Would you date a girl with no history?

Apr 10, 2010
Not sexual history... cuz I ain't got time for virgins either.. but a girl with no family, no backstory, no research-able past, no parents, no friends.. could you really take a person for who THEY are and not who the people around them are? Serious talk NT... I ask because I been there.. have you?

Not sexual history... cuz I ain't got time for virgins either.. but a girl with no family, no backstory, no research-able past, no parents, no friends.. could you really take a person for who THEY are and not who the people around them are? Serious talk NT... I ask because I been there.. have you?

I'm not one to do too much research on a female. Normally, the ones with a long track record have been brought up in prior conversations with the homies, and it's unlikely that I'll go after said individual.

But for someone to have no history, I'm not too sure. There's gotta be something I can learn about her, whether she gives it away herself, or through someone else.
I'm not one to do too much research on a female. Normally, the ones with a long track record have been brought up in prior conversations with the homies, and it's unlikely that I'll go after said individual.

But for someone to have no history, I'm not too sure. There's gotta be something I can learn about her, whether she gives it away herself, or through someone else.
Originally Posted by BOTTOM74BOTTOM

Not sexual history... cuz I ain't got time for virgins either.. but a girl with no family, no backstory, no research-able past, no parents, no friends.. could you really take a person for who THEY are and not who the people around them are? Serious talk NT... I ask because I been there.. have you?

I thought that was the point.
Originally Posted by BOTTOM74BOTTOM

Not sexual history... cuz I ain't got time for virgins either.. but a girl with no family, no backstory, no research-able past, no parents, no friends.. could you really take a person for who THEY are and not who the people around them are? Serious talk NT... I ask because I been there.. have you?

I thought that was the point.
Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Originally Posted by BOTTOM74BOTTOM

Not sexual history... cuz I ain't got time for virgins either.. but a girl with no family, no backstory, no research-able past, no parents, no friends.. could you really take a person for who THEY are and not who the people around them are? Serious talk NT... I ask because I been there.. have you?

I thought that was the point.
It is... so what was the underlying message in this thread? Look deeper..
Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Originally Posted by BOTTOM74BOTTOM

Not sexual history... cuz I ain't got time for virgins either.. but a girl with no family, no backstory, no research-able past, no parents, no friends.. could you really take a person for who THEY are and not who the people around them are? Serious talk NT... I ask because I been there.. have you?

I thought that was the point.
It is... so what was the underlying message in this thread? Look deeper..
I don't really get it. What is a negative to this?

So she has no parents? They died
She has no friends? She is new in town

Are you saying what if she doesn't tell you anything. Like she is forever a mystery? i don't get it. Taking some one for who they really are? This sounds fine to me and actually preferred.
I don't really get it. What is a negative to this?

So she has no parents? They died
She has no friends? She is new in town

Are you saying what if she doesn't tell you anything. Like she is forever a mystery? i don't get it. Taking some one for who they really are? This sounds fine to me and actually preferred.
Everyone has a back story/past/whatever. It's whether or not they choose to share it.

It's things like those that shape who someone is. And for someone to lack those things, they'd have to be a pretty boring person.
Everyone has a back story/past/whatever. It's whether or not they choose to share it.

It's things like those that shape who someone is. And for someone to lack those things, they'd have to be a pretty boring person.
Aren't all these things what make up who a person is? Product of my environment? Ba-ba-lu?
Aren't all these things what make up who a person is? Product of my environment? Ba-ba-lu?
Whats a female without baggage and *%%#%%#@? Haven't dealt with a female with a father in her life ever.
Whats a female without baggage and *%%#%%#@? Haven't dealt with a female with a father in her life ever.
So is she like a Jesus freak and is waiting for marriage? Then I would say no. If she has no history and looks good (which is a oxymoron in itself), then teach a couple of things.
So is she like a Jesus freak and is waiting for marriage? Then I would say no. If she has no history and looks good (which is a oxymoron in itself), then teach a couple of things.
Originally Posted by Manglor

No baggage sounds kinda cool?

i don't think he's talking about that..
OP, my excoworker was like that (somewhat).. she never told us what HS she went to, all her friends were either her coworkers or other ppl she knew for 3 years or less, she used a different last name on her FB (her "real" name is un-googlelable).. 

i didnt think it was strange until 1 day she just upped and left, deleted her FB, and cut off contact with alot of us... im assuming she's done this several times before. 
Originally Posted by Manglor

No baggage sounds kinda cool?

i don't think he's talking about that..
OP, my excoworker was like that (somewhat).. she never told us what HS she went to, all her friends were either her coworkers or other ppl she knew for 3 years or less, she used a different last name on her FB (her "real" name is un-googlelable).. 

i didnt think it was strange until 1 day she just upped and left, deleted her FB, and cut off contact with alot of us... im assuming she's done this several times before. 
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