Would the Thunder be better WITHOUT westbrook?


Jul 13, 2004
Russell Westbrook is a GREAT player, dynamic in every aspect and can make a team better no question with his skills/tenacity on the offensive and defensive end.  But in OKC he his not the man, KD is the man point blank period.  Would both be better served separating?  Would the Thunder be better with a deferring point guard ie: Rondo, somebody who's primary skill is distributing the basketball?  I like Westbrook as a player, and I think he could be THE MAN somewhere, but is OKC truly the spot for him?
I don't think so...He just needs to refine his game a little to gel with Durant's a little better..Westbrook is more aggressive attacking the rim than Durant is, which forces the defense to try to clog the paint to stop Russ from taking it to the hole at will...That makes the perimeter defense less effective and gives Durant more freedom to shoot jumpers.

Last year, Russell's shot selection was bad..This year, he takes a lot of mid-range jumpers and looks to get to the free throw line more..And the Thunder still have the best record in the NBA..They have a better record than the Heat that have arguably 2 of the top 5 players in the entire NBA..Obviously him being on the team isn't holding them back from being good.
Something critics of Westbrook fail to recognize or acknowledge is that although his decision-making can be questionable at times (selfish in moments), would the Thunder really be able to succeed without his scoring ability? Could they win the crowded West with just KD and Harden as their primary scoring options? Hypothetically, let's say they face the Lakers in a WCF with Rondo instead of Russy. Artest on KD and Kobe on Harden. Where does the other scoring come from? 
I agree that he isnt hurting the team, but i dont know if he would be worse without them, and Im sure he could make another team much better. Can you imagine if the C's swapped Rondo for Westbrook? I feel like both teams would be significantly improved. OKC would get a player who could create for the whole team, and the C's would get a player who brings a dynamic offensive game and fiery competitiveness on D....just an example. Right now OKC is like the Bulls with 2 MJ's (ok not exactly but you see what im saying)...neither of these guys wants to play the Scottie Pippen role
would the Thunder really be able to succeed without his scoring ability?

With a pass first guard, yea they more than likely would still be successful.
Celtics would take a Rondo for Russy swap in a heartbeat. 
Mez, you didn't answer my other initial question. Who else is going to score besides KD and Harden then? Especially against good defensive teams like the Lakers (potentially in the WCF) and Miami/Chicago (Finals). 
yall should know, im not a OKC fan, but i enjoy dynamic basketball players. I also HATE the fact that all the good players are trying to team up (i know OKC drafted these guys) i just want all the good players to be on different teams aiming to beat each other. Also i would have loved Lebron and Amare (in NY) versus Wade and Bosh in Miami....but i digress
In short, NO.

Clearly Rondo would be the better fit @ PG for about 95% of other teams in the league based off what he can do...

With that said, Westbrook is sick and his defense is very underrated...people like to point out all the negatives in his game, usually to glorify the golden boy KD. But there's plenty of times Durant lays back and just stands in the corner during big moments of certain games which puts more pressure on Westbrook to play hero ball which is when his games suffers the most.

The 2012 playoffs this year are going to very interesting in revealing who's really bout it bout it when it's for all the marbles.
Originally Posted by ChampCruThik

Celtics would take a Rondo for Russy swap in a heartbeat. 
Mez, you didn't answer my other initial question. Who else is going to score besides KD and Harden then? Especially against good defensive teams like the Lakers (potentially in the WCF) and Miami/Chicago (Finals). 
well that pass 1st point guard would get other guys involved.  He would create shots for a spot up shooter like Sefalosha, he would put Perkins in spots to get easy layups/dunks, same deal with Ibaka
depends on who is replacing him...

IMO, thunder should had try to swap westbrook for paul at the beginning of the season.
Originally Posted by ChampCruThik

Something critics of Westbrook fail to recognize or acknowledge is that although his decision-making can be questionable at times (selfish in moments), would the Thunder really be able to succeed without his scoring ability? Could they win the crowded West with just KD and Harden as their primary scoring options? Hypothetically, let's say they face the Lakers in a WCF with Rondo instead of Russy. Artest on KD and Kobe on Harden. Where does the other scoring come from? 

Rondo can score though. he just cant shoot

I'd trade Rondo for Westbrook because Westbrook is a more prominent force on the court but Rondo is an amazing point guard. He's not worrying about anything other than getting his teammates open looks.

That Rondo-Bradley back court these last couple games has been
While talking about the Thunder, I was at the airport with Thabo Sefalosha, and he got stopped at the "random" checkpoint lmao, it was funny bc not a single damb was given by the TSA guys. But his wife/girl was the BADDEST human female I have ever seen. She was black and Swiss and i was literally staring the whole time, smh
i use to not like russ when he first came out but i quickly became a fan of his. the kid is legit. unless you get rose or deron, you dont get rid of him
I really want to see what happens in the playoffs this year.  I don't think they can win a ring with him at the point.  But I could be wrong
Originally Posted by Caerus

Depends on who runs PG instead. Deron Williams? Hell yeah.

look up his numbers the last 4 times he has matched up against the Thunder. Handcuffed

Better than what? The best record in the league? Going from 23 win to a 50 win 1st rd team (took the champ Lakes to within 1 rebound of 7) to a WCF team with him at the helm?

How many teams progress that quickly without significant roster turnaround?

People like to act like it was in spite of Westbrook and his emergence and him not being a part of it, but he makes himself easy to hate so it's no surprise. People will cherry pick games and box scores to pick on him for, all the while ignoring any mistakes anyone else might have made. Then again, with only 10 losses this yr, those people are having to wait longer between, "see, told you so!" moments.

I could take CP3 (although I'll probably never like or root for him), DWill, DRose, and maybe Rondo for him and feel like it's close enough the team won't suffer. Anything else and we're just getting worst. Maybe Lawson, Lowry if he could stay healthy, Holiday, and Dragic wouldn't be so bad.

edit: I have a video of Thabo's wife at some Gala they held. Let me see if I can find it.
Originally Posted by swooshallday

depends on who is replacing him...

IMO, thunder should had try to swap westbrook for paul at the beginning of the season.
Truth, a Paul, Harden, Durant, Ibaka, Perkins lineup would be 
 But Westbrook is a beast and one the main reasons the Thunder have been so good. There's definitely only 2 or 3 PG's that would be better off for that team.
Like I've said before here in S&T.

The Thunder are this decades new version of what the Sacramento Kings were during their heyday (2000 to 2003)
Originally Posted by DallasSneakerHead08

In short, NO.

Clearly Rondo would be the better fit @ PG for about 95% of other teams in the league based off what he can do...

With that said, Westbrook is sick and his defense is very underrated...people like to point out all the negatives in his game, usually to glorify the golden boy KD. But there's plenty of times Durant lays back and just stands in the corner during big moments of certain games which puts more pressure on Westbrook to play hero ball which is when his games suffers the most.

The 2012 playoffs this year are going to very interesting in revealing who's really bout it bout it when it's for all the marbles.
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