the pops cody, miz, punk and del rio got
2. why was rey lookin like a ****** captain america?
3. is this the 1st time all titles defended were retained?
4. vince stays making miz look weak
5. taker/hhh wm27 match >>>>>> taker/hbk wm26 match
6. hhh messed up hitting taker in the head with a chair. chait shots to the head have been banned for a while. hhh looked pissed after he did it.
7. orton = cena jr., i cant +%#%$+% stand this guy. hope he gets bed bugs in his hotel tonight.
8. JNSQ went nuts (not lthose nuts, i destroyed those in my NTMania victory) when he saw snooks do those acrobatic moves.
at no bryan/sheamus match
10. GHIMS is 18 victories away for tying taker at mania

11. also, we have seen the end of laycool and miz/riley (riley a few days ago said he was breaking away from miz and getting his own theme song)
12. out of a 10, i give this ppv a 7
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

a few things

@ the pops cody, miz, punk and del rio got
2. why was rey lookin like a ****** captain america?
3. is this the 1st time all titles defended were retained?
4. vince stays making miz look weak
5. taker/hhh wm27 match >>>>>> taker/hbk wm26 match
6. hhh messed up hitting taker in the head with a chair. chait shots to the head have been banned for a while. hhh looked pissed after he did it.
7. orton = cena jr., i cant +%#%$+% stand this guy. hope he gets bed bugs in his hotel tonight.
8. JNSQ went nuts (not lthose nuts, i destroyed those in my NTMania victory) when he saw snooks do those acrobatic moves.
at no bryan/sheamus match
10. GHIMS is 18 victories away for tying taker at mania

11. also, we have seen the end of laycool and miz/riley (riley a few days ago said he was breaking away from miz and getting his own theme song)
12. out of a 10, i give this ppv a 7
i really thought Blake Griffin was gonna come out to dunk when the choir started singing
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