Worst Job at Google... Would you do it?

Google Kaotic .com if you can view that then this is the job for you

I dont visit that site but the time my cousin showed me, i was :x at the stuff thats on that site
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Man... traumatic stuff and over has great impact.

They say psychologists have the highest suicide rates among professions because they start to take on that crazy stuff they hear from people.
Sounds like my kinda job :pimp: I'm already desensitized due to the internet. The only thing that would tax me is logging so many hours staring at a computer screen with the glare and all.

Also, I'd like to choose the meals I eat don't want some pre-cooked, pre heated microwaveable trash

Where do I apply? Seriously that link is just to the article. Anybody got a link? I'll sign a contract for multiple years.
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If you think you can handle 8 hours a day, for 1 year, looking at child porn/abuse and not be affected... 

It's one thing to watch a few clips then go back to niketalk look at some kicks, then youtube and watch a cat video....but this is 7-8 hours straight 

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After reading posts in this thread some of yall have it slightly twisted. Who says you have to watch an entire vid of child porn? :lol: That's just unnecessary. The whole point is to flag/block these images and vids for google so it doesn't show up on their site. So you just block the images and watch the vids up to the point of penetration or abuse on inappropriate sexual conduct.

I don't believe this guy is being forced to watch a 20 min vid of bestiality for this job. That's not even effectively doing the job then.
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nah I've seen some pretty vile and sickening things online but I don't even like watching videos of people fighting anymore.
just cuz its google means i gotta take a crappy job?
i have a feeling that working low level spots at highly admired companies arent really that glamorous as people think.

Very true.
I work at an NBA team with a cool job but terrible pay. I have to work a side job just to live. Lots of people leave here disgruntled or with bad feelings towards the team... mostly due to being underpaid.

I have a good friend who works facilities at Google here in NYC. It's everything its cracked up to be.
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After reading posts in this thread some of yall have it slightly twisted. Who says you have to watch an entire vid of child porn? :lol: That's just unnecessary. The whole point is to flag/block these images and vids for google so it doesn't show up on their site. So you just block the images and watch the vids up to the point of penetration or abuse on inappropriate sexual conduct.

I don't believe this guy is being forced to watch a 20 min vid of bestiality for this job. That's not even effectively doing the job then.

That doesn't matter. The point is you have to look at that stuff all day everyday.
After reading posts in this thread some of yall have it slightly twisted. Who says you have to watch an entire vid of child porn? :lol: That's just unnecessary. The whole point is to flag/block these images and vids for google so it doesn't show up on their site. So you just block the images and watch the vids up to the point of penetration or abuse on inappropriate sexual conduct.
I don't believe this guy is being forced to watch a 20 min vid of bestiality for this job. That's not even effectively doing the job then.

I think we all kind of figured you dont have to watch a whole video of child porn. Also, child porn isnt limited to just video either. I would imagine you would have to look at pics.

All that other **** doesnt bother me. As a parent, I dont wanna see children in that predicament. Aint enough money in the world
real life...

where do i apply?

i can definitely do this... i am dead serious...

if anyone has a link or somewhere i can check let me know im near the headquarters anyway...

whats the jobs title? maybe can look for it that way.
I can just imagine me and sleazyy chillin' in a Google cubical like, "AY YO LOOK AT THIS **** BRO" 

Then go blow a blunt and grub lunch at the 5 star cafeteria
what would this job title even be? I'm hoping the Reston location has an opening but I don't even know what to say if I call.
"hey I hear you guys need people to look at gore and gross porn?"
Probably Content Editor.

I suggest you guys who are considering this actually read the article. You are a temp worker at Google, not a full time employee. You don't have insurance which you will need for therapy after you are fired. As one of the commentors on the article put it:
never work for an employer that doesn't respect what you are about to put yourself through for them, and ask yourself if you wouldn't put a loved one through the same horrible experience, then why would you do that to yourself? We're not a wartime society. We need this stuff done, but we really can afford to do it right and make sure people have all the tools they need....including support, insurance and therapy.
Although Google "meets the hype", stuff like not offering the person who does this job therapy, shows what the company truly thinks of its employees at the end of the day.
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20+hr? Yep and wouldn't think twice

Dude 20/hr?? That's like $40k and you're seeing some insanely sick stuff. I know folks who wouldn't work easy jobs for $20/hr. :lol:

I used to browse rotten in the early .com days and saw vids like that dude who got killed by the hammer in the woods, just too disturbing. Nothing is worth seeing that everyday, not even $100k a year.
I never want to become desensitized to stuff like that.  What's next after being desensitized, ignorance then acceptance?

this right here really struck me:

The very ordinariness of the backdrops was what got to me. People's ironing boards in the background. Their work uniforms hanging on the back of the door. You realize that this kind of **** is not done by crazed inbreds in the mountains or by foaming-at-the-mouth psychos, but by everyday people like the ones you sit next to on the bus or who smile at you as you buy a coffee from them every day. And that really got to me. I started looking at people and society very differently, and feeling constantly angry or sad.
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I can just imagine me and sleazyy chillin' in a Google cubical like, "AY YO LOOK AT THIS **** BRO"  :wow:   :x :rofl:

Then go blow a blunt and grub lunch at the 5 star cafeteria :lol:

too much real life right here :lol: gore vids are Spongebob at this point.

what would this job title even be? I'm hoping the Reston location has an opening but I don't even know what to say if I call.

"hey I hear you guys need people to look at gore and gross porn?"
Probably Content Editor.

I suggest you guys who are considering this actually read the article. You are a temp worker at Google, not a full time employee. You don't have insurance which you will need for therapy after you are fired. As one of the commentors on the article put it:

never work for an employer that doesn't respect what you are about to put yourself through for them, and ask yourself if you wouldn't put a loved one through the same horrible experience, then why would you do that to yourself? We're not a wartime society. We need this stuff done, but we really can afford to do it right and make sure people have all the tools they need....including support, insurance and therapy.
Although Google "meets the hype", stuff like not offering the person who does this job therapy, shows what the company truly thinks of its employees at the end of the day.

google Op Darknet. I was and still am helping knock down pedophiles as a service to victims and possible future victims. my brain has already been warped, thats why I feel like I'd be great for this. I've seen it all fam :smh:

@ServeChilled81 I wouldn't say ignorance or acceptance. its more a major urge to bring anyone who would do this stuff to kids to justice. for me at least.
Dude 20/hr?? That's like $40k and you're seeing some insanely sick stuff. I know folks who wouldn't work easy jobs for $20/hr. :lol:
I used to browse rotten in the early .com days and saw vids like that dude who got killed by the hammer in the woods, just too disturbing. Nothing is worth seeing that everyday, not even $100k a year.
When did 40k become nothing? And it's only for a year more if your lucky and trust I've seen sick stuff in person and it wasn't seeing it that was the problem it was the smell.
I took anatomy; dissecting dead bodies and had to PAY for that...Getting paid to take it (and other stuff) off?

Sign me up.
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