Worst Pain You've Ever Been In. Vol Tonsils

I had food poisoning a while back because I ate two-day old Costco Rotisserie Chicken. Within hours, was repeatedly throwing up and had diarrhea for 3 hours. I went to take a shower and I guess the energy being expended to getting it made me dehydrated so I almost blacked out and drinking shower water literally kept me conscious. If I didn't drink water, I'm pretty sure I would have woke up in the hospital injured from the fall with IVs strapped to me. Right when me and my dad got in the freeway to get me to a hospital, I felt good again. Needless to say, I stayed the hell away from chicken for months, learned my lesson not to underestimate food safety and realized bad food can smell and taste perfectly fine. Technically, I wasn't in pain, but stomach pain is a whole nother category of discomfort.
I currently have a "severe thigh contusion from blunt force trauma" Soccer injury can't even put weight on my left leg without it going all mertant hanks crazy chicken dance on me and giving out.
I had a cyst in my arm that one week just grew really fast, was in pain the entire day, I would just sleep to ease the pain, slept 20 hours one day due to it. it ended up popping by itself, took like 3 hours for all the pus to come out. I couldn't even move my arm without being in extreme pain.

Called a doctor, I couldn't come in until Friday

Had back spasms few years ago after playing ball. Almost had to call my mama to get me out of the tub and I could barely move.
Honestly, I'm sitting at work with my legs wide the **** open (pause) after reading these stories making sure my boys ain't twisted up EVERRRR.
Also searching and making sure I never get kidney stones. Take care of ya bodies.

Had all 4 wisdom teeth removed at once awake. During the procedure youndont necessarily feel pain, but the pressure and them breaking your teeth off and drilling is indescribable.

When I was younger, up until about 20, when I would fly my ears wouldn't depressurize. So as soon as the decent started, felt like my head would explode. Literally in tears and shaking the whole way down. Tried chewing gum, yawning, all that. Nothing worked. Once we landed, randomly while turning my head one ear would slightly release some pressure and it felt like it was ripping my ear drums. Would take a full 3 days to hear properly. Went away with age.
you guys ever get them stomach pains from gallstones?
yea, worst pain i ever felt.
legit made me cry.
happened 4 separate time till one night i ended up going to E.R because the paid was unbearable.
Had no idea what the hell was going on till they told me i had gallstones and told me i needed surgery.
Yeah having my wisdom teeth pulled awake was awful. Like said, you can't feel it, but hearing it and knowing what's happening is indescribable. Still, no worse than the cavity I had in there, felt like a hot searing bullet spinning in the side of my face.
Had a frozen pizza in the oven and went upstairs to the laundry room to put coloreds in the machine. Got a phone call and was on the phone for like an hour just chillin and completely forgot about my pizza. Started smelling a burning smell and jumped up cause I remembered the pizza instantly and started running downstairs and I didn’t have any socks on. Turned the corner of the steps at full speed and my left pinky toe hit the wall. Pizza stayed in the oven burning for another 10 mins while I was on the floor and my life was flashing before my eyes. That pain is indescribable. I was limping for like 2 days after that.
I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth taken out the same day. I was so pissed being worried about the possible pain only for it to not been that bad at all. Just a lil yanking with the clamp they put on the teeth and a little drilling. I was mad for putting it off for so long.
Had a frozen pizza in the oven and went upstairs to the laundry room to put coloreds in the machine. Got a phone call and was on the phone for like an hour just chillin and completely forgot about my pizza. Started smelling a burning smell and jumped up cause I remembered the pizza instantly and started running downstairs and I didn’t have any socks on. Turned the corner of the steps at full speed and my left pinky toe hit the wall. Pizza stayed in the oven burning for another 10 mins while I was on the floor and my life was flashing before my eyes. That pain is indescribable. I was limping for like 2 days after that.

Damb. Pizza prolly wasn't even Digornio
Kidney stone

Chemical burns on my feet from an industrial cleaner.
Toe stuff is horrendous. Dropped a heavy andis clipper on my big toenail and it split it wide open, almost passed out.

Now that toe suff is being mentioned. I remember running for whatever reason into my computer desk that had metal legs. Big toe hit it and was bleeding underneath. I still have a little black line going all the way down from that
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