Woman put in coma over parking space.

 Damn, A LOT if dumb $#!% being said in here. Really justifying this dudes actions. Like what was said ^ any real MAN would be able to defuse that situation no problem with a woman, no matter what shes bringing toward you (as long as its not a weapon). I been hit before by a girl, hold her down, settle her *** down and be done with it. Should never come to hitting her. Some yall really need to think about it. If you had a daughter and one day her and a boy got into a heated argument and she started laying it on him and he just completely lays her out, coma and all.... you gonna be telling her once she wakes up (if she wakes up), damn baby girl, you deserved that?! Thats just plain stupid. Yea chick was wrong, but really... 
 Damn, A LOT if dumb $#!% being said in here. Really justifying this dudes actions. Like what was said ^ any real MAN would be able to defuse that situation no problem with a woman, no matter what shes bringing toward you (as long as its not a weapon). I been hit before by a girl, hold her down, settle her *** down and be done with it. Should never come to hitting her. Some yall really need to think about it. If you had a daughter and one day her and a boy got into a heated argument and she started laying it on him and he just completely lays her out, coma and all.... you gonna be telling her once she wakes up (if she wakes up), damn baby girl, you deserved that?! Thats just plain stupid. Yea chick was wrong, but really... 
AirNoel2345 wrote:
 Damn, A LOT if dumb $#!% being said in here. Really justifying this dudes actions. Like what was said ^ any real MAN would be able to defuse that situation no problem with a woman, no matter what shes bringing toward you (as long as its not a weapon). I been hit before by a girl, hold her down, settle her *** down and be done with it. Should never come to hitting her. Some yall really need to think about it. If you had a daughter and one day her and a boy got into a heated argument and she started laying it on him and he just completely lays her out, coma and all.... you gonna be telling her once she wakes up (if she wakes up), damn baby girl, you deserved that?! Thats just plain stupid. Yea chick was wrong, but really... 

All I saw was yeah she was wrong but... That's double standards right there bottom line dont hit people if you dont wanna get hit and if That's my daughter she would have known better to just be flailing on a dude for whatever reason in a relationship once it gets physical use the door now with this situation girl was holding the spot for her man someone else came her man wasn't there she should have moved but she is not all at fault cause there was no reason for son to get out his car unless she was banging on his car or something if she wasn't then he didn't have to get out the car
AirNoel2345 wrote:
 Damn, A LOT if dumb $#!% being said in here. Really justifying this dudes actions. Like what was said ^ any real MAN would be able to defuse that situation no problem with a woman, no matter what shes bringing toward you (as long as its not a weapon). I been hit before by a girl, hold her down, settle her *** down and be done with it. Should never come to hitting her. Some yall really need to think about it. If you had a daughter and one day her and a boy got into a heated argument and she started laying it on him and he just completely lays her out, coma and all.... you gonna be telling her once she wakes up (if she wakes up), damn baby girl, you deserved that?! Thats just plain stupid. Yea chick was wrong, but really... 

All I saw was yeah she was wrong but... That's double standards right there bottom line dont hit people if you dont wanna get hit and if That's my daughter she would have known better to just be flailing on a dude for whatever reason in a relationship once it gets physical use the door now with this situation girl was holding the spot for her man someone else came her man wasn't there she should have moved but she is not all at fault cause there was no reason for son to get out his car unless she was banging on his car or something if she wasn't then he didn't have to get out the car
Originally Posted by AirNoel2345

 If you had a daughter and one day her and a boy got into a heated argument and she started laying it on him and he just completely lays her out, coma and all.... you gonna be telling her once she wakes up (if she wakes up), damn baby girl, you deserved that?! Thats just plain stupid. Yea chick was wrong, but really... 

i'd tell me daughter dont hit no one and expect not to be hit back, doesn't matter WHO it is....common sense.
Originally Posted by AirNoel2345

 If you had a daughter and one day her and a boy got into a heated argument and she started laying it on him and he just completely lays her out, coma and all.... you gonna be telling her once she wakes up (if she wakes up), damn baby girl, you deserved that?! Thats just plain stupid. Yea chick was wrong, but really... 

i'd tell me daughter dont hit no one and expect not to be hit back, doesn't matter WHO it is....common sense.
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Originally Posted by HighMan

Originally Posted by Demps

if she punched him first then she deserved to be punched.
100% truth…
I dont understand why some women feel they have the right to not be held accountable for their actions…

She started a fight and got rocked… maybe she shouldn’t try to be a tuff guy...
You are not a real man 
Na you arent
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Originally Posted by HighMan

