Would The World Be A Better Place If Religion Did Not Exist

Nov 15, 2007
Im a spiritual person that doesn't conform to any particular religion, i've always viewed religion as a way to divide different societies andpopulations.. when you think about it what component of society divides more people other than ethnicity --religion. How is something that is suppose toelevate and unite people be such a decisive force. People have been enslaved, land has been conquered and wars have been fought all in the name of religion...alot of violence in modern society could be attributed to extreme religious belief systems. Subtract organized religion from society and would there be moreuniformity in the world or would society be divided on other issues such as ethnicity or social class.

I don't wanan get to deep because I want to see different point of views
NO, religion was the basis for every self preserving law in conception. Sure, there are alot of different religions and that causes differences, but the issueis not with religion it is within us and our imperfections. Christians war against Christians all in the name of the same God, but ask yourself how could ustand by and choose one of your children over another in a fight to the death?

But to outright condemn religion is flawed, that is like saying "Would the World be a Better Place if we were all the same skin color?" Peoplecondemn other races, opress others, and hate and demoralize others because of something as shallow as skin color, even thoughw when it comes down to iteveryone is identical in their makeup..
I'm going to sit this one out but looking at the countries that have the least religion, mostly Scandanavian countries. Highest quality of living, and farless income inequality.
^^^^Thats because in general no one turns to religion when things are well....There's no way to say whether or not Religion correlates with standard ofliving and income inequality... To the OP ur better off going somewhere else from past religion threads i come to the conclusion that the majority of peoplewho comment on them are Atheist anyways..
Originally Posted by 360wavesandxbox

NO, religion was the basis for every self preserving law in conception. Sure, there are alot of different religions and that causes differences, but the issue is not with religion it is within us and our imperfections. Christians war against Christians all in the name of the same God, but ask yourself how could u stand by and choose one of your children over another in a fight to the death?

But to outright condemn religion is flawed, that is like saying "Would the World be a Better Place if we were all the same skin color?" People condemn other races, opress others, and hate and demoralize others because of something as shallow as

All men are brothers
This has been discussed here many times. But my answer is quick. Yes. Civilization would be infinitely better. I truly don't see a down side to a worldvoid of religion. Even if I believed that stuff I couldn't see how a world without it would be worse.

Remember this:

"Human decency is not derived from religion. It precedes it."
^^That kind of begs of the question 'Why do people turn to religion?'

Was it man's cure to pacify the apprehension of the future, death and the afterlife? I think so.

I know some like to argue that 9/11, crusades and other violent acts in our history would have been prevented without religion. But I believe events like thesewould have manifested in mankind regardless in some sort of manner.

I think the better perspective on this subject is to realize that events happened surrounding religion were for better and for worse. There is no right orwrong answer to this question.
I think it played its purpose but is slowly on its way out.

As society grows, people are gonna be faced with believing what they're taught in school or at home and slowly more and more people are siding with school.
At this very moment in time, the world might be a better place with out but for most of history, its been too important.
No, there are wars over religion because in the end people want something and use religion as a crutch to rationalize the war.

I think it played its purpose but is slowly on its way out.

As society grows, people are gonna be faced with believing what they're taught in school or at home and slowly more and more people are siding with school.
At this very moment in time, the world might be a better place with out but for most of history, its been too important.
Life is too complex for religion to disappear. It may evolve, but it will always be here in some shape or form.
i agree 100%

word to zeitgeist and swerv merv

"I wish the world could put all the hate, killing, and beating in a garbage bag and throw it away
we don't need them everyone alive should be given a chance because...
god only gave us one life to live."
Yes and No.

First off, Religion keeps alot of people in check, so without it, the world could be even crazier. No afterlife to look for when you die, no deity to look uptoo, etc. So morally, alot of people might not be in the right state of mind without having something hold them together.

I think the argument for Yes works alot better though. Religion has caused alot of problems in the past, from conflict oversees to conflict here in the UnitedStates. For instance, when many Northerns move down South there is alot of bashing going on because people from the North or the West Coast for that matter aremuch more liberal and less religious.

We all know the conflict between Israel and Palestine, Jews v. Muslims. This has caused alot of bloodshed over land, boundaries, culture, etc. Obiviouslywithout religion this would not be going on. The same can be said for Tibet.

I think the most important thing is to not wish religion didn't exist to make the world a better place, but to learn to co-exist. I am Catholic, do I go tochurch every Sunday? No. Do I follow all the rules? Most likely not. Do some people? Yes. That's good for them, but I shouldn't judge them on what theybelieve in and they shouldn't judge me.
I'm not very religious.....truthfully, I don't even know what I believe in anymore. I believe that there is a God, but I don't know who or whathe/she/it is. I strongly dislike when people try to force religion onto someone with altered beliefs, especially if it's irrelevant.
No, a world without religion would not be a better place.

A world without people who take religion and bastardize it to fit into their own ideology and spew their own hateful message would be better.

We all know the conflict between Israel and Palestine, Jews v. Muslims. This has caused alot of bloodshed over land, boundaries, culture, etc. Obiviously without religion this would not be going on. The same can be said for Tibet.
False, while religion does play a role, it is a much more political situation than many people would like to believe.

Nothing controls a population like the unknown. And what's a greater controlling mechanism than religion?

Without that control it's arguable that we'd be worse off than we are now.
Originally Posted by PoloLax

Yes and No.

First off, Religion keeps alot of people in check, so without it, the world could be even crazier. No afterlife to look for when you die, no deity to look up too, etc. So morally, alot of people might not be in the right state of mind without having something hold them together.

I think the argument for Yes works alot better though. Religion has caused alot of problems in the past, from conflict oversees to conflict here in the United States. For instance, when many Northerns move down South there is alot of bashing going on because people from the North or the West Coast for that matter are much more liberal and less religious.

We all know the conflict between Israel and Palestine, Jews v. Muslims. This has caused alot of bloodshed over land, boundaries, culture, etc. Obiviously without religion this would not be going on. The same can be said for Tibet.

I think the most important thing is to not wish religion didn't exist to make the world a better place, but to learn to co-exist. I am Catholic, do I go to church every Sunday? No. Do I follow all the rules? Most likely not. Do some people? Yes. That's good for them, but I shouldn't judge them on what they believe in and they shouldn't judge me.
Israel and Palestine would still be fighting. There's more to that situation than just religion. Same goes with the problems in the MiddleEast.
It's ignorant to think religion is the cause of wars. Those in control just use it as a means to rationalize the war and gain support from the drones thatfollow them. The real fault lies in the minds of the people that aren't educated enough to know what they're doing is in fact against their religion.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

A world without people who take religion and bastardize it to fit into their own ideology and spew their own hateful message would be better.

And I will be scared when that happens. The stuff taught at school for the most part is the reason to blame for why there is widespread hunger and famine, andwhy our economy sucks now...In my area they had an article in the paper blaming Harvard and all these "top business schools" that NT always bring upthat ensure u good lives, but end up teaching us things that are tearing our infrastrcture apart. We are taught at college, basically, above all to be greedy,and capitalize from exploiting the less fortunate, then getting away scott-free.

And Human decency may precede religion, but do does indecency. Slave owners used to beat slaves down, justifying it and twisting it to be the will of God.Sure, wars have been started in the Name of God, but WHO declared them?? Greedy leaders. Some religions have been started for selfish man motivated reasons.

The holidays that us Americans pump money into every year, started out being religious, but now are commercial jokes. everything is about money. Collegeisn't an institution of higher learning, it is a business, and they make it a necessary evil in order for us to have the quality of living that could beenjoyed a few decades ago without... Easily put, the world would be a better place if there was no MONEY...
Better place?

I doubt it only because based on my upbringing and my faith in Christ has kept me sane and in peace. I was a very angry person back in the day. Never had muchso I stole, hustled and did all kinds of drugs. Then one day my boy who was a recovering alcoholic turned me into the Christian faith and thought me how topray to the Lord, it provided me something that physical substances like drugs/alcohol/women couldn't which was inner peace. Being happy with what you havebecause the Lord would always provide. So I had a different mind set and I was able to just concentrate on school/family and slowly moved away from abusingthose substances and that "life".

Of course everyone has their own life experiences and their own believes, I am just stating what my faith has provided me which was a better outlook on life.
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Have the balls to say why. I hate people that come into these discussions with nothing to add besides: yes, no, probably, maybe, etc. Show someintelligence.
Originally Posted by Jiggaman414


COSIGN.....religion is just another reason human-beings have given themselves to express their hateful, supremacist, divisive and violent nature. If itisn't religion, it's race, ethnic group, culture, etc. There aren't enough resources on this planet to go around, that + greed + our innatexenophobic/elitist attitudes are the root of human-strife.
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Just keep in mind that all of mankind's history would be different. That's basically rewriting everything since we started documenting%##$.

It'd be VERY different.
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