Originally Posted by Demps

if she punched him first then she deserved to be punched.
100% truth…
I dont understand why some women feel they have the right to not be held accountable for their actions…

She started a fight and got rocked… maybe she shouldn’t try to be a tuff guy...
You are not a real man 
Na you arent
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by AirNoel2345

 If you had a daughter and one day her and a boy got into a heated argument and she started laying it on him and he just completely lays her out, coma and all.... you gonna be telling her once she wakes up (if she wakes up), damn baby girl, you deserved that?! Thats just plain stupid. Yea chick was wrong, but really... 

i'd tell me daughter dont hit no one and expect not to be hit back, doesn't matter WHO it is....common sense.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by AirNoel2345

 If you had a daughter and one day her and a boy got into a heated argument and she started laying it on him and he just completely lays her out, coma and all.... you gonna be telling her once she wakes up (if she wakes up), damn baby girl, you deserved that?! Thats just plain stupid. Yea chick was wrong, but really... 

i'd tell me daughter dont hit no one and expect not to be hit back, doesn't matter WHO it is....common sense.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by HighMan

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by HighMan

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

highman being called out for being not following his religion ftw.....bdw in that other thread i meant FORNICATION not ADULTERY

Jesus DID say turn the other cheek, seems like he was prone to contradicting himself like the rest of us.

You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye,and a tooth for a tooth.' But I tell you, do not resist an evil person.If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have yourcloak as well. If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him twomiles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the onewho wants to borrow from you.

Matthew 5:38-42, NIV

But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to thosewho hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreatyou. If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also.If someone takes your cloak, do not stop him from taking your tunic.Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you,do not demand it back. Do to others as you would have them do to you.

.....if you're gonna practice a religion atleast do it right.

I already entertained this in my earlier post…

reading is fundamental...

LOL....no u didn't at all, take ur own advice. I read about 500+ pages of $%%$ a day you could never even begin to comprehend, so I would say I'm way past fundamental.. You said Jesus never said be a sucka and I gave you a direct quote from the bible were he essentially said so.

The I believe in Yeshua, but I aint  a christian thing isn't gonna work with me. That's like me saying I believe in Muhammad but I don't follow muslim principles.
The first part of the statement is do not spare an evil doer…
that means there are still punishments… ie Do not spare them

for someone who reads 500 pages a day you suck at comprehension...
LOL u don't wana go there, my entire "career and education" is predicated on my ability to absorb an insane amount of information, comprehend it and apply it. You're not about that life and you know  it.

No it's do NOT resist the evil doer.............so the well known christian pacifism is a facade? Lemme guess when God said love thy neighbor, he meant only love thy neighbor when they're good to you?
Come on son.

"You will not exact vengeance on, or bear any sort of grudge against,the members of your people, but will love your fellow as yourself."(Leviticus 19:18, also called the Great Commandment)

Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. (Matt. 5:43-48, Luke 6:27-28)

Put your sword back in its place...for all who draw the sword will die by the sword. (Matt. 26:52)

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. (Matt. 5:9)

You should be embarassed that a bloody pagan satanist is more of a Christian than you are.

You dont know me, you tried to be cute and pick out one verse, a methaphor at that that doesnt really apply…
also, thats an issue of translation…. weather its spare or resist… also  i didnt hit the woman… i just dont feel bad for her...
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by HighMan

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by HighMan

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

highman being called out for being not following his religion ftw.....bdw in that other thread i meant FORNICATION not ADULTERY

Jesus DID say turn the other cheek, seems like he was prone to contradicting himself like the rest of us.

You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye,and a tooth for a tooth.' But I tell you, do not resist an evil person.If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have yourcloak as well. If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him twomiles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the onewho wants to borrow from you.

Matthew 5:38-42, NIV

But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to thosewho hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreatyou. If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also.If someone takes your cloak, do not stop him from taking your tunic.Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you,do not demand it back. Do to others as you would have them do to you.

.....if you're gonna practice a religion atleast do it right.

I already entertained this in my earlier post…

reading is fundamental...

LOL....no u didn't at all, take ur own advice. I read about 500+ pages of $%%$ a day you could never even begin to comprehend, so I would say I'm way past fundamental.. You said Jesus never said be a sucka and I gave you a direct quote from the bible were he essentially said so.

The I believe in Yeshua, but I aint  a christian thing isn't gonna work with me. That's like me saying I believe in Muhammad but I don't follow muslim principles.
The first part of the statement is do not spare an evil doer…
that means there are still punishments… ie Do not spare them

for someone who reads 500 pages a day you suck at comprehension...
LOL u don't wana go there, my entire "career and education" is predicated on my ability to absorb an insane amount of information, comprehend it and apply it. You're not about that life and you know  it.

No it's do NOT resist the evil doer.............so the well known christian pacifism is a facade? Lemme guess when God said love thy neighbor, he meant only love thy neighbor when they're good to you?
Come on son.

"You will not exact vengeance on, or bear any sort of grudge against,the members of your people, but will love your fellow as yourself."(Leviticus 19:18, also called the Great Commandment)

Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. (Matt. 5:43-48, Luke 6:27-28)

Put your sword back in its place...for all who draw the sword will die by the sword. (Matt. 26:52)

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. (Matt. 5:9)

You should be embarassed that a bloody pagan satanist is more of a Christian than you are.

You dont know me, you tried to be cute and pick out one verse, a methaphor at that that doesnt really apply…
also, thats an issue of translation…. weather its spare or resist… also  i didnt hit the woman… i just dont feel bad for her...
FIgures this dude is from long island 

I keep telling dudes there might be more trees and fresher air out here than the city, but these people are savages 
FIgures this dude is from long island 

I keep telling dudes there might be more trees and fresher air out here than the city, but these people are savages 
Idk what this thread is about but someone got mad over a parking spot, went home to get a knife, came back, stabbed and murdered the dude while he was in the spot right across the street from my crib so the thread title is not very shocking. This +$$! ain't worth a life.
Idk what this thread is about but someone got mad over a parking spot, went home to get a knife, came back, stabbed and murdered the dude while he was in the spot right across the street from my crib so the thread title is not very shocking. This +$$! ain't worth a life.
I mean I feel bad for her circumstances, and I hope she pulls through, but her actions caused her fate.  Any chick that feels she can fight a man can be beat like one. Women always want equal opportunities. There you have it. 
I mean I feel bad for her circumstances, and I hope she pulls through, but her actions caused her fate.  Any chick that feels she can fight a man can be beat like one. Women always want equal opportunities. There you have it. 
Originally Posted by HighMan

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by HighMan

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by HighMan

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

highman being called out for being not following his religion ftw.....bdw in that other thread i meant FORNICATION not ADULTERY

Jesus DID say turn the other cheek, seems like he was prone to contradicting himself like the rest of us.

You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye,and a tooth for a tooth.' But I tell you, do not resist an evil person.If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have yourcloak as well. If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him twomiles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the onewho wants to borrow from you.

Matthew 5:38-42, NIV

But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to thosewho hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreatyou. If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also.If someone takes your cloak, do not stop him from taking your tunic.Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you,do not demand it back. Do to others as you would have them do to you.

.....if you're gonna practice a religion atleast do it right.

I already entertained this in my earlier post…

reading is fundamental...

LOL....no u didn't at all, take ur own advice. I read about 500+ pages of $%%$ a day you could never even begin to comprehend, so I would say I'm way past fundamental.. You said Jesus never said be a sucka and I gave you a direct quote from the bible were he essentially said so.

The I believe in Yeshua, but I aint  a christian thing isn't gonna work with me. That's like me saying I believe in Muhammad but I don't follow muslim principles.
The first part of the statement is do not spare an evil doer…
that means there are still punishments… ie Do not spare them

for someone who reads 500 pages a day you suck at comprehension...
LOL u don't wana go there, my entire "career and education" is predicated on my ability to absorb an insane amount of information, comprehend it and apply it. You're not about that life and you know  it.

No it's do NOT resist the evil doer.............so the well known christian pacifism is a facade? Lemme guess when God said love thy neighbor, he meant only love thy neighbor when they're good to you?
Come on son.

"You will not exact vengeance on, or bear any sort of grudge against,the members of your people, but will love your fellow as yourself."(Leviticus 19:18, also called the Great Commandment)

Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. (Matt. 5:43-48, Luke 6:27-28)
Put your sword back in its place...for all who draw the sword will die by the sword. (Matt. 26:52)

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. (Matt. 5:9)

You should be embarassed that a bloody pagan satanist is more of a Christian than you are.

You dont know me, you tried to be cute and pick out one verse, a methaphor at that that doesnt really apply…
also, thats an issue of translation…. weather its spare or resist… also  i didnt hit the woman… i just dont feel bad for her...

so what's the mistranslation in the other verses i posted, and the rest of that verse? let's hear it?

i posted several verse

lol @ "metaphor"......
if God said "Thou shall not kill" some people like you will say nah homie thats a metaphor he didnt mean it literally. %$# outta here with all that.

hightlighted several verses, just in case you missed it.
Originally Posted by HighMan

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by HighMan

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by HighMan

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

highman being called out for being not following his religion ftw.....bdw in that other thread i meant FORNICATION not ADULTERY

Jesus DID say turn the other cheek, seems like he was prone to contradicting himself like the rest of us.

You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye,and a tooth for a tooth.' But I tell you, do not resist an evil person.If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have yourcloak as well. If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him twomiles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the onewho wants to borrow from you.

Matthew 5:38-42, NIV

But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to thosewho hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreatyou. If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also.If someone takes your cloak, do not stop him from taking your tunic.Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you,do not demand it back. Do to others as you would have them do to you.

.....if you're gonna practice a religion atleast do it right.

I already entertained this in my earlier post…

reading is fundamental...

LOL....no u didn't at all, take ur own advice. I read about 500+ pages of $%%$ a day you could never even begin to comprehend, so I would say I'm way past fundamental.. You said Jesus never said be a sucka and I gave you a direct quote from the bible were he essentially said so.

The I believe in Yeshua, but I aint  a christian thing isn't gonna work with me. That's like me saying I believe in Muhammad but I don't follow muslim principles.
The first part of the statement is do not spare an evil doer…
that means there are still punishments… ie Do not spare them

for someone who reads 500 pages a day you suck at comprehension...
LOL u don't wana go there, my entire "career and education" is predicated on my ability to absorb an insane amount of information, comprehend it and apply it. You're not about that life and you know  it.

No it's do NOT resist the evil doer.............so the well known christian pacifism is a facade? Lemme guess when God said love thy neighbor, he meant only love thy neighbor when they're good to you?
Come on son.

"You will not exact vengeance on, or bear any sort of grudge against,the members of your people, but will love your fellow as yourself."(Leviticus 19:18, also called the Great Commandment)

Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. (Matt. 5:43-48, Luke 6:27-28)
Put your sword back in its place...for all who draw the sword will die by the sword. (Matt. 26:52)

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. (Matt. 5:9)

You should be embarassed that a bloody pagan satanist is more of a Christian than you are.

You dont know me, you tried to be cute and pick out one verse, a methaphor at that that doesnt really apply…
also, thats an issue of translation…. weather its spare or resist… also  i didnt hit the woman… i just dont feel bad for her...

so what's the mistranslation in the other verses i posted, and the rest of that verse? let's hear it?

i posted several verse

lol @ "metaphor"......
if God said "Thou shall not kill" some people like you will say nah homie thats a metaphor he didnt mean it literally. %$# outta here with all that.

hightlighted several verses, just in case you missed it.
Originally Posted by AirNoel2345

 Damn, A LOT if dumb $#!% being said in here. Really justifying this dudes actions. Like what was said ^ any real MAN would be able to defuse that situation no problem with a woman, no matter what shes bringing toward you (as long as its not a weapon). I been hit before by a girl, hold her down, settle her *** down and be done with it. Should never come to hitting her. Some yall really need to think about it. If you had a daughter and one day her and a boy got into a heated argument and she started laying it on him and he just completely lays her out, coma and all.... you gonna be telling her once she wakes up (if she wakes up), damn baby girl, you deserved that?! Thats just plain stupid. Yea chick was wrong, but really... 
I'd put her back into the coma as soon as she wakes up for doing some dumb $@%+ like that. But I'd also raise my daughter to know better than to bring a knife to a gun fight.
Originally Posted by AirNoel2345

 Damn, A LOT if dumb $#!% being said in here. Really justifying this dudes actions. Like what was said ^ any real MAN would be able to defuse that situation no problem with a woman, no matter what shes bringing toward you (as long as its not a weapon). I been hit before by a girl, hold her down, settle her *** down and be done with it. Should never come to hitting her. Some yall really need to think about it. If you had a daughter and one day her and a boy got into a heated argument and she started laying it on him and he just completely lays her out, coma and all.... you gonna be telling her once she wakes up (if she wakes up), damn baby girl, you deserved that?! Thats just plain stupid. Yea chick was wrong, but really... 
I'd put her back into the coma as soon as she wakes up for doing some dumb $@%+ like that. But I'd also raise my daughter to know better than to bring a knife to a gun fight.
i cant believe most of you dudes in here.. this chick probably won't ever recover from this and yall sittin' here tryna justify dudes actions because she MIGHT have hit him first? are you kiddin' me?
and over a +%%%#$$ parking spot.. unbelievable
